Vaccines famous quotes
Avoid popularity if you would have peace.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
I have studied the effects of our new lots of polio vaccine in 100 adult volunteers and during the next few days shall give it to my wife and 2 children as well as to our neighbors and their children.
-- Albert Sabin -
The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.
-- Andrew Carnegie -
Stand not too near the rich man lest he destroy thee - and not too far away lest he forget thee.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
When I was a child, there were not that many vaccines. I was vaccinated for polio. I actually got measles as a child. I got pertussis, whooping cough. I remember that very well.
-- Anthony S. Fauci -
Although it is still important to develop an HIV vaccine, we have significant tools already at our disposal that can make a major impact on the trajectory of this epidemic.
-- Anthony S. Fauci -
The launch of phase 1 Ebola vaccine studies is a first step in developing a vaccine that could be licensed and used in the field to protect not only the front line health care workers but also those living in areas where Ebola virus exists.
-- Anthony S. Fauci -
Testing two vaccines against different H1N1s at the same time has never been done.
-- Anthony S. Fauci -
Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics.
-- Archie Kalokerinos -
Only after realising that routine immunisations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates. The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine... it is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage. In susceptible infants, it knocks their immune systems about, leading to irreparable brain damage, or severe attacks or even deaths from diseases like pneumonia or gastro-enteritis and so on.
-- Archie Kalokerinos -
Only after realising that routine immunisations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates.
-- Archie Kalokerinos -
A foreign ideology cannot be introduced into Chechnya - were it through an Arab or al-Qaeda. Our experience is rich and long enough for us to be Muslims and know what jihad is.
-- Aslan Maskhadov -
The striking thing is that WHO doesn't really have the authority to do any of this. It can't tell governments what to do. It hires no vaccinators, distributes no vaccine. It is a small Geneva bureaucracy run by several hundred international delegates whose annual votes tell the organization what to do but not how to do it.…The only substantial resource that WHO has cultivated is information and expertise.
-- Atul Gawande -
Much attention has been focused on the MMR shot itself, whereas in all probability it is a combination of the three factors listed above: the increasing number of vaccines, the large amount of mercury, and the inherent danger of the triple vaccine.....The MMR vaccine is also especially suspect because laboratories in England, Ireland, and Japan have found evidence of MMR vaccine viruses in the intestinal tracts of autistic children, but not in control group, non-autistic children.
-- Bernard Rimland -
They claim that autism naturally occurs at about 18 months, when the MMR is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. But the onset of autism at 18 months is a recent development. Autism starting at 18 months rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine came into wide use. A coincidence? Hardly!
-- Bernard Rimland -
I admire leaders in science, people who really figure things out like Richard Fineman or people who work on vaccines, tons of people working on [the] HIV vaccine. There's leaders in business, people like Warren Buffett, who've got a certain approach they take that are pretty amazing. There [are] product innovators like Steve Jobs was, where he gets behind a concept and does a fantastic job.
-- Bill Gates -
Without this balance, a body's immune system will not have the desired response when faced with infection. These findings could aid the development and production of vaccines and lead to further research on how the body fights specific infections, such as HIV.
-- Bill Vaughan -
I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apparatus behind it all to push it on us through fear.
-- Billy Corgan -
We soon found that the white men were growing rich very fast, and were greedy.
-- Chief Joseph -
[monkeys] are used only when no other species and no alternatice approach can provide the answers to questions about such conditions as Alzhemers, stroke, Parkinson's, spinal injury, hormone disorders, and vaccines for HIV
-- Colin Blakemore -
If we stop exploring space, we're going to lose the same part of us that found vaccines and penicillin, the part that searches for cures to cancer and AIDS.
-- Corbin Bernsen -
Faith does not protect you. Medicine and airbags... Those are the things that protect you. God does not protect you. Intelligence protects you. Enlightenment. Put your faith in something with tangible results. How long has it been since someone walked on water? Modern miracles belong to science.. Computers, vaccines, space stations... Even the devine miracle of creation. Matter from nothing... In a lab. Who needs God? No! Science is God!
-- Dan Brown -
How is it that mercury is not safe for food additives and Over the Counter drug products, but it is safe in our vaccines and dental amalgams?
-- Dan Burton -
We have learned that a majority of parents whose children have late-onset or acquired autism believe it is vaccine-related. They deserve answers. We have also learned that the parents have been our best investigators in looking for both causes of autism and for treatments.
-- Dan Burton -
There’s a passage that I love in Romans 1. … [I]t talks about homosexuality and it says that they will receive in their bodies the penalties of their behavior. … The Bible [is] right every time … and that’s why AIDS has been something they haven’t discovered a cure for or a vaccine for. … And that goes to what God says, ‘Hey you’re going to bear in your body the consequences of this homosexual behavior.’
-- David Barton -
Vaccines [measles] have been proven to be safe, and what happens if you don't take vaccines is children get measles and die. So the anti-vaccine crowd has, you know, kept measles around in a way that - you know, it's a tragedy, because so much is done to make sure these things are safe.
-- David Oshinsky -
By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.
