Bees famous quotes
If I could relive my life, what I would do is work with scientists. But not one scientist, because they're locked into their little specializations. I'd go from scientist to scientist to scientist, like a bee goes from flower to flower.
-- Agnes Denes -
If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.
-- Albert Einstein -
At these times, the things that troubled her seemed far away and unimportant: all that mattered was the hum of the bees and the chirp of birdsong, the way the sun gleamed on the edge of a blue wildflower, the distant bleat and clink of grazing goats.
-- Alison Croggon -
So on one hand, honey is an amazingly sophisticated and efficient food source. On the other hand, it's bee backwash.
-- Alton Brown -
She was sad about what happened to Kostos. And someplace under that, she was sad that people like Bee and Kostos, who had lost everything, were still open to love, and she, who'd lost nothing, was not.
-- Ann Brashares -
Life is not so idiotically mathematical that only the big eat the small; it is just as common for a bee to kill a lion or at least to drive it mad.
-- August Strindberg -
The Bee Gees are a fly-by-night sort of group.
-- Barry Gibb -
I would have been a lot better off if I’d studied more when I was growing up, y’know. But you know where it all went wrong was the day they started the spelling bee. Because up until that day I was an idiot, but nobody else knew.
-- Brian Regan -
In Tarzan I only had to worry about the bees
-- Casper Van Dien -
Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.
-- Charles Darwin -
Worker bees can leave. Even drones can fly away. The Queen is their slave.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
The tools that a society uses to create and maintain itself are as central to human life as a hive is to bee life. Though the hive is not part of any individual bee, it is part of the colony, both shaped by and shaping the lives of its inhabitants.
-- Clay Shirky -
I would hate to be a bee. Be surrounded by bees all the time.
-- Craig Benzine -
It's not enough to be able to spell "magnificence" in your bedroom. You have to be able to spell it at the microphone during the spelling bee.
-- Cynthia Lewis -
Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.
-- David Foster Wallace -
No good sensible working bee listens to the advice of a bedbug on the subject of business.
-- Elbert Hubbard -
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few.
-- Emily Dickinson -
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, -
-- Emily Dickinson -
Fame is a bee It has a song - It has a sting - Ah, too, it has a wing.
-- Emily Dickinson -
The revery alone will do If bees are few.
-- Emily Dickinson -
I really like grammar. And spelling. I was a spelling-bee kid. I'm hard-core about grammar.
-- Emma Stone -
Glory, glory, said the Bee, Hallelujah, said the Flea. Praise the Lord, remarked the Wren. At springtime all is born-again.
-- Eric Metaxas -
About every two minutes a new wave of planes would be over. The motors seemed to grind rather than roar, and to have an angry pulsation like a bee buzzing in blind fury.
-- Ernie Pyle -
You're just a bee charmer, Idgie Threadgoode. That's what you are, a bee charmer.
-- Fannie Flagg -
The bees learn where they live by landmarks. If they're moved within their home range, they get confused.
-- Gene Robinson -
Impatient people, according to Bacon, are like the bees, and kill themselves in stinging others.
-- George Eliot -
News is often dispersed as thoughtlessly and effectively as that pollen which the bees carry off (having no idea how powdery they are) when they are buzzing in search of their particular nectar.
-- George Eliot -
A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung.
-- George Horace Lorimer -
The killer bees have gone, like rats deserting the Titanic.
-- Geraldo Rivera -
For where's the State beneath the Firmament, That doth excell the Bees for Government?
-- Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas -
Britain's most useful role is somewhere between bee and dinosaur.
-- Harold MacMillan -
Hello again, everybody... It's a bee-yoo-tiful day for baseball.
-- Harry Caray -
Bees are a good omen to Kings, for they signify an obsequious people.
-- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa -
There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance.
-- Henry David Thoreau -
The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.
-- Henry David Thoreau -
As great a store Have we of books as bees of herbs or more.
-- Henry Vaughan -
The would-bees take their honey from the flowers of creation.
-- Herbert Gold -
'Ms.' is a syllable which sounds like a bumble bee is breaking wind.
-- Hortense Calisher -
The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.
-- Jacques Yves Cousteau -
Goose [pen] bee [wax] and calf [parchment] govern the world. [Lat., Anser, apie, vitellus, populus et regna gubernant.]
-- James Howell -
Let us turn elsewhere, to the wasps and bees, who unquestionably come first in the laying up of a heritage for their offspring.
-- Jean-Henri Fabre -
When you're out to get the honey you don't go killing all the bees
-- Joe Strummer -
The more learned and witty you bee, the more fit to act for Satan will you bee.
-- John Cotton -
The greater the kindred is, the lesse the kindnesse must bee.
-- John Lyly -
Be valyaunt, but not too venturous. Let thy attyre bee comely, but not costly.
-- John Lyly -
Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.
-- John Muir -
I don't trust the Bee Gee's because there's no way they could always be happy.
-- Jon Crosby -
If you wanna find the honey / You can’t be scared of the bees,
-- Kacey Musgraves -
Listen to the Bee Gees and you can learn to be a great writer.
