Maturity famous quotes
Little Bobby Jones of Atlanta is really a fine player, and shows every indication of becoming a tremendous great one, once he is master of himself, which must come with maturity.
-- A. W. Tillinghast -
Science is the outcome of being prepared to live without certainty and therefore a mark of maturity. It embraces doubt and loose ends.
-- A.C. Grayling -
Heroism does not require spiritual maturity.
-- Abel Hermant -
Maturity is the ability to do a job whether you're supervised or not; finish a job once it's started; carry money without spending it; and the ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.
-- Abigail Van Buren -
We can consider the process of healthy growth to be a never ending series of free choice situations, confronting each individual at every point throughout his life, in which he must choose between the delights of safety and growth, dependence and independence, regression and progression, immaturity and maturity.
-- Abraham Maslow -
Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things.
-- Alain de Botton -
Maturity: knowing where you're crazy, trying to warn others of the fact and striving to keep yourself under control.
-- Alain de Botton -
A close look at many churches will reveal that a central problem is the lack of biblical maturity among the men...
-- Albert Mohler -
Maturity is the ability to sort the portions of truth from the accepted lies and self-deceptions that you have grown up with.
-- Alexei Panshin -
Sometimes when we read the words of those who have been more than conquerors, we feel almost despondent. I feel that I shall never be like that. But they won through step by step, by little bits of wills, little denials of self, little inward victories, by faithfulness in very little things. They became what they are. No one sees these little hidden steps. They only see the accomplishment, but even so, those small steps were taken. There is no sudden triumph, no spiritual maturity. That is the work of the moment.
-- Amy Carmichael -
On the neck of the young man sparkles no gem so gracious as enterprise. Youth condemns; maturity condones.
-- Amy Lowell -
Almost all great writers have as their motif, more or less disguised, the passage from childhood to maturity, the clash between the thrill of expectation and the disillusioning knowledge of truth. 'Lost Illusion' is the undisclosed title of every novel.
-- Andre Maurois -
Spiritual maturity is measured in terms of persevering faith, not perfect behavior
-- Andy Stanley -
Maturity: Be able to stick with a job until it is finished. Be able to bear an injustice without having to get even. Be able to carry money without spending it. Do your duty without being supervised.
-- Ann Landers -
Maturity isn't a product of growing older. It's a product of growing wiser.
-- Ann Landers -
As we grow older, the memories of early life brighten, those of maturity and senescence grow dim and confused.
-- Anthony Burgess -
I guess whatever maturity is there may be there because I've been keeping a journal forever. In high school my friends would make fun of me - you're doing your man diary again. So I was always trying to translate experience into words.
-- Anthony Doerr -
They must move from a psychological state of victimization to a psychological state of accepting responsibility. The Palestinians must leave behind their revolutionary adolescence and demonstrate that they have reached political maturity.
-- Ari Shavit -
The virtues [moral excellence] therefore are engendered in us neither by nature nor yet in violation of nature; nature gives us the capacity to receive them, and this capacity is brought to maturity by habit.
-- Aristotle -
The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at maturity. A man reaches the maturity of his reasoning powers and mental faculties hardly before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Of all the intellectual faculties, judgment is the last to mature. A child under the age of fifteen should confine its attention either to subjects like mathematics, in which errors of judgment are impossible, or to subjects in which they are not very dangerous, like languages, natural science, history, etc.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
If you practice yoga every day with perseverance, you will be able to face the turmoil of life with steadiness and maturity.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
That's maturity-when you realize that you've finally arrived at a state of ignorance as profound as your parents.
-- Barbara Mertz -
When you're a kid, 'Star Trek' is a slower burn. It's funny, it's entertaining, but it also has a maturity about it - which is its universal appeal, I think.
-- Benedict Cumberbatch -
I see before me the statue of a celebrated minister, who said that confidence was a plant of slow growth. But I believe, however gradual may be the growth of confidence, that of credit requires still more time to arrive at maturity.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
America has never forgotten - and will never forget - the nobler things that brought her into being and that light her path - the path that was entered upon only one hundred and fifty years ago. . . . How young she is! It will be centuries before she will adopt that maturity of custom - the clothing of the grave - that some people believe she is already fitted for.
-- Bernard Baruch -
I don't believe that there is a human creature in his senses, arrived to maturity, that at some time or other has not been carried away by this passion (sc. envy) in good earnest; yet I never met with any one who dared own he was guilty of it but in jest.
-- Bernard de Mandeville -
People look with sympathetic eyes only at the blossom and the fruit, and disregard the long period of transition during which the one is ripening into the other.
-- Berthold Auerbach -
Spiritual maturity does not mean that we will never make wrong plans. In fact, spiritual maturity often means having the courage to admit we've made the wrong plans.
-- Beth Moore -
Anyone with the maturity to surrender entirely to God is mature enough for God to use.
