Insult famous quotes
It is very clear that one way to challenge insults is to submit to them.
-- Aime Martin -
And each blasphemer quite escape the rod, Because the insult's not on man, but God?
-- Alexander Pope -
My best friend recently told me that I was the most passionate person she's ever known. I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult, honestly.
-- Amy Lee -
In this society, if a man is called a woman, that's the biggest insult he could get...Is that because women are considered something less?
-- Andrej Pejic -
Intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you.
-- Andy Andrews -
Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment.
-- Anjem Choudary -
There was one thing Bridget like about guys. They took insults well.
-- Ann Brashares -
In comedy, I hate that cop-out where you say, "Just kidding." I know you're just kidding. Don't insult my intelligence by spelling it out for me that much.
-- Anthony Jeselnik -
Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish - only bless.
-- Artur Schnabel -
Your reality, Sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!
-- Baron Munchhausen -
But I would never insult the people that love this music and I would never insult the blessing of music in my life and I would never insult myself by playing uninspired music.
-- Ben Harper -
Don't call my lyrics poetry. It's an insult to real poets.
-- Bernie Taupin -
I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed. "Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!!
-- Brian Jacques -
It is a virtue and a prize to listen patiently to and put up with insults for the sake of God
-- Brigit of Kildare -
If you make an ***** out of yourself, there will always be someone to ride you.
-- Bruce Lee -
Im accustomed to Internet forums where rudeness and incivility are the rule, where too many people seem to take pride in their insults.
-- Bryan Burrough -
You know, it's such an insult to actual martial artists that I say that I do martial arts.
-- Cam Gigandet -
I wouldn't be surprised if one day Carl's halo slipped and choked him.
-- Carl Lewis -
People having religions is an insult to the universe.
-- Celia Green -
I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.
-- Charles Darwin -
Forks are absurd, he scoffed. They insult your food. They make it think you're killing it twice.
-- Clare B. Dunkle -
I hear your insults and plan to silence them with my victory.
-- Claudia Gray -
I can't take a well-tanned person seriously.
-- Cleveland Amory -
Don't insult God with safe living and small thinking.
-- Craig Groeschel -
While there's no 'I' in team, there's also no 'you', okay? So back off.
-- Craig Kilborn -
Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
Never insult someone's OTP, if they kill you, it's your fault.
-- Dan Howell -
Ultimately, there is no compromise. Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not.
-- Daniel Pipes -
A consumer is not a moron. She's your wife. Don't insult her intelligence, and don't shock her.
-- David Ogilvy -
If you take the the insults of your fellow human beings personally, you will be offended for the rest of your life.
-- Deepak Chopra -
God, middle age is an unending insult.
-- Dorothea Benton Frank -
I won't be protected. I will choose for myself what is ladylike and right. To shield me is an insult.
-- E. M. Forster -
The cruelest thing that has happened to Lincoln since he was shot by Booth was to fall into the hands of Carl Sandburg.
-- Edmund Wilson -
Insults are pouring down on me as thick as hail.
-- Edouard Manet -
Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment.
-- Edwin Percy Whipple -
When people direct insults at me, I can take it.
-- Eli Roth -
It seems an insult to nature and to the Creator to imagine that pregnancy was ever intended to be a sickness.
-- Eliza Bisbee Duffey -
Each time a mediocre singer performs, he is saying, in effect, "This is good enough for you." The audience, thrust into that familiar American mood of knowing something is wrong but not knowing what it is, unconsciously absorbs the insult and projects it back onto the mediocre performer in the form of inattention, rudeness and noise.
-- Florence King -
Imitation is always insult--not flattery.
-- Frank Lloyd Wright -
An appeal to a goodness which is not in him is, to a vain and sensitive soul, a stinging insult.
-- Frederick Rolfe -
And please, don't take offense. It's not an insult if it's true. - Devyn
-- Gena Showalter -
Let me tell you, my girl, that I'm swallowing no more of your insults! And if I hear another word from you in disparagement of the Corinthian set it will be very much the worse for you!
-- Georgette Heyer -
I don't like yelling insults at someone who's never done anything to me.
-- Gillian Jacobs -
The man who offers an insult writes it in sand, but for the man who receives it, it's chiseled in bronze.
-- Giovannino Guareschi -
He's a full-fledged housewife from Kansas with all the prejudices.
-- Gore Vidal -
Each of us carries within himself a collection of instant insults.
-- Haim Ginott -
Hairbreadth missings of happiness look like the insults of Fortune.
