Skeletons famous quotes
Drawing need not be the bones of art, but skill must always be the skeleton of accomplishment.
-- Adam Gopnik -
Doctrine is the frame-work of life; it is the skeleton of truth, to be clothed and rounded out by the living graces of a holy life. It is only the lean creature whose bones become offensive.
-- Adoniram Judson Gordon -
What is important is the story. Because when we are all dust and teeth and kicked-up bits of skin - when we're dancing with our own skeletons - our words might be all that's left of us.
-- Alexandra Fuller -
...I is another. If the brass wakes the trumpet, it’s not its fault. That’s obvious to me: I witness the unfolding of my own thought: I watch it, I hear it: I make a stroke with the bow: the symphony begins in the depths, or springs with a bound onto the stage. If the old imbeciles hadn’t discovered only the false significance of Self, we wouldn’t have to now sweep away those millions of skeletons which have been piling up the products of their one-eyed intellect since time immemorial, and claiming themselves to be their authors!
-- Arthur Rimbaud -
I need geometry to set the grammar of the image expressive language . The structural skeleton, the composition and the geometric layout provide a perspective from which one can read the image; otherwise we would do what Dadaists did when they put words in a little bag and then took them out at random in order to compose a poem.
-- Augusto De Luca -
Any constraint is part of the skeleton that you build the composition on - including your own incompetence.
-- Brian Eno -
The bottom line: If you want a happier family, bring those skeletons out of the closet.
-- Bruce Feiler -
I love rewriting because that is where and how you discover the story. Its like you have this skeleton, and you get to put flesh on it and hair and clothes and really wonderful jewelry.
-- Caroline Leavitt -
There's got to be a backbone, there's got to be a skeleton to the whole way I perform, but you never want to hit the same note twice during a performance, I think. I think it's always got to be fresh so it doesn't bore me, and I always want to go out on edge.
-- Casey Abrams -
An evening wind uprose too, and the slighter branches cracked and rattled as they moved, in skeleton dances, to its moaning music.
-- Charles Dickens -
You'd better put sunblock on that skeleton head of yours. You're gonna fry." -Bobby
-- D. J. MacHale -
Poetry is only secondarily about words. Primarily, it is about truth. I dealt with the Ding an Sich, the substance behind the shadow, weaving powerful concepts, similes, and connections the way an engineer would raise a skyscraper with the whiskered-alloy skeleton being constructed long before the glass and plastic and chromaluminum appears.
-- Dan Simmons -
I have far too many skeletons in my closet to think about any sort of serious mention of public office.
-- David Cone -
The best thing about me is there are no skeletons.
-- David Cross -
Word books traditionally focus on unusual and quirky items. They tend to ignore the words that provide the skeleton of the language, without which it would fall apart, such as 'and' and 'what,' or words that provide structure to our conversation, such as 'hello.
-- David Crystal -
Everyone's got skeletons in their closet, and I've got a million in mine, believe me. I tested the envelope; I pushed it. Whenever somebody in authority told me not to do something, I did it just to find out why they said not to do it.
-- Denis Leary -
A living skeleton isn't enough for you, is it? What does it take to impress young people these days?
-- Derek Landy -
I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You'd be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts.
-- Diablo Cody -
Lucy brought with her an image of our human ancestors that you don't get when you find a jaw or an arm bone or a leg bone. Here was 40 percent of a single skeleton.
-- Donald Johanson -
I had a rough spot about being a goody-goody Mormon, and not drinking or smoking. But I'm kind of grateful I've got this image now. There are no skeletons in my closet. What you see is what you get.
-- Donny Osmond -
The more work you put in on your outline and getting the skeleton of your story right, the easier the process is later.
-- Drew Goddard -
Many women have asked me if it is possible to have a well-built wardrobe on a limited budget. 'Money,' I tell them, 'is no guarantee of taste, and an overstuffed wardrobe is often as bare as a skeleton when it comes to wearable apparel.'
-- Edith Head -
You cant improv off of bad writing. Then you have to actually create your objective, which is really hard to do in an element without the skeleton to go off of.
