Suicidal famous quotes
I myself and my wife - in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation - choose death. It is our wish to be burnt immediately on the spot where I have carried out the greatest part of my daily work in the course of a twelve years' service to my people.
-- Adolf Hitler -
But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.
-- Albert Camus -
New York is the Hollywood of the publishing industry, complete with stars, starlets, suicidal publishers/producers, intrigues, and a lot of money.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
My death will be caused by morphine, which I have deliberately taken with suicidal intent.
-- Alex Campbell -
... ah, one favor: if he telephones again, tell him it's no use, that I've gone out ...
-- Alfonsina Storni -
This is our message - killing is wrong. Mass killing is wrong. Threatening mass destruction is a denial of our own humanity and is suicidal. When something is wrong we have to stop it. Dismantling the machinery of destruction is thus a practical act of love that we can all join in. Please join us - together we are unstoppable.
-- Angie Zelter -
I've got a long history of suicid in my family; the good news is it skips a generation, so, if I'm lucky, my kids will kill themselves.
-- Anthony Jeselnik -
By suicide I introduce my design in nature, I shall for the first time give things the shape of my will ... now I choose the direction of my thought and the direction of my faculties, my tendencies, my reality.
-- Antonin Artaud -
If I commit suicide, it will not be to destroy myself, but to put myself back together again. Suicide will be for me only one means of violently reconquering myself, of brutally invading my being, of anticipating the unpredictable approaches of God. By suicide, I reintroduce my design in nature, I shall for the first time give things the shape of my will.
-- Antonin Artaud -
In America, for a brief time, people who followed John Coltrane were studied and considered important, but it didn't last long. The result is that the kind of music I played in the '60's is completely dismissed in this country as a wrong turn, a suicidal effort.
-- Archie Shepp -
To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.
-- Aristotle -
I'd fallen in love with a woman but she broke up with me and I was devastated. Six months later, I went into a suicidal depression from the break-up of the relationship, but I resolved to not do what my friends had done. And so I reached out for help
-- Aron Ralston -
Thou shalt not kill; but needst not strive officiously to keep alive.
-- Arthur Hugh Clough -
They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Suicide may also be regarded as an experiment - a question which man puts to Nature, trying to force her to answer. The question is this: What change will death produce in a man's existence and in his insight into the nature of things? It is a clumsy experiment to make; for it involves the destruction of the very consciousness which puts the question and awaits the answer.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
I'm not glorifying it at all, I'm just basically telling you that sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. And maybe I should seek help, or maybe it's not that deep.
-- ASAP Rocky -
The environmental crisis is a sign that the ecosphere is now so heavily strained that its continued stability is threatened. It is a warning that we must discover the source of this suicidal drive and master it before it destroys the environment-and ourselves.
-- Barry Commoner -
Drunkeness is temporary suicide: the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiness.
-- Bertrand Russell -
So we must realize this: the suicidal framing story that dominates our world today has no power except the power we give it by believing it. Similarly, believing an alternative and transforming framing story may turn out to be the most radical thing any of us can ever do.
-- Brian D. McLaren -
There is a difference between a person who is dying and a person who is suicidal. I do not want to die. I am dying.
-- Brittany Maynard -
Love Is Louder is a movement that is hopefully going to bring some awareness and make some noise when it comes to teens who are feeling suicidal or even just sad, outcasts, and being bullied, and really feel like they have nowhere to turn to.
-- Brittany Snow -
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
-- Carl Jung -
At great periods you have always felt, deep within you, the temptation to commit suicide. You gave yourself to it, breached your own defenses. You were a child. The idea of suicide was a protest against life; by dying, you would escape this longing for death.
-- Cesare Pavese -
No one ever lacks a good reason for suicide.
-- Cesare Pavese -
I've never been lonely. I've been in a room... I've felt suicidal, I've been depressed. I've felt awful ... awful beyond all , but I never felt that one other person could enter that room and cure what was bothering me...or that any number of people could enter that room. In other words, loneliness is something I've never been bothered with because I've always had this terrible itch for solitude...
