Dedication famous quotes
Film is a time capsule. If I have a lack of dedication or focus, it's permanently there as a negative reminder.
-- Adrien Brody -
To all those who lead monotonous lives in the hope that they may experience at second hand the delights and dangers of adventure. [author's dedication]
-- Agatha Christie -
Book dedication To myself, without whose inspired and tireless efforts this book would not have been possible.
-- Al Jaffee -
We need innovation in education and dedication to