Makers famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Who will wear a shoe that hurts him, because the shoe-maker tells him 'tis well made?
-- Algernon Sidney -
It is only when the maker of things is a maker of things by vocation, and not merely holding down a job, that the price of things is approximate to their real value. . . .
-- Ananda Coomaraswamy -
To the Maker the archetype, the self-sustainer, human interaction is usually a waste of the most precious thing in his vital existance: time.
-- Anton Szandor LaVey -
I am not a good decision maker; that's one of the things I don't like about myself.
-- Ashanti -
For policy makers interested in using tax policy to stimulate investments or especially to smooth business cycle fluctuations, the results are not promising.
-- Austan Goolsbee -
It becomes not a law-maker to be a law-breaker.
-- Bias of Priene -
The one single factor that determines society’s success is the percentage of change-makers within it.
-- Bill Drayton -
Imagine a world where everyone is really a change maker.
-- Bill Drayton -
That thing is Freedom: the gift whereby ye most resemble your Maker and are yourselves part of eternal reality.
-- C. S. Lewis -
I was an intelligence officer, not a policy-maker.
-- Cofer Black -
I get offers all the time from film makers, but they are unknown quantities. I don't go there and do experiments.
-- Dan Aykroyd -
There are no makers of peace because the making of peace is at least as costly as the making of war - at least as exigent.
-- Daniel Berrigan -
A movie is made for an audience and a film is made for both the audience and the film-makers.
-- David Fincher -
Results alone should be appraised; the way in which these are achieved is of importance only to the maker.
-- Edward Weston -
We have a society where every hit maker and TV presenter is gay.
-- Elton John -
A Soul is partly given, partly wrought; remember always that you are the Maker of your own Soul.
-- Erica Jong -
You are the makers of the flag and it is well that you glory in the making.
-- Franklin Knight Lane -
From Gandhi to Mandela, from the American patriot to the Polish shipbuilders, the makers of revolutions have not come from the top.
-- Gary Hamel -
The noblest works of human art and pride show that their makers were not satisfied.
-- Henry Abbey -
Nothing can be made except by makers, nothing can be managed except by managers. Money cannot make anything and money cannot manage anything.
-- Henry Ford -
You know, Willie Wonka said it best: we are the makers of dreams, the dreamers of dreams.
-- Herb Brooks -
The most overrated tool: a pasta maker. Why make it when you can buy it? It's a lot of work!
-- Ina Garten -
I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and not by its maker. In which case you also were meant to have it. And that may be an encouraging thought.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien -
Film-makers must decide what story to tell and how to tell it.
-- Jack Valenti -
Until the public demands otherwise, the policy makers will continue to serve their financiers.
-- James Hansen -
To be a god First I must be a god-maker: We are what we create.
-- James Oppenheim -
The ruling class is and will continue to be the class of decision makers
-- Jean-Francois Lyotard -
The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.
-- Juliette Gordon Low -
We have become makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its prophets.
-- Karl Popper -
I suppose I like to think of myself as a film-maker.
-- Kathryn Bigelow -
If you're lucky, you go from being a movie fan to a movie maker.
-- Kevin Smith -
True citizens are not the audience of their government, nor its consumers; they are its makers.
-- Lewis Hyde -
The best decision-makers are those who are willing to suffer the most over their decisions but still retain their ability to be decisive.
-- M. Scott Peck -
I'm a great will maker. I've made my will every year since I was 21.
-- Maeve Binchy -
One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's.
-- Mahatma Gandhi -
Colour can be the true main thing in art that is widely valued – even valued by the maker of the art – for other meanings.
-- Matthew Collings -
I may be a mistake maker, but I'm also a mistake breaker.
-- Maxwell Maltz -
The makers of '21 and Over' have been screening it, and I'm getting a lot of comparisons to a young Vince Vaughn.
-- Miles Teller -
Superior writers, videographers and other content makers want to work with their own kind and for their own kind.
-- Nick Denton -
My father, an architectural photographer, was an incurable tinkerer, maker and mender.
-- Nick Park -
You're a heartbreaker, dream maker, love taker, don't you mess around with me.
-- Pat Benatar -
I think we're much more comfortable with women as policy makers.We're not there yet, but the comfort zone is much wider than it was when I came.
