Maps famous quotes
The words are purposes./The words are maps./I came to see the damage that was done/and the treasures that prevail.
-- Adrienne Rich -
Israel, as the Jewish state, must disappear from the map.
-- Ahmed Yassin -
You can't use an old map to explore a new world.
-- Albert Einstein -
There are those who follow maps, and those who make them.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
A good financial plan is a road map that shows us exactly how the choices we make today will affect our future.
-- Alexa Von Tobel -
The map is not the territory... The only usefulness of a map depends on similarity of structure between the empirical world and the map...
-- Alfred Korzybski -
Two important characteristics of maps should be noticed. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.
-- Alfred Korzybski -
If words are not things, or maps are not the actual territory, then, obviously, the only possible link between the objective world and the linguistic world is found in structure, and structure alone.
-- Alfred Korzybski -
To the astrologer, or at least to what I call the analytical astrologer, the natal chart virtually represents a living map to the kingdom of heaven which lies within.
-- Alice O. Howell -
He said when the Lord made people He made them all the same for starters. But life marks people. If you know the way, you can read them like maps.
-- Andrew Vachss -
I am alone here in my own mind. There is no map and there is no road. It is one of a kind just as yours is.
-- Anne Sexton -
The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map.
-- Anodea Judith -
Sometimes it is better to work out the map for yourself rather than have it given to you, in terms of learning.
-- Anson Jones -
It's stupid. There are maps to show you how to get to the place where you want to be but no maps that show you how to get to the time when you want to be.
-- Anthony Marra -
Oh, who would choose to be a traveler? --That anxious railway-guide unravelerWho spends his nights in berths and bunks,His days in chaperoning trunks;Who stands in line at gates and wicketsTo spend his means on costly ticketsTo Irkutsk, Liverpool and YapAnd other dots upon the map.
-- Arthur Guiterman -
I am my best work - a series of road maps, reports, recipes, doodles, and prayers from the front lines.
-- Audre Lorde -
Scientists have shown that because positive and open mindsets produce exploration and experiential learning, they also come to produce more-accurate mental maps of the world.
-- Barbara Fredrickson -
I'm just the smallest dot in a big map of human history.
-- Ben Casnocha -
Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done.
-- Ben Stein -
The theory of probability is the only mathematical tool available to help map the unknown and the uncontrollable. It is fortunate that this tool, while tricky, is extraordinarily powerful and convenient.
-- Benoit Mandelbrot -
A map says to you. Read me carefully, follow me closely, doubt me not... I am the earth in the palm of your hand.
-- Beryl Markham -
On a specific day marked on the earth's calendar, and in a specific place on the earth's map, the Son of God came to the planet. It was love.
-- Billy Graham -
The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps
-- Bob Black -
The National Bank at profit sells road maps for the soul.
-- Bob Dylan -
The source known as Deep Throat provided a kind of road map through the scandal. His one consistent message was that the Watergate burglary was just the tip of the iceberg.
-- Bob Woodward -
The time you want the map... is before you enter the woods
-- Brendon Burchard -
Sometimes the best map will not guide you, you can't see what's round the bend. Sometimes the road leads through dark places, sometimes the darkness is your friend
-- Bruce Cockburn -
On the maps provided by science, we find everything except ourselves.
-- Bryan Appleyard -
Maximum Rocknroll didn't have a map section. How was I supposed to know that Berkeley was not a neighborhood of San Francisco?
-- Bucky Sinister -
The world is poor because her fortune is buried in the sky and all her treasure maps are of the earth.
-- Calvin Miller -
That’s what a map is, you know. Just a memory.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
We have hopes and make plans, and if they are dashed or waylaid, we naturally rationalize and redraw the map to locate ourselves anew. Or else we brood and too firmly root. Very few can step forward again and again in what amounts to veritable leaps into the void, where there are no ready holds, where little is familiar, where you get constantly stuck in the thickets of your uncertainties and fears.
-- Chang-Rae Lee -
Japanese maps tend to come in two varieties: small, schematic, and bewildering; and large, fantastically detailed, and bewildering.
-- Charles C. Mann -
There is a vast territory between what we're trying to leave behind, and where we want to go - and we don't have any maps for that territory.
-- Charles Eisenstein -
Own your words. Your words are the maps to your intentions.
-- Chris Brogan -
Our destiny is not mapped out for us by some exterior power; we map it out for ourselves. What we think and do in the present determines what shall happen to us in the future.
-- Christian D. Larson -
For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.
-- Christopher Columbus -
How satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface. To make a map of my movement - no matter how temporary.
-- Craig Thompson -
Getting lost teaches you how to read a map.
-- Cynthia Lewis -
...When this map was made, there was only empty forest in the south," Gran told Birle."Not empty," Granda corrected her. "The forest is never empty.
-- Cynthia Voigt -
The most promising words ever written on the maps of human knowledge are terra incognita, unknown territory.
-- Daniel J. Boorstin -
The flu-casters would draw out the maps and keep people engaged at regular intervals ... beaming it from the WHO bunker.
-- David Nabarro -
I've got stories untold & maps to unfold, but everyday I get where I'm going
-- Debby Ryan -
I make the road. I draw the map. Nothing just happens to me...I'm the one happening.
-- Denis Johnson -
Foursquare makes maps special. We take maps that are blank and put dots on them to help you figure out what to do.
-- Dennis Crowley -
You'd have to live in a cave not to know about the Carrier Dome. It put Syracuse on the map.
-- Dick Vitale -
I think if you were to look at my resume in total you would see a lot of things that are kind of all over the map.
