David R. Brower famous quotes
We must begin thinking like a river if we are to leave a legacy of beauty and life for future generations.
-- David R. Brower -
The wild places are where we began. When they end, so do we.
-- David R. Brower -
Let the mountains talk, let the river run. Once more, and forever.
-- David R. Brower -
Sometimes luck is with you, and sometimes not, but the important thing is to take the dare. Those who climb mountains or raft rivers understand this.
-- David R. Brower -
There are many ways to salvation, and one of them is to follow a river.
-- David R. Brower -
Bring diversity back to agriculture. That's what made it work in the first place.
-- David R. Brower -
Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.
-- David R. Brower -
Truth and beauty can still win battles. We need more art, more passion, more wit in defense of the Earth.
-- David R. Brower -
To me, a wilderness is where the flow of wildness is essentially uninterrupted by technology; without wilderness the world is a cage.
-- David R. Brower -
The more we pour the big machines, the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer and chemicals into farming, the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place.
-- David R. Brower -
There is more inside you than you dare think.
-- David R. Brower -
There is no place where we can safely store worn-out reactors or their garbage. No place!
-- David R. Brower -
Is the minor convenience of allowing the present generation the luxury of doubling its energy consumption every 10 years worth the major hazard of exposing the next 20,000 generations to this lethal waste?
-- David R. Brower -
It seems that every time mankind is given a lot of energy, we go out and wreck something with it.
-- David R. Brower -
The Peninsula is what we have and there is no more where it came from.
-- David R. Brower -
Let man heal the hurt places and revere whatever is still miraculously pristine.
-- David R. Brower -
We may learn anew what compassion and beauty are, and pause to listen to the Earth's music.
-- David R. Brower -
While the death of young men in war is unfortunate, it is no more serious than the touching of mountains and wilderness areas by humankind.
-- David R. Brower -
If I could go back to a point in history to try to get things to come out differently, I would go back and tell moses to go up the mountain again and get the other tablet. Because the Ten Commandments just tell us what we are supped to do with one another, not a word about our relationship to the earth. Genesis starts with these commands: multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it. We have multiplied very well, we have replenished our populations very well, we have subdued it all too well, and we don't have any other instruction.
-- David R. Brower -
A great deal of pressure was then built up to remove me from the club and my resignation was, finally, a forced one.
-- David R. Brower -
We need the sea. We need a place to stand and touch and listen - to feel the pusle of the world as the surf rolls in.
-- David R. Brower -
I sort of kept my hand in writing and went to work for the Sierra Club in '52, walked the plank there in '69, founded Friends of the Earth and the League of Conservation Voters after that.
-- David R. Brower -
Polite conversationalists leave no mark save the scars upon the Earth that could have been prevented had they stood their ground.
-- David R. Brower -
The Sierra Club is a very good and a very powerful force for conservation and, as a matter of fact, has grown faster since I left than it was growing while I was there! It must be doing something right.
-- David R. Brower -
We are no longer inheriting the Earth from our parents, we are stealing it from our children.
-- David R. Brower -
Have fun saving the world, or you are just going to depress yourself.
-- David R. Brower -
Until four years ago, in fact, I was absolutely in love with the atom.
-- David R. Brower -
I'm always impressed with what young people can do before older people tell them it's impossible
-- David R. Brower -
If something's going wrong with this planet we'd better fix it here and not look for some sort of escape.
-- David R. Brower -
You don't have a conservation policy unless you have a population policy.
-- David R. Brower -
It is absolutely imperative that we protect, preserve and pass on this genetic heritage for man and every other living thing in as good a condition as we received it.
-- David R. Brower -
The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope.
-- David R. Brower -
We cannot go on fiddling while the earth's wild places burn....
-- David R. Brower -
I don't think we have very good records about what they were thinking except, as I pointed out earlier today, that they did invent our political system.
-- David R. Brower -
The risk presented by these lethal wastes is like no other risk, and we should not be expected to accept it or to project it into the future in order for manufacturers and utilities to make a dollar killing now.
