Digging famous quotes
52 minutes ago
I'm sick of being accused of gold-digging. It just so happens I get turned on by liver spots.
-- Anna Nicole Smith -
American archaeology has always attracted lots of amateurs ... They were digging up Indian pottery all over the place.
-- Anthony F. C. Wallace -
My work was done, so it was time to start digging my grave again.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
When I'm in 'Man vs. Wild' mode, it's not pleasure. Every sensor is firing and I'm on reserve power all the time and I'm digging deep - and that's the magic of it as well, and that's raw and it's great.
-- Bear Grylls -
Bergman was the first to bring metaphysics - religion, death, existentialism - to the screen. ... But the best of Bergman is the way he speaks of women, of the relationship between men and women. He's like a miner digging in search of purity.
-- Bertrand Tavernier -
My theory in anything you do is to keep exploring, keep digging deeper to find new stuff.
-- Blythe Danner -
During the mission, Walter Jones, a team member was given a package containing bone fragments by a Lao. The source said they were from a crash site. He presented photographs showing himself in company with others digging around obvious aircraft debris.
-- Bo Gritz -
If you listen to everybody's opinions, I mean, I always say I'd be digging a ditch on the side of the road now if I had listened to what everybody told me what to do. You know, you have to follow your heart, you have to.
-- Brian Setzer -
Whatever it is your doing out there, don't lose hope, you just keep digging and things can work out. I'm proof.
-- Carl Edwards -
Remember what to do when you're at the bottom of a hole? You've got to stop digging.
-- Carolyn Mackler -
There would be a paragraph about some veteran digging tunnels for the Germans in a slave labor camp, or something like that. Finally I decided to look it up and go further into it.
-- Charles Guggenheim -
The best design reveals itself during a long fatiguing process of digging into the subconscious.
-- Charles James -
We knew we were talking about spies. I knew he knew I knew. I was digging my own grave.
-- Christine Keeler -
Digging a ditch where madness gives a bit Digging a ditch where silence lives Digging a ditch for when I'm old Digging this ditch my story's told Where all these troubles weigh down on me will rise ..... Where all these questions spinning round my head will die
-- Dave Matthews -
I honestly love nothing better than digging into a really good serialized show, whether it's 'Breaking Bad' or 'Game of Thrones' or 'Justified.'
-- David S. Goyer -
The trick is that you can't find the hidden treasure until you start digging. Often enough, if you take the leap and do something, something will happen. Probably not what you thought, but something.
-- Debbi Fields -
Somewhere in the midst of smudgy maps, following waters, surviving the storms, & deep, deep digging.. treasure is found.
-- Debby Ryan -
It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging.
-- Denis Healey -
I have a nice house. And when somebody says it's a palace, I always feel like we're digging a little or something.
-- Dennis Miller -
As an undergraduate, I had an opportunity to go on a number of archeological digs. So I had experience excavating, digging up remains of ancient Indian villages in the Midwest and in the Southwest.
-- Donald Johanson -
We do have a saying in America: if you're in a hole, stop digging ..... erm, I'm not sure I should have said that.
-- Donald Rumsfeld -
Like an old gold-panning prospector, you must resign yourself to digging up a lot of sand from which you will later patiently wash out a few minute particles of gold ore.
-- Dorothy Bryant -
You can't dig a different hole by digging the same one deeper.
-- Edward de Bono -
You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper
-- Edward de Bono -
He who thinks he is raising a mound may only in Reality be digging a pit.
-- Ernest Bramah -
You've got to be digging it while it's happening 'cause it just might be a one shot deal.
-- Frank Zappa -
We are often told we are materialistic. It seems to me, we are not materialistic enough. We have a disrespect for materials. We use it quickly and carelessly. If were genuinely materialistic people, we would understand where materials come from and where they go to. But, at the moment, the entire global economy seems to be built on the model of digging things up from one hole in the ground on one side of the earth, transporting them around the world, using them for a few days, and sticking them in a hole in the ground on the other side of the world.
-- George Monbiot -
It is no use asking me or anyone else how to dig... Better to go and watch a man digging, and then take a spade and try to do it.