-- Eliza Coupe -
The wind kicks in stronger, branches clatter. Or maybe skeletons. Bones of abandonment. Ghosts that will never be.
-- Ellen Hopkins -
America forms the longest and straightest bone in the earth's skeleton.
-- Ellsworth Huntington -
If nature had intended our skeletons to be visible it would have put them on the outside of our bodies.
-- Elmer Rice -
If you could count the skeletons in my closet, under my bed and up under my faucet, then you would know I've completely lost it. Is he nuts? No he's insane!
-- Eminem -
Structure is nothing if it is all you got. Skeletons spook people if they try to walk around on their own. I really wonder why XML does not.
-- Erik Naggum -
... there is a skeleton (or death) that flees terrified in the face of my will to live.
-- Frida Kahlo -
The cat which isn't let out of the bag often becomes a skeleton in the cupboard.
-- Geoffrey Madan -
There is something in the character of every man which cannot be broken in--the skeleton of his character; and to try to alter this is like training a sheep for draught purposes.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg -
Art does not, like science, set forth a permanent order of nature, the enduring skeleton of law. Two factors primarily determine its works: one is the idea in the mind of the artist, the other is his power of expression; and both these factors are extremely variable.
-- George Edward Woodberry -
After 16 years in pictures I could not be intimidated easily, because I knew where all the skeletons were buried.
-- Gloria Swanson -
How is it that there are so many minds that are incapable of understanding mathematics? ... the skeleton of our understanding, ... and actually they are the majority. ... We have here a problem that is not easy of solution, but yet must engage the attention of all who wish to devote themselves to education.
-- Henri Poincare -
There are houses in certain provincial towns whose aspect inspires melancholy, akin to that called forth by sombre cloisters, dreary moorlands, or the desolation of ruins. Within these houses there is, perhaps, the silence of the cloister, the barrenness of moors, the skeleton of ruins; life and movement are so stagnant there that a stranger might think them uninhabited, were it not that he encounters suddenly the pale, cold glance of a motionless person, whose half-monastic face peers beyond the window-casing at the sound of an unaccustomed step.
-- Honore de Balzac -
They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God, all they found were shoes, beautiful shoes.
-- Imelda Marcos -
I write scripts to serve as skeletons awaiting the flesh and sinew of images.
-- Ingmar Bergman -
But I'm not afraid of the skeletons in Julie's closet. I look forward to meeting the rest of them, looking them hard in the eye, giving them firm, bone-crunching handshakes.
-- Isaac Marion -
The laws of nature are the skeleton of the universe. They support it, give it shape, tie it together. Taken as a whole, they embody a vision of our world that is both breathtaking and awe-inspiring.
-- James Trefil -
I've lived here ... my whole life. It's where I lost all my baby teeth. Where tiny hamster, gerbil, and bird skeletons lie in rotted-out cardboard coffins beneath the oak tree in our backyard. Also where, if some future archaeologist goes digging, they'll find the remains of a plush toy: a gray terrier named Toto I buried after the accident.
-- Jennifer McMahon -
The apparent physical stability of reefs belies an underlying natural turmoil of growth, death and destruction of calcareous organisms. Much like a modern city, reefs are constantly being rebuilt and torn down at the same time. Corals are the bricks, broken pieces of plant and animal skeletons the sand, and algal crusts and chemical cements the mortar. Reef growth is determined by the production, accumulation, and cementation of all this calcareous stuff into solid limestone.
-- Jeremy Jackson -
What happen to the pirates we are supposed to see? Then we go down the chutes, and it's where the pirates were. But they're all gone. There is nothing but skeletons down here!
-- John Hench -
There was so much of beauty here: the neat, small tracks of a foraging creature, stoat or marten; the inticate tracery of a skeleton leaf, still clinging vainly to its parent tree as, little by little, time stripped it of its substance, leaving only the delicate remembrance of what it had been.
-- Juliet Marillier -
Everything has been written. Everybody knows everything about me. There are no secrets. Except the skeletons in my closet.