-- Democritus -
So here's the situation confronting the drug firms: The drugs cost more to make, but they can't charge more for them. What do they do? Increasingly, the U.S. market is driving them toward drugs aimed at the diseases of richer, older Americans and away from antimicrobials, vaccines, and the like.
-- Donald Kennedy -
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower -
While the vaccine discovery was progressive, the joy I felt at the prospect before me of being the instrument destined to take away from the world one of its greatest calamities [smallpox], blended with the fond hope of enjoying independence and domestic peace and happiness, was often so excessive that, in pursuing my favourite subject among the meadows, I have sometimes found myself in a kind of reverie.
-- Edward Jenner -
If you Google some sites about the link between vaccines and autism, you can very quickly find that Google is repeating back to you your view about whether that link exists and not what scientists know, which is that there isn't a link between vaccines and autism. It's a feedback loop that's invisible.
-- Eli Pariser -
The private and serious drama of guilt is not often a useful one for fiction today and its disappearance, following perhaps the disappearance from life, appears as a natural, almost unnoticed relief, like some of the challenging illnesses wiped out by drug and vaccines.
-- Elizabeth Hardwick -
Vaccines are the most cost-effective health care interventions there are. A dollar spent on a childhood vaccination not only helps save a life, but greatly reduces spending on future healthcare.
-- Ezekiel Emanuel -
Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child's death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis, or a host of other infections.
-- Ezekiel Emanuel -
Bureaucrats: they are dead at 30 and buried at 60. They are like custard pies; you can't nail them to a wall.
-- Frank Lloyd Wright -
I can see no hope at present of such a vaccine being produced... I have adopted a frankly defeatist attitude towards the problem of poliomyelitis and I hope that future developments will prove me wrong... No means of controlling poliomyelitis is at present visible.
-- Frank Macfarlane Burnet -
I have seen this happen in recent years with regard to pharmaceuticals and vaccines, where, working together, we are improving access to medicines and vaccines for infectious diseases in the poorest countries.
-- Gro Harlem Brundtland -
After all, they (the pro-vaccine lobbyists) say to themselves, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. But the eggs being broken are small, helpless, and innocent babies, while the omelette is being enjoyed by the pediatricians and vaccine manufacturers.
-- Harris L Coulter -
I would not go so far as to say that vaccination has never saved a person from smallpox. It is a matter of record that thousands of the victims of this superstitious rite have been saved from smallpox by the immunizing potency of death. But it is a fact that the official statistics of England and Wales show unmistakably that, while vaccination has killed ten times more people than smallpox, there has been a decrease in smallpox concomitant with the decrease in vaccination. . . It might be appropriately asked, in the words of the Vaccination Inquirer
-- Herbert M. Shelton -
The risks are far greater to your child of not getting immunized than any kind of speculative potential relationship between the vaccine and the development of autism.
-- Irwin Redlener -
Poor people have more fun than rich people, they say; and I notice it's the rich people who keep saying it.
-- Jack Paar -
Thimerosal is commonly used as an antiseptic/preservative in vaccines in the range of 1:10,000 to 1:20,000. Welsh's and Hunter's 1940 findings, applied to current thimerosal use in vaccines, lead to the conclusion that thimerosal completely inhibits phagocytosis in blood, one of the body's most vital immune defenses!
-- Jamie Murphy -
Vaccines save lives; fear endangers them. It's a simple message parents need to keep hearing.
-- Jeffrey Kluger -
The idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism's 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the U.S. vaccine schedule.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
If you give us a safe vaccine, we'll use it. It shouldn't be polio versus autism.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
Let me see if I can put this in scientific terms: Think of autism like a fart, and vaccines are the finger you pull to make it happen.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
I do believe sadly it's going to take some diseases coming back to realize that we need to change and develop vaccines that are safe.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
Information on how to heal autism and how to possibly delay vaccines or prevent autism shouldn't come from me. It should come from the medical establishment.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
Following bio-medical treatment - which is basically changing the diet, giving vitamins and supplements and detoxing the body from metals or candida - and he recovered. And the reason the medical community has such a hard time with this is because we are treating and healing a vaccine injury ... this is truly a revolution.
-- Jenny McCarthy -
When we seed millions of acres of land with these plants, what happens to foraging birds, to insects, to microbes, to the other animals, when they come in contact and digest plants that are producing materials ranging from plastics to vaccines to pharmaceutical products?
-- Jeremy Rifkin -
150 people die every year from being hit by falling coconuts. Not to worry, drug makers are developing a vaccine.
-- Jim Carrey -
I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all.
-- Joan Robinson -
The real heroes anyway aren't the people doing things; the real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention. The guy who invented the smallpox vaccine didn't actually invent anything. He just noticed that people with cowpox didn't get smallpox.
-- John Green -
Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.
-- John Henry Jowett -
The President has once again failed us. Millions of Americans are at risk of going without the flu vaccine this year because the administration failed to act proactively to ensure an adequate supply. There is simply no excuse for this.
-- Jon Corzine -
At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but its true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests
-- Jon Rappoport -
[Who owns the patent on this vaccine?] Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?
-- Jonas Salk -
Reply when questioned on the safety of the polio vaccine he developed: It is safe, and you can't get safer than safe.
