Gena Showalter famous quotes
You are mine, woman, and I am yours. Until you, my life was desolate. I existed, but I didn't truly live. Now I live, even in my death.
-- Gena Showalter -
Um i'm happy to sit close to you and everything, but i had no idea you would like it so much,' Paris muttered.
-- Gena Showalter -
Girl, he wants to dip you in Frosted Flakes and have you for breakfast. That's his favorite cereal, by the way." I...had no words for that.
-- Gena Showalter -
Ali Bell doesn't play hide-and-seek," Lucas said. "She plays hide-and-pray-I-don't-find-you." Mackenzie smiled. "When Ali Bell gives you the finger, she's telling you how many seconds you have to live." Cole chuckled, saying, "Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, and fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, but fear of Ali Bell is just called logic." "Oh, oh." Kat clapped excitedly. "There used to be a street named after Ali Bell, but it was changed because nobody crosses Ali Bell and lives. True story.
-- Gena Showalter -
How does fear become so powerful? We can’t see it. We can’t touch it, yet it gets its claws in us and begins to control us. Sigh. I hate feeling afraid, and I hate, hate, HATE feeling out of control.
-- Gena Showalter -
Legion hissed like a startled cat, the noise scraping at Reyes’s skin. “Me no boy. You think me a boy?†Everyone stopped, stared. Even Aeron. Reyes was the first to find his voice. “You’re a…girl?†A nod. “Me pretty.†“Yes, you are.†Reyes exchanged a glance with Lucien. “Beautiful.
-- Gena Showalter -
By the way, only a real man can accept his feminine side." "I don't know who fed you that line of garbage, but I can promise she's laughing at you right now.
-- Gena Showalter -
You know,†Cole said. “My mom once told me a boy would know he’d become a man when he stopped putting himself first. She said a girl would come along and I wouldn’t be able to get her out of my mind. She said this girl would frustrate me, confuse me, and challenge me, but she would also make me do whatever was necessary to be a better man–the man she needed. With you, I want to be better. I want to be what you need. Tell me what you need.
-- Gena Showalter -
Well I've been calling myself Scarlet Pattinson for several weeks. Have you seen Robert Pattinson? Hottest. Man. Ever. And no, I don't care if that makes me a couger. He sings with the voice of an angel. Gods, I love when a man sings to me. You never did because your voice is terrrible." She shuddered in distaste. "I swear, its like a demon running its claws over brimsone.
-- Gena Showalter -
He reclined on a delightfully cushioned lounge in the sprawling ranch Paris had rented. In Dallas, Texas, of all places. Promiscuity had decked himself out, too, wearing a Stetson (weird), no shirt (understandable), unfastened jeans (smart) and cowboy boots (weird again). Dude looked ready to rustle cattle or something.
-- Gena Showalter -
Who is she, why is she still here and when can I see her naked? Paris asked with an eyebrow wiggle
-- Gena Showalter -
Hold everything. I missed a four-way chick fight. Then I find out someone's been nibbling." William's attention shifted to Olivia, who was still lying on the floor. "Please tell me our sweet little angel is the biter. It'll make me want her ever so much more.
-- Gena Showalter -
I'm William, but you can call me Sexy. Everyone does.
-- Gena Showalter -
Strider's bedroom "The only thing hanging on the wall that wasn't a weapon was the portrait just over the bed. No. Not true, he thought then. The portrait was a weapon, too. Of seduction. In it Strider was utterly naked and whisking through the cloads like an avenging angel. He was holding a teddy bear in one hand and a stream of pink ribbons in the other. Anya had given him the nearly life-size monstrasity as a joke. But the joke was on her. He loved the thing.
-- Gena Showalter -
He was gorgeous, and I absolutely, no question, had to be drooling. After a quick and hopefully stealthy check – big show, I wasn’t!- I found myself wonder what color his eyes were. Brown maybe. Or even hazel. Either way…wow, just wow. Deer? Headlights? Hi, I’m Ali.
-- Gena Showalter -
I can't promise we'll ever use you for a hasty getaway," Cole said, "but with a little work, you might be able to race my grandmother-while she's on her scooter.
-- Gena Showalter -
I cannot kill him, she muttered to herself. I cannot kill him. I promised Bianka I'd stop at ten bodies a day, and I've already surpassed my quota for the fifth day in a row. I cannot kill him.
-- Gena Showalter -
Apparently, dancing for him and throwing herself at him weren't enough. Apparently, she had to nearly commit murder to arouse him enough to attack her.