-- Gertrude Jekyll -
Within the stability of a family struggle, when there's less chaos, you can have the most soul-searching and the most digging to find out what and who you really are.
-- Greg Bryk -
We could imagine nothing pleasanter than to spend all of our lives digging for relics of the past.
-- Heinrich Schliemann -
A young painter who cannot liberate himself from the influence of past generations is digging his own grave.
-- Henri Matisse -
We who are interested in relative truth have to keep digging for it and not let ourselves be sucked under.
-- Holly Near -
Turn off the TV and start digging around for information that's not from a corporation trying to make money.
-- Iris DeMent -
We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure.
-- J. C. Ryle -
Kirtan is the calling, the crying, the reaching across infinite space — digging into the heart’s deepest well to touch and be touched by the Divine Presence.
-- Jai Uttal -
I love planting. I love digging holes, putting plants in, tapping them in. And I love weeding, but I don't like tidying up the garden afterwards.
-- Jamaica Kincaid -
I have to tell everyone that when I finish a film and it goes out and is released, I never look at my films again. I don't like looking back. I don't even like talking about 'em! So I'm really digging back in my memory because I don't like to sit and look at my films again.
-- Jim Jarmusch -
Any actress who appears in public without being well-groomed is digging her own grave.
-- Joan Crawford -
I'm hardly digging trenches for a living. I'm getting to tap into my boyhood fantasies of being a larger-than-life character.
-- Joel Edgerton -
The underlying principles or fundamentals should be so hidden away by the beauty they are eventually to support, that it would require much digging to disclose them.
-- John F. Carlson -
I thought I knew a lot about music. Then you start digging and the deeper you go, the more there is.
-- John Mellencamp -
The biggest change we have to tackle that's out there is that we're digging the hole deeper and deeper and spending is totally out of control. And that's something that, quite frankly, is affecting future generations. You're giving a lot of debt to them and you can't keep doing it. It's not helping anybody.
-- Jon Runyan -
I want to know why I'm alive. I want to understand. It's like exploration; it's like someone being interested in a place and its history, digging into the earth and looking for it, searching - it's a passion.
-- Juliette Binoche -
I don't want to be the person digging my own grave.
-- Katherine Heigl -
Tracking the shiny is so much easier than digging for gold!
-- Laura Miller -
When digging ceases to be a great game and becomes, as in Egypt, merely business, it will be a bad thing.
-- Leonard Woolley -
Journalists are supposed to be skeptical, that's what keeps them digging rather than simply accepting the official line, whether it comes from government or corporate bureaucrats.
-- Linda Chavez -
No gold-digging for me; I take diamonds! We may be off the gold standard someday.
-- Mae West -
Look within, for within is the wellspring of virtue, which will not cease flowing, if you cease not from digging.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
Acting in the movies is just like ditch-digging
-- Margaret Sullavan -
Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen: reach out, keep reaching out, keep bringing in. This is how we are going to live for a long time: not always, for every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting, after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.
-- Marge Piercy -
I can show you where to dig, and what to dig for, but the digging you must do for yourself.
-- Matisyahu -
My work is like digging, it's archaeological research among the arid materials of our times. That's how I understand my first films, and that's what I'm still doing...
-- Michelangelo Antonioni -
I felt that if we, as the Met, were not intervening once one person starts digging up Parliament Square, then someone else is going to join in and you have a spiral.
-- Mike Todd, Jr. -
The Internet is a big boon to academic research. Gone are the days spent in dusty library stacks digging for journal articles. Many articles are available free to the public in open-access journal or as preprints on the authors' website.
-- Nick Bostrom -
Writing isn't hard - no harder than ditch digging.
-- Patrick Dennis -
Acting is the hardest job in the entire world. By far. Harder than ditch digging.
-- Paul Thomas Anderson -
It is wretched business to be digging a well just as thirst is mastering you.
-- Plautus -
A strong economy depends on a strong middle class, but George Bush has put the middle class in a hole, and John McCain has a plan to keep digging that hole with George Bush's shovel.
-- Rahm Emanuel -
If you don't break a hole through the brick wall, don't just start digging a new hole. Keep going until you break through that wall.