-- Jonas Salk -
The simple truth is, the short-term solution is for the FDA to allow more importation of safe vaccines from other nations. But the long-term solution is to get more vaccine production within the U.S.
-- Larry Craig -
At no time in history have we succeeded in making, in a timely fashion, a specific vaccine for more than 260 million people.
-- Laurie Garrett -
Without equity, pandemic battles will fail. Viruses will simply recirculate, and perhaps undergo mutations or changes that render vaccines useless, passing through the unprotected populations of the planet.
-- Laurie Garrett -
The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature.
-- Lendon Smith -
Suffering Third World children have nutritional deficiencies not vaccine deficiencies.
-- Lendon Smith -
The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.
-- Leonard Horowitz -
Our goal is not to completely eradicate the infection - that would be very difficult - but to produce a vaccine that will prevent not infection but disease. I think this is more possible.
-- Luc Montagnier -
My proposal now is to test a vaccine first on people who have been infected, and if you show some efficacy at this level, you might be able to go further to study uninfected people in a population with a high rate of infection.
-- Luc Montagnier -
The idea of the live-virus vaccine is to produce in a continuous way some viral antigens.
-- Luc Montagnier -
It's clear that prevention will never be sufficient. That's why we need a vaccine that will be safe.
-- Luc Montagnier -
The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it.
-- Mark Twain -
You can have the best vaccines for a woman or her child, but if you can't get her to come and get them then they won't work.
-- Melinda Gates -
Having children made us look differently at all these things that we take for granted, like taking your child to get a vaccine against measles or polio.
-- Melinda Gates -
Vaccines are a miracle cure. Eight out of 10 children are getting vaccines.
-- Melinda Gates -
With the absence of a flu vaccination last year, I did not take a flu shot; but there is still some immunity that carries over from year to year; but about every 30 years, there is a major change in the genetics of the flu virus.
-- Michael C. Burgess -
There are always potential side effects for every vaccine.
-- Michael Specter -
When my father died of AIDS, I knew I had to do everything in my power to prevent others from going through what he endured. I support AmFAR which provides funds for cutting edge AIDS research so we can find a vaccine and a cure.
-- Natasha Richardson -
Humans have always used our intelligence and creativity to improve our existence. After all, we invented the wheel, discovered how to make fire, invented the printing press and found a vaccine for polio.
-- Naveen Jain -
I think the rich will eventually have to cave in too, because the economic situation around the world is not gonna tolerate the United States being on top forever.
-- Nina Simone -
Vaccines are not traditionally big money makers. They're given once or a few times in one's life, so they're never going to be blockbusters.
-- Paul A. Offit -
Flu vaccine is far and away the most underutilized.
-- Paul A. Offit -
Physicians who care for adults generally don't think about vaccines as much as pediatricians do, and adults think of vaccines as a kid thing.
-- Paul A. Offit -
What really reinvigorated vaccines was Prevnar, the pneumococcal vaccine that prevents against meningitis and ear infections. Here was the first vaccine to cross the billion-dollar mark.
-- Paul A. Offit -
People are reticent to give a newborn the hepatitis B vaccine and often delay it.
-- Paul A. Offit -
I think we will see better vaccines within the next 15 years, but I'm not a scientist and am focused on the short-term - what will happen in the interim.
-- Paul Farmer -
The greatest grand challenge for any scientist is discovering how to prevent the spread of HIV and finding the cure or an effective vaccine for AIDS.
-- Philip Emeagwali -
Every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He is by constitution expensive, and needs to be rich.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
I've heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines,
-- Rand Paul -
The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.
-- Richard Neal -
In this article we begin to address the subject of vaccinosis, the general name for chronic dis-ease caused by vaccines. For some readers the very idea that vaccines are anything but wonderful and life-saving may come as a surprise, and it's not a very pleasant one. After all, the general population pictures vaccines as one of modern medicine's best and brightest moments, saving literally millions from the scourge of diseases like poliomyelitis and smallpox.
-- Richard Pitcairn -
Asking the public health community to investigate the role of vaccines in the development of autism is like asking the tobacco industry to investigate the link between lung cancer and smoking.
-- Rick Rollens -
Few rich men own their property; their property owns them.
-- Robert Green Ingersoll -
Novel technologies for delivering .. vaccines can certainly find a market if they are more effective, less costly, less invasive or more convenient to use than the alternatives.
-- Robert J. Eaton -
In view of the epidemiological situation in Germany, the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of the BCG-vaccine and the not uncommen severe, undesired side-effects of the BCG vaccine, the STIKO can no longer support the recommendation for this vaccination.
-- Robert Koch -
The rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built.
-- Samora Machel -
I am a huge believer in the flu vaccine. I have had it every year and have never had the flu.
-- Sarah Chalke -
Except for the people who were there that one day they discovered the polio vaccine, being part of history is rarely a good idea. History is one war after another with a bunch of murders and natural disasters in between.
-- Sarah Vowell -
Doubt is a virus that attacks our self-esteem, productivity and confidence. Faith that you and your life are perfectly unfolding is the strongest vaccine.
-- Sean Stephenson