Egypt famous quotes
We've only recently turned the corner on the Sept. 11 attacks being blamed on Jews and Israelis, as well as almost every other terrorist attack, whether in London, Madrid, Bali or Egypt.
-- Abraham Foxman -
And Egypt ? What is Egypt strenght?her resilience ?her ability to absorb poeple and events into the pores of her being? is that true or is it just a consolation ? a shifting of responsibility? and if it is true , how much can she absorb and still remain Egypt ?
-- Ahdaf Soueif -
These are the multinationals, like General Motors and Nestle; these are the big industrial groups that weigh, on the monetary scale, much more than big countries like Egypt.
-- Ahmed Ben Bella -
Our hearts and prayers go out to the people in London and in Egypt. We're very concerned about it. We are providing our expertise to aid in the investigation in London.
-- Alberto Gonzales -
In Egypt, a civil state means a modern nationalist state that is compatible with Islamist provisions.
-- Ali Gomaa -
I was tired and I had overworked myself and burnt myself out. So I went to Egypt by myself. When I saw what was built there, it made me understand how powerful we are, that we can create anything. And I felt like I needed to create things that were timeless too.
-- Alicia Keys -
The attacks in Jordan, just like those before it in Indonesia, Egypt, Spain and the United States, demonstrate that terrorism does not discriminate by race, ethnicity or region. Instead, terrorists indiscriminately target those seeking to live a peaceful, loving and free life.
-- Allyson Schwartz -
It may be said of some very old places, as of some very old books, that they are destined to be forever new. The nearer we approach them, the more remote they seem: the more we study them, the more we have yet to learn. Time augments rather than diminishes their everlasting novelty; and to our descendants of a thousand years hence it may safely be predicted that they will be even more fascinating than to ourselves. This is true of many ancient lands, but of no place is it. so true as of Egypt.
-- Amelia B. Edwards -
It has been aptly said that all Egypt is but the facade of an immense sepulcher.
-- Amelia B. Edwards -
During my youth, the idea of moving from Lebanon was unthinkable. Then I began to realise I might have to go, like my grandfather, uncles and others who left for America, Egypt, Australia, Cuba.
-- Amin Maalouf -
Egypt loved the lotus because it never dies. It is the same for people who are loved.
-- Anita Diament -
Our quarrel is not with Egypt, still less with the Arab world. It is with Colonel Nasser. He has shown that he is not a man who can be trusted to keep an agreement. Now he has torn up all his country's promises to the Suez Canal Company and has even gone back on his own statements.
-- Anthony Eden -
We are not at war with Egypt. We are in an armed conflict.
-- Anthony Eden -
There's no doubt about it that Mubarak has been indeed a partner with Israel, but there's also no doubt about something else. Conditions in Egypt were getting worse and worse, and it was almost just a matter of time before the popular uprising started.
-- Anthony Weiner -
The only matter that could take Egypt to war again is water.
-- Anwar Sadat -
Student journeys which were important to me were Sicily, Greece, and Egypt, where I really saw these buildings, and that is where you're able to grasp what things mean.
-- Ben Nicholson -
We of the modern age are a bridge between the old human and the new one. We still have the mentality of the old human - a slave mentality, like the Children of Israel in Egypt: too controlled, full of fear.
-- Bernard Werber -
Once upon a time, I thought denial was a river in Egypt. It's actually the attitude of the Abbott government.
-- Bill Shorten -
I will continue to work for the advancement of freedoms in Egypt and the Arab world until I drop dead. ... Education itself - which can and should play an important role in the apprenticeship of tolerance and respect for other people - sometimes encourages identitarian closure, or even extremist behaviour ... It is therefore vital to ensure that education does not encourage rejection of other people or identitarian closure, but that on the contrary it encourages knowledge and respect for other cultures, other religions and other ways of being and living.
-- Boutros Boutros-Ghali -
Capitalism, gaudy and greedy, has been inherent in western aesthetics from ancient Egypt on. It is the mysticism and glamour of things , which take on a personality of their own. As an economic system, it is in the Darwinian line of Sade, not Rousseau.
-- Camille Paglia -
What makes human power erupt like a volcano? What destroy's it? The civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, China were all eruptions from a human core.
-- Charles Lindbergh -
Soar back through all your own experiences. Think of how the Lord has led you in the wilderness and has fed and clothed you every day. How God has borne with your ill manners, and put up with all your murmurings and all your longings after the 'sensual pleasures of Egypt!' Think of how the Lord's grace has been sufficient for you in all your troubles.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
By the way, two wars are in an endless state of sorrow. Egypt about burned to the ground and all you people care about is my bullshit... Pathetic. Shame, shame shame
-- Charlie Sheen -
Ancient Egypt was a Negro Civilization. The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt.
