Jeaniene Frost famous quotes
You're shagging a woman who can turn into a dragon? Blast you, Charles, I am sick with envy!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I am a nice young girl here to pick up your granddaughter for the weekend... We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her. - Bones to Cat's grandparents
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You're not a woman," he said finally. "You're the Grim Reaper with red hair!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Careful, luv. I might be angry with you, but that doesn't mean I don't still want you. So if you do that again, I'll shag you right here, right now, and sod anyone who wants to watch
-- Jeaniene Frost -
That face. That body. And you know he’s packing. Look at the angle on that dangle.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Winston Gallagher!" I said, recognizing the first ghost I'de met. Then my eyes narrowed & I covered my hand in front of my crotch as I saw Winstons gaze fasten there next. "Don't even think about poltergeisting my panties again". "This is the sod? Come here you scurvy little--" "Bones don't!" I interrupted. He stopped, giving a last glare to him while mouthing YOU. ME. EXORCIST. before returning to my side.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I couldn't help shaking my head as I looked at him. Ian slept like a baby every morning - well, a baby who continually kept one hand down his pants.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
We're going to knock those demons out and slay them with the power of Jesus. Hallelujah, can I get an amen?- Timmie
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Movies. Drinks. Headless chickens. You know, girl stuff.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
All I'm saying is that sooner of later, you'll have to come to terms with yourself. You can't wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn't keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
If you were Catholic, you'd singe the ears of the priest you confessed to.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
When I heard the ghouls coming for you, all I cared about was reaching you in time. How often must I tell you that you mean more to me than vengeance? I can live without defeating my enemies, but I cannot live without you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
If you introduce yourself to anyone as Mrs. Dracula, I'll bite you in a manner you won't enjoy.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You're the light I can never have and I'm the darkness you'll never succumb to.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You can have all of me, I silently told him, but I'm taking all of you in return.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
If you run from me, I will chase you, and I'll find you....
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You can run from the grave, but you can't hide.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I know you think I was pressured into binding myself with you before, but that's not true,I always intended to marry you, kitten.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You see, you don’t want me to love you. You want the version you’ve made up. The knight, even though I’m the dragon and I always will be.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Let's go, Kitten, before you kill someone else. -Bones
-- Jeaniene Frost -
The clock struck eleven and cat the vampire huntress was on the loose, except my battle armor was a push-up bra, curled hair, and a short dress. Yeah, it was a dirty job, but I was going to do it. Come one, come all, bloodsuckers! Bar’s open!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You should be afraid. Very afraid. Before, I told you if you wanted to end things between us, I would let you go, but, Leila"--his voice deepened--"I lied.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count, and even staked. None of those held a candle to the pain I felt at seeing his mouth on hers.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Ask me if I sparkle and I’ll kill you where you stand.†(Bones)
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Trying to wake you,†Bones answered crisply. “I cut you, threw water on you, slapped you, and set a lighter to your legs. For future reference, which one of those do you think worked?†“Good God,†I hissed. “No wonder I thought you were Death incarnate in my dream, and that made me run toward Gregor at first!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Maybe some hidden, fragmented part of me had feared that if I admitted to Bones how much he truly meant to me, then I'd be acknowledging to myself that he had the power to destroy me more thoroughly than anyone, even Apollyon or the vampire council, could. All the rest of the world could only kill or devastate my mind and body. Bones alone held the power to demolish my soul.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Odd that I couldn’t catch any of your dream,†Bones went on. “Normally your dreams are like background music to me.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
We have to leave!" I said to Vlad. "Now." "Run, Forest, run!" Vlad mocked. "Stow it, Drac," I snapped
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Don't fret, Grannie. We're going to a Bible retreat to scare the devil out of her
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, running around, not married, staying out all night. Ashamed!" "Ashamed!" my grandmother echoed. Good to know they still agreed on things after forty-three years of marriage.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
It hasn't escaped my notice that you only compliment me when you're intoxicated.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You don't have to echo my feelings, Mencheres, but you can't talk me out of them either. I love you" Her smile was wry. "Deal with it.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
....called to give you the good news. I asked our daughter to marry me and she accepted. Congratulations, I will officially your son-in-law. Now, do you want me to call you zmum straightaway, or wait until after the wedding?" I lew through the ir in a dive tht finally tackled him, wrenching the phone away. Bones was laughing so hard he had to breathe to get it all out. "Mom? Are you there? Mom.....?" "You might want to give her a moment, Kitten. I believe she fainted.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Cat, you asked me before to find out if those dream -suppression pills had any side effects. I’ve checked with Pathology, and they said you might experience depression, mood swings, irritability, paranoia, and chronic fatigue. Have you noticed any of that?
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Kitten, you still haven’t told her? Blimey, what are you waiting for?†“The Second Coming of Christ!†I snapped.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
If these were my last moments on earth, I’d spend them fighting to save him with everything I had. If our roles were reversed, I knew he’d do the same".