-- Patricia Schroeder -
Vaccines are not traditionally big money makers. They're given once or a few times in one's life, so they're never going to be blockbusters.
-- Paul A. Offit -
The 1st question the effective decision-maker asks is: 'Is this a generic situation or an exception?'
-- Peter Drucker -
We are image-makers and image-ridden... We work until we vanish.
-- Philip Guston -
I'm probably much more influenced by film-makers and painters than I am by other songwriters or poets,
-- PJ Harvey -
Money-makers are tiresome company, as they have no standard but cash value.
-- Plato -
If I wasn't a film-maker, I'd be a film critic. It's the only thing I'd be qualified to do.
-- Quentin Tarantino -
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
The greatest drawback in making pictures is the fact that film makers have to eat.
-- Ray Milland -
A building has at least two lives - the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward - and they are never the same.
-- Rem Koolhaas -
I'd say that, to be a good deal maker, you have to have three basic characteristics - timing, timing, and timing.
-- Richard Armitage -
Salvation is the entire universe being brought back into harmony with its maker.
-- Rob Bell -
My goal is to keep making films and grow as a film maker; that's always my goal.
-- Rob Zombie -
No matter where or what, there are makers, takers, and fakers.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is in earnest a Promise Keeper. A promise from God is a promise kept.
-- Sheila Walsh -
What is it about meter and cadence and rhythm that makes their makers mad?
-- Susanna Kaysen -
From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.
-- Tecumseh -
I bought an espresso maker and coffee maker and make them myself every day.
-- Utada Hikaru -
A poet is a professional maker of verbal objects.
-- W. H. Auden -
It is better to catch the idol-maker than to smash each idol.
-- Walter Lippmann -
To become a leader, then, you must become yourself, become the maker of your own life
-- Warren G. Bennis -
Personally I find there is just as much if not more creativity among game makers as there is among feature filmmakers.
-- Wesley Snipes -
Nothing exists from eternity but God, and God is not the matter or a part of any creature, but only the maker.
-- William Ames -
God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts into one.
-- William Shakespeare -
African film makers are scraping by on a mere pittance.
-- Wole Soyinka -
The audience is making the film and not the film-maker.
-- Woody Allen -
As policy makers, our interest isn't necessarily the narrow interests of specific corporations but the national security interests of the United States.
-- Carlos Curbelo -
I'm a middle child, and I'm pretty diplomatic: the peace-maker.
-- Carrie Coon -
I think that music makers just really bless the planet.
-- Charles Lloyd -
There is an enemy-maker in each of us. We make enemies of the people we love the most and the people we know the least.
-- Connie Zweig -
I do think of myself as a taste-maker, yes, absolutely.
-- DJ /rupture -
An audience is perhaps unnecessary to the soul-searching mystic, but it is vital to the magician, the maker of prodigies.
-- Domenico Gnoli -
There are always pressures on decision-makers other than just what is right or what is wrong.
-- Duncan Green -
There are very few instances where writers have also been effective image makers - different skill sets are required.
-- Fred Ritchin -
Good publishers – as one former publisher aptly put it – are market-makers in a world where it is attention, not content, that is scarce.
-- John B -
The play-maker is the most difficult position because you have to always know where everyone is on the pitch.
-- Rafael van der Vaart -
I'm not a policy maker. I'm not even a very great activist. My main thing is to make things that speak for the culture that I live in.
-- Wangechi Mutu -
The manufacturers of mechanical typewriters believed that they had developed sufficiently when they introduced electric typewriters. Then came the PC, and the deeply traditional makers of typewriters disappeared from the market.
-- Norbert Reithofer -
I approach the movies I make as a movie-lover as much as a movie-maker.
-- Curtis Hanson -
Play within the system. Be a decision maker.
-- Dabo Swinney -
Industrial food makers don't want you thinking about where your food comes from and what's in it.
-- Robert Kenner -
Make Him your friend and protector and your felicity is secured both here and hereafter. And with respect to particular duties to Him, it is your happiness that you are well assured that he best serves his Maker, who does most good to his country and to mankind.
-- William Samuel Johnson -
Good publishers – as one former publisher aptly put it – are market-makers in a world where it is attention, not content, that is scarce.
-- John B