-- Cheikh Anta Diop -
What she did was like the people stirring up the riots in Egypt and Libya, said my liberal brother John Flaherty. Just say anything without even caring if it is true. That is how riots start.
-- Colin Flaherty -
You are my country, Desdemona. ... My Egypt. My hot, harrowing desert and my cool, verdant Nile, infinitely lovely and unfathomable and sustaining.
-- Connie Brockway -
The pyramids of Egypt will not last a moment compared to the daisy.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
While economic development [in Egypt] made a few people rich, it left many more worse off. As people felt less and less free, they also felt less and less provided for.
-- Dalia Mogahed -
It’s not that Egypt doesn’t have a recipe for a democratic transition. It seems to lack even the basic mental ingredients.
-- David Brooks -
Hollywood's like Egypt, full of crumbled pyramids. It'll never come back. It'll just keep on crumbling until finally the wind blows the last studio prop across the sands.
-- David O. Selznick -
I am the most travelled of all my contemporaries; I have extended my field of enquiry wider than anybody else, I have seen more countries and climes, and have heard more speeches of learned men. No one has surpassed me in the composition of lines, according to demonstration, not even the Egyptian knotters of ropes, or geometers.
-- Democritus -
Brothers and sisters of Egypt, you have given the world the most precious gift: the belief that ultimately right will prevail.
-- Desmond Tutu -
I shall not return to Constantinople until I have conquered Egypt!
-- Djemal Pasha -
Possession of books denounced as heretical was made a criminal offense. Copies of such books were burned and destroyed. But in Upper Egypt, someone, possibly a monk from a nearby monastery of St Pachomius, took the banned books and hid them from destruction - in the jar where they remained buried for almost 1,600 years.
-- Elaine Pagels -
The anchors of the Arab consensus have long been Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and both are now weakened forces in Arab politics and diplomacy.
-- Elliott Abrams -
Half the U.S. population owns barely 2 percent of its wealth, putting the United States near Rwanda and Uganda and below such nations as pre-Arab Spring Tunisia and Egypt when measured by degrees of income inequality.
-- Eric Alterman -
Foreign policy commands attention when it's crisis management. A street revolt breaks out in Egypt or Libya or Kiev and everyone asks, how should the president respond? Now these are important parts of America's role in the world, but they are essentially reactive and tactical. The broader challenge is to lay down a longer-term strategy that endures after the crisis of the moment.
-- Fareed Zakaria -
I am an American citizen born in Kuwait of Egyptian parents. I grew up in Great Britain, Malaysia, and Egypt and have lived in the United States since 1965, when I was seventeen.
-- Feisal Abdul Rauf -
For a century, the Arabs tribes gave Islam the first of these victories. Then the rough mountain peoples of North Africa, the Berbers, helped it to conquer Spain and organize Fatimid Egypt.
-- Fernand Braudel -
After all, from the Muslim Brotherhood's inception in Egypt in 1928, it has been a revolutionary organization committed to the imposition worldwide of a totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine they call shariah.
-- Frank Gaffney -
More immediately, I'm currently working on another Dracula in which there will be connections with ancient Egypt. That's about as far as I want to go in commenting on current work.
-- Fred Saberhagen -
It is from the graves and ruins and rubbish-heaps of Egypt that writings have been restored to us in great numbers.
-- Frederic G. Kenyon -
The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel ... to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations.
-- Gamal Abdel Nasser -
On the Continent stray cats are judged individually on their merit-some are loved, some are only respected; in England they are universally worshipped as in ancient Egypt.
-- George Mikes -
It is childish to assume that science began in Greece; the Greek "miracle" was prepared by millenia of work in Egypt, Mesopotamia and possibly in other regions. Greek science was less an invention than a revival.
-- George Sarton -
[T]he Rev. R. Taylor, A.M., the Deist, now in gaol, infamously persecuted by the Whigs for his religious opinions, in his learned defense of Deism called the Diegesis , has clearly proved all the heirarchical institutions of the Christians to be a close copy of those of the Essenians of Egypt.
-- Godfrey Higgins -
The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.
-- Golda Meir -
Basil..discovered a guild of abortionists, or sagae, that were doing a booming trade in Caesarea, and the surrounding environs. They provided herbal potions, pessaries, and even surgical remedies for women who wished to avoid child-bearing. The bodies of the children were then harvested and sold to cosmetologists in Egypt, who used the collagen for the manufacture of various beauty creams.