-- Beth Moore -
I had found a kind of serenity, a new maturity... I didn't feel better or stronger than anyone else but it seemed no longer important whether everyone loved me or not -more important now was for me to love them. Feeling that way turns your whole life around; living becomes the act of giving.
-- Beverly Sills -
Relationships are the hallmark of the mature person.
-- Brian Tracy -
There is no such thing as maturity. There is instead an ever-evolving process of maturing. Because when there is a maturity, there is a conclusion and a cessation. That’s the end. That’s when the coffin is closed. You might be deteriorating physically in the long process of aging, but your personal process of daily discovery is ongoing. You continue to learn more and more about yourself every day.
-- Bruce Lee -
When one has reached maturity in the art, one will have a formless form. It is like ice dissolving in water. When one has no form, one can be all forms; when one has no style, he can fit in with any style.
-- Bruce Lee -
My ideal goal is to "mature" into childhood. That would be genuine maturity.
-- Bruno Schulz -
You know, it's a different world now, but to skip ahead and really answer your question, only in the last five years did I find what I call holy maturity, finding the balance, finding the right person in my life so that I could live a normal life.
-- Burt Ward -
A large proportion of mankind, like pigeons and partridges, on reaching maturity, having passed through a period of playfulness or promiscuity, establish what they hope and expect will be a permanent and fertile mating relationship. This we call marriage.
-- C. D. Darlington -
When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Women are in league with each other, a secret conspiracy of hearts and pheromones
-- Camille Paglia -
We had yet to learn that the Devil created youth so that we could make our mistakes, and that God established maturity and old age so that we could pay for them...
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
Maturity is simply the process of discovering that everything you believed in when you were young is false and that all the things you refused to believe in turn out to be true.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
So this is where the years of maturity deliver us - to this needy, selfish, unwieldy wish to be somebody else's first and primal other.
-- Carol Shields -
The loss of religious faith among the most civilized portion of the race is a step from childishness toward maturity.
-- Charles Eliot Norton -
For there to be true maturity, people must be given room to grow, which includes room to fail...
-- Charles R. Swindoll -
None of us can come to the highest maturity without enduring the summer heat of trials.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Don't get offended, there's no need for insecurity, Age is but a number, it's all about maturity.
-- Chi-Ali -
I'm 18 in this album. I'm not losing fans, and I'm not disrepecting women, but you reach the maturity of taking it to the next level with a girl. It was only necessary for me to have at least one song like that.
-- Chris Brown -
Nothing is so fragile as thought in its infancy; an interruption breaks it: nothing is so powerful, even to overturning empires, when it reaches its maturity.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely. From an acting point of view, that's how I approached the part.
-- Christopher Reeve -
Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen
-- Compton Mackenzie -
I think America has more than enough maturity and intelligence to start exercising its world leadership responsibly.
-- Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner -
There is a certain kind of maturity that can be attained only through the discipline of suffering.
-- D. A. Carson -
Oftentimes, those special brains, the ones that are capable of focusing more intently than others, do so at the expense of emotional maturity
-- Dan Brown -
I'd proven to the world that maturity, experience, dedication, and ingenuity can make up for a little senescence. Muscle tightening is not the only thing that happens to our bodies over time. We gain knowledge, focus, and understanding, and those things can help us win.
-- Dara Torres -
You don't measure your maturity by comparing yourself with others. You judge maturity by comparing yourself to Jesus.
-- Darrin Patrick -
One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure.
-- Dave Ramsey -
One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others.
-- David A. Bednar -
But if we are truly happy inside, then age brings with it a maturity, a depth, and a power that only magnifies our radiance.
-- David Deida -
Every kind of science, if it has only reached a certain degree of maturity, automatically becomes a part of mathematics.
-- David Hilbert -
Men take care of your responsibilities with maturity.
-- Delano Johnson -
A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.
-- Denis Waitley -
When emotions dominate, maturity and wisdom deteriorate
-- Dennis Prager -
One sign of maturity is knowing when to ask for help.
-- Dennis Wholey -
Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to care for one another, and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other.
-- Desmond Tutu -
There was that word again.Mature. Was this what maturity was? Giving up on the things we wanted because we knew we'd never get them?
-- Diana Peterfreund -
I feel like I'm 18, with the maturity level of like a 14-year-old. I'm still the same goofball; I'm still in college, as far as I'm concerned.
-- Duff Goldman -
One hard day of work proves you have heart. But day after day is what proves you have maturity and commitment.
-- Dwayne Johnson -
To live with fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity.
-- Ed Weeks -
… what society overwhelmingly asks for is snake oil. Of course, the snake oil has the most impressive names — otherwise you would be selling nothing — like “Structured Analysis and Designâ€, “Software Engineeringâ€, “Maturity Modelsâ€, “Management Information Systemsâ€, “Integrated Project Support Environments†“Object Orientation†and “Business Process Re-engineeringâ€.
