Flattery famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
To be most effective, flattery is always best applied with a trowel.
-- Alan Bradley -
I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one's identity is totally different.
-- AnnaLynne McCord -
My passport photo is one of the most remarkable photographs I have ever seen- no retouching, no shadows, no flattery-just stark me.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
Nothing is harder to resist than a bit of flattery.
-- Arnold Lobel -
Of all wild beasts preserve me from a tyrant; and of all tame a flatterer.
-- Ben Jonson -
Every woman is infallibly to be gained by every sort of flattery, and every man by one sort or other.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
-- Charles Caleb Colton -
Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.
-- Charles Caleb Colton -
Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
-- Charles Caleb Colton -
If you mean to profit, learn to praise.
-- Charles Churchill -
It is possible to be below flattery as well as above it.
-- Charles R. Forbes -
Katherine Kenton remains among the generation of women who feel that the most sincere form of flattery is the male erection.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
When we are not engaged in thinking about some definite problem, we usually spend about 95 percent of our time thinking about ourselves. Now, if we stop thinking about ourselves for a while and begin to think of the other person's good points, we won't have to resort to flattery so cheap and false that it can be spotted almost before it is out of the mouth.
-- Dale Carnegie -
Complimenting someone in an exaggerated way is known as flattery, and flattery will generally get you anything you want...
-- Daniel Handler -
Flattery is a lie covered in a bed of flowery words.
-- Deborah Smith -
We swallow with one gulp the lie that flatters us, and drink drop by drop the truth which is bitter to us.
-- Denis Diderot -
They say one of the greatest forms of flattery is for your son to follow in your footsteps. And so I enjoy that greatest form of flattery, without a doubt.
-- Dennis Franchione -
In Hollywood, imitation is the most profitable form of flattery. That is the only plausible explanation...
-- Desson Thomson -
Flattery makes fools of the best of us.
-- Dorothy Salisbury Davis -
The aim of flattery is to soothe and encourage us by assuring us of the truth of an opinion we have already formed about ourselves.
-- Edith Sitwell -
Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.
-- Edmund Burke -
Our domestic Napoleons, too many of them, give flattery, bonnets and bracelets to women, and everything else but - justice ...
-- Fanny Fern -
We sometimes imagine we hate flattery, but we only hate the way we are flattered.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
Imitation is always insult--not flattery.
-- Frank Lloyd Wright -
Baloney is flattery laid on so thick it cannot be true, and blarney is flattery so thin we love it.
-- Fulton J. Sheen -
He who says he hates all kinds of flattery, and says so in earnest, has undoubtedly not as yet become acquainted with all kinds of it, whether in substance or in form.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg -
Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery - it's the sincerest form of learning.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
No man flatters the woman he truly loves.
-- Henry Theodore Tuckerman -
Flattery is praise insincerely given for an interested purpose.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
A man that does not love praise is not a full man.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
Flattery is useful when dealing with youngsters.
-- Isaac Asimov -
If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, Punk, don't flatter me.
-- J-Ro -
Few human beings are proof against the implied flattery of rapt attention.
-- Jack Woodford -
The flatterer easily insinuates himself into the closet, while honest merit stands shivering in the hall or antechamber.
-- Jane Porter -
Every flatterer lives at the expense of him who listens to him.
-- Jean de La Fontaine -
It is easier and handier for men to flattery than to praise.
-- Jean Paul -
Of all sorts of flattery, that which comes from a solemn character and stands before a sermon is the worst-complexioned. Such commendation is a satire upon the author, makes the text look mercenary, and disables the discourse from doing service.
-- Jeremy Collier -
Because nothing says flattery like a gun to the head.
-- Jim Butcher -
To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery.
-- John Churton Collins -
Never patronise someone who knows they don't deserve it, for they will be quick to compliment your failures.
-- John Stride -
Nothing is so great an instance of ill-manners as flattery.
-- Jonathan Swift -
The most skillful flattery is to let a person talk on, and be a listener.
-- Joseph Addison -
If men of eminence are exposed to censure on one hand, they are as much liable to flattery on the other. If they receive reproaches which are not due to them, they likewise receive praises which they do not deserve.
-- Joseph Addison -
Direct, forceful, energetic. Loves power, eats up publicity and flattery... Can turn on charm at will and knows it.
