Lions famous quotes
Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.
-- Aaron Hill -
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better be running.
-- Abe Gubegna -
There are many statues of men slaying lions, but if only the lions were sculptors there might be quite a different set of statues.
-- Aesop -
If you see the teeth of the lion, do not think that the lion is smiling at you.
-- Al-Mutanabbi -
It is better to be devoured by lions than to be eaten by dogs. Explaining why his Northwestern teams played difficult schedules.
-- Alex Agase -
Be as a lion in the path. Be dangerous even in defeat.
-- Anton Szandor LaVey -
Life is not so idiotically mathematical that only the big eat the small; it is just as common for a bee to kill a lion or at least to drive it mad.
-- August Strindberg -
I wish my teammates, coaches and the entire Lions organization all the best.
-- Barry Sanders -
Apparently, the the only way to kill a lion is by rear naked choke. Personally, I’d just kick it in the head.
-- Bas Rutten -
[The lion] began to contemplate me with a kind of quiet premeditation, like that of a slow-witted man fondling an unaccustomed thought.
-- Beryl Markham -
I ended up getting a lion chain. I had to make my own mascot - I want to start my own dynasty eventually.
-- Big Sean -
In the studio, I always put on National Geographic for inspiration. Looking at lions eating gazelles, all that type of stuff.
-- Big Sean -
The lioness giveth birth to cubs which remain three days without life. Then cometh the lion, breatheth upon them, and bringeth them to life.
-- Bill Vaughan -
But tonight, the lion of contentment has placed a warm heavy paw on my chest.
-- Billy Collins -
Child,' said the Lion, 'I am telling you your story, not hers. No one is told any story but their own.
-- C. S. Lewis -
You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.
-- C. S. Lewis -
This was bad grammar of course, but that is how beavers talk when they are excited; I mean, in Narnia--in our world they usually don't talk at all. - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
-- C. S. Lewis -
Did you found something? asked she with hope. Yes, this until... Until what...? Until you stick your breasts on my back.And you realize that now I can't think about lions anymore!
-- C.C. Hunter -
Always enter like a kitten and leave like a lion. But NEVER enter like a lion and leave like a kitten. Always be humble.
-- Carlson Gracie -
If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions.
-- Carlson Gracie -
True revolution comes from true revulsion; when things get bad enough the kitten will kill the lion.
-- Charles Bukowski -
I don't mind going into a liberal lion's den. That's where you test yourself.
-- Charles Krauthammer -
Defend the Bible? I would as soon defend a lion! Unchain it and it will defend itself.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Scripture is like a lion. Who ever heard of defending a lion? Just turn it loose; it will defend itself.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
The Gospel is like a caged lion. It does not need to be defended, it just needs to be let out of its cage.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
There is that great proverb — that until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
-- Chinua Achebe -
All species capable of grasping this fact manage better in the struggle for existence than those which rely upon their own strength alone: the wolf, which hunts in a pack, has a greater chance of survival than the lion, which hunts alone.
-- Christian Lous Lange -
A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.
-- Chuck Jones -
A lion chased me up a tree, and I greatly enjoyed the view from the top.
-- Confucius -
Id like to be a lion... they are very family-oriented. Unfortunately. too many wild animals are afraid at what man can do to them.
-- Connie Stevens -
If ever you feel like an animal among men be a lion.
-- Criss Jami -
No absolute is going to make the lion lie down with the lamb: unless the lamb is inside.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
If the lion didn't bite the tamer every once in a while, it wouldn't be exciting.
-- Darrell Waltrip -
It's something inside his heart that's bigger than anything. He's got the heart of a lion about to grab something.
-- Darryl Strawberry -
Kill off the sacred bear. Kill off the ancestral crocodile. Kill off the myth-wrapped tiger. Kill off the lion. You haven't conquered a people, or their place, until you've exterminated their resident monsters.
-- David Quammen -
A short-order cook, just off work, makes easy tracking for lions and worse
-- Dean Koontz -
There has to be some limit to what lawyers can take from their clients. Otherwise, cagey attorneys end up with the lion's share of the settlement and the victims end up with little more than scraps.
-- Dennis Hastert -
I grew a love for helpless, defenseless things. People would give me lions and jaguars. I had cheetahs, monkeys.
-- Dick Dale -
I never use a score when conducting my orchestra... Does a lion tamer enter a cage with a book on how to tame a lion?
-- Dimitris Mitropoulos -
It is no accident that the photographer becomes a photographer any more than the lion tamer becomes a lion tamer.
-- Dorothea Lange -
The Christians had a better chance against the lions than the American consumer has against the OPEC cartel
-- Ed Markey -
For myself, I always assume that a lion is ferocious, and so I am never caught off my guard.
-- Edgar Rice Burroughs -
Once I climbed into a mountain lion's cage and she bounded at me and put her paw on my face, but she kept her claws withdrawn.
-- Edward Hoagland -
Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing.
-- Eliphas Levi -
Fear not, we are of the nature of the lion, and cannot descend to the destruction of mice and such small beasts.