-- Henry Fielding -
Some virtuous women are too liberal in their insults to a frail sister; but virtue can support itself without borrowing any assistance from the vices of other women.
-- Henry Fielding -
How natural it is to destroy what we cannot possess, to deny what we do not understand, and to insult what we envy!
-- Honore de Balzac -
How rarely can happiness be really innocent and not triumphant, not an insult to the deprived.
-- Iris Murdoch -
You've been checking me out, haven't you? In between your flaming insults? I feel like man candy.
-- J. Lynn -
When it comes to my rights as an American citizen, and yours, I am a triumphalist and an absolutist. Anything less is an insult,
-- James Meredith -
One good test of whether an economy is humanistic or not is the plausibility of earning the ability to drop out of it for a while without incident or insult.
-- Jaron Lanier -
It's hilarious a lot of times. You have a conversation with someone, and he's like, 'You speak so well!' I'm like, 'What do you mean? Do you understand that's an insult?
-- Jay-Z -
Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
Sometimes questions can be more cruel than insults.
-- Jenny Han -
If I found her floating in my pool, I'd punish my dog.
-- Joan Rivers -
The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to human intelligence.
-- Joao Magueijo -
If there is anyone here whom I have not insulted, I beg his pardon.
-- Johannes Brahms -
The declaration that our People are hostile to a government made by themselves, for themselves, and conducted by themselves, is an insult.
-- John Quincy Adams -
There are few persons to whom truth is not a sort of insult.
-- Joseph Alexandre Pierre de Segur, Viscount of Segur -
I like Frenchmen very much, because even when they insult you they do it so nicely.
-- Josephine Baker -
There's a difference between using the word to insult somebody and using it to start a journalistic conversation.
-- Juan Williams -
When people start hurling insults at you, you know their minds are closed and there's no point in debating. You disengage yourself as quickly as possible from the situation.
-- Judith Martin -
A lie is an affront to the soul, as well as an insult to the intelligence of the person to whom one lies.
-- Judith McNaught -
I am never bored; to be bored is an insult to one's self.
-- Jules Renard -
I never defended myself. Not once. I never said, "Excuse me? What gives you the right to insult and demean me?" I let them steal my dignity.
-- Julie Anne Peters -
If you are capable of submitting to insult you ought to be insulted.
-- Juvenal -
The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyone's comfort
-- Katherine Dunn -
Death in anonymity is the ultimate insult to human dignity.
-- Kathy Reichs -
The worst insult I can inflict on life is that I do not reflect on its meaning.
-- Kedar Joshi -
The bottom line is, insults only hurt when they come from someone I respect.
-- Kresley Cole -
To say he has a glass chin is an insult to glass.
-- Larry Merchant -
The young can exasperate, of course, and frighten, and condescend, and insult, and cut you with their still unrounded edges. But they can also drag you, as you protest and scold and try to pull away, right up to the window of the future, and even push you through.
-- Laura Moriarty -
You take insult where none is intended, but if you will find insult where none is meant, then perhaps I should try harder to insult on purpose.
-- Laurell K. Hamilton -
Using insult instead of argument is the sign of a small mind.
-- Laurie R. King -
Old age is an insult. It's like being smacked.
-- Lawrence Durrell -
Don't argue. Never deign to deny. Meet insults with laughter.
-- Leigh Bardugo -
Wisdom eventually comes to all of us. Someday it might even be your turn.
-- Leigh Eddings -
From talk radio to insult radio wasn't really that much of a leap ...
-- Leonore Fleischer -
Discrimination against Jews can be read in Thomas Aquinas, and insults against Jews in Martin Luther.
-- Lionel Blue -
Corporate identity specialists spend their time rechristening other companies, conducting a legal search and a linguistic search to insure that the name is not an insult in another language.
-- Lisa Belkin -
A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults.
-- Louis Nizer -
Books are like sapphires; they must be polished - polished! or else you insult your readers.
-- Margaret Deland -
gossip, after it reaches a certain point of insult and falsehood, becomes a source of amusement to its victims.
-- Margaret Deland -
Accidents don't happen to people who take accidents as a personal insult.
-- Mario Puzo -
The institution of royalty in any form is an insult to the human race.
-- Mark Twain -
Not expecting someone to measure up is an insult
-- Marshall Sylver -
She's so ugly, the tide wouldn't take her out.
-- Martin Kaye -
I'm not myself religious but have no wish to insult or denigrate those who are.
-- Martin Rees