-- David R. Brower -
Yet another proposal would have us rocket the waste into the sun, but, as you're probably aware, about one in ten of our space shots doesn't quite make it out of the earth's gravitational field.
-- David R. Brower -
I believe that the average guy in the street will give up a great deal, if he really understands the cost of not giving it up. In fact, we may find that, while we're drastically cutting our energy consumption, we're actually raising our standard of living.
-- David R. Brower -
All technology should be assumed guilty until proven innocent
-- David R. Brower -
I began working with the John Muir Institute and then started helping found Friends of the Earth organizations here and there in other countries. That pretty well brings us up to the present.
-- David R. Brower -
Perhaps most ridiculous of all is the suggestion that we 'keep' our radioactive garbage for the use of our descendants. This 'solution', I think, requires an immediate poll of the next 20,000 generations.
-- David R. Brower -
People have alleged that I have inspired many young people over the years, but I say, it was just the opposite.
-- David R. Brower -
Understanding how DNA transmits all it knows about cancer, physics, dreaming and love will keep man searching for some time.
-- David R. Brower -
Even if you build the perfect reactor, you're still saddled with a people problem and an equipment problem.
-- David R. Brower -
All I know about thermal pollution is that if we continue our present rate of growth in electrical energy consumption it will simply take, by the year 2000, all our freshwater streams to cool the generators and reactors.
-- David R. Brower -
Politicians are like weather vanes. Our job is to make the wind blow.
-- David R. Brower -
Apollo 13, as you may remember, gave us a reactor that is bubbling away right now somewhere in the Pacific. It's supposed to be bubbling away on the moon, but it's in the Pacific Ocean instead.
-- David R. Brower -
At that time a senator who was on the Joint Committee of Atomic Energy said rather quietly, 'You know, we're having a little problem with waste these days.' I didn't know what he meant then, but I know now.
-- David R. Brower -
It's like turning the space program over to the Long Island Railroad.
-- David R. Brower -
What we are finding out now is that there are not only limits to growth but also to technology and that we cannot allow technology to go on without public consent.
-- David R. Brower -
True wilderness is where you keep it, and real wilderness experience cannot be a sedentary one; you have to seek it out not seated, but afoot.
-- David R. Brower -
Some otherwise sane scientists have seriously proposed that we tuck this deadly garbage under the edges of drifting continents but how can they be sure the moving land masses will climb over the waste and not just push it forward?
-- David R. Brower -
Overpopulation is perhaps the biggest problem facing us, and immigration is part of that problem. It has to be addressed.
-- David R. Brower -
You don't need it, but will you take some advice from a Californian who's been around for a while? Cherish these rivers. Witness for them. Enjoy their unimprovable purpose as you sense it, and let those rivers that you never visit comfort you with the assurance that they are there, doing wonderfully what they have always done.
-- David R. Brower -
Keep your rivers flowing as they will, and you will continue to know the most important of all freedoms-the boundless scope of the human mind to contemplate wonders, and to begin to understand their meaning.
-- David R. Brower -
For how many people do you think might yet stand on this planet before the sun grows cold? That's the responsibility we hold in our hands.
-- David R. Brower -
Once we open the door to the plutonium economy, we expose ourselves to absolutely terrible, horrifying risks from these people.
-- David R. Brower -
I was actually telling people that - by harnessing the atom - we could enter a new era of unlimited power that would do away with the need to dam our beautiful streams.
-- David R. Brower -
There are many different kinds of radioactive waste and each has its own half-life so, just to be on the safe side and to simplify matters, I base my calculations on the worst one and that's plutonium.
-- David R. Brower -
Perhaps we'll realize that each of us has not one vote but ten thousand or a million.
-- David R. Brower -
When people say, 'You're not being realistic,' they're just trying to tag some thoughts that they can't otherwise handle.
-- David R. Brower -
Realistic' is a loaded word for me. Anyone who uses the word 'realistic' is all bad.
-- David R. Brower
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