Manage famous quotes
Did not manage to convince the French people that we were going in the right direction.
-- Alain Juppe -
Everything considered, a determined soul will always manage.
-- Albert Camus -
One of the great responsibilities that I have is to manage my assets wisely, so that they create value.
-- Alice Walton -
You can't 'cope with' change anymore than you can 'manage' stress.
-- Bill Crawford -
I feel responsibility for a lot of things that I manage to touch.
-- Bryant Gumbel -
I find aspects of the industry tedious and hard to manage.
-- Charlie Hunnam -
It's always our touches of vanity that manage to betray us.
-- Christopher Fry -
You can't master time, but you have to work your hardest to manage it.
-- Chuck D -
Women do generally manage to love the guys they marry more than they manage to marry the guys they love.
-- Clare Boothe Luce -
If you ever manage to make a fool of me, I'll deserve what I get.
-- Clare Boothe Luce -
I seldom ever missed a Gary Cooper picture if I could manage to see it.
-- Clint Walker -
He slips . . . but manages to regroup himself.
-- Dan Maskell -
With my responsibilities comes having to manage my time more efficiently.
-- Derek Fisher -
Life for rent means that my life isn't really my own, I only rented it for a while, but if I don't manage to buy it, to own it, then nothing of what I think is mine is really mine.
-- Dido Armstrong -
I definitely want to manage. I just don't think it's the time right now.
-- Don Mattingly -
If you can't measure it, you probably can't manage it Things you measure tend to improve.
-- Ed Seykota -
Network operators need reasonable leeway to manage their networks.
-- Edward Felten -
Not every change is an improvement but every improvement is a change; you can't do anything BETTER unless you can manage to do it DIFFERENTLY, you've got to let yourself do better than other people!
-- Eliezer Yudkowsky -
Write to exhaustion so that you can no longer manage to avoid writing the truth.
-- Elissa Schappell -
But life isn't hard to manage when you've nothing to lose.
-- Ernest Hemingway -
I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar.
-- Eugene Ormandy -
So long as I know what's expected of me, I can manage.
-- Frances Hodgson Burnett -
Really, Sophronia, it makes me most uncomfortable how you manage to sort everything out every time I faint.
-- Gail Carriger -
If you can’t manage the future, you don’t have a future.
-- Garrison Wynn -
And that's just it, isn't it? That's how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it.
-- Gayle Forman -
I’m trying to manage myself, not just my portfolio.
-- Guy Spier -
Sometimes I manage to get conditions alleviated, often not.
-- Helen Suzman -
Perhaps what I do not manage to operate rapidly enough is the passage between the outside and the inside.
-- Helene Cixous -
Nothing can be made except by makers, nothing can be managed except by managers. Money cannot make anything and money cannot manage anything.
-- Henry Ford -
That energy which makes a child hard to manage is the energy which afterwards makes him a manager of life.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
Beautiful I would never be. Striking, that I could manage.
-- Ilona Andrews -
One has to manage alone as best one can. (Karin Bergman)
-- Ingmar Bergman -
How you manage change can make all the difference.
-- Irene Rosenfeld -
Too many managers manage by what the postgame press conference is going to be.
-- John Kruk -
I find it hard to manage somebody's work unless I have an intimate knowledge of how to do it myself.
-- Justin Kan -
It is not so much where my motivation comes from but rather how it manages to survive.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
I don't get nearly enough credit in life for the things I manage not to say.
-- Meg Rosoff -
I manage to scrape together a private life, despite the press
-- Michael Hutchence -
If you ever manage to become perfect, you have to die instantly before you ruin things for everyone else.
-- Michael Thomas Ford -
the hope that there she would manage to regain her happiness made her fearless
-- Mikhail Bulgakov -
You can manage what you do not understand; but you cannot lead it.
-- Myron Tribus -
Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.
-- Peter Drucker -
One cannot manage change. One can only be ahead of it.
-- Peter Drucker -
He who manages the distance, manages the damage.
-- Rener Gracie -
It's really a full-time job to manage our lives.
-- Sara Blakely -
After all, you’re only an immortal until someone manages to kill you. After that, you were just long-lived.
-- Simon R. Green -
Isn't it fascinating that Nazis always manage to adopt the word freedom?
-- Steig Larsson -
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.
-- Stephen Covey -
The ones who make it, are the ones who manage risk.
-- Steve Burns -
I don't really manage my time. I really just wait until I'm inspired to do something. And when I'm inspired to do something, it just happens.
-- Steve Martin -
You have to, at least from a distance, look as if you know what you're doing, and I can manage that.
-- Steven Morrissey -
It comes down to this: either you control money, or it controls you. To control money, you must manage it.
-- T. Harv Eker -
You don't need to manage the clock when you score in one play.
-- Todd Blackledge -
We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.
-- Tony Benn -
I think every family is dysfunctional, and some manage to control it better than others.
-- Viggo Mortensen -
A system must be managed. It will not manage itself.
-- W. Edwards Deming -
Do not delegate an assignment and then attempt to manage it yourself - you will make an enemy of the overruled subordinate.
-- Wess Roberts -
History reports that the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all.
-- Will Durant -
You must manage yourself before you can lead someone else.
-- Zig Ziglar -
You can't really micro-manage. You'll never make the movie in 52 days, if you micro-manage. If you do that, you take the creativity away from people because people just really quickly become disinterested when they're always being told how to do it.
-- Janusz Kaminski -
When I manage to keep my center, it's usually because I've taken prayer seriously.
-- Jonathan Jackson -
I don't have a lot of time for managing [my businesses], so I put a lot of trust in people I hire to manage my businesses. I can't necessarily attend to [the businesses] while I'm in season. We swap ideas on how we can improve and deliver a better product.
-- Kamerion Wimbley -
I was just shitty, shitty, shitty with money and I finally, when I really started making money, I had to get somebody to sit down with me and learn how to manage my money.
-- Miriam Shor -
For me, fiction belongs to my inner being, is something essential which defines me - I am a fiction writer in the same way I am a woman, the same way I am dark-haired - it is something essential and structural. It's like an exogenous skeleton that keeps me going. And I don't know how I would manage to live without writing, working with words.
-- Rosa Montero -
It was another nervous Tim Henman match - I'm not sure how he manages to get through them, let alone us!
-- Sue Barker -
I don't have too many pests. My concept is this: I manage myself, and there's nothing wrong with people having managers.
-- Vickie Winans -
I've spent most of my life in cities, and so I've always lived with the curiosity about what makes for city cultures and how peoples live in cities, how peoples anywhere manage to co-exist, the public life and the private life.
-- W. S. Di Piero -
Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That's why we deserve to be generously compensated.
-- Annie Sprinkle -
I think you learn about yourself through experiences - as many of them as you can manage.
-- Bonnie Fuller -
Being is unrecognizable unless it manages to seem, and seeming is feeble unless it manages to be.
-- Gorgias -
I’m trying to manage myself, not just my portfolio.
-- Guy Spier -
There's always going to be a tradeoff between trolling and anonymity, and I guess that's the way life will be. And you can manage it, but you can't cure it.
-- Tim Wu