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Nice to meet you, mate, and here's some advice: Don't even think about it. You try anything with her and I'll neuter you with my bare hands.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
The cool thing about being a writer is: you get to make stuff up. When I started wring about Vampires, I realized, I can take everything i did like about that mythology and anything I didn't like, I didn't have to; because until a real Vampire stands up and says, 'you've got it wrong,' it's anyone's game.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I told you once before,†I said, the words husky from remembrance. “Everyone holds their sins close to their skin.†Fangs gleamed for an instant before Vlad bit into his wrist, pooling up two deep crimson holes. “Then come,†he said, holding it out. “And taste mine.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I’d forgotten to keep blasting a song in my mind. I remedied my mistake, but the lyrics to “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me†seemed too close to home at the mo-ment. “Culture Club?†Now his mouth curled downward. “And you accuse me of practicing cruel and unusual punishment.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I’m the only authentic Vlad. Everyone else is merely an envious imitation.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I stretched out my hands as if to ward him off. “Not yet. I want to know what your end game is first.†Another flash of teeth, this time showing his fangs. “To have you screaming my name within the hour.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
It must be important or he wouldn't dare disturb me now,†he muttered. Then he drew away to look at me. “If it's not, I'll kill him and return to you directly.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
How can you stand touching her?†my sister blurted, staring at our clasped hands. “Doesn’t that hurt?†I seized on the change of topic. “These gloves are specialized rubber. They block the current.†Gretchen’s gaze traveled over Vlad, disbelief still stamped on her features. “Yeah, but how do you two do anything else, unless he has a special, currentrepelling glove for his—†“Gretchen!†my father cut her off. My cheeks felt hot. Don’t say a word, I thought to Vlad, seeing his chest tremble with suppressed laughter. “He has a natural immunity,†I gritted out.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Yes, but you are still only human.†I laughed, the sound of it drowned out by the crunch of rocks as the mountain continued to shudder as though in the throes of birth pangs. “So was Van Helsing, yet in every movie, he beat the vampire in the end. Never underestimate the power of humanity.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I’d relived enough terrible events happening to cautious people to know that prudence wasn’t a guarantee for happiness.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
This is our true tie," he whispered, his breath falling hotly onto my lips. "You're meant for me, and I will have you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
No, I do my torturing in the dungeon like any other respectable castle owner,
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Good. If you checked your e-mail every five minutes, or keep texting and Tweeting in the middle of our conversation, I might snap your neck out of sheer principle.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I'm attracted to a lot of hot guys. If Chris Hemsworth were here, I'd light him up like a firecracker with how fast I'd jump on him.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I hadn't expected to be kidnapped today or I'd have worn something more conservative.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
That one tickled. If electrocution is your way of flirting, I commend you on your originality.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
People frequently bore me, sometimes amuse me, most often irritate me, but rarely intrigue me.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
My body is the only thing that’s truly mine, so I don’t give it away as though it’s worthless.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I can give you honesty, monogamy, and more passion than you can stand, but not love. That emotion died in me long ago, as I suspect you already know.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
If anyone's under a spell, Justina, it's me. Your daughter put one on me five years ago, and I haven't broken free of it yet. Oh, and you'll be delighted to know, we've decided to resume our relationship. Don't bother with congratulations—trust me, your expression is congratulations enough.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
This isn't going to be easy," I grumbled as we headed toward the exit. Bones shrugged. "Nothing worthwhile ever is.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You’re meant for me, and I will have you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You probably love to tell kids to get off your lawn, too.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Age had taught him patience. Youth had taught me to get frustrated at the lack of progress.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
There were words for what he meant to me, but if I studied every language ever spoken for the next thousand years, I still wouldn’t find enough of them to describe it.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Whoever said ignorance was bliss was shortsighted.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
But it's daylight," she said at last. "Vampires can't go out in the sun, everyone knows that!" Bones chuckled. "Right And we shrink back from crosses, can't travel over water, and always get staked in the end by the righteous slayer. Really, who'd be afraid of a creature like that? All you'd need is a Bible, a tanning bed, and some holy water to send us shivering to our dooms.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You're my Red Reaper, and I've missed you terribly.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
He'll learn that many women can satisfy for a short period of time, but when he falls in love, only one will sustain him forever.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Then, when people saw you strolling around at high noon holding your rosary beads, they’d think, ‘Well, that can’t be a vampire.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Not for a minute did I believe that this wasn’t goodbye. Still, I had loved and been loved in return, and there was nothing greater than that. It far outweighed the alienation of all the previous years. Bones thought five months was too short; I was amazed I’d been granted joy for so long. “I love you,†he moaned, or maybe I said it. I couldn’t tell the difference anymore. The lines had dissolved between us.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Bones,†I sighed. “Know something? I’m not afraid of you, but you scare me….†His outline blurred again. “You scare me, too, Kitten,†he might have replied, but I couldn’t be sure.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Catherine" she paused. I waited, tapping my finger on my desk. Then she spoke words that had me almost falling out of my chair. "I've decided to come to your wedding." I actually glanced at my phone again to see if I'd been mistaken and it was someone else who'd called me. "Are you drunk?" I got out when I could speak. She signed. "I wish you wouldn't marry that vampire, but I'm tired of him coming between us." Aliens replaced her with a pod person, I found myself thinking. That's the only explanation