-- Charles Bukowski -
I have the insecurities of any actress, I suppose of any woman. Even the most beautiful ones feel unhappy. Look at Bardot: she was suicidal. But I like to play with the camera. I like to ham it up.
-- Chloe Sevigny -
I am now about to make the great adventure. I cannot endure this agonizing pain any longer. It is all over my body. Neither can I face the impending blindness. I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.
-- Clara Blandick -
May you be satisfied to never know why-sometimes someone just wants to die.
-- Damien Rice -
There is no refuge from confession but suicide; and suicide is confession.
-- Daniel Webster -
As my body lay dead on that stretcher (he later recovered from being struck by lightning attracted by his cell phone), I was reliving every moment of my life, including my emotions, attitudes, and motivations. The depth of emotion I experienced during this life review was astonishing. Not only could I feel the way both I and the other person had felt when an incident took place, I could also feel the feelings of the next person they reacted to. I was in a chain reaction of emotion, one that showed how deeply we affect one another.
-- Dannion Brinkley -
It's a bit like the feeling I get when I'm standing on a cliff or high building, looking down at a suicidal drop. I start thinking about what would happen if I stepped off, the rush of the fall, the shattering collision, the quiet emptiness of death. Part of me wants to experience the thrill of complete surrender...
-- Darren Shan -
Money is the fuel for choices. Money gives me choices, so it's not nothing, it's something," he continued. "But it's not the end all, be all. There are other things in my life that I did not purchase with money that are very valuable.
-- Dave Chappelle -
There have been times when I felt suicidal and I would stop my head from going in that direction of negativity because I thought there'd be something I'd miss that was funny in the future. If there's a chance I'm going to laugh tomorrow then want to live to experience that.
-- Dave Navarro -
We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth. It is cosmically unlikely that the developed world will choose to end its orgy of fossil energy consumption, and the Third World its suicidal consumption of landscape. Until such time as Homo Sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along.
-- David Graeber -
When the institutions of money rule the world, it is perhaps inevitable that the interests of money will take precedence over the interests of people. What we are experiencing might best be described as a case of money colonizing life. To accept this absurd distortion of human institutions and purpose should be considered nothing less than an act of collective, suicidal insanity.
-- David Korten -
I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.
-- David Levithan -
Life without meaning cannot be borne. We find a mission to which we're sworn -or answer the call of Death's dark horn. Without a gleaning of purpose in life, we have no vision, we live in strife, -or let blood fall on a suicide knife.
-- Dean Koontz -
And when no hope was left inside on that starry, starry night, you took your life as lovers often do. But I could have told you, Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.
-- Don McLean -
After my brush with the suicidal impulse, I listen with new ears to others when they speak on the subject. I think there are people who were born with that little door open, and they have to go through life knowing that they might jump through it at any moment.
-- Douglas Coupland -
All inner resistance is experienced as negativity in one form or another. All negativity is resistance. In this context, the two words are almost synonymous. Negativity ranges from irritation or impatience to fierce anger, from a depressed mood or sullen resentment to suicidal despair. Sometimes the resistance triggers the emotional pain body
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Our suicidal poets (Plath, Berryman, Lowell, Jarrell, et al.) spent too much of their lives inside rooms and classrooms when they should have been trudging up mountains, slogging through swamps, rowing down rivers. The indoor life is the next best thing to premature burial.
-- Edward Abbey -
It would be hard to define chaos better than as a world where children decide they don't want to live.
-- Edward Hoagland -
Suicidal thinking, if serious, can be a kind of death scare, comparable to suffering a heart attack or undergoing a cancer operation. One survives such a phase both warier and chastened. When-ten years ago-I emerged from a bad dip into suicidal speculation, I felt utterly exhausted and yet quite fearless of ordinary dangers, vastly afraid of myself but much less scared of extraneous eventualities.
-- Edward Hoagland -
Each suicidal drama occurs in the mind of a unique individual.
-- Edwin S. Shneidman -
But just as a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, a little bit of energy, in the hands of someone hell-bent on suicide, is a very dangerous thing.
