Babylon famous quotes


  • If you deny yourself commitment, what can you do with your life?

  • Who are you? Answer; you are who you are in this given moment. Label-less. Limitless. Remember that from this day forward.

  • A safety net for the poor indeed requires some level of income redistribution.

  • Art is a harmony parallel with nature.

  • I think it is all a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is.

  • If you grow up normal, you'll always be normal-I don't want to be normal. I want to be something else.

  • The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.

  • To say! To know how to say! To know how to exist via the written voice and the intellectual image! This is all that matters in life; the rest is men and women, imagined loves and factitious vanities, the wiles of our digestion and forgetfulness, people squirming — like worms when a rock is lifted — under the huge abstract boulder of the meaningless blue sky.

  • It is wise to apply the oil of refined politeness to the mechanism of friendship.

  • If it was Europe, I just picked a country that I hadn't been to, but I didn't try to check up on what was going on in the country or anything like that. I just went and had a good time and met a lot of very nice people who are still my friends.