-- Kirby Puckett -
The problem was with Bill Clinton, the scandals and rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out.
-- Louis J. Freeh -
Eloquent testimony to the recovery powers of wild animals frequently becomes apparent from the study of skeletons housed in museums.
-- Louis Leakey -
Without the emotion and willingness of Spirit, our music becomes dry and dusty—without life. Without doctrinal bones as a skeleton, the Body is not enfleshed in a healthy way.
-- Marva Dawn -
I began thinking about my skeleton, this solid, beautiful thing inside me that I would never see.
-- Mary Roach -
We turn skeletons into goddesses and look to them as if they might teach us how not to need.
-- Marya Hornbacher -
A weathered skeleton in windy fields of memory, piercing like a knife.
-- Matsuo Basho -
Don't mess with me, lady. I've been drinking with skeletons.
-- Mike Mignola -
There's a lot of skeletons in my closet, but I know what they're wearing. I'm not gonna act all ashamed of it
-- Naomi Watts -
Photographs are still being taken but aren't being shown. There's one of a skeleton bound at the wrists with pants still around its ankles; if it was a woman, she was likely raped; if it was a man, he was possibly castrated.
-- Nicholas D. Kristof -
It's rare that I've read a script where I'm like, "Oh, my god, it's hilarious!" All you want is a good skeleton and good characters. Then, you can go, "Okay, I can bring a lot to this. I can improvise and I can create something out of this."
-- Nick Swardson -
Drawing is the skeleton of what you do and color is its flesh.
-- Nicolas Poussin -
I wondered how they would top the Pirates and skeletons and moonlight, because that's a pretty cool concept.
-- Orlando Bloom -
None of us is perfect. Everyone has got a skeleton in the closet that they don't want people to find out. I just let it go, with a bit of humor.
-- Ozzy Osbourne -
Like people, a picture has a skeleton, muscles and skin.
-- Paul Klee -
Hamburg totally wrecked us. I remember getting home to England and my dad thought I was half-dead. I looked like a skeleton, I hadn't noticed the change, I'd been having such a ball!
-- Paul McCartney -
My act is sort of improvisational. I have a skeleton in my head, but no fat or skin on it.
-- Paula Poundstone -
The skeletons of the plants are for me as important as the flowers.
-- Piet Oudolf -
Even in this place one can survive, and therefore one must want to survive, to tell the story, to bear witness; and that to survive we must force ourselves to save at least the skeleton, the scaffolding, the form of civilization. We are slaves, deprived of every right, exposed to every insult, condemned to certain death, but we still possess one power, and we must defend it with all our strength for it is the last — the power to refuse our consent.
-- Primo Levi -
If we’re going to solve the problems of the world, we have to learn how to talk to one another. Poetry is the language at its essence. It’s the bones and the skeleton of the language. It teaches you, if nothing else, how to choose your words.
-- Rita Dove -
By Interstate 70: a dog skeleton, a vacuum cleaner, TV dinners, a doll, a pie, rolls of carpet.Later, next to the South Platte River: algae, broken concrete, jet contrails, the smell of crude oil. What I hope to document, though not at the expense of surface detail, is the form that underlies this apparent chaos.
-- Robert Adam -
Occasionally a single anecdote opens a character; biography has its comparative anatomy, and a saying or a sentiment enables the skilful hand to construct the skeleton.
-- Robert Aris Willmott -
It's not too difficult to get the skeletons out of the closet with people, but to get the gold out is a different matter. That is therapy. Psychology is the Art of finding the gold of the spirit.
-- Robert Johnson -
There are few gardens that can be left alone. A few years of neglect and only the skeleton of a garden can be traced. . . . Japanese artists working with a few stones and sand four hundred years ago achieved strangely lasting compositions. However there, too, but for the hands that have piously raked the white sand into patterns and controlled the spread of moss and lichens, little would remain.
-- Russell Page -
What I found interesting writing a screenplay as opposed to writing a novel is not the obvious thing, which is having to pare everything down and find the kind of essence, the skeleton if you like, which can then be fleshed out by performance and cinematography.