-- Elizabeth Wurtzel -
I guess I realize that I don't want to die. I don't want to live either, but-there really isn't anything in-between. Depression is about as close as you get to somewhere between dead and alive, and it's the worst. But since the tendency toward inertia means that it's easier for me to stay alive than die, I guess that's how it's going to be, so I guess I should try to be happy.
-- Elizabeth Wurtzel -
Comedians on the stage are invariably suicidal when they get home.
-- Elsa Lanchester -
Each victim of suicide gives his act a personal stamp which expresses his temperament, the special conditions in which he is involved, and which, consequently, cannot be explained by the social and general causes of the phenomenon.
-- Emile Durkheim -
Our excessive tolerance with regard to suicide is due to the fact that, since the state of mind from which it springs is a general one, we cannot condemn it without condemning ourselves; we are too saturated with it not partly to excuse it.
-- Emile Durkheim -
Nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide more than people's reaction to my trying to commit suicide.
-- Emilie Autumn -
If you know people who are suicidal, or if you know people who are bipolar, depressed, have panic attack disorder, just be there for them. They're going through something that's very, very hard.
-- Eric Millegan -
Most people, in committing a suicidal act, are just as muddled as when they do anything important under emotional stress. Carefully planned acts of suicide are as rare as carefully planned acts of homicide.
-- Erwin Stengel -
One said of suicide, As long as one has brains one should not blow them out. And another answered, But when one has ceased to have them, too often one cannot.
-- F. H. Bradley -
Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world,
-- Fred Thompson -
Here take back the stuff that I am, nature, knead it back into the dough of being, make of me a bush, a cloud, whatever you will, even a man, only no longer make me.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg -
To my friends: My work is done. Why wait? (suicide note)
-- George Eastman -
When all the blandishments of life are gone, The coward sneaks to death, the brave live on.
-- George Sewell -
Erosion, desertification, and pollution have become our lot. It is a weird form of suicide, for we are bleeding our planet to death.
-- Gerald Durrell -
There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.
-- Gerard Way -
What an indulgence it would be, to just blow off my head, all my mean spirits disappearing with a gun blast, like blowing a seedy dandelion apart.
-- Gillian Flynn -
After the collapse of socialism, capitalism remained without a rival. This unusual situation unleashed its greedy and - above all - its suicidal power. The belief is now that everything - and everyone - is fair game.
-- Gunter Grass -
I am only about half alive a large part of my strength is consumed in sitting up or walking. My nervous system is a shattered wreck, and I am absolutely bored & listless save when I come upon something which peculiarly interests me. However so many things do interest me, & interest me intensely, in science, history, philosophy, & literature; that I have never actually desired to die, or entertained any suicidal designs, as might be expected of one with so little kinship to the ordinary features of life.
-- H. P. Lovecraft -
No man has ever been born a Negro hater, a Jew hater, or any other kind of hater. Nature refuses to be involved in such suicidal practices.
-- Harry Bridges -
The great thing about suicide is that it's not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later.
-- Harvey Fierstein -
The prevalence of suicide, without doubt, is a test of height in civilization; it means that the population is winding up its nervous and intellectual system to the utmost point of tension and that sometimes it snaps.
-- Havelock Ellis -
All the great spiritual leaders in history were people of hope. Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, Rumi, Gandhi, and Dorothy Day all lived with a promise in their hearts that guided them toward the future without the need to know exactly what it would look like. Let's live with hope.
-- Henri Nouwen -
Some give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before.
-- Herodotus -
I'm usually called upon to play the dreary suicidal girl.
-- Hope Davis -
In cases in which the related previous personality had committed suicide, the subject has shown an inclination to contemplate and threaten suicide.
-- Ian Stevenson -
Personality of reincarnating as Paulo was that of his deceased sister, Emilia. She made several suicidal attempts. Finally she took cyanide and died very quickly on October, 12, 1921." Joe Fisher continued the research: Emilia died "fourteen months before Paulo's birth. He took on Emilia's self destructive instincts. Paulo made several attempts to kill himself before committing suicide on September 5, 1966 by setting himself on fire.
-- Ian Stevenson -
To me our bombing policy appears to be suicidal. Not because it does not do vast damage to our enemy, it does; but because, simultaneously, it does vast damage to our peace aim, unless that aim is mutual economic and social annihilation.
