Hygiene famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Henri IV's feet and armpits enjoyed an international reputation.
-- Aldous Huxley -
I can say without affectation that I belong to the Russian convict world no less than I do to Russian literature. I got my education there, and it will last forever.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
My personal philosophy is I'm running a 100-yard dash, and I haven't reached the end.
-- Bill Kurtis -
It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.
-- Bruce Schneier -
Literature is the denunciation of the times in which one lives.
-- Camilo Jose Cela -
I like business and personal life to be distinct.
-- Carter Burwell -
The rough and ready improvisational quality to life on board the International Space Station is reminiscent of a long trip in a sailboat: privacy and fresh produce are in short supply, hygiene is basic, and a fair amount of the crew's time is spent just on maintaining and repairing the craft.
-- Chris Hadfield -
I don't believe he had a responsibility to even answer that question - you have no responsibility to answer personal questions that people have no right to ask you.
-- Chris Matthews -
Personal disintegration remains always an imminent danger.
-- Christopher Lasch -
Compassion suits our physical condition, whereas anger, fear and distrust are harmful to our well-being. Therefore, just as we learn the importance of physical hygiene to physical health, to ensure healthy minds, we need to learn some kind of emotional hygiene.
-- Dalai Lama -
Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene. All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.
-- Daniel Pipes -
Over the years it [the National Committee for Mental Hygiene] has championed for the promotion of 'mental health' despite the fact that nobody knows what it is or how to do it.
-- E. Fuller Torrey -
Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.
-- Ezra Pound -
We will glorify war-the world's only hygiene, milliterism, patriotism , the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman
-- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti -
I have had much experience with the unclean and uncivilized in the recent past. Shall I tell you what I discovered? I am not the state of my feet. I am not the dirt on my hands or the hygiene of my private parts. If I were these things, I would not have been at liberty to pray at any time since my arrest. But I did pray, because I am not these things. In the end, I am not even myself. I am a string of bones speaking the word God.
-- G. Willow Wilson -
That a literature in our time is living is shown in that way that it debates problems.
-- Georg Brandes -
Man does not live by soap alone; and hygiene, or even health, is not much good unless you can take a healthy view of it or, better still, feel a healthy indifference to it.
-- Gilbert K. Chesterton -
If you really want to change a culture to empower women improve basic hygiene and health care and fight high rates of infant mortality the answer is to educate girls.
-- Greg Mortenson -
What matters in literature in the end is surely the idiosyncratic, the individual, the flavor or the color of a particular human suffering.
-- Harold Bloom -
What I particularly liked was that, coming from California and not being involved in the New York scene, I developed my personal way, in my own way, at my own pace.
-- Herb Ritts -
Logic is the hygiene the mathematician practices to keep his ideas healthy and strong.
-- Hermann Weyl -
People will make judgments before you even speak based on the way you look. Most definitely your physical appearance matters. The way you dress, your hygiene - it all matters.
-- Jonathan Adler -
He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it.
-- Joseph Heller -
The elegance and the quality - the talent is always in the literature. I start with the word and I base everything on that. It doesn't make any difference to me.
-- Kate Mulgrew -
I understand that postmodern literature probably means people like DeLillo, The Fiction Collective, but I don't get it that those writers are really influenced by postmodern theorists.
-- Kathy Acker -
Ahh! Lady Pillows. So much fluffier than mine.†He took a giant whiff. “Why does everything girlie smell so delightful?†“Because we acknowledge the importance of basic hygiene. And periodically clean our bathrooms.†“Brilliant. I should write that down. After all, it takes a village.
-- Kathy Reichs -
I'm a hygiene freak. I'm like obsessive-compulsive when it comes to washing your hands.
-- Kelly Clarkson -
The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of the blood.
-- Logan Pearsall Smith -
Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.
-- Louis Pasteur -
We are eating hybridized and genetically modified (GMO) foods full of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and additives that were unknown to our immune systems just a generation or two ago. The result? Our immune system becomes unable to recognize friend or foe - to distinguish between foreign molecular invaders we truly need to protect against and the foods we eat or, in some cases, our own cells. In Third World countries where hygiene is poor and infections are common, allergy and autoimmunity are rare.
