Tides famous quotes
It struck me then how much the past - not just the past but history and family - was like the ocean tide. It was always the same ocean, but the waves made it fresh and new each time.
-- Aimee Friedman -
Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.
-- Alice Meynell -
The tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible.
-- Anderson Cooper -
I think lifes a bit of what you make it and a little smidgen of you being the jellyfish, and the tides just gently helping you along.
-- Andrew Buchan -
There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue.
-- Andrew Mellon -
Here I am, I still go on, you know, like the tides.
-- Angela Lansbury -
Time's stern tide, with cold Oblivion's wave, Shall soon dissolve each fair, each fading charm.
-- Anna Seward -
Then I walked away, and I did not look back. I had written my troubles on the sand. The tide was coming in.
-- Arthur Gordon Webster -
Almost any dog thinks almost any human is the Great Spirit, the Primal Creator, and the Universal Force Behind the Sun and Tides. What human can resist?
-- Barbara Holland -
And far and wide, in a scarlet tide, The poppy's bonfire spread.
-- Bayard Taylor -
The great tides and currents which engulf the rest of men do not turn aside in their course and pass the judges by.
-- Benjamin Cardozo -
I've always wanted to push myself and move with the tide. That's just how I am and it's worked for me.
-- Bryan Adams -
I swim against the tide because I like to annoy.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
It's the tide. It's the dismal tide. It's not the one thing.
-- Cormac McCarthy -
And since time sets its own tempo, like a heartbeat or an ebb tide, timepieces don't really keep time. They just keep up with it, if they're able.
-- Dava Sobel -
But what would that be like feeling the tide rise out of the numbness inside
-- David Whyte -
If Joan of Arc could turn the tide of an entire war before her eighteenth birthday, you can get out of bed.
-- E. Jean Carroll -
As we say in the sewer, time and tide wait for no man.
-- Edward Norton -
All nature works, and then rests; works and rests. I caught its rhythm and worked and rested with it. When I felt that inertia stealing over me, I rested; and while resting my power recuperated - the tide rose in me.
-- Elizabeth Towne -
From the beginning, I wanted to live my own life, and patiently I shored up that desire against wind and tide.
-- Ella Maillart -
Watch for the high tides of yourself and flow up with them; when the inevitable low tides come, either rest or meditate. You cannot escape rhythm. You transcend it by working with it.
-- Elsa Barker -
Just girt me for the onset with Eternity, When breath blew back, And on the other side I heard recede the disappointed tide!
-- Emily Dickinson -
Much sheer effort goes into avoiding the truth; left to itself, it sweeps in like the tide.
-- Fay Weldon -
PROMOTE A REVOLUTIONARY FLOOD AND TIDE IN ART. Promote living art, anti-art, promote NON ART REALITY to be fully grasped by all peoples, not only critics, dilettantes and professionals.
-- George Maciunas -
The tide of evolution carries everything before it, thoughts no less than bodies, and persons no less than nations.
-- George Santayana -
The personal was, compared with the tides of great nations, a bothersome detail.
-- Gregory Benford -
Now shall I become a common tale, A ruin'd fragment of a worn-out world; Unchanging record of unceasing change. Eternal landmark to the tide of time. Swift generations, that forget each other, Shall still keep up the memory of my shame Till I am grown an unbelieved fable.
-- Hartley Coleridge -
Onward and sublime Will ever glide The silent stream of Time, That bears us on its tide.
-- Harvey Rice -
Genius is a good deal like the sea ... Nothing can restrain its tide or quicken it.
-- Inez Haynes Irwin -
We meet again, at the turn of the tide. A great storm is coming, but the tide has turned.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien -
Tides are like politics. They come and go with a great deal of fuss and noise, but inevitably they leave the beach just as they found it. On those few occasions when major change does occur, it is rarely a good news.