-- Gena Showalter -
What makes big ***** and perkiness so attractive to boys? I mean, really. Two round, mounds of fat and a fake smile. Yeah, winning attributes.
-- Gena Showalter -
You're going to have to settle on one eventually. Why not save us both the hassle, close your eyes and point. Whoever you're pointing at will be our winner." "I've played that game once before. Ended up--" Paris shuddered. "Never mind. It's not good to wander down that particular memory trail. So no. Just no.
-- Gena Showalter -
Humans had a saying. Mess with the bull and get the horns. Well, Harpies had a saying, too. Mess with a Harpy and die.
-- Gena Showalter -
There are two kinds of people,’ she’d said. ‘Those who coast through life like ducks in a row, following one after the other, and those who ride the waves.’†Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my voice cracked. “‘Ride the waves, baby, and live. Live.
-- Gena Showalter -
Leap out the window, my inner Tigress cried. You aren't ready to face such a powerful Tiger. I frowned. I thought a true Tigress never backed down from a fight. Don't you know anything? When she's in heat, she avoids everything male. Now run!
-- Gena Showalter -
I've traveled all over the world for the Institute, but I never dreamed I'd meet someone like you." "Strong?" A chuckle escaped her. "Yes." "Handsome?" "Of course." "Sharp of wit and skilled with a sword?" "Absolutely." An other chuckle. "But I mean a man… friend… guy. Oh, I don't know what to call you!" He savored her amusement—and her earnest words. "Just call me yours. That is all I want to be." (Ashlyn and Maddox)
-- Gena Showalter -
Of course.†She fluffed her hair. “I don’t want to brag, but I’m very high maintenance.†“Uh, I think low maintenance is what’s desirable.†“Low maintenance is what’s forgettable. You might want to write that down, underline it, circle it and put a star by it. It’s golden.†With barely a breath, she added, “Now let’s find out if we’re compatible, shall we?
-- Gena Showalter -
pretty please, with a cherry on top of me!
-- Gena Showalter -
Suddenly self-conscious, she shifted from one booted foot to the other. "I asked the cloud for battle-ready clothing, and this is what I got. There are slits all over the pants, for easy access to the weapons, I'm guessing. But the bustier has me stumped. Unless, of course, the cloud thinks my cleavage will stun my opponents into stupidity." -Annabelle
-- Gena Showalter -
You know, you’re pretty when you smile,†she said, patting the side of his cheek. “Fierce, woman. I am fierce.†“If you say so.
-- Gena Showalter -
You are beyond frustrating," she grumbled. "Why can't you do what I ask you to do without issuing a million questions first?" "I could say the same of you." "I don't--Argh." She raised a fist at him. "So maybe I do ask a lot of questions. So what. Anyone in my position would do the same. Besides, I'm a girl and that's my job. You're a boy. You're supposed to pound your chest with your fists and grunt, then do everything in your power to please me." "Hardly. The man you just described is more likely to knock you over the head with a club and drag you away by the hair." -Annabelle and Zacharel
-- Gena Showalter -
A little tip for you, Winged Wonder. Don't threaten the woman you want to seduce." See Annabelle take control. He reached out, gently brushed his fingertip along her collarbone. "If it means saving your life, I'll do more than threaten you. I'll follow through. Best you realize that now, rather than cry foul later.
-- Gena Showalter -
I'm not sure why we want each other," she grumbled. "Nor am I, but the fact remains that we do want each other." "Maybe I'm just shallow. You're quite pretty." "For now, that will do." Infuriating man. Couldn't take an insult the way she intended. -Annabelle and Zacharel
-- Gena Showalter -
This is illegal. If you don't let me out, you'll be arrested. I swear you will. You'll go to prison and be forced to have intimate relations with a man named Butch. Let. Me. Out.
-- Gena Showalter -
He gave her what no one else had ever been able to give. A past to cherish. A present to enjoy. A future to anticipate
-- Gena Showalter -
Aren’t all fairy tales based in fact? You yourself are supposed to be nothing more than a myth. Pandora’s box is a story parents read to their children at night,†she countered. “That means life itself is a fairy tale. Like the characters, we all live and love and search for a happily-ever-after.
-- Gena Showalter -
Devyn: “But what can I say? I'm irresistible.†Bride: "No, you're a ho, but the good news is I’m ok with that!
-- Gena Showalter -
„You,†the female on the bed said, her timbre shaded with irrittion. „New guy. Angel Boy. Colonel Curls, or whatever you want to be called. I'm done asking, so now I'm commanding. Free me.
