Creation famous quotes
I'm certainly not into money and prestige. For me there is simply nothing more exciting than people involved in the creation of great products. That is what drives me.
-- Aaron Levie -
Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.
-- Abdul-Qadir Gilani -
Scientific thought and its creation is the common and shared heritage of mankind.
-- Abdus Salam -
All creation is a mine, and every man a miner.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
All abuse and waste of God's creatures are spoil and robbery on the property of the Creator.
-- Adam Clarke -
...Any authentic creation is a gift to the future.
-- Albert Camus -
The blues is not the creation of a crushed-spirited people. It is the product of a forward-looking, upward-striving people.
-- Albert Murray -
One man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is a World in miniature.
-- Albert Pike -
Wilderness is a resource which can shrink but not grow... the creation of new wilderness in the full sense of the word is impossible.
-- Aldo Leopold -
To sit for one's portrait is like being present at one's own creation.
-- Alexander Smith -
Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe.
-- Alfonso X of Castile -
If the Lord Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon his creation, I should have recommended something simpler. Remarking on the complexity of Ptolemaic model of the universe after it was explained to him.
-- Alfonso X of Castile -
If God had consulted me before embarking on the Creation, I would have suggested something simpler.
-- Alfonso X of Castile -
Man's ultimate destiny is to become one with the Divine Power which governs and sustains the creation and its creatures.
-- Alfred Armand Montapert -
It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction.
-- Alvin Boyd Kuhn -
These gun laws are very much the creation of the Prime Minister.
-- Amanda Vanstone -
The creation of the UCB Theatre is by far my proudest professional accomplishment.
-- Amy Poehler -
The richest source of creation is feeling, followed by a vision of its meaning.
-- Anais Nin -
Introspection is a devouring monster. You have to feed it with much material, much experience, many people, many places, many loves, many creations, and then it ceases feeding on you.
-- Anais Nin -
The monster I kill every day is the monster of realism. The monster who attacks me every day is destruction. Out of the duel comes the transformation. I turn destruction into creation over and over again.
-- Anais Nin -
The core of creation is to summon an image and the power to work with the image.
-- Anais Nin -
In creation alone there is the possibility of perfection.
-- Anais Nin -
Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.
-- Anandamayi Ma -
Let the power come. Let ecstasy erupt. Allow your heart to expand and overflow with adoration for this magnificent creation and for the love, wisdom and power that birthed it all. Rapture is needed now - rapture, reverence and grace.
-- Ann Mortifee -
The cynic sees only cynicism, the depressive can taint creation with one glance
-- Anna Funder -
We participate in the creation of the world by decreating ourselves.
-- Anne Carson -
The majesty of creation forms my faith in the Creator.
-- Anthony D. Williams -
We must not subject him who creates to the desires of the multitude. It is, rather, his creation that must become the multitude's desire.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
I do not like detached creation. Neither can I conceive of the mind as detached from itself. Each of my works, each diagram of myself, each glacial flowering of my inmost soul dribbles over me.
-- Antonin Artaud -
Revolutionaries see history as a creation of their own spirit, as being made up of a continuous series of violent tugs at the other forces of society - both active and passive, and they prepare the maximum of favourable conditions for the definitive tug (revolution).
-- Antonio Gramsci -
Land is immortal, for it harbors the mysteries of creation.
-- Anwar Sadat -
It may sound affected - but it is the act of creation itself, and it is equally exhilarating whether one is working on a teaspoon or a national bank.
-- Arne Jacobsen -
Free enterprise is essentially a formula not just for wealth creation, but for life satisfaction.
-- Arthur C. Brooks -
Even on the cross He did not hide Himself from sight; rather, He made all creation witness to the presence of its Maker.
-- Athanasius of Alexandria -
For the Lord touched all parts of creation, and freed and undeceived them all from every deceit.
-- Athanasius of Alexandria -
For no part of Creation is left void of him: he has filled all things everywhere...
-- Athanasius of Alexandria -
A conventional good read is usually a bad read, a relaxing bath in what we know already. A true good read is surely an act of innovative creation in which we, the readers, become conspirators.
-- Augustine Birrell -
Creation comes before distribution -- or there will be nothing to distribute.
-- Ayn Rand -
Unless we believe that God renews creation every day, our prayers grow habitual and tedious.
-- Baal Shem Tov -
Body experience... is the centre of creation.
-- Barbara Hepworth -
You are Gods chief creation, and you are here for His pleasure and His glory.
-- Beth Moore -
Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation.
-- Bette Davis -
If the biblical account of creation in Genesis isn't true, how can we trust the rest of the Bible?
-- Beverly LaHaye -
If financial assets no longer work for you at a rate far and above the rate of true wealth creation, then you must work longer for your money.
-- Bill Gross -
When you reject the Creator, you worship the Creation (Ro 1:23).
-- Bob Enyart -
We have the ability to choose, we are God's higher form of creation, we surpass all other forms of life and we don't use the mental faculties we've been given. We don't even understand what we are capable of doing. School doesn't teach us anything about ourselves. So the more we learn about ourselves, the more we take control over our life.