-- Jack McDevitt -
Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
-- Jacqueline Carey -
My tides were fluctuating, too - back and forth, back and forth - sometimes so fast they seemed to be spinning. They call this 'rapid cycling.' It's a marvel that a person can appear to be standing still when the mood tides are sloshing back and forth, sometimes sweeping in both directions at once. They call that a 'mixed state.'
-- Jane Pauley -
In the heat of her hands I thought, This is the campfire that mocks the sun. This place will warm me, feed me and care for me. I will hold on to this pulse against other rhythms. The world will come and go in the tide of a day but here is her hand with my future in its palm.
-- Jeanette Winterson -
It’s better to think of my life like that— part miracle, part madness. It’s better if I accept that I can’t control any of the things that matter. My life is a trail of shipwrecks and set-sails. There are no arrivals, no destinations; there are only sandbanks and shipwreck; then another boat, another tide.
-- Jeanette Winterson -
Detective, I don't know where the boyfriend is, really," I said. And it was true, considering tide, current, and the habits of marine scavengers. -Dexter
-- Jeff Lindsay -
We live in a mystery. Our lives have flowed from exploding stars, from tides of time and gravity beyond our ken.
-- John Daniel -
A rising tide (in the economy) lifts all boats.
-- John F. Kennedy -
The eternal tide flows hid in Living Bread. That with its Heavenly Life too be fed...
-- John of the Cross -
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide.
-- Johnny Cash -
Alaska and Montana are not in the south but they definitely form part of the crimson tide of red states where Republicans are dominant.
-- Juan Williams -
My heart is sand and Orion's cruel tide has washed it away from me, scattered it, lost it.
-- Kiersten White -
When you were a tadpole and I was a fish, in the Palæozoic time And side by side in the sluggish tide, we sprawled in the ooze and slime.
-- Langdon Smith -
Going against the tide has never been difficult for me. It wasn't even a conscious decision but the natural consequence of following my own instinct.
-- Lewis Gordon -
She ate so many clams that her stomach rose and fell with the tide.
-- Louis Kronenberger -
Editors of open anthologies actively seek submissions from all comers, established and unknown. They are willing to read whatever the tide washes up at their feet.
-- Lynn Abbey -
The power of mass intention may ultimately be the force that shifts the tide toward repair and renewal of the planet.
-- Lynne McTaggart -
Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.
-- Mahatma Gandhi -
We know of our own knowledge that we are human beings, and, as such, imperfect. But we are bathed by the communications industry in a ceaseless tide of inhuman, impossible perfection.
-- Margaret Halsey -
The lotos bowed above the tide and dreamed.
-- Margaret Junkin Preston -
I have opened all the doors in my head. I have opened all the pores in my body. But only the tide rolls in.
-- Marilyn French -
We're living longer, we social network alone with our screens, and our depth of feeling gets shallower. Soon it'll be nothing but a tide pool, then a thimble of water, then a micro drop.
-- Marisha Pessl -
She's so ugly, the tide wouldn't take her out.
-- Martin Kaye -
Women are affected by lunar tides only once a month; men have raging hormones every day.
-- Maureen Dowd -
Today, the tide has turned, we are destroying them.
-- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf -
I am an agnostic, even though I respect and am interested in all religions. If there's something I believe in, it's a mysterious energy; the one that fills the oceans during tides, the one that unites nature and beings.
-- Monica Bellucci -
Once the return tide starts, it will be impossible to stem it, and it will prove our undoing.
-- Moshe Sharett -
The tide of immigration in Canada has not been as great as along our frontier. They have been able to allow the Indians to live as Indians, which we have not, and do not attempt to force upon them the customs which are distasteful to them.
-- Nelson A. Miles -
Tony Fernandes is in that goldfish bowl and he's swimming against the tide.
-- Niall Quinn -
The tide of history is turning women from beasts of burden and sexual playthings into full-fledged human beings.
-- Nicholas D. Kristof -
The emotions attached to them were like sand castles in the tide, slowly washing out to sea.