-- Grant George -
(Egypt) is a great place for contrasts: splendid things gleam in the dust.
-- Gustave Flaubert -
I would like to extend to you our deep appreciation and thanks for the position the United States has taken in support of the democratization process that has taken place in Tunisia, in Egypt, and what is attempting to take place in Libya.
-- Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani -
How far would Moses have gone if he had taken a poll in Egypt?
-- Harry S. Truman -
The people of Egypt, are the greatest people of earth; and they deserve a Nobel Prize for Peace. To all Egyptian: Be proud to be Egyptian.
-- Heinz Fischer -
You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria.
-- Henry A. Kissinger -
Ancient art was the tyrant of Egypt, the mistress of Greece and the servant of Rome.
-- Henry Fuseli -
It [Egypt] has more wonders in it than any other country in the world and provides more works that defy description than any otherplace.
-- Herodotus -
I think we need to maintain the good relationship between the people of Egypt and the people of the United States.
-- Hesham Qandil -
Egypt is coming back - is becoming - is going to become, you know, a center of excellence for the region and maybe for the rest of the world.
-- Hesham Qandil -
The good thing about Egypt is, between the two World Wars, Egypt was - had a liberal society. It has a political life. It has parties. It was not - it was dysfunctional in many ways, but it was not a very repressive regime. Egypt, at one time, was the bellwether of the Arab world, was the trendsetter, created great culture, movies, cinema, you name it.
-- Hisham Melhem -
If you create enough space in Egypt, civil society will revive itself, and then will you have all of these secular forces, liberals, nationalists and others, compete with the Islamists. And then you will see the Islamists reduced to their size.
-- Hisham Melhem -
An honest observer of the evolution of conditions in Egypt would discover that terrorism is an alien phenomenon, strange to our values and heritage.
-- Hosni Mubarak -
Egypt firmly and strongly condemns such attacks on civilians and soldiers that led to the deaths of a large number of innocent victims.
-- Hosni Mubarak -
All over the world major museums have bowed to the influence of Disney and become theme parks in their own right. The past, whether Renaissance Italy or Ancient Egypt, is re-assimilated and homogenized into its most digestible form. Desperate for the new, but disappointed with anything but the familiar, we recolonize past and future. The same trend can be seen in personal relationships, in the way people are expected to package themselves, their emotions and sexuality, in attractive and instantly appealing forms.
-- J. G. Ballard -
Ever since the destruction of Baghdad by the Mongols in 1258, the Muslim world has been in slow decline relative to the west. With Napoleon's invasion of Egypt and the creeping British annexation of Muslim India, that decline took on a malign aspect.
-- James Buchan -
There is but little room for doubt that Egypt led the way in the creation of the earliest known group of civilizations which arose on both sides of the land bridge between Africa and Eurasia in the fourth millennium B.C.
-- James Henry Breasted -
By 3000 B.C. the art of Egypt was so ripe and so far advanced that it is surprising to find any student of early culture proposing that the crude contemporary art of the early Babylonians is the product of a civilization earlier than that of the Nile.
-- James Henry Breasted -
Egypt is full of dreams, mysteries, memories.
-- Janet Erskine Stuart -
By Mamun's time medical schools were extremely active in Baghdad. The first free public hospital was opened in Baghdad during the Caliphate of Haroon-ar-Rashid. As the system developed, physicians and surgeons were appointed who gave lectures to medical students and issued diplomas to those who were considered qualified to practice. The first hospital in Egypt was opened in 872 AD and thereafter public hospitals sprang up all over the empire from Spain and the Maghrib to Persia.
-- John Bagot Glubb -
If Iran obtains nuclear weapons, then almost certainly Saudi Arabia will do the same, as will Egypt, Turkey and perhaps others in the region.
-- John Bolton -
Yemen produces coffee, Egypt cotton, Iraq dates, Palestine oranges, and Syria trouble.
-- John Gunther -
Egypt gave birth to what later would become known as 'Western Civilization,' long before the greatness of Greece and Rome.
-- John Henrik Clarke -
Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.
-- Joshua -
The Israelites' slavery in Egypt is the equivalent of our slavery to sin. God sent Moses to deliver them from bondage, and He sent Jesus Christ to set us free.
-- Joyce Meyer -
The best way to marginalize the Muslim Brotherhood [in Egypt] is in the ballot box, not through arrests and killing people.
-- Kelly Ayotte -
I apologize to everyone who was offended by my insensitive tweet about the situation in Egypt. I've dedicated my life to raising awareness about serious social issues, and in hindsight my attempt at humor regarding a nation liberating themselves against oppression was poorly timed and absolutely inappropriate.
