Remains famous quotes
Change is the hallmark of nature. Nothing remains the same.
-- Alan Weisman -
Have you no hope at all? And do you really live with the thought that when you die, you die, and nothing remains?" "Yes," I said.
-- Albert Camus -
The very old certainly do not go back on lunch remains but they do bite back at old conversational topics ...
-- Ama Ata Aidoo -
There's something almost adolescent about Whitman's paean to everything that was and remains good about America.
-- Anita Diament -
In all the universe nothing remains permanent and unchanged but the spirit.
-- Anton Chekhov -
Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
Nunc fluens facit tempus,nunc stans facit aeternitatum.(The now that passes produces time, the now that remains produces eternity.)
-- Boethius -
Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only the unshakeable remains.
-- C. S. Lewis -
The holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Marriage remains the most efficient engine of disenchantment yet invented.
-- Caitlin Flanagan -
RRC remains the best publication to hit my mailbox
-- Cameron Crowe -
A dream that is not understood remains a mere occurrence; understood it becomes a living experience.
-- Carl Jung -
All true things must change and only that which changes remains true.
-- Carl Jung -
... and it is probably that there is some secret here which remains to be discovered.
-- Charles Sanders Peirce -
Personal disintegration remains always an imminent danger.
-- Christopher Lasch -
If anything remains more or less unchanged, it will be the role of women.
-- David Riesman -
A secret remains a secret until you make someone promise never to reveal it.
-- Fausto Cercignani -
Authority is something from which we are constantly subtracting, of which there remains always a residue, and which we attempt to make smaller and smaller.
-- Federica Montseny -
As long as [our] independence is not achieved, it remains to be achieved.
-- Gaston Miron -
Everything changes, nothing remains without change.
-- Gautama Buddha -
That we are capable only of being what we are remains our unforgivable sin.
-- Gene Wolfe -
I am a product of Nollywood and my loyalty remains unshaken.
-- Genevieve Nnaji -
That which comes easily departs easily. That which comes of struggle remains.
-- Gordon B. Hinckley -
What goes unnamed remains hard to correct.
-- Gregory Maguire -
Fortunately, something always remains to be harvested. So let us not be idle.
-- Gustav Mahler -
Without love, most of life remains concealed. Nothing is as fascinating as love, unfortunately.
-- Hanif Kureishi -
Everything remains unsettled forever, depend on it
-- Henry Miller -
I know that human happiness never remains long in the same place.
-- Herodotus -
A good reporter remains a skeptic all his life.
-- Jack Smith -
As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.
-- James Allen -
Only the Irish working class remains as the incorruptible inheritors of the fight for freedom in Ireland.
-- James Connolly -
The truth never shines forth, as the saying goes, because the only truth is that which is known to no one and which remains untransmitted, that which is not translated into words or images, that which remains concealed and unverified, which is perhaps why we do recount so much or even everything, to make sure that nothing has ever really happened, not once it's been told.
-- Javier MarÃas -
The power of crowd sourcing always remains with the crowd, not the technological implementation.
-- Jay Samit -
The most developed science remains a continual becoming
-- Jean Piaget -
You can listen to what everybody says, but the fact remains that you've got to get out there and do the thing yourself.
-- Joan Sutherland -
What good is a secret if it remains a secret ... Secrets are meant to be discovered...
-- Jocelyn Murray -
Nothing remains great without a capacity to change and to accommodate the conditions of a changing world.
-- John Ashcroft -
What I spent I lost; what I possessed is left to others; what I gave away remains with me.
-- Joseph Addison -
A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth
-- Joseph Goebbels -
Whether a person is physically in front of you or not, the love remains.
-- Kate Jacobs -
To this day, H.R. Giger's work remains distinctive in every sense. He is frighteningly unique.
-- Keith Emerson -
A word devoid of thought is a dead thing, and a thought unembodied in words remains a shadow.
-- Lev S. Vygotsky -
What we cannot bear removes us from life; what remains can be borne.
-- Marcus Aurelius -
I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.
-- Marie Curie -
Going to the movies still remains, arguably, amongst the best communal experiences that human beings can share.
-- Mark Canton -
The pain goes away, but your work always remains.
-- Masahiro Sakurai -
A hole is nothing but what remains around it.
-- Matt Rasmussen -
I am the life just passing through. I'm what remains and so are you.
-- Matthew Kahn -
While the river of life glides along smoothly, it remains the same river; only the landscape on either bank seems to change.
-- Max Muller -
Hope is a gift we give ourselves, and it remains when all else is gone.
-- Naomi Judd -
But it remains the case that you know what is wrong with a lot more confidence than you know what is right.
-- Nassim Nicholas Taleb -
Whyte's work remains a living and usable handbook for improving our cities, our countryside, and our lives.
-- Nathan Glazer -
Moreover, since the sun remains stationary, whatever appears as a motion of the sun is really due rather to the motion of the earth.
-- Nicolaus Copernicus -
Choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains
-- Paolo Giordano -
in the air, there your root remains, there, in the air
-- Paul Celan -
The pain passes, but the beauty remains.
-- Pierre-Auguste Renoir -
If there is no humility, love remains blocked.
-- Pope Francis -
Until the day we die our brain remains capable of change, according to the challenges that we set for it.
-- Richard Restak -
Old age is the repose of life; the rest that precedes the rest that remains.
-- Robert Collyer -
Even to this day, grace remains hard to swallow. Religiosity and moralism go down easier than free forgiveness.
-- Robert Farrar Capon -
How we express ourselves in worship remains up in the air.
-- Robert H. Schuller -
To have suffered ... sets a keen edge on what remains of the agreeable. This is a great truth and has to be learned in the fire.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson -
I think The Song Remains The Same is such a load of old bollocks.
-- Robert Plant -
...and it is also possible, that Saadat Hasan dies, but Manto remains alive.
-- Saadat Hasan Manto -
Legend remains victorious in spite of history.
-- Sarah Bernhardt -
I was condemned to be beheaded, or burnt, as the king pleased; and he was graciously pleased, from the great remains of his love, to choose the mildest sentence.
-- Sarah Fielding -
95% on content and the computer language remains the same.
-- Steve McConnell -
Everything passes, nothing remains. Understand this, loosen your grip and fine serenity...
-- Surya Das -
The true meaning of money yet remains to be popularly explained and comprehended.
-- Theodore Dreiser -
No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself.
-- Thomas Mann -
. . .where there is no more hope, song remains.
-- Victor Hugo -
Nothing remains but desire, and desire comes howling down Elysian Fields like a mistral.
-- Walker Percy -
All we know is still infinitely less than all that remains unknown.
-- William Harvey -
My relationship with death remains the same - I'm strongly against it.
-- Woody Allen -
Eliminate the impossible. Then if nothing remains, some part of the 'impossible' was possible.
-- Anthony Boucher -
No talented person remains a talented without a perseverance.
-- Lokendra Singh -
The Puritan has passed; the Catholic remains.
-- William Henry O'Connell -
Of course much remains to know, but we know how to learn: through scientific research.
-- Mario Bunge -
It seemed ironic that Lowell Levine and I,who were both Jewish, were going over toidentify the remains of a man who was soanti-Semitic.
-- Michael Baden -
He who remains unmarried impairs the divine image.
-- Rabbi Akiva -
To him who has determined, it only remains to act.
-- James Florio