Exotic famous quotes
I'm not like most designers, who have to set sail on an exotic getaway to get inspired. Most of the time, it's on my walk to work, or sitting in the subway and seeing something random or out of context.
-- Alexander Wang -
Redheads get so stereotyped. Youre either exotic and wild or totally Victorian.
-- Alicia Witt -
[On her writing agenda:] Make the familiar exotic; the exotic familiar.
-- Bharati Mukherjee -
what sets wilderness apart in the modern day is not that it's dangerous (it's almost certainly safer than any town or road) or that it's solitary (you can, so they say, be alone in a crowded room) or full of exotic animals (there are more at the zoo). it's that five miles out in the woods you can't buy anything.
-- Bill McKibben -
It's a lot more common now for someone to know a Mormon rather than just know of Mormons out in Utah, ... We seem more normal. We're not as exotic.
-- Brigham Young -
I dont enjoy traveling in America. I dont like the food, the cars. It is not exotic enough. It all tastes a bit like airline food.
-- Carla Bley -
Advertisers like that because they want you to feel their product isn't normal - this perfume isn't normal, this set of lingerie isn't normal. The irony is that they are appealing to normal people to buy the product because they want them to identify with an exotic life that they don't lead.
-- Cary Cooper -
Of all the exotic aromas and experiences from my sojourn in Ethiopia, it’s the frankincense I miss most.
-- Cathleen Falsani -
There is a sort of exotic preposterousness about a lot of elections, the way arguments are made even cruder.
-- Chris Patten -
All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.
-- Daniel Pipes -
Sometimes the European and North American public like some things to be exotic and kept at arm's length. They don't want sometimes to know that foreign artists are doing something that's at least as relevant as what's being done here.
-- David Byrne -
We massively exaggerate the exotic risks we can least control and massively undervalue the mundane risks we can control.
-- David L. Katz -
Everyone is so weird in L.A. that if you're somewhat normal, it's exotic.
-- David Spade -
The next darwin is more likely to be a data wonk than a naturalist wandering through an exotic landscape.
-- David Weinberger -
Really exotic methods of propulsion . . . will have to be devised to get there. How it will be done, I do not know. Whether it will be done, I am not quite certain. But I would bet it can be done.
-- Edward Teller -
Reading Claire Cooks novel is like eating some exotic dish about which you say, Wow, this is great! Whats in it? The ingredients here are: intelligence, humor, poignancy, revelation and, perhaps best of all, true originality. Ready to Fall seems to me to be ready to soar.
-- Elizabeth Berg -
There is a great interest in comparative religion and a desire to understand faiths other than our own and even to experiment with exotic cults.
-- Emily Greene Balch -
The choice between starving and being eaten is an exotic one.
-- Francine du Plessix Gray -
Most exotic animals are not particularly interested in people, which makes it hard to provoke them. Human-rearing gets them used to and sometimes imprinted on humans, which makes them potentially dangerous.
-- Frans de Waal -
Africa was the most exotic place I could conceive of - the end of the world - and I knew I would go there one day.
-- Henning Mankell -
I love being in my garden. I don't plant a lot of exotic flora, but I do spend a lot of time outside doing manual labour.
-- Jacqueline Bisset -
I always felt that heroes were essentially dull. Villains were more exotic and could do more interesting things.
-- Jerry Robinson -
Getting to know ourselves and learning to control ourselves are the two great tasks of life. Don't make up strange and exotic 'penances.' Simply say no to yourself once a day, and you will be on the road to sanctity for the rest of your life.
-- Joan D. Chittister -
Beware the ends of the earth and the exotic: the drama is on your doorstep wherever the slums; are, wherever there is malnutrition, wherever there is exploitation and cruelty.
-- John Grierson -
You live overseas, you see these exotic places and you want to know about them. But, weirdly, it also made me homesick for all these very prosaic places in America.
-- Ken Jennings -
She saw herself moving through another life, an exotic, difficult, satisfying life.
-- Kim Edwards -
London on your own actually seems more exotic than Egypt on a tour.
-- Laura Fraser -
The pursuit of exotic beauty in such a life would have been like having a ball of tinfoil in your stomach, all that airy metal filling you up with hunger.
-- Laura Kasischke -
I started acting when I was 10, doing musical theater. I was a brunette at that time. I was always cast in all the exotic parts.