-- Edsger Dijkstra -
Emotional maturity is the ability to stick to a job and to struggle through until it is finished, to endure unpleasantness, discomfort and frustration.
-- Edward Adam Strecker -
Hold the period of youth sacred to education, and the period of maturity, when the physical forces begin to flag, equally sacred to ease and agreeable relaxation.
-- Edward Bellamy -
Maturity comes not with age but with the acceptance of responsibility. You are only young once but immaturity can last a lifetime!
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
Our focus reflects our love and admiration for you. . . . We want you to live lives of spiritual maturity and fulfillment, free of unrealistic comparisons.
-- Elaine L. Jack -
I have a theory that no child ever does outgrow its ungratified legitimate desires; though subsequent maturity may bring him to the point where his original desire has reached such astounding proportions that the original object can no longer possibly appease it.
-- Eleanor Hallowell Abbott -
Why does any kind of cynicism appeal to people? Because it seems like a mark of maturity, of sophistication, like you’ve seen everything and know better. Or because putting something down feels like pushing yourself up.
-- Eliezer Yudkowsky -
Up to one's last breath, one may retain the simple joys of childhood, the poetic ecstasies of the young person, the enthusiasms of maturity. Right to the end, one may intoxicate one's spirit with flowers, with beauty and with smiles.
-- Eliphas Levi -
If we hold tightly to anything given to us unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used we stunt the growth of the soul. What God gives us is not necessarily "ours" but only ours to offer back to him, ours to relinguish, ours to lose, ours to let go of, if we want to be our true selves. Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.
-- Elisabeth Elliot -
Maturity starts with the willingness to give oneself.
-- Elisabeth Elliot -
Maturity brings - among other things - the ability to sustain and survive enormous contradictions and disappointments.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
I'm almost 50, so I obviously don't have the same body that I had when I was 20. But I also don't have the same mindset either, when I was wracked with self-consciousness and insecurity. Now I really appreciate my maturity as a woman, my depth of spirit and soul and my understanding of who I am and what's important to me.
-- Elle Macpherson -
Maturity in the Christian life is measured by only one test: how much closer to his character have we become?
-- Elyse Fitzpatrick -
Sweet Love of youth, forgive, if I forget thee, While the world's tide is bearing me along; Sterner desires and darker hopes beset me, Hopes which obscure, but cannot do thee wrong.
-- Emily Bronte -
When we are very young, we tend to regard the ability to use a colon much as a budding pianist regards the ability to play with crossed hands: many of us, when we are older, regard it as a proof of literary skill, maturity, even of sophistication; and many; whether young, not so young, or old, employ it gauchely, haphazardly, or at best inconsistently.
-- Eric Partridge -
Scars fade with time. And the ones that never go away, well, they build character, maturity, caution.
-- Erin McCarthy -
To acknowledge, to accept, and to forgive one's parents - both what they gave and what they did not give, both one's dependence upon them and one's independence of them - is the ultimate hallmark of maturity: a perception as valid for institutions as for individuals.
-- Ernest Kurtz -
There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity. It takes time to be holy.
-- Erwin W. Lutzer -
Church is the textured context in which we grow up in Christ to maturity. But church is difficult. Sooner or later, though, if we are serious about growing up in Christ, we have to deal with church. I say sooner.
-- Eugene H. Peterson -
By the time I'd grown up, I naturally supposed that I'd grown up
-- Eve Babitz -
Maturity is when you start feeling the motion of zaman (time) as if it is a sensuous caress. p.216
-- Fatema Mernissi -
It is certainly a good thing always to forgive with generosity, but it is no doubt just never to forget the wrongs received: they belong to the route that leads to inner maturity.
-- Fausto Cercignani -
Mature people never make difference of opinion a means of conflict.
-- Fethullah Gulen -
The resurrection is not a static and an isolated event fixed in the past, but the unleashing of a power and force that takes the form of a death defying love. Resurrection is ever present, constantly accosting us, challenging us, stretching us, cracking us open and seeking to have its way with us in order that we might come to maturity in Christ.
-- Frank Griswold -
SystemC AMS provides a great modeling and simulation framework for integrated heterogeneous systems. The SystemC AMS 2.0 standard brings new capabilities for advanced behavioral modeling (e.g., multi-rate systems) and higher maturity for improved industrial acceptance. We at OFFIS see it as a major stepping stone towards a design methodology for cyber-physical systems. In our research we work on seamlessly integrating extra-functional properties such as power, temperature and aging into SystemC AMS models.
-- Frank Oppenheimer -
Maturity is reached the day we don't need to be lied to about anything.
-- Frank Yerby -
A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth.
-- Franz Bardon -
The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows the average man can see much better than he can think- Ladies' Home JournalI'd rather have two girls at seventeen than one at thirty-four
-- Fred Allen