Dan Brown famous quotes
Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.
-- Dan Brown -
Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.
-- Dan Brown -
Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.
-- Dan Brown -
No love is greater than that of a father for His son.
-- Dan Brown -
Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.
-- Dan Brown -
Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.
-- Dan Brown -
Knowledge grows exponentially. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base.
-- Dan Brown -
The human mind has a primitive ego defense mechanism that negates all realities that produce too much stress for the brain to handle. It’s called Denial.
-- Dan Brown -
God answers all prayers, but sometimes his answer is 'no'.
-- Dan Brown -
Nothing is more creative... nor destructive... than a brilliant mind with a purpose.
-- Dan Brown -
The power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought.
-- Dan Brown -
Truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true...written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don't understand it, we feel that truth resonate within us...vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather, the truth is re-called...re-membered...-re-cognized...as that which is already inside us.
-- Dan Brown -
God, grant me strength to accept those things I cannot change.
-- Dan Brown -
The decisions of our past are the architects of our present.
-- Dan Brown -
Telling someone about what a symbol means is like telling someone how music should make them feel.
-- Dan Brown -
Nothing captures human interest more than human tragedy.
-- Dan Brown -
History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?
-- Dan Brown -
Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them.
-- Dan Brown -
Anyone who said power was not addictive had never really experienced it.
-- Dan Brown -
the most dangerous enemy is that which no one fears!
-- Dan Brown -
Writing is a solitary existence. Making a movie is controlled chaos - thousands of moving parts and people. Every decision is a compromise. If you're writing and you don't like how your character looks or talks, you just fix it. But in a movie, if there's something you don't like, that's tough.
-- Dan Brown -
Faith is a continuum, and we each fall on that line where we may.
-- Dan Brown -
Nobody tells you what you can and can't do.
-- Dan Brown -
Angels and demons were identical--interchangeable archetypes--all a matter of polarity. The guardian angel who conquered your enemy in battle was perceived by your enemy as a demon destroyer.
-- Dan Brown -
Throughout history, every period of enlightenment has been accompanied by darkness, pushing in opposition. Such are laws of nature and balance.
-- Dan Brown -
Life is filled with secrets. You can't learn them all at once.
-- Dan Brown -
Knowledge is a tool, and like all tools, its impact is in the hands of the user.
-- Dan Brown -
Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true.
-- Dan Brown -
Wide acceptance of an idea is not proof of its validity.
-- Dan Brown -
As you know, this little grain of sand has mass. A very small mass, but mass nonetheless." And because this grain of sand has mass, it therefore exerts gravity. Again, too small to feel, but there." Now," Katherine said, "if we take trilions of these sand grains and let them attract one another to form... say, the moon, then their combined gravtiy is enough to move entire ocreans and drag the tides back and forth across our planet.
-- Dan Brown -
Authors, he thought. Even the sane ones are nuts.
-- Dan Brown -
When multiple explanations exist, the simplest is usually correct.
-- Dan Brown -
I believe that thinking about the problem … is your problem.
-- Dan Brown -
Only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus. And that's fear.
-- Dan Brown -
Whether or not you believe in God, you must believe this: when we as a species abandon our trust in a power greater than us, we abandon our sense of accountability. Faiths… all faiths… are admonitions that there is something we cannot understand, something to which we are accountable. With faith we are accountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. The church consists of a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of compassion in a world spinning out of control.
-- Dan Brown -
That is the definition of faith - acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.
-- Dan Brown -
There comes a moment in history when ignorance is no longer a forgivable offense... a moment when only wisdom has the power to absolve. - Bertrand Zobrist
-- Dan Brown -
But believe me, just because the human mind can't imagine something happening...doesn't mean it won't.
-- Dan Brown -
I've got to stop being such a snob about leather-bound books, he reminded himself. E-books do have their moments.
-- Dan Brown -
Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past.
-- Dan Brown -
Oftentimes, those special brains, the ones that are capable of focusing more intently than others, do so at the expense of emotional maturity
-- Dan Brown -
Faith is universal. Our specific methods for understanding it are arbitrary. Some of us pray to Jesus, some of us go to Mecca, some of us study subatomic particles. In the end we are all just searching for truth, that which is greater than ourselves.
-- Dan Brown -
Don't tell anyone, but on the pagan day of the sun god Ra, I kneel at the foot of an ancient instrument of torture and consume ritualistic symbols of blood and flesh. ...And if any of you care to join me, come to the Harvard chapel on Sunday, kneel beneath the crucifix, and take Holy Communion.
-- Dan Brown -
Imagine how different a world might be if more leaders took time to ponder the finality of death before racing off to war.
-- Dan Brown -
The more man learned, the more he realized he did not know.
-- Dan Brown -
Both Christianity and Islam are logocentric,†he told his students, “meaning they are focused on the Word. In Christian tradition, the Word became flesh in the book of John: ‘And the Word was made flesh, and He dwelt among us.’ Therefore, it was acceptable to depict the Word as having a human form. In Islamic tradition, however, the Word did not become flesh, and therefore the Word needs to remain in the form of a word … in most cases, calligraphic renderings of the names of the holy figures of Islam.
