Prophet famous quotes
52 minutes ago
A prophet's true greatness is his ability to hold God and man in a single thought.
-- Abraham Joshua Heschel -
I cannot recall, in any of my reading, a single instance of a prophet who applied for the job.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
Allah isgreat, no doubt, and Juxtaposition his prophet.
-- Arthur Hugh Clough -
The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam
-- Barack Obama -
The prophet and the martyr do not see the hooting throng. Their eyes are fixed on the eternities.
-- Benjamin Cardozo -
Yes, polygamy is one of the relics of Adam, of Enoch, of Noah, of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, of Moses, David, Solomon, the Prophets, of Jesus, and his apostles.
-- Brigham Young -
Beware, O earth, the prophet who claims to know the time but never wears a watch.
-- Calvin Miller -
How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, “This is better than we thought! The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant?
-- Carl Sagan -
According to the world standards, following the prophet may be unpopular, politically incorrect or socially unacceptable, but following the prophet is always right,
-- Carol F. McConkie -
We are all at times unconscious prophets.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Always it is easier to pay homage to prophets than to heed the direction of their vision.
-- Clinton Lee Scott -
But why? Why do you need prophets to tell you how you ought to live? Why do you need anyone to tell you how you ought to live
-- Daniel Quinn -
Michael Ralph brilliantly plays the street prophet, a West Indian who foreshadows the Harlem riot.
-- Debbie Allen -
I regard Abraham as my ancestor. Some of the greatest inspiration I have got has come from what we call the Old Testament prophets and what Jews would say "our prophets."
-- Desmond Tutu -
Michael Koryta is an amazingly talented writer, and I rank The Prophet as one of the sharpest and superbly plotted crime novels I've read in my life.
-- Donald Ray Pollock -
To be a prophet it is sufficient to be a pessimist.
-- Elsa Triolet -
Oh, now, now, now, the only now, and above all now, and there is no other now but thou now and now is thy prophet.
-- Ernest Hemingway -
We shall certainly not advance matters by jumping up and down shrilling, 'Darwin is god and I, so-and-so, am his prophet.
-- Errol White -
The best prophet is common sense, our native wit.
-- Euripides -
The prophets of doom, in my experience, are generally ignored and usually right.
-- Fay Weldon -
God says in the Quran that there is only one true religion, God's religion. It's the same theme that God revealed to all of the prophets, even before Muhammad.
-- Feisal Abdul Rauf -
There are those that even God exploits, and they are prophets and saints in the vacuousness of the world.
-- Fernando Pessoa -
You cannot honour the prophet by dishonouring his teaching.
-- Hamza Yusuf -
Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.
-- Heinrich Heine -
The preaching of the Church truly continues without change and is everywhere the same. It has the testimony of the Prophets and Apostles and all their disciples.
-- Irenaeus of Lyons -
I'm not a prophet. I'm not a teacher. I have no degrees. My degree is from the University of Life.
-- Jamie Lee Curtis -
No no no! Don't clap! No no no, you make me seem like I'm like a prophet or something and I'm so not!
-- Janeane Garofalo -
I tell you in truth: all men are Prophets or else God does not exist.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre -
Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have.
-- Jeremiah -
The LORD has raised up prophets for us in Babylon,
-- Jeremiah -
Prophets are so dangerous because they cry in season and out of season, politely and impolitely, loud and long.
-- Joan D. Chittister -
Back in Bible days, there were these famous schools of the prophets, but some of the ones Jesus chose didn't come through that route - and not to say that they weren't good, but I'm comfortable.
-- Joel Osteen -
Key statements made by latter-day prophets are not trite clichés. They are vital counsel to us from the Lord through his prophets. We should ponder and act upon such statements.
-- Joseph B. Wirthlin -
A historian is not always a prophet facing backwards, but a journalist is always someone who afterwards knew everything beforehand.
-- Karl Kraus -
We have become makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its prophets.
-- Karl Popper -
The historian is a prophet looking backward.
-- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel -
The prophets and the writers of the Psalms were clear that God was continuing to work in the universe and in all history. They declared that He had created the universe.
-- Kenneth Scott Latourette -
There is nothing surprising in a Muslim or a Pathan like me subscribing to the creed of nonviolence. It is not a new creed. It was followed fourteen hundred years ago by the Prophet all the time he was in Mecca.
-- Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan -
Following rulers instead of prophets, the wicked can rule you, but the knowledge can stop it.
-- Kool Moe Dee -
It does not pay a prophet to be too specific.
-- L. Sprague de Camp -
The prophets, who were very many, proclaim and declare the one God; for, being filled with the inspiration of the one God, they predicted things to come, with agreeing and harmonious voice.
-- Lactantius -
A popular evangelist reaches your emotions. A true prophet reaches your conscience.
-- Leonard Ravenhill -
I am convinced the prophets of doom have to be taken seriously.
-- Maurice Strong -
Muslims (companions) misunderstood the speech of the Prophet on the day of Ghadeer.
-- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah -
The religion of that prophet [Karl Marx] who knew not the truth, is founded upon equality of the belly.
-- Muhammad Iqbal -
We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.
-- Oscar Romero -
When you consider all saints and prophets as legitimate and no longer differentiate between religions, you have reached the stage of true mysticism.
-- Ostad Elahi -
A prophet or an achiever must never mind an occasional absurdity, it is an occupational risk.
-- Oswald Mosley -
There are prophets, there are guides, and there are argumentative people with theories, and one must be careful to discriminate between them.
-- Peter Brook -
In the end, every hypochondriac is his own prophet.
-- Robert Lowell -
Wall Street is where prophets tell us what will happen and profits tell us what did happen.
-- Robert Orben -
la ilaha il-Allah, wa Muhammadu... (There is no god but God and Muhammed [is His prophet
-- Saddam Hussein -
We are often prophets to others only because we are our own historians.
-- Sophie Swetchine -
I’m not a prophet. I’m a destiny-changer. It’s all right to prophesy, but the best thing to do is change things, if you’ve got the power.
-- Sun Ra -
Science reckons many prophets, but there is not even a promise of a Messiah.
-- Thomas Huxley -
Always predict the worst, and you'll be hailed as a prophet.
-- Tom Lehrer -
God does not exist and Dirac is His prophet.
-- Wolfgang Paul -
Well, our friend Dirac, too, has a religion, and its guiding principle is: 'There is no God and Dirac is His prophet.'
-- Wolfgang Pauli -
If I understand Dirac correctly, his meaning is this: there is no God, and Dirac is his Prophet.
-- Wolfgang Pauli -
The best Qualification of a Prophet is to have a good Memory.
-- Sir George Savile, 8th Baronet -
Every builder builds somewhat for unknown purposes, and is in a measure a prophet.
-- Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman -
Is any prophet come to teach a new thing Now in a more apt time?
-- Anne Spencer -
These are clearly the end times, and now we understand why the prophets warned us about the Trump of Doom.
-- Michael R. Burch