-- Joseph Stilwell -
Whitney: You black-hearted, treacherous, conniving scoundrel. Clayton: Your flattery warms my heart
-- Judith McNaught -
Flattery won't hurt you if you don't swallow it.
-- Kin Hubbard -
Implementation is the sincerest form of flattery.
-- L Peter Deutsch -
Love of another is merely empty flattery and self-deception for one who cannot accept himself without pretense.
-- L.E. Modesitt Jr. -
In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning.
-- Leo Tolstoy -
Alas! the praise given to the ear Ne'er was nor ne'er can be sincere.
-- Letitia Elizabeth Landon -
Nature has hardly formed a woman ugly enough to be insensible to flattery upon her person.
-- Lord Chesterfield -
Women have, in general, but ne object, which is their beauty; upon which, scarce any flattery is too gross for them to swallow.
-- Lord Chesterfield -
Let flattery, the handmaid of the vices, be far removed .
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Let flattery, the handmaid of the vices, be far removed (from friendship). [Lat., Assentatio, vitiorum adjutrix, procul amoveatur.]
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
In my experience, there are two things that no one will admit to: having no sense of humor and being susceptible to flattery.
-- Margaret George -
Probably one of the reasons why gushing is so unattractive is that it leaves nothing for the listener to do.
-- Margery Wilson -
Now flattery can never do good; twice cursed in the giving and the receiving, it ought to be.
-- Maria Edgeworth -
The love of one's own sex is precious, for it is neither provoked by vanity nor retained by flattery; it is genuine and sincere.
-- Maria Mitchell -
A few good compliments produce a wealth of good and often financial benefits.
-- Mariette Hartley -
Flattery is so necessary to us that we flatter one another just to be flattered in return.
-- Marjorie Bowen -
Imitation is flattery, and The Hills Have Eyes is a classic.
-- Michael Berryman -
Flattery leads to vulgarity; the flatterer is despised.
-- Nachman of Breslov -
There is no other way to guard yourself against flattery than by making men understand that telling you the truth will not offend you.
-- Niccolo Machiavelli -
It is the folly of weak-minded people, to imagine they are what flattery or conceit represents them; and that it is useless for them to be what they are not, since they seem already to have acquired the reputation of it.
-- Norm MacDonald -
We would seldom be deceived by flattery, did our own conceit not promote the delusion.
-- Norm MacDonald -
Imitation is obviously a great form of flattery.
-- Peyton Manning -
The heart of a woman is never so full of affection that there does not remain a little corner for flattery and love.
-- Pierre de Marivaux -
Perfumed and gallant words make our ears belch.
-- Pietro Aretino -
I don't think imitation is the highest form of flattery, I think it's annoying.
-- Pink -
O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.
-- Rabindranath Tagore -
There can hardly, I believe, be imagined a more desirable pleasure than that of praise unmixed with any possibility of flattery.
-- Richard Steele -
Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present.
-- Samuel Johnson -
Flattery in courtship is the highest insolence, for whilst it pretends to bestow on you more than you deserve, it is watching an opportunity to take from you what you really have.
-- Sarah Fielding -
Praise a stranger with a few nice words and he becomes a stranger that calls you a friend.
-- Simon Cowell -
The most dangerous of all flattery is the inferiority of those about us.
-- Sophie Swetchine -
The most subtle flattery that a woman can receive is by actions, not by words.
-- Suzanne Curchod -
One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.
-- Theophrastus -
I have always found it interesting... that there are people who regard copyright infringement as a form of flattery.
-- Tom Lehrer -
The god-who-serves-ME requires flattery, not worship.
-- Tom Wells -
Not kings alone--the people, too, have their flatterers.
-- Victor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau -
Because all men are apt to flatter themselves, to entertain the addition of other men's praises is most perilous.
-- Walter Raleigh -
Slander, in the strict meaning of the term, comes under the head of lying; but it is a kind of lying which, like its antithesis flattery, ought to be set apart for special censure.
-- Washington Gladden -
Sheer flattery got me into the theater. Flattery always works with me, particularly the flattery of women.
-- Carroll O'Connor -
Flee flattery, false praise and fair weather friends
-- Fraser Young -
I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.
-- Georgia O'Keeffe