-- Salman Rushdie -
One thing you’ll say for skeletons, they’ll always give you a smile.
-- Steve Aylett -
The older I grow the more sharply I mistrust words. So few of them have any meaning left. It is impossible to write one sentence in which every word has the bareness and hardness of bones, the reality of the skeleton.
-- Storm Jameson -
Lured by the wilderness, and by the chance of spotting rare desert elephants, a few intrepid tourists make their way to the Skeleton Coast each year. It's just about as remote as any tourist destination on earth, but one that pays fabulous dividends.
-- Tahir Shah -
The mere mention of the Farakka Express, which jerks its way eastward each day from Delhi to Calcutta, is enough to throw even a seasoned traveller into fits of apoplexy. At a desert encampment on Namibia's Skeleton Coast, a hard-bitten adventurer had downed a peg of local fire-water then told me the tale. Farakka was a ghost train, he said, haunted by ghouls, Thuggees, and thieves. Only a passenger with a death wish would go anywhere near it.
-- Tahir Shah -
Some things are fairly obvious when it's a seven-foot skeleton with a scythe telling you them
-- Terry Pratchett -
The sound of a harpsichord - two skeletons copulating on a tin roof in a thunderstorm.
-- Thomas Beecham -
Sleep is cousin-german unto death: Sleep and death differ, no more, than a carcass And a skeleton.
-- Thomas Traherne -
Everybody's got skeletons in the closets. Every once in a while, you've got to open up the closet and the let the skeletons breathe. Half the time, the very thing you think is gonna destroy you or ruin you is the very thing that nobody cares about. My advice to people with skeletons is to dust them off every now and then-- as long as your closet's aint full of them. It's not good to have more than two or three.
-- Tyler Perry -
Skeletons of mice are often to be found in coconuts, for it is easier to get in, slim and greedy, than to get out, appeased but fat.
-- Viktor Korchnoi -
Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
-- Virginia Woolf -
There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.
-- Wilson Mizner -
I said: "A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces". In other words: a tiger does not stand in the forest and say: "I am a tiger". When you pass where the tiger has walked before, you see the skeleton of the duiker, you know that some tigritude has been emanated there.
-- Wole Soyinka -
The bones of the skeleton which support the body can become the bars of the cage which imprison the spirit.
-- J. Ruth Gendler -
It's three disparate elements: the stop sign, the stage paintings, and the skeleton paintings. Those are three sharp ideas, although none of them are necessarily good ideas. Tons of artists have made whole careers out of those three ideas.
-- Josh Smith -
The key to skeleton is to find the line, and I think I spend most of training figuring out where that sweet spot is.
-- Katie Uhlaender -
I mean that it is possible to be unselfish without a moral code, sophisticated without and education, and beautiful wearing a skeleton on the outside.
-- Marlene Zuk -
I didn't believe in Bigfoot.I just thought, "No, that would be impossible. You know, we would have found Bigfoot by now. We would've found some skeletons, we would've found some sort of proof of Bigfoot." So, I didn't believe for a long time, but obviously this is the year we find Bigfoot. And obviously all scientists agree that there's definitely Bigfoot.There's no reason to debate it. It's like debating climate change. There's no reason to debate climate change anymore. There's no reason to debate whether there's Bigfoot. Clearly, the yeti exists.
-- Rob Huebel -
Pop culture is more and more about skulls and skeletons and zombies and vampires, and that's not just on Halloween.
-- Michael Almereyda -
All the songs on the first album were like skeletons of how we really played them. It was just a combination of not having any studio experience and having to do everything so fast. I also think that studios are, by nature, limiting. You cannot get the sound of five big amplifiers on a little piece of tape.
-- Robby Krieger -
I had at one point this rather depressing image of some alien culture seeing the death of this planet - coming down in their spaceships and sniffing around; finding all our skeletons sitting around our TV sets and trying to work out why our end came before its time and they come to the conclusion that we amused ourselves to death.
-- Roger Waters