-- Kenneth Cole -
The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship -- was practiced). Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more importantly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship.
-- Kerr Cuhulain -
The problem in Burma is the problem in Egypt, the problem you refer to in Yemen, and the problem in a lot of these countries in the world: that you can get stuck in the process of transition, in what’s been called a competitive authoritarian… a pseudo democratic regime.
-- Larry Diamond -
Sycamore trees were held to be sacred in ancient Egypt and are the first trees represented in ancient art. The sycamore, also, was sacred. Peasants gather around them in rituals. In the Land of the Dead there was a sycamore in whose branches the goddess Hathor lived; she leaned out of it giving sustenance and water to deceased souls. In Memphis, Hathor's epithet was Lady of the Sycamore.
-- Larry Gates -
London on your own actually seems more exotic than Egypt on a tour.
-- Laura Fraser -
Egypt: Where the Israelites would still be if Moses had been a bureaucrat.
-- Laurence J. Peter -
When I went to Egypt right after 9/11 I was very upset. I used to live in Egypt. I had a lot of friends there. I spent two years teaching there. I had very fond feelings for that part of the world, and the fact that a culture I liked so much had attacked my own culture was really very upsetting to me.
-- Lawrence Wright -
When digging ceases to be a great game and becomes, as in Egypt, merely business, it will be a bad thing.
-- Leonard Woolley -
I want to go to Egypt and Japan and open orphanages... a chain of them.
-- Lindsay Lohan -
When I'm asked about the relevance to Black people of what I do, I take that as an affront. It presupposes that Black people have never been involved in exploring the heavens, but this is not so. Ancient African empires - Mali, Songhai, Egypt - had scientists, astronomers. The fact is that space and its resources belong to all of us, not to any one group.
-- Mae Jemison -
My dad was a surgeon in Egypt. He was a general surgeon. As a little boy I always admired what he was doing, and I wanted to do surgery.
-- Magdi Yacoub -
Sadly, a U.S. invasion of Iraq 'would threaten the whole stability of the Middle East' - or so Amr Moussa, secretary-general of the Arab League, told the BBC on Tuesday. Amr's talking points are so Sept. 10: It's supposed to destabilize the Middle East. The stability of the Middle East is unique in the non-democratic world and it's the lack of change in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt that's turned them into a fetid swamp of terrorist bottom-feeders.
-- Mark Steyn -
Indeed, to spur your Baal to action, I will taunt and challenge you ... to create as much as a single frog in the name and by the power of free choice, though the heathen and ungodly magicians in Egypt were able to create many.... I will not set you the heavy task of creating lice, which they could not produce either
-- Martin Luther -
In the beginning there was Isis: Oldest of the Old, She was the Goddess from whom all Becoming Arose. She was the Great Lady, Mistress of the two Lands of Egypt, Mistress of Shelter, Mistress of Heaven, Mistress of the House of Life, Mistress of the word of God. She was the Unique. In all Her great and wonderful works She was a wiser magician and more excellent than any other God.
-- Merlin Stone -
As a vibrant force in civil society, women continue to press for their rights, equal participation in decision-making, and the upholding of the principles of the revolution by the highest levels of leadership in Egypt.
-- Michelle Bachelet -
I held Nefertiti's body closer to mine, trying to press her spirit into me, to bring it back. But the reign of Nefertiti was finished. She was gone from Egypt.
-- Michelle Moran -
We had Taiwan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Oman open their markets to our beef, and we're excited about that.
-- Mike Johanns -
Egypt under Hosni Mubarak had deteriorated to the status of a failed state. We must wipe the slate clean and start again.
-- Mohamed ElBaradei -
I grew up in a conservative household. That was the life of the time in Egypt: a conservative, middle-class household.
-- Mohamed ElBaradei -
Its up to any government to decide how to react to the denial of basic human rights anywhere in the world, including Egypt.
-- Mohamed ElBaradei -
The Muslim Brotherhood is a religiously conservative group. They are a minority in Egypt. They are not a majority of the Egyptian people, but they have a lot of credibility because all the other liberal parties have been smothered for 30 years.
-- Mohamed ElBaradei -
The sooner we put Egypt on the right track, the sooner we would be able to have an Egypt that is modern, that is moderate, and that is acting as a beacon for freedom and liberty across the Arab world.
-- Mohamed ElBaradei -
The situation in Egypt is stable. We are ready for tourism and investment.
-- Mohammed Morsi -
The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt is the commander of the armed forces, full stop.
-- Mohammed Morsi -
Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
-- Moses -
The Exodus from Egypt occurs in every human being, in every era, in every year, and in every day.
-- Nachman of Breslov