-- Don Cheadle -
The asanas are useful maps to explore yourself, but they are not the territory.
-- Donna Farhi -
The art of biography is different from geography. Geography is about maps, but biography is about chaps.
-- E. C. Bentley -
Put your 'yes' on the table and let God put it on the map.
-- Ed Stetzer -
It is quite common to hear high officials in Washington and elsewhere speak of changing the map of the Middle East, as if ancient societies and myriad peoples can be shaken up like so many peanuts in a jar.
-- Edward Said -
A metaphor for good information design is a map. Hold any diagram against a map and see how it compares.
-- Edward Tufte -
Clutter is not an attribute of information, clutter is a failure of design...fix the design rather than stripping all the detail out of the map.
-- Edward Tufte -
As of now, string theorists have no explanation of why there are three large dimensions as well as time, and the other dimensions are microscopic. Proposals about that have been all over the map.
-- Edward Witten -
Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product. Paradoxically, the one sure way not to be happy is deliberately to map out a way of life in which one would please oneself completely and exclusively.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt -
Topography displays no favorites; North's as near as West. More delicate than the historians' are the map-makers' colors.
-- Elizabeth Bishop -
Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
It’s just that I’m the kind of person,' Rebecca continued, 'that thinks if you took a map of the whole world and put a pin in it for every person, there wouldn’t be a pin for me.
-- Elizabeth Strout -
Geography is about maps, but biography is about chaps.
-- Eric Bentley -
The Word of God is a treasure map. That treasure map is the most valuable thing you have until you get to that treasure.
-- Eric Ludy -
... I love walking my feet off. Gimme a map and a box of Band-Aids and I'm all set!
-- Fran Drescher -
This seems highly likely, especially as it has been shown that in several systems mutations affecting the same amino acid are extremely near together on the genetic map.
-- Francis Crick -
Even with the best of maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys.
-- Gail Pool -
The map was just an accessory. She knew exactly where she was.
-- Galt Niederhoffer -
They were maps that lived, maps that one could study, frown over, and add to; maps, in short, that really meant something.
-- Gerald Durrell -
There are no maps to guide our most important searches; we must rely on hope, chance, intuition, and a willingness to be surprised.
-- Gordon Livingston -
If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong.
-- Gordon Livingston -
I've never had a clear road map. When things come along, I benefit.
-- Greg Kinnear -
The map is not the territory (coined by Alfred Korzybski), and the name is not the thing named.
-- Gregory Bateson -
Birds know themselves not to be at the center of anything, but at the margins of everything. The end of the map. We only live where someone's horizon sweeps someone else's. We are only noticed on the edge of things; but on the edge of things, we notice much.
-- Gregory Maguire -
You're following your track, the story, your only plan, your map for the audience, and all the other stuff is, like, the fun stuff: the costumes, the locations, the set-dressing and the actors. They can all be variable as you like if you stick - however roughly - to the path.
-- Gus Van Sant -
This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.
-- Hafez -
Sharon has subverted the whole process by turning it into something sequential and conditional and, of course, by making himself the interpreter of the road map,
-- Hanan Ashrawi -
We are voyagers, discoverers of the not-known, the unrecorded; we have no map; possibly we will reach haven, heaven.
-- Hilda Doolittle -
I wish I could get you to seriously study the Word of God in order that you might see His road map.
-- J. Vernon McGee -
All exiles carry a map within them that points the way homeward.
-- Jacqueline Carey -
For the first time in our lives, I’m somewhere she can’t find, and I don’t have the map to give her that leads to me.
-- Jandy Nelson -
These are the routines that originally 'put me on the map' in the magic world.
-- Jay Sankey -
Phoney: Here's your problem Fone Bone! We're off the map! Get a bigger map!
-- Jeff Smith -
The map had been the first form of misdirection, for what is a map but a way of emphasizing some things and making other things invisible?
-- Jeff VanderMeer -
It's just an inch from me to you depending on what map you use.
-- Jewel -
I was involved in some of the very first meetings that created the maps that showed what would happen if you had a Category 1, 2 or 3 hurricane in New York.
-- Joe Lhota -
Sir,-The Planet [Neptune] whose position you marked out actually exists. On the day on which your letter reached me, I found a star of the eighth magnitude, which was not recorded in the excellent map designed by Dr. Bremiker, containing the twenty-first hour of the collection published by the Royal Academy of Berlin. The observation of the succeeding day showed it to be the Planet of which we were in quest.
-- Johann Gottfried Galle -
My first occupation was to map the country.
-- John Hanning Speke -
...I'm a modern mountebank - I believe in Physiognomy - after all, we are in control of our face - it's the map of where we've been...
-- John M. Geddes -
An opening statement is like a guide or a road map. It's a very delicate thing.
-- Johnnie Cochran -
If you want a blank spot on the map, you gotta leave the map behind.
-- Jon Krakauer -
The virtue of maps, they show what can be done with limited space, they foresee that everything can happen therein.
-- Jose Saramago -
Your beliefs are cause maps that you impose on the world, after which you 'see' what you have already imposed.
-- Karl E. Weick -
My hair's been every color. My hair's been all over the map.
-- Katie Cassidy -
Sometimes it is safer to read maps with your feet.
-- Kelly Link -
I would stare at maps of Delaware for hours.
-- Ken Jennings -
There’s just something hypnotic about maps.
-- Ken Jennings -
Whenever I get a free day, I drive up to some part of California that looks promising on the map.
-- Kent McCord