-- Mark Hyman, M.D. -
If we can abstract pathogenicity and hygiene from our notion of dirt, we are left with the old definition of dirt as matter out of place. This is a very suggestive approach. It implies two conditions: a set of ordered relations and a contrevention of that order. Dirt then, is never a unique, isolated event. Where there is dirt there is a system. Dirt is the by-product of a systematic ordering and classification of matter, in so far as ordering involves rejecting inappropriate elements.
-- Mary Douglas -
Basically, it is your self-esteem that shapes the choice of your job, female, friends, and how you take care of yourself (health/hygiene/hobby's)!
-- Mika -
I think that carrying on a life that is meant to be private in public is a breach of taste, common sense, and mental hygiene.
-- Myrna Loy -
Without literature my life would be miserable.
-- Naguib Mahfouz -
The concept of industry domination of regulatory agencies was well known and documented in the literature by the 1960s.
-- Nick Johnson -
Literature exists at the same time in the modes of error and truth; it both betrays and obeys its own mode of being.
-- Paul de Man -
It's interesting to note that all revolutionary literature was written by pastors. These guys were involved in a revolution against the mightiest power that the world had ever seen.
-- Randall Terry -
Pop changes week to week, month to month. But great music is like literature.
-- Ravi Shankar -
Success in training the boy depends largely on the Scoutmaster's own personal example.
-- Robert Baden-Powell -
When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can.
-- Samuel Lover -
How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.
-- Sarah Michelle Gellar -
Keep your own house and its surroundings pure and clean. This hygiene will keep you healthy and benefit your worldly life.
-- Sathya Sai Baba -
Axiomatization is what one does last, it's rubbish. It's the hygiene of mathematics, axiomatization.
-- Serge Lang -
He taught me literature, and he actually taught me how to read. He was my personal mentor.
-- Shimon Peres -
I took it personal. I got slammed quite a bit.
-- Steve Carlton -
One senses that, in these conditions, no amount of wet-wiping could bring true hygiene.
-- Tahir Shah -
Money doesn't mean that you are educated, have manners, class or even have good hygiene. All it means is . . . you have money!
-- Tina Louise -
I describe what is happening as 'food fascism' because this system can only survive through totalitarian control. With patents on seed, an illegitimate legal system is manipulated to create seed monopolies. Seed laws that require uniformity - which criminalize diversity and the use of open-pollinated seeds - are fascist in nature. Suing farmers after contaminating their crops is another aspect of this fascism. Pseudo-hygiene laws that criminalize local, artisanal food are food fascism. And attacks on scientists and the silencing of independent research are examples of knowledge fascism.
-- Vandana Shiva -
Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.
-- Virginia Woolf -
There really is no foolproof or even optimal way of dealing with White House emissaries who tell whoppers on live television. On the one hand, there's value in hearing what our government has to say about its actions and vision for the future. On the other, news organizations are responsible for the factual hygiene of their product. In some cases, those two imperatives just aren't compatible.
-- Erik Wemple -
Bad dental hygiene can lead to respiratory infections and an increased risk for heart disease and strokes.
-- Mallory Ortberg -
There has to be some kind of personal hygiene bar that a person needs to clear in order for a relationship to be successful.
-- Mallory Ortberg -
Being sleep-derived not only hurts you at work, it hurts your health. You need to value yourself enough to have good sleep hygiene.
-- Marty Nemko -
War is not a pathology that, with proper hygiene and treatment, can be wholly prevented. War is a natural condition of the State, which was organized in order to be an effective instrument of violence on behalf of society. Wars are like deaths, which, while they can be postponed, will come when they will come and cannot be finally avoided.
-- Philip Bobbitt -
I've had and probably still have a lot of bad haircuts. My mom just sent me some pictures - I don't know why she did this - but she sent me some pictures of me when I was probably like 12. I grew up in the D.C. area and I used to wear a Redskins jersey just walking around. I just had kind of a bowl haircut for a long time and no sense of style or personal hygiene.
-- Rob Huebel -
Studying literature at Harvard is like learning about women at the Mayo Clinic.
-- Roy Blount, Jr. -
Everyone needs a warm personal enemy or two to keep him free from rust in the movable parts of his mind
-- Gene Fowler -
The great standard of literature as to purity and exactness of style is the Bible.
-- Hugh Blair -
Practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands before you eat. Be aware of good clean water and food sources.
-- James Wright