-- Bob Proctor -
You are God's highest form of creation. You are a living breathing creative magnet. You have the ability to control what you attract into your life.
-- Bob Proctor -
I cant duplicate my own successes, because part of the creation of that effect is making something happen that you didn't expect
-- Brian Eno -
Cosmology is among the oldest subjects to captivate our species. And it’s no wonder. We’re storytellers, and what could be more grand than the story of creation?
-- Brian Greene -
In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject. Actually, he keeps chiseling away at the nonessentials until the truth of his creation is revealed without obstruction.
-- Bruce Lee -
To live is to express, and to express you have to create. Â Creation is never merely repetition. To live is to express oneself freely in creation.
-- Bruce Lee -
The creation of a nuclear weapons convention is not only achievable, it is imperative if civilisation is to survive.
-- C. G. Weeramantry -
For in self-giving, if anywhere, we touch a rhythm not only of all creation but of all being.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Light was first Through the Lord's word Named day: Beauteous, bright creation!
-- Caedmon -
Between threading a needle and raving insanity is the smallest eye in creation.
-- Caitlin Thomas -
Instinct is like Nature herself - prodigiously conservative, and yet transcending her own historical conditions in her acts of creation.
-- Carl Jung -
This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic.
-- Carl Jung -
The Big Bang is our modern scientific creation myth. It comes from the same human need to solve the cosmological riddle [Where did the universe come from?]
-- Carl Sagan -
There is no creation without tradition. No one creates from nothing.
-- Carlos Fuentes -
If you take the creation of music and the creation of your own life values as your overall goal, then living becomes a musical process.
-- Cecil Taylor -
A dream is a creation of the intelligence, the creator being present but not knowing how it will end.
-- Cesare Pavese -
We started YouTube to democratize video distribution. Now, we are democratizing video creation,
-- Chad Hurley -
The crowd is the gathering place of the weakest; true creation is a solitary act.
-- Charles Bukowski -
I have at least, as I hope, done good service in aiding to overthrow the dogma of separate creations.
-- Charles Darwin -
The key to economic prosperity is the organized creation of dissatisfaction.
-- Charles Kettering -
Geology differs as widely from cosmogony, as speculations concerning the creation of man differ from history.
-- Charles Lyell -
It's evident God had no design to make a particular Enumeration in the Holy Scriptures, of all the Works of his Creation.
-- Christiaan Huygens -
If language had been the creation not of poetry but of logic, we should only have one.
-- Christian Friedrich Hebbel -
Creation of something out of nothing is the most primitive of human passions and the most optimistic
-- Christina Stead -
Concentration is the creation of the instrument; meditation is the right use of it; contemplation transcends it.
-- Christmas Humphreys -
I've always thought that problem-solving is highly overrated and that problem creation is far more interesting.
-- Chuck Close -
I love every aspect of the creation of motion pictures and I guess I am committed to it for life.
-- Clint Eastwood -
Creation differs from subsistence only as the first leap of a fountain differs from its continuance.
-- Coventry Patmore -
The wider our contemplation of creation, the grander is our conception of God.
-- Cyril of Jerusalem -
From the unknown, profound desires enter in upon us, and ... the fulfilling of those desires is the fulfilling of creation.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
Death is ... a travelling asunder into elemental chaos. And from the elemental chaos all is cast forth again into creation. Therefore death also is but a cul-de-sac, a melting-pot.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
Play is the creation of value that is not necessary.
-- Dallas Willard -
The smell of frustration cannot compete with the stench of non-creation
-- Daniel Lee -
God's pleasure--the beauty creation possesses in his regard--underlies the distinct being of creation, and so beauty is the first and truest word concerning all that appears within being; beauty is the showing of what is; God looked upon what he had wrought and saw that it was good.
-- David Bentley Hart -
All creation necessarily ends in this: Creators, powerless, fleeing from the things they have wrought.
-- David Eagleman -
I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
-- David Icke -
As an economy measures performance in terms of the creation of money, people become a major source of inefficiency.
-- David Korten -
Taking control of your own creation, you can ultimately affect your future.
-- Dee Wallace -
This is our grace: To be a note In the exact chord that animates creation.
-- Deena Metzger -
Without creation, what are we but stalled in life?
-- Dhani Jones -
Of course, I have Gene Roddenberry to thank for the creation of Barclay.
-- Dwight Schultz -
Creation is in part merely the business of forgoing the great and small distractions.
-- E. B. White -
To destroy is always the first step in any creation.
-- e. e. cummings -
There is no music that can't be used politically, but the motives behind the creation of that music can be non-political.
-- Earle Brown -
The art of creation is older than the art of killing.
-- Ed Koch -
Christians are not patched-up sinners, they are new creations.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
I've gone beyond civil rights and human rights to creation rights.
-- Eldridge Cleaver -
The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.
-- Eliphas Levi -
When we love, we see the infinite in the finite. We find the Creator in the creation.
-- Eliphas Levi -
There cannot be creation without a lot of energy.
-- Emil Nolde -
Art is a corner of creation seen through a temperament.
-- Emile Zola