-- Gena Showalter -
You are mine,†he rasped. “Only ever mine. I accept all that you are, and we can be together.
-- Gena Showalter -
It shall be my pleasure to remedy it. First, it is not your strength or your speed that draws me. It's your...everything. Your laugh, your wit, your emotions and the way they change. Your courage, your sweetness, your near obsessive delight in cookies. Second, you are indeed a prize. You've made me want what no one else ever had. A communion of bodies." -Zacharel to Annabelle
-- Gena Showalter -
And please, don't take offense. It's not an insult if it's true. - Devyn
-- Gena Showalter -
Disappointment mixed with bitter acceptance flashed in her eyes. "Maybe you are real," she said. "It would require a dark side I don't have to create someone like you." "You forgot to say 'no offense' before making that statement." "No, I didn't. I meant offense." Bold little human, wasn't she? -Annabelle and Zacharel
-- Gena Showalter -
Being with a man incapable of telling a lie – a whole lot of awesome. Being with a man who could taste when you lied – sucked the big one.
-- Gena Showalter -
She has the heart of a child, you know. Yeah, it's in a box beside her bed. - Kaia Skyhawk
-- Gena Showalter -
You are the woman of my heart. The one I have been awaiting the whole of my life, though I didn't know it until I spied you. there isn't one thing that makes you special to me, but all things...
-- Gena Showalter -
One of these days you're going to wake up," William finally said, "and I will have shaved you, Everywhere." (Paris) "Won't make a difference. Women will still want me.
-- Gena Showalter -
Don't kill the messenger, but I'm think you should change your dating profil to balding." -- Paris to William
-- Gena Showalter -
Yes, you make yourself useful, angel boy. Meanwhile, I’ll be in the bathroom.†William’s jet-black hair was dripping wet and plastered to his face. There was a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist, displaying muscles that rivaled Paris’s own, and a tattooed treasure map that led to his man junk. Looking at his, you could see the makings of a temper so savage anyone who miraculously survived an encounter with him would end up needing therapy. And diapers. “I’ve got to finish deep conditioning my hair.†Or maybe not so savage.
-- Gena Showalter -
Her little fists pummeled at him, and he accepted the abuse. Until he realized she’d made an improper fist and was actually hurting herself. He wound an arm around her waist, spun her and slammed her into the hard line of his body to still her. “Let me go!†“In a minute.†As she struggled, he pulled her thumb out from beneath her fingers and rearranged her fist. “Hit like this.†Done, he released her.
-- Gena Showalter -
If Paris were missing, he´d want the same guys looking for him. Seriously, the only team capable of getting better results would be Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Hannibal
-- Gena Showalter -
When I find my consort, I plan to stab him in the heart before he can cause me a moment's unease. -Taliyah
-- Gena Showalter -
He gulped. "No, we aren't done chatting. Why aren't you afraid of dying?" "Everything and everyone has an end," she said. "I mean, you're going to be killed soon and though I loathe the thought, you don't see me crying about that, either. I know what will happen, and I accept what cannot be changed. I'm trying to live while I can. While WE can. Dwelling on the bad is what destroys all hints of joy.
-- Gena Showalter -
I am cruel and I am selfish, but this need I have inside me, this need for you and no other, is stronger than anything else I've ever encountered. I doubt two years of lockup would dull it in the slightest.
-- Gena Showalter -
Just in case you get any ideas, know that I’ll be sleeping with a can of Mace in one hand and pepper spray in the other.†- Katie Jorlan's expression turned mocking. “Just in case you get any ideas, know that I’ll be sleeping with a feather in one hand and massage oil in the other.
-- Gena Showalter -
I am made of awesome." Kaia the Wing Shredder
-- Gena Showalter -
And okay, fine. If you have to kiss her, you have to kiss her. And believe me, I do not envy you. That's taking one for the team a little far. I mean, I think I'd rather endure the stabbing myself instead of having to kiss her.
-- Gena Showalter -
Did you dream of me?" he asked. "Yes," she admitted grudgingly. She had. She'd dreamed of his hands caressing her, of his mouth devouring her. His lush lips inched into a surprised but pleased smile. "You were naked," she told him. His grin spread; his eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "And tied up..." He arched his eye brows in smug expectation. "I did not know the idea of bondage would please you." "Oh, I love the idea of typing you up." She paused dramatically. "Just like in my dream, you'll be secured to an ant-hill and the little things will eat you alive.
