Sapphires famous quotes


  • No economic measure has more value for a nation than investing in a clean & sustainable low carbon future

  • He that taketh not his cross and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

  • A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself.

  • My theory is if you have a religion, it's a good one. Because some people don't have any at all.

  • I am international. When I put out my second mixtape, we did four tours and a tour overseas.

  • You never have to second guess a person or your feelings and instincts about that person if you pay attention to their actions, not solely their words - actions always speak louder.

  • The most creative people have this childlike facility to play.

  • But now I rejoice when, in my winter studio, I can spread out my summer studies and recall through them the beautiful season and places which gave them being. Here the painter feels how small things may suggest the greater - the drop of water, image the firmament.

  • The years of the economic depression have been years of political reaction, and that is why the economic crisis has generated a world peace crisis.

  • Wisdom is not a question of learning facts with the mind; it can only be acquired through perfection of living.