-- Nicholas Sparks -
There is a major turning point in life when you have to decide: shall I grow old gracefully or shall I try everything to stem the tide? For me, that point came in 2001, when I stopped dyeing my hair.
-- Nik Kershaw -
We are a conspiracy of hope and we are pressing back against the strong tide of oppression which for centuries has been the legacy of those of us who are labelled with mental illness. We are refusing to reduce human beings to illnesses.
-- Patricia Deegan -
Reputations rise and fall almost as regularly as the tides.
-- Peter Benchley -
If we can't alter the tide of events, at least we can be nearby with towels to mop up.
-- Peter David -
Have the courage to go against the tide of current values that do not conform to the path of Jesus.
-- Pope Francis -
Life is a tide; float on it. Go down with it and go up with it, but be detached. Then it is not difficult.
-- Prem Rawat -
My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of the tide in the evening.
-- Rabindranath Tagore -
There is no drop of water in the ocean, not even in the deepest parts of the abyss, that does not know and respond to the mysterious forces that create the tide.
-- Rachel Carson -
A rising tide raises all boats, but you need a boat to rise with the tide. What does he who does not have a boat do?
-- Rahul Gandhi -
Rowing against the tide is hard and uncertain. To go with the tide and thus take advantage of the workings of the great natural force is safe and easy.
-- Ralph Waldo Trine -
The more that we gather at the seasonal tides of Nature, the more we become like Nature. When we become like Her it is easier to understand Her.
-- Raven Grimassi -
I think a lot of times God takes away your feelings, so you have to depend on faith. And faith is kind of like a tide. It rolls in and rolls out.
-- Rick Warren -
Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.
-- Rita Mae Brown -
We lack resolve and blame fate, mistaking the drift for the tides.
-- Robert Breault -
Dead fish don't swim around in jealous tides.
-- Scott Weiland -
The dotted line my father's ashplant made On Sandymount Strand Is something else the tide won't wash away.
-- Seamus Heaney -
This is a most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of. But we must stem the tide of idle chatter, and pour into our wounded bosoms the soothing balm of vengeance.
-- Seth Grahame-Smith -
I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.
-- Shirley Manson -
Make haste! The tide of Fortune soon ebbs.
-- Silius Italicus -
A single breaker may recede; but the tide is evidently coming in.
-- Thomas B. Macaulay -
The disintegration of the culture starts with the artist. Im on a crusade to turn the tide in the arts, to restore dignity to the arts and, by extension, to the culture.
-- Thomas Kinkade -
I know what I have to do now, I've got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?
-- Tom Hanks -
Never give up because you never know what the tide will bring in the next day.
-- Tom Hanks -
I was totally devastated for four years in the mid '60s when l tried to buck the tide.
-- Tommy Rettig -
Hold back the tide. Keep your kids innocent as long as possible.
-- Tony Danza -
Learn to trust your instincts. Only something dead goes with the tide. Only something living can go against it.
-- Tony Parsons -
The idea behind Reaganomics is this: a rising tide lifts all yachts.
-- Walter F. Mondale -
These struggling tides of life that seem In wayward, aimless course to tend, Are eddies of the mighty stream That rolls to its appointed end.
-- William C. Bryant -
He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them, urging them, ordering them. Driven back by the tide, his footprints became bays in which they were trapped and gave him the illusion of mastery.
-- William Golding -
The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow We are such stuff as dreams are made of.
-- William Shakespeare -
Spain is an overflow of sombreness . . . a strong and threatening tide of history meets you at the frontier.
-- Wyndham Lewis -
Online education is like a rising tide, it's going to lift all boats.
-- Anant Agarwal -
For me, it was a mission on the hill to sensitize people, because they don't know Muslim immigrants. And for the most part, a lot of us just keep our heads down. But if I can engage someone in conversation, someone who maybe does support Donald Trump, or at least isn't speaking out against him, and I can show him the fear that I have, then maybe I can turn that tide.
-- Andrew Aydin