-- J. F. C. Fuller -
Heart always wins out over the mind. The heart, although reckless and suicidal and a ***** all on its own, always gets its way.
-- J.A. Redmerski -
For a while I was suicidal and I tried to kill myself. I think I should have died about four times.
-- Jack Osbourne -
When I look at young kids today I just don't believe it, parents take away the Gameboy and they're suicidal. They cannot take the pressure.
-- Jackie Chan -
At the heart of banking is a suicidal strategy. Banks take money from the public or each other on call, skim it for their own reward and then lock the rest up in volatile, insecure and illiquid loans that at times they cannot redeem without public aid.
-- James Buchan -
Quart of whiskey a day for months working hard on a long poem. Wife hiding bottles, myself hiding bottles. Murderous and suicidal. Many hospitalizations, many alibis.
-- James Taylor -
Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world.
-- Jane Addams -
Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn't had an audience, and lines to speak?
-- Jean Genet -
Next week, or next month, or next year I will kill myself. But I might as well last out my month's rent, which has been paid up ...
-- Jean Rhys -
I don't need a reason to kill myself-I need a reason not to.
-- Jennifer Jason Leigh -
I have no plants in my house. They won't live for me. Some of them don't even wait to die, they commit suicide.
-- Jerry Seinfeld -
It would be almost politically suicidal for members of Congress to espouse a balanced position between Israel and Palestine, to suggest that Israel comply with international law or to speak in defense of justice or human rights for Palestinians. If they did so, they couldn't be reelected.
-- Jimmy Carter -
I'm so fat and I'm so depressed; last night I tried to hang myself - but the rope broke.
-- Joan Rivers -
If I want to die, what am I saving myself for?
-- Joanne Greenberg -
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
-- John Adams -
Yes, the investor is often his own worst enemy. Yes, the marketing colossus known as the mutual fund industry provides the weaponry which enables investors' to indulge their suicidal instincts. No, the fund industry was hardly an innocent bystander in the market boom and the subsequent carnage. "We have met the enemy and he is us" . . . all of us.
-- John C. Bogle -
Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice-and the alternative his nature offers him is: rational being or suicidal animal. Man has to be man-by choice; he has to hold his life as a value-by choice; he has to learn to sustain it-by choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtues-by choice. A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality.
-- John Galt -
I frowned at the list. “So… I’ll go back and tell the Traynors that I’m going to get their suicidal quadriplegic son drunk, spend their money on strippers and lap dancers, and then trundle him off to the Disability Olympics—
-- Jojo Moyes -
The woman hanging from the 13th floor window on the east side of Chicago is not alone...She is all the women of the apartment building who stand watching her, watching themselves.
-- Joy Harjo -
In New York City, one suicide in ten is attributed to a lack of storage space.
-- Judith Stone -
How many of you have ever started dating because you were too lazy to commit a suicide?
-- Judy Tenuta -
There is value in long years of obscurity, if one doesn't go insane or suicidal, in that, simply because nobody is looking, the habit of fooling around and trying things out gets ingrained.
-- Jules Olitski -
How many people have wanted to kill themselves, and have been content with tearing up their photograph!
-- Jules Renard -
Our society is so much about fidelity being this thing that's sacred, and people are miserable. They're suicidal. It brings more depression than anything else on earth, probably. Sorry to say that, guys.
-- Julie Delpy -
Peace is not won by those who fiercely guard their differences, but by those who with open minds and hearts seek out connections.
-- Katherine Paterson -
When people are suicidal, their thinking is paralyzed, their options appear spare or nonexistent, their mood is despairing, and hopelessness permeates their entire mental domain. The future cannot be separated from the present, and the present is painful beyond solace. ‘This is my last experiment,’ wrote a young chemist in his suicide note. ‘If there is any eternal torment worse than mine I’ll have to be shown.
-- Kay Redfield Jamison -
The quickness and flexibility of a well mind, a belief or hope that things will eventually sort themselves out-these are the resources lost to a person when the brain is ill.
-- Kay Redfield Jamison