-- Gena Showalter -
Sienna, meet Zacharel. He's a warrior angel for the One, True Deity. Zacharel, meet Sienna. She's mine.
-- Gena Showalter -
Paris, the FedEx deliveryman of Pleasure and Fatality.
-- Gena Showalter -
Your woman wears underwear out in public,†Sabin said. “Must be nice. How’d you manage that little miracle?†“Only the Deity knows.
-- Gena Showalter -
But if anyone so much as threatened them because of what Kaia had once done, she would turn the Slumber Party Massacre into Blood, Bath and Beyond, a documentary by Kaia Skyhawk.
-- Gena Showalter -
My demon's a girl? Gideon said, astonished.
-- Gena Showalter -
Sienna shrugged, apparently unconcerned by what the warrior had said. "You'll have to forgive me for now noticing you back then. Next to him, you're kind of homely." William chocked on his own tongue.
-- Gena Showalter -
Nicolai, the Dark Seducer as his people called him, had been in bed, but not alone. He was never alone. He was a man known for the violence of his temper as well as the deliciousness of his touch
-- Gena Showalter -
Back off, asshole. I haven't had a woman today, so I'm in no mood for this kind of bullshit.
-- Gena Showalter -
I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close.
-- Gena Showalter -
Let me tell you what I just heard. Talk, talk, talk, I. Talk, talk, talk, I. Well, what about me?
-- Gena Showalter -
The next day she’d examined her red satin sandals and with a frown said, “I’m thinking about buying two snakes.†His are you kidding me “Why?†had caused her to shrug. “I’d name them Leftie and Rightie and when they were big enough, they’d become Mamma’s boots.
-- Gena Showalter -
He had no one but himself to blame, for he’d opened himself up to it. Just a fraction at first, like a crack in a window. But the funny thing was, once you welcomed in a breeze, there was no stopping what came next. A wind, a storm, thunder and lightning, until you could no longer reach the window to close it—and didn’t really want to anyway. That’s what this new darkness was. Evil in its purest form... -Paris
-- Gena Showalter -
Impossible. I merely brought the essentials. Clothes, my favorite boots, face cream, makeup, a few books to read, a couple cans of caviar, lingerie, and my coffeepot. Plus a few other things a girl like me just can’t live without but can’t mention in mixed company because it would be indelicate. You know, because they’re sexual.†- at “lingerie,†Hector and Dallas had stood a little straighter. At “sexual,†they’d moaned. Jaxon punched them both in the back of the head.
-- Gena Showalter -
Come on, baby.†Paris combed his fingers through her hair. “Look past my terrible personality and hideous looks and throw me a bone. Teach me how to woo you properly.†She snorted. “I’d argue the hideous looks part.†“But not the terrible personality? Ouch. That hurts, baby.
-- Gena Showalter -
What were you chanting when you gave me your blood?†“More of my vampire magic. I cast a healing spell to aid the powers of my blood.†She sniffled, her nose stuffy. “It was better than Vicodin.†“Vicodin?†“A painkiller from my world.†“A killer of pain. Did you love him?†The words were growled.A burst of unexpected humor gave her strength. “No. In fact, he was hard to shake. He, uh, stalked me, that kind of thing. I had to pretend he didn’t exist.†Nicolai kissed her temple and relaxed against her.
-- Gena Showalter -
Don't look now, but that's my ex over there." Surely I'm not the only one who takes "don't look now" as "there's no better time than now." I looked. "Bad, Ali!" Another slap to my arm. "Bad, bad, bad Ali! Have you no self control?
-- Gena Showalter -
We must fight for what we want or it will be taken from us.
-- Gena Showalter -
So, your saying choices and destiny shape the course of our lives? "I think so, yes. It's just easier to blame fate for all of the mistakes.
-- Gena Showalter -
Have you ever seen a witness? That's what she called herself. Not a ghost, those don't exist, and not an angel, those do, but a witness." "No." "Ever heard the term?" "Outside of a legal trial, no.
-- Gena Showalter -
You don't think I'm crazy?" I asked hesitantly. "Like I'm one to judge another persons sanity.
-- Gena Showalter -
Hate is too mild of a word. But it's nothing personal, I don't think.
-- Gena Showalter -
Cole, who had kissed me. Cole, who had refused to discuss it afterwards. Okay, fine. I had refused. Cole, who was driving me flipping crazy.
-- Gena Showalter -
I've seriously got to stop turning my girlfriends gay, but like I can really help it. It's my animal appeal.
