Impulse famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Somewhere between obsession and compulsion is impulse.
-- Alexander Pushkin -
TALK, v.t. To commit an indiscretion without temptation, from an impulse without purpose.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
It is not enough to recognize what is right and true. One must control the impulse to do what is wrong and easy.
-- Andy Andrews -
The impulse to write a novel comes from a momentary unified vision of life.
-- Angus Wilson -
I must always have a clear image of the form of a work before I begin. Otherwise there is no impulse to create.
-- Barbara Hepworth -
Civilized life has altogether grown too tame, and, if it is to be stable, it must provide a harmless outlets for the impulses which our remote ancestors satisfied in hunting.
-- Bertrand Russell -
The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of your own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Character is the impulse reined down into steady continuance.
-- Charles Henry Parkhurst -
Having started out in theatre, I feel an impulse to do it as much as I can
-- Cillian Murphy -
Mindful meditation has been discovered to foster the ability to inhibit those very quick emotional impulses.
-- Daniel Goleman -
Her mind is an unquiet one, words and thoughts and impulses constantly crashing into each other.
-- David Levithan -
It was a brutal picture, a tug-of-war between two equal but opposing impulses. It had the ring of truth, however,
-- Deborah Harkness -
Creativity is the evolutionary impulse in the Universe.
-- Deepak Chopra -
So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning.
-- Deepak Chopra -
Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.
-- Eric Hoffer -
I got interested in computers and how they could be enslaved to the megalomaniac impulses of a teenager.
-- Eugene Jarvis -
There was always a creative impulse in me but I never felt rooted to anything.
-- Fred Ward -
Adolescence is when the very worst and best impulses in the human soul struggle against each other for possession.
-- G. Stanley Hall -
I act on impulse and I go with my instincts.
-- Gordon Ramsay -
Part of the very impulse of writing for me is actually wanting to get away from myself.
-- Graham Swift -
All the best human impulses can be traced back to adolescence.
-- Helene Deutsch -
Death is not an end. It is a new impulse.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
If you are without impulses, you are, to a degree, without joy..." 469
-- Hilary Mantel -
All music is nothing more than a succession of impulses that converge towards a definite point of repose.
-- Igor Stravinsky -
No word is capable of carrying the impulses one wants to send with it
-- Isidore Isou -
We are so clothed in rationalization and dissemblance that we can recognize but dimly the deep primal impulses that motivate us.
-- James Ramsey Ullman -
What is the ultimate impulse to write? Because all this is going to vanish.
-- James Salter -
I many no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather response to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not.
-- Jim Elliot -
There's a general impulse to distract the grieving person - as if you could.
-- Joan Didion -
Fred Trueman the man has often been tactless, haphazard, crude, a creature of impulse.
-- John Arlott -
Time is your friend; impulse is your enemy.
-- John C. Bogle -
A mans life will be of the character of his thought. His outward life will be as the inner impulse is.
-- John G. Lake -
The impulse to tell the truth was not as great as the fear of being left off the page.
-- Jonathan Messinger -
Led on by impulse, and blind and ungovernable desires.
-- Juvenal -
Conditions of thought, memory, and desire, persuaded by impulse and irrationality, are influenced as well by personal aesthetics and private meanings.
-- Kay Redfield Jamison -
If I like it, I'll buy it; pure impulse shopping.
-- Kristin Kreuk -
It is well to be alone. It fertilizes the creative impulse.
-- Max Nordau -
There is nobody as enslaved as the fanatic, the person in whom one impulse, one value, has assumed ascendancy over all others.
-- Milton Sapirstein -
-- Napoleon Hill -
I am a woman / who understands / the necessity of an impulse whose goal or origin / still lie beyond me.
-- Olga Broumas -
Every impulse we strangle will only poison us.
-- Oscar Wilde -
What is now an act of reason, was but blind impulse.
-- Ovid -
There is a humanitarian impulse that one aspires to and there are days when one doesn't do it very well.
-- Ralph Fiennes -
Human beings are endowed by nature with both selfish and unselfish impulses.
-- Reinhold Niebuhr -
When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT.
-- Rhonda Byrne -
Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.
-- Robert Collier -
The narrative impulse is always with us; we couldn't imagine ourselves through a day without it.
-- Robert Coover -
If I did have the impulse to be a parent, I would adopt - or foster.
-- Rupert Everett -
Hence, in desiring, the more the enjoyment is delayed, the more fancy begins to weave about the object images of future fruition, and to clothe the desired object with properties calculated to inflame the impulse.
-- Samuel Alexander -
The thing about writing is that if you have the impulse, you will find the time.
-- Seamus Heaney -
Sink every impulse like a bolt. Secure The bastion of sensation. Do not waver Into language. Do not waver in it.
-- Seamus Heaney -
Experience is primarily the ability to restrain our fleeting impulses.
-- Sergei Lukyanenko -
I'm an impulse buyer. I don't really go out with a list.
-- Sophie Kinsella -
There are two impulses in theatre: to be frivolous or to make rules.
-- Tadashi Suzuki -
Men who retain irony are not to be trusted. They can't always resist an impulse to tickle themselves.
-- Taylor Caldwell -
What is desire?-- The impulse to make someone else complete? That woman would set sodden straw on fire.
-- Theodore Roethke -
The great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed.
-- Vincent Van Gogh -
Great things do not just happen by impulse, but as a succession of small things linked together.
-- Vincent Van Gogh -
The impulse for personal adornment is hard to stamp out.
-- Virginia Postrel -
Sheer animated fantasy is still my first and deepest production impulse.
-- Walt Disney -
Most of us actually stifle enough good impulses during the course of a day to change the current of our lives.
-- William Moulton Marston -
Much music teaching seems more concerned with controlling the student than with encouraging the student's own impulses.
-- William Westney -
And my music is always such a release of what I feel inside, an impulse.
-- Zola Jesus -
Alteration is a constructive act, not a destructive one, and it's the opposite of most of our impulses.
-- Dario Robleto -
I suppose that it's my impulse to mine, as a writer, these scary parts of ourselves and the world.
-- Edan Lepucki -
I lead a life of severe self-control mitigated by moments of impulse.
-- Elise Valmorbida -
I've never had the impulse for someone else to translate me into my own language. My impulse has always been to translate someone else into mine.
-- Idra Novey -
I made Children of God because I had to make it. And with Cargo, I also felt like I had to. The impulse comes from something deep inside. Wanting to my country to be better. Because of where we are, we don't always have spaces to reflect.
-- Kareem Mortimer -
Michael Jackson is a very weird impulse. It was the exploration of something overtly pop, to the point where pop is kitsch. It's also an exaggeration when placed across from the race riots. Because again you have the police department and you have Michael Jackson.
-- Kelley Walker -
The "we" voice is rare, and the communal impulse of the "we" is interesting to me.
-- Micah Perks -
To no form of religion is woman indebted for one impulse of freedom.
-- Susan B. Anthony -
We do not make art. We have unnamable motors and dangerous impulses that occupy our thoughts.
-- Richard Prince -
The impulse to ask questions is among the more primitive human lusts.
-- Rose Macaulay -
Rare is the human being, immature or mature, who has never felt an impulse to pretend he is some one or something else.
-- George P. Baker -
In the documentary impulse, two species of 'fact' exist side by side: one is coolly objective and the other is fraught, diverse and emotive; one figurative, the other abstract; one prosaic, the other poetic; one factual, the other romantic.
-- Stuart Franklin -
I'm a big believer that media is an impulse business.
-- Jason Kilar -
That's what's terrible about wars when whole societies adopt an impulse of objectification. Everything becomes black and white.
-- Jon Lee Anderson