Shortness Of Life famous quotes


  • My dad had more compassion than me. He was nonjudgmental. He didn't care where you stood politically. He just took you as a person on face value. He could love all stripes, and that's why all stripes claim him. He didn't judge.

  • I have no need for that hypothesis.

  • I hope to live long and be happy. But I'd like to be remembered as somebody who did good rather than mischief.

  • I can certainly see a band like Nirvana, like when they started having to play to the kind of guys that beat them up in high school - that was probably shocking. But you make music to move people and you don't get to pick who you move. You just don't. It's exclusionary and elitist and I just never felt that way about music, of all things. The great unifier.

  • You can make the case that slacktivism is important because it makes people feel affiliated to a movement and be part of it, and talk about it.

  • The ego is terrified of the truth. And the truth is that the ego doesn't exist.

  • A business model that hasn't been tried before is always interesting, even if it's likely to fail.

  • It invites a search for ultimate causes: why were Europeans, rather than Africans or Native Americans, the ones to end up with guns, the nastiest germs, and steel?

  • For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

  • I read not so long ago about the construction of a large telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert, where rainfall can average a millimetre a year and the air is fifty times as dry as the air in Death Valley. Needless to say, skies over the Atacama are pristine. The pilgrim astronomer ventures to the earth's ravaged reaches in order to peer more keenly at other worlds, and I suppose the novelist is up to something similar.