-- Kara DioGuardi -
It was a great thing to be a human being. It was something tremendous. Suddenly I'm conscious of a million sensations buzzing in me like bees in a hive. Gentlemen, it was a great thing.
-- Karel Capek -
Pretty things will swarm you like that, like your heart was a hive of electric bees.
-- Katherine Dunn -
The only thing I'm afraid of is bees. I don't like bees. I'm allergic to them.
-- Kobe Bryant -
Didn't help to ponder things that were forever gone. It only made a body restless and fill up with bees, all wanting to sting something.
-- Laurie Halse Anderson -
I carry about eight lip balms: Burts Bees, Rosebud Salve, Eos.
-- Lena Headey -
I work like a bee and feel that I accomplish little.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
The Secret Life of Bees proves that a family can be found where you least expect it-maybe not under your own roof, but in that magical place where you find love. The Secret Life of Bees is a gift, filled with hope!
-- Luanne Rice -
What does not benefit the hive is no benefit to the bee.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
If Atomes are as small, as small can bee,They must in quantity of Matter all agree
-- Margaret Cavendish -
According to the Asiatics, Cupid's bow is strung with bees which are apt to sting, sometimes fatally, those who meddle with it.
-- Maria Edgeworth -
The flower doesn't dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes.
-- Mark Nepo -
I was always the one left behind. Out in the streets, when they saw me they'd say, That's just one of the Bee Gees.
-- Maurice Gibb -
It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur.
-- Meridel Le Sueur -
We're much alike, bee, you and me," I said. "You may carry your pack underneath you and your rifle may stick out of your bottom. But you and me, bee, are much alike.
-- Michael Morpurgo -
The very serpents bite their tails; the bees forget to sting, For a language so celestial setteth up a wondering. And the touch of absent mindedness is more than any line, Since direction counts for nothing when the gods set up a sign.
-- Nathalia Crane -
Bees are sometimes drowned in the honey which they collectso some writers are lost in their collected learning.
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne -
I've said this over and over, but I'll say it a million more times - I'm concerned more about the death of a bee than I am about terrorism. Because we're losing hives and bees by the millions because of such strong pesticides.
-- Patti Smith -
[On John Cleese:] He sometimes seems to swat at his own thoughts as if they were bees.
-- Penelope Gilliatt -
The bee and the serpent often sip from the selfsame flower.
-- Pietro Metastasio -
The bees can abide no drones amongst them; but as soon as they begin to be idle, they kill them.
-- Plato -
As bees gather honey, so we collect what is sweetest out of all things and build...
-- Rainer Maria Rilke -
No matter how you seem to fatten on a crime, there can never be good for the bee which is bad for the hive.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited.
-- Ramakrishna -
The bees in my stomach are dead and getting used to it.
-- Richard Brautigan -
The role of third parties is to sting like a bee, then die.
-- Richard Hofstadter -
Take your brush here and there like a bee in an alpine meadow. In other words, don't laboriously work on or try to finish off one particular part. Paint promiscuously.
-- Robert Genn -
For pitty, Sir, find out that Bee Which bore my Love away I'le seek him in your Bonnet brave, I'le seek him in your eyes.
-- Robert Herrick -
The solitary Bee Whose buzzing was the only sound of life, Flew there on restless wing, Seeking in vain one blossom where to fix.
-- Robert Southey -
I'm very proud of being a Bee Gee and am always aware that I'll be identified as a Bee Gee.
-- Robin Gibb -
I sometimes wonder if the tragedies my family has suffered are a kind of karmic price for all the fame and fortune the Bee Gees have had.
-- Robin Gibb -
A PHD is not the end of education. Education exists even among the bees who feed their queen only with the purest
-- Sahndra Fon Dufe -
The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others.
-- Saint John Chrysostom -
Mine be a cot beside the hill; A bee-hive's hum shall soothe my ear; A willowy brook, that turns a mill, With many a fall shall linger near.
-- Samuel Rogers -
Why can't we all just acknowledge that 'nature' - that is, 'sex' or 'erotic' images, which are really just 'attracters' are everywhere. Of course a flower looks like what it looks like - that's what it is - to a bee.
-- Sara Genn -
Those who have not been stung will hardly fear a bee the same as those who have.
-- Sara Sheridan -
Honor all living things, for we are of the stag, and the salmon, and the bee; so destroy not life, save it be to preserve your own.
-- Scott Cunningham -
When I was younger, I was listening to a lot of Armenian music, you know, revolutionary music about freedom and protest. In the 70s I was listening to soul and the Bee Gees and ABBA, and funk.
-- Serj Tankian -
Love is the bee that carries the pollen from one heart to another.
-- Slash Coleman -
When the flower blossoms, the bee will come.
-- Srikumar Rao -
Arouse a bee and it will come at you with the force of a dragon.
-- Takeda Shingen -
I love Donna Summer, and I love ABBA. I love late 70s disco. I love the Bee Gees. I just love that period of recording.
-- Taylor Hawkins