-- Loni Anderson -
Matriarchy is a time-honored staple for any writer looking to invent an exotic society.
-- Marie Brennan -
The romantics were prompted to seek exotic subjects and to travel to far off places. They failed to realize that, though the transcendental must involve the strange and unfamiliar, not everything strange or unfamiliar is transcendental.
-- Mark Rothko -
The magnificent lobby of the Chrysler Building - faced with rare marbles, aglitter with decorative metalwork, and surmounted by a ceiling painted with a totemic image of the tower itself - leads to elevator cabs inlaid with exotic woods in fanciful patterns. The entire route from street to office is invested with ceremony, dignity, and delight.
-- Martin Filler -
I would love to go to Iran. The island of Madagascar, everyone says is pretty exotic, or the wonderful Namibian desert.
-- Michael Palin -
I used to have lots of tigers. I had all sorts of exotic pets when I had some money. Before I was broke, I had everything. Pigeons and vultures, lions, tigers, and bears. I had it all.
-- Mike Tyson -
I think the opportunities are all over the place - around your corner or in more exotic locales. But everyone finding their own interest - sometimes it's hard to know what you're interested in, I think.
-- Natalie Portman -
Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone.
-- Oscar Wilde -
A permanent base on Mars would have a number of advantages beyond being a bonanza for planetary science and geology. If, as some evidence suggests, exotic micro-organisms have arisen independently of terrestrial life, studying them could revolutionise biology, medicine and biotechnology.
-- Paul Davies -
If there is an exotic woman it's always a terrorist role.
-- Persis Khambatta -
Sandra Kasturi's magical poems transform the ordinary into the surreal and exotic.
-- Phyllis Gotlieb -
Happiness is an exotic of celestial birth.
-- Richard Brinsley Sheridan -
Assassin?...that sounds so exotic...i was just a murderer
-- Richard Kuklinski -
Don't go overboard with exotic or complex ways to paint. Stick to simple solutions, unless there is a good reason to do otherwise.
-- Richard Schmid -
...it was so rich and exotic I was seduced into taking one bite and then another as I tried to chase the flavors back to their source.
-- Ruth Reichl -
It might be suggested, and not easily disproven that anything, no matter how exotic, can be believed by someone. On the other hand, abstract belief is largely impossible; it is the concrete, the actuality of the cup, the candle, the sacrificial stone, which hardens belief; the statue is nothing until it cries, the philosophy is nothing until the philosopher is martyred.
-- Shirley Jackson -
Great,' I said. 'Visit exotic Australia. Get bitten by an exotic snake. Die exotically.
-- Steven Gould -
People's view of exotic or Asian women are changing. It's much nicer to hear 'She's pretty' than 'She's pretty - for an Asian woman.
-- Sung-Hi Lee -
Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. In the simplest terms, it is the felt sense of wakefulness, openness, and tenderness that arises when we are fully here and now with our experience.
-- Tara Brach -
But a few choosing to venture deeper into the painful corridors of their affliction, found after a while that they could now grind and polish ever more exotic surfaces, hyperboloidial and even stranger, eventually including what we must term ‘imaginary’ shapes (which some preferred to term invisible).
-- Thomas Pynchon -
Patterns drawn in ultraviolet might make those ordinary little petals into the exotic peacocks of the botanical world, and yet we cannot appreciate them.
-- Victoria Finlay -
I find myself doing fieldwork physically, in the tradition of anthropology. I literally go to the opposite end of the world, to the most exotic faraway places I possibly can, only to find the closest things to me when I get there.
-- Aleksandra Mir -
I do feel a kinship with anthropology or ethnography, although when you hear those terms you think of something exotic. Generally, photographic anthropology has that taste of the faraway or undiscovered place. But my anthropology has more to do with what's in my reach.
-- Ari Marcopoulos -
What I liked about working with Palmbomen and him being a super crate digger and super well known with all this exotic and unfamiliar music to me.
-- Sam de Jong -
That's the magic of filmmaking, to draw the audience into an exotic world and keep them there and keep the suspense.
-- Michelle Yeoh -
As soon as I came to L.A., I was told that I was exotic. I'd think, But I'm from Miami! I'm as American as a cheeseburger!
-- Genesis Rodriguez