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Rodney set a plate in front of me and one in front of my mother. I almost fainted when she began to eat instead of hurling it at him. Had one of the vampires gotten tired of her bitching and bitten her into a better mood? She caught my flabbergasted look. "I watched what he put in it" she said defensively. Rodney, instead of being insulted, just laughed. "You're welcome, Justina.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Revenge was the emptiest of emotions. Apparently it motivated people to do the stupidest things as well.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Oh, I have feelings for him, all right. I'd like to put him in the ground myself, believe me. Still, it would be wrong. Promise me." "Fine. I promise I won't kill him." He said it too easily. My eyes narrowed. "Promise me right here and now that you will also never cripple, maim, dismember, blind, torture, bleed, or otherwise inflict any injury to Danny Milton. Or otherwise stand by while someone else does as you watch." "Blimey, that's not fair!" he protested
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Your mum pounced on her and started sucking away. Would’ve been arousing if not for all the screaming.†“Ian,†Bones drew out warningly. He grinned. “You’re right. I was aroused anyway.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You messed with the wrong white girl, motherfucker!†Tyler shouted.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Since you and Crispin are now finished and I have a few hours to kill, how about that shag?†he asked with heavy irony. “Bite me,†I sighed, gathering up the pages. He winked. “Of course. My second-favorite thing to do in bed.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I’ve watched you barely escape death several times, and each instance killed me a little inside. They may be dormant now, but we have enemies both cunning and cruel. Knowing you possess the power to defeat most of them doesn’t threaten me, luv. It relieves me to my very core.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Isn’t he gorgeous?†With those rolls, the wet-sounding grunts, bulbous wiggly tail, and smashed face—not to mention the fart the dog let out once he situated himself—he was gorgeous in a way that only a parent could appreciate.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
This isn’t the first time I’ve faced death, and I don’t intend for it to be the last,†I said, repeating the same words he’d told me before fighting in that fateful duel. “I’ve chosen to live a dangerous life, but it’s who I am, and that wouldn’t change even if we’d never met.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
She might not know what your routine is, but I do,†I said softly. “So put the lantern down. You’re not burning me yet, and we both know it.†“What’s she saying?†Sarah demanded, hobbling over. His white brows drew together, and I allowed a little smile to play on my lips. “Awfully bossy with you, isn’t she? Then again, it makes sense. She’s got the pants on, and you’re the one in the dress.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I thought Bones looked like a little slice of heaven, but you're the whole cake, aren't you, sugar?
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Tate grabbed me, hugging me so hard, I knew I'd have bruises. He was probably unaware of it, not having had much time to get used to his new strength. I pushed at him, "'re squeezing me too hard." He let go of me so fast I almost staggered. "Oh Christ, I can't do anything right!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You're right. Everyone in this room with a pulse is starting to smell really good. Okay. Back in the box, better safe than sorry.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Now that was informative" were her first words. "Catherine, you never told me that no matter how many times you sliced something off a vampire, it grew back" Charming, "Guess I don't have to ask if you had a nice time.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I just elbowed the pretty blonde he'd been speaking to aside and slapped my panties on his chest. "As soon as I saw you", I purred, "I knew I wouldn't be needing these"!
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You'll always love him" he said, as if he'd read her mind. "That doesn't die just because he did, or because you now love me. Your love for him is part of who you are. It's a beautiful part, Denise. Don't be sad of it, and I will never be jealous of it". Denise's eyes overflowed again. Spade was right.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Before we met, I'd fly for hours to clear my head," Bones said, his voice reaching me even over the rush of wind. "It was the closest I came to finding peace, but though several of my mates could fly, I always went alone. I never wanted to share this with anyone until you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Just because some of us make a mistake in love once doesn't mean we're doomed to repeat it.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
You hold the ones you love close and fight the battles you can win, and that, Kitten, is how it is.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Happy belated birthday, Cat," he said, giving me a self-deprecating smile. "Aren't you glad Juan picked the place and not me? We wold have had lattes and hors d'oeuvres instead of liquor and G-strings. Anyone get you a gin yet?
-- Jeaniene Frost -
I will never stop loving you. No one can change that. No matter what happens later, I’ll still love you.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
He also deeply distrusts vampires, as you had guessed yourself,†Bones added. “Aside from that, all I heard was enough repetitions of ‘how many chucks could a woodchuck chuck’ to make me want to stake myself.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Maybe I was worrying for nothing. Maybe it had just been casual for him, and I wouldn't even have to tell him it couldn't happen again. After all, the man was a couple hundred years older than me and a former gigolo. I certainly hadn't robbed him of his virginity.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Ian grinned at her, trailing a pale hand down his chest. “Luscious, aren‟t I, poppet? Go on, stare. I don‟t mind.
-- Jeaniene Frost
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