-- Gena Showalter -
We can't spy on them if they aren't spying on us, now can we?" Warped logic, but okay.
-- Gena Showalter -
We are so not breaking out the violins and pity partying.
-- Gena Showalter -
Please, I'd love to meet the guy you couldn't handle, and give him and award.
-- Gena Showalter -
Life's too short to pretend and play games like that. I want to spend my time hanging out with people who make me feel good about myself. People who make me happy.
-- Gena Showalter -
Blood spurted from his nose. Okay, I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing.
-- Gena Showalter -
I never lie- except for the few times I do in fact lie, but it's never intentional, and i'm totally telling the truth right now" She raised her right hand "promise".
-- Gena Showalter -
First rule of Teach Kane a Lesson: you don’t talk about Teach Kane a Lesson. Second rule of Teach Kane a Lesson: you don’t talk about Teach Kane a Lesson. Third rule of Teach Kane a Lesson: if someone taps out, you just keep fighting. Fourth rule of Teach Kane a Lesson: there are no rules. Got it?
-- Gena Showalter -
Lord Kane beat me up,†one said with a grin. There was blood on his teeth. “Did you see?†“Best. Night. Ever.
-- Gena Showalter -
Ten Things You Shouldn't Say on a Date. 1. You're wearing that? 2. Something smells funny. 3. Where's the Tylenol? 4. And to think, I first wanted to date your brother. 5. I have a confession to make… 6. My dad has a suit just like that. 7. That man is hot. Look at him. 8. My ex, may he rot in hell forever… 9. You're going to order that? Seriously? 10. You're how old?
-- Gena Showalter -
Enjoy him while it lasts," I called. "Apparently he has Girlfriend ADD." She looked away, but not before I caught the blush staining her cheeks.
-- Gena Showalter -
Cole chuckled, saying, “Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, and fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, but fear of Ali Bell is just called logic.
-- Gena Showalter -
Sometimes, the loneliness probably got to be too much and anyone seemed better than no one.
-- Gena Showalter -
Thinking about her again caused his body to harden, to ready... "Uh, I'm happy to sit close to you and everything, but I had no idea you would like it so much," Paris muttered. For the first time in hundreds of years, Maddox felt a blush creep into his cheek, "It's not for you." "Thank the gods," was his friends reply. -Maddox and Paris
-- Gena Showalter -
You are such a chick." I widened my eyes in mock surprise. "No way. Are you sure?" Sighing again, he rubbed at the tattoos on his wrist. "Mackenzie was right. You aren't slayer material." Before he had time to register my intentions, I threw a punch. My sore, swollen knuckles slammed into his cheekbone, thrusting his head to the side. Pain shot up my arm, but I bit my tongue to stop a moan. "You were saying?" He popped his jaw, rubbed at the reddening skin-and slowly grinned. "Okay, so now I understand why Cole likes you. You're worse than Kat.
-- Gena Showalter -
Are you trying to tell me that you've never been kissed?" I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth. He looked so dubious, and his tone had borderd on insulting. "Yeah. So?" "So, I'm shocked, that's all. You'" In-sul-ting."Me?" I asked stiffly. "Yeah. Hot," he said. Wait. Me? HOT? He laughed down at me."No one's told you that, either, have they?" I could only shake me head. "You've clearly been hanging around idiots.
-- Gena Showalter -
His frown was less dark and more confused."What's new for you? Dancing?" And so much more, but all I said was, "Yes." "And you let some strange college boy grind all over you for your first time? That's stupid, Ali." NOT GOING TO BE EMBARRASSED, NOT GOING TO BE EMBARRASSED."First, he wasn't grinding on me, and second, you're no better than him." A solid minute of silence, then "You are terrible for my ego, you know that?" I could say the same to him.
-- Gena Showalter -
The on and off thing is kind of annoying, isn't it? First with Cole, now with Gavin. "Maybe you need a tune up." I rolled my eyes. "I'll just pop into the supernatural ability repair shop sometime tomorrow." He grinned, his fingers tracing the line of my jaw.
-- Gena Showalter -
So...have you ever thought about dyeing your hair punk-rocker-chick black? As I'm sure you've heard, I have a thing for brunettes and always avoid blondes." "I've heard. And no." "Too bad. Because you're making me rethink my stance about doing my friends' exes." i snorted, not even trying to hide my...incredulity? Surely I wasn't amused. "Your making me rethink my stance on cold-blooded homicide
-- Gena Showalter
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