-- Dan Brown -
Outside, in the newly fallen darkness, the world had been transformed. The sky had become a glistening tapestry of stars.
-- Dan Brown -
Why do you think the Bible has survived thousands of years of tumultuous history Why is it still here Is it because its stories are such compelling reading Of course not...but there is a reason. There is a reason Christian monks spend lifetimes attempting to decipher the Bible. There is a reason that Jewish mystics and Kabbalists pore over the Old Testament. And that reason Robert is that there exist powerful secrets hidden in the pages of this ancient book...a vast collection of untapped wisdom waiting to be unveiled.
-- Dan Brown -
Denial is a critical part of the human coping mechanism. Without it, we would all wake up terrified every morning about all the ways we could die. Instead, our minds block out our existential fears by focusing on stresses we can handle—like getting to work on time or paying our taxes.
-- Dan Brown -
It has always been this way. Death is followed by birth. To reach paradise, man must pass through inferno. - Bertrand Zobrist
-- Dan Brown -
...your memories will be muddled and uncataloged - past, present, and imagination all mixed together. The same thing happens in dreams.
-- Dan Brown -
And when you get where you’re going, you darn well better look great!
-- Dan Brown -
You can’t jump for the stars if your feet hurt.
-- Dan Brown -
She saved my life...and I’ve ruined hers. They sat in silence for a full minute, the air between them growing heavy, as if they both wanted to speak, and yet had nothing to say. They were strangers, after all, on a brief and bizarre journey that had just reached a fork in the road, each of them now needing to find seperate paths.
-- Dan Brown -
Those who truly understand their faiths understand the stories are metaphorical.
-- Dan Brown -
When they face desperation... human beings become animals.
-- Dan Brown -
If a hippo ever wants to fight, just walk away.
-- Dan Brown -
All around the world, we are gazing skyward waiting for God… Never realizing that God is waiting for us.
-- Dan Brown -
To fly or not to fly, that's the question.
-- Dan Brown -
Everyone thinks that religion is the ball and chain. But the reality is that sin is the ball and chain. A relationship with Christ is the freedom that people are looking for in alcohol and drugs.
-- Dan Brown -
If it wasn't painfully difficult, you did it wrong!
-- Dan Brown -
It's the age-old battle between mind and heart, which seldom want the same thing.
-- Dan Brown -
Book publishing would be so much easier without the authors.
-- Dan Brown -
When swimming into a dark tunnel,there arrives a point of no return when you no longer have enough breath to double back.your choice is to swim forward into the unknown....and pray for an exit
-- Dan Brown -
Can you keep secrets? Can you know a thing and never say it again?
-- Dan Brown -
God is found in the collection of Many. . . rather than in the One.
-- Dan Brown -
sometimes to find truth one must move mountains -Kohler
-- Dan Brown -
I'm a fan of the truth... even if it's painfully hard to accept.
-- Dan Brown -
It is said that in death, all things become clear.
-- Dan Brown -
Remember tonight...for it's the beginning of forever. - Dante Alighieri
-- Dan Brown -
The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece
-- Dan Brown -
PHI is one H of a lot cooler than PI!
-- Dan Brown -
Who will guard the guards ? If we're the guards of society, then who will watch us and make sure that we're not dangerous?
-- Dan Brown -
The Last Supper is supposed to be thirteen men. Who is this woman? "Everyone misses it, our preconceived notions of this scene are so powerful that our mind blocks out the incongruity and overrides our eyes.
-- Dan Brown -
When a question has no correct answer, there is only one honest response. The gray area between yes and no. Silence.
-- Dan Brown -
Since the beginning of time, spirituality and religion have been called to fill in the gaps that science did not understand.
-- Dan Brown -
Terrorism is not an expression of rage. Terrorism is a political weapon. Remove a government's facade of infallibility, and you remove it's people's faith.
-- Dan Brown -
The truth can be glimpsed only through the eyes of death.
-- Dan Brown -
Madness is the WHO staring into the abyss and denying it is there. Madness is an ostrich who sticks her head in the sand while a pack of hyenas closes around her. - Lanky Man with green eyes
-- Dan Brown -
Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear.
-- Dan Brown -
Force a hand, and it will fight you. But convince and mind to think as you want it to think, an you have an ally
-- Dan Brown -
Death is usually an all-or-nothing thing!
-- Dan Brown -
Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed.
-- Dan Brown -
...and trauma had a way of burning memories deeper into the mind.
-- Dan Brown -
Believe me, I know what it's like to feel all alone...the worst kind of loneliness in the world is isolation that comes from being misunderstood, it can make people lose their grasp on reality. - Sienna Brooks
-- Dan Brown -
Until man is nothing, God can make nothing of him. - Martin Luther
-- Dan Brown -
Every generation’s breakthroughs are proven false by the next generation’s Technology
-- Dan Brown -
I've learned never to close my mind to an idea simply because it seems miraculous.
-- Dan Brown -
Wealth is commonplace but wisdom is rare. I beg you to remember that wealth without wisdom can often end in disaster.
-- Dan Brown
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