-- Elizabeth I -
I may not be a lion,but I am lions cub and I have lion's heart
-- Elizabeth I -
To eat and drink without a friend is to devour like the lion and the wolf.
-- Epicurus -
This is not an end. It is a beginning. You will need the courage of a lion to face this journey.
-- Erin Hunter -
After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on dove's gentle wing.
-- Erin Hunter -
I thought you'd rather have a live donkey than a dead lion.
-- Ernest Shackleton -
I'm a frightened little cat that learned to act like a lion
-- Eyedea -
Making those we love happy sounds innocent as a dove, but it can be as destructive as a lion.
-- Florida Scott-Maxwell -
I prefer to write and draw in the privacy of my home and with total freedom and then take it to the lion's den.
-- Frank Miller -
Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion in a wardrobe, where you were 'sure' of finding shirts.
-- Frida Kahlo -
Did you think the lion was sleeping because he didn't roar?
-- Friedrich Schiller -
I never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from people.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
An Englishman, being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion.
-- George Chapman -
One meal a day is enough for a lion, and it ought to be for a man.
-- George Fordyce -
A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.
-- George R. R. Martin -
I will teach them what it means to put a lion in a cage, Cersei thought.
-- George R. R. Martin -
I am loyal to my beloved Joffrey. (Sansa) No doubt. As loyal as a deer surrounded by wolves. (Tyrion) Lions, she whispered without thinking.
-- George R. R. Martin -
People who start a sentence with personally (and they're always women) ought to be thrown to the lions. It's a repulsive habit.
-- Georgette Heyer -
A lion is made up of the lambs he's digested.
-- Giorgos Seferis -
The lion is ashamed, it's true, when he hunts with the fox.
-- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing -
It is a hard thing when one has shot sixty-five lions or more, as I have in the course of my life, that the sixty-sixth should chew your leg like a quid of tobacco. It breaks the routine of the thing, and putting other considerations aside, I am an orderly man and don't like that. This is by the way.
-- H. Rider Haggard -
Jerry Springer' is just kind of the chubby, redneck version of throwing Christians to the lions.
-- Hal Sparks -
Never be a pioneer. It's the early Christian that gets the fattest lion.
-- Hector Hugh Munro -
When the lion had eaten its fill, and the jackals had taken their share, the ants came along and finished up the meat from the bones of the haughty stag.
-- Idries Shah -
You snore worse. At least I don't turn into a lion in my sleep." "I only did it once." "Once was weird enough, thank you.
-- Ilona Andrews -
The lion has to stay outside" "He won't like it" The lion shook his mane. I looked at Curran. The lion melted. Skin stretched, bones twisted, and human Curran straightened. He was completely nude. Gloriously nude. "Well," Hrefna said. "I always wondered why you went all shapeshifter. Explain things.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Is that a lion with horns and a pitchfork?" "Yep." "Is he carrying the moon on his pitchfork?" "Nope it's a pie.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Its too hard to make a Lion Angry... He really doesn't care what others do around him... but if you do hurt His PRIDE... He wont let you live another Day
-- Indrani -
I was the shyest human ever invented, but I had a lion inside me that wouldn't shut up!
-- Ingrid Bergman -
Love has the face of a goddess, but the talons of a lion.
-- Ivan Panin -
The greatest pleasures of love are inseparable from its greatest pains: Love has the face of a goddess, but the talons of a lion.
-- Ivan Panin -
A lion is called a 'king of beasts' obviously for a reason.
-- Jack Hanna -
A lioness has got a lot more power than the lion likes to think she has.
-- Jacki Weaver -
The poem is a plank laid over the lion's den.
-- James K. Baxter -
Dressed in the lion's skin, the ***** spread terror far and wide.
-- Jean de La Fontaine -
That [Pagani] Zonda, really! It’s like a lion in orange dungarees. Kind of fierce, but ridiculous all at the same time.
-- Jeremy Clarkson -
You don't go walking into the proverbial lion's den lightly. You start with a good breakfast.
-- Jim Butcher -
If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.
-- Jim Stengel -
It's an incredibly difficult thing to bring a giraffe down. They can kill a lion with a single blow from their feet.
-- Joanna Lumley -
Familiarity makes the lion more dangerous.
-- Jocelyn Murray -
Brave is the lion tamer, brave is the world subduer, but braver is the one who has subdued himself.
-- Johann Gottfried Herder -
Tis e'er the lot of the innocent in the world, to fly to the wolf for succor from the lion.
-- John Barth -
I have never been a social lion; I was misidentified as one because I have a very attractive second wife.
-- John Gutfreund -
The lion is, however, rarely heard - much more seldom seen.
-- John Hanning Speke -
If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you're fooling yourself. That's like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn't eat him.
-- John Spence -
I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession.
-- John Steinbeck -
What other creature, besides the lion, the tiger, and the whale, can answer Creation in its own language?
-- John Vaillant -
At a certain point, even if the one alpha male is dominant, at a certain point there's a younger lion that is stronger, and everyone knows it.
-- Josh Lucas -
Teddy Kennedy rose to become a liberal lion by collaborating with Republicans.
-- Juan Williams -
I don't think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though, I have a mighty roar.
-- Jubal Early