-- Russell Simmons -
Between my finger and my thumb The squat pen rests; snug as a gun. ~from the poem "Digging
-- Seamus Heaney -
If you're digging a hole in the wrong place, making it deeper doesn't help anything.
-- Seymour Chwast -
If you dig a hole and it's in the wrong place, digging it deeper isn't going to help.
-- Seymour Chwast -
I read once about the concepts of a lateral idea and the vertical idea. If you dig a hole and it’s in the wrong place, digging it deeper isn’t going to help. The lateral idea is when you skip over and dig someplace else.
-- Seymour Chwast -
If you are digging for excellent or suggestive renderings, this is among the richer mines.
-- Steven T. Byington -
There’s no value in digging shallow wells in a hundred places. Decide on one place and dig deep. Even if you encounter a rock, use dynamite and keep going down. If you leave that to dig another well, all the first effort is wasted and there is no proof you won’t hit rock again. (52)
-- Swami Satchidananda -
You want to dig your well where you have the best chance of finding water with the least amount of digging
-- Theodore Levitt -
The first rule of holes is when you're in one, stop digging. When you're in three, bring a lot of shovels.
-- Thomas Friedman -
In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world.
-- Thomas Goodwin -
Writing novels is the hardest thing I've ever done, including digging irrigation ditches.
-- Thomas Harris -
Can't you just imagine digging up the King, begging him to sing about those heavenly mansions Jesus mentioned.
-- Warren Zevon -
When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.
-- Will Rogers -
When you are in a hole, the top priority is to stop digging.
-- William Easterly -
The first thing you ought to do when you find yourself in a hole is quit digging. . . . Instead they are looking for a bigger shovel.
-- William J. Clinton -
As for being on Twitter, I enjoy it tremendously, and it is wonderfully overwhelming to see people not just digging it and liking it.
-- David Mandel -
Somewhere deep down in us is stored the secret, and when we are digging in the wrong place, we know it. The secret wants to be discovered and will not let us go in peace a way that is not ours.
-- Elizabeth O'Conner -
Backhoes can save us a lot of digging. But of course, you can misuse it.
-- Geoffrey Hinton -
The music is at its best when people are truly digging in.
-- Gerard Cox -
Corsets do look so pretty. Once I watched it, I was like, "Well, they do look nicer than the way I do normally," but they're really uncomfortable. You start to realize why women would pass out. We had the real ones, and they were just awful. At one point, I was like, "I think that's my spleen that this is digging into." So, if I had a nightgown, that was always really comfy. I had a few coats that I thought were pretty cool.
-- Kristen Connolly -
If Israel sent the IDF three kilometers into Lebanon and started digging trenches and building bunkers it would make news all over the world. But Syria does it and everyone shrugs. Hardly anyone even knows it happened at all.
-- Michael Totten -
Often, I'm spending months with a person in a very intimate context, getting to know the ins and outs of what they ate for breakfast, not to mention dredging up the most traumatic experiences of their lives, digging through their documents and photographs from difficult times, all of that. And that process, I think, can be extraordinarily strange for subjects who've never been interviewed before, especially if you don't acquaint them from the get-go with what you're trying to do, what it entails, and why you care.
-- Sarah Stillman -
When you consider the sheer magnitude of investable equities to choose from in the world's emerging markets, you realize that finding one that looks attractive enough to warrant investing your faith and assets in is as formidable a task as finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, researching investment opportunities is a lot more interesting than digging for needles in haystacks.
-- Mark Mobius -
Getting married and really digging in with another human being can point out your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses.
-- Mat Kearney -
All that matters to me as a reader are characters. I want characters to be real, authentic, and rounded. I will be digging into characters for at least a month. Who they are. What they are like. Outside of the story.
-- Matt de la Pena -
Well, putting words on paper isn't your job. Your job is to go digging around in your soul. And that's the end of it all. A songwriter's job is to go digging around in his soul. And come up with, and put to paper, what others can't express about the soul itself.
-- Radney Foster -
Anytime you go digging around on the internet and into your world, maybe you don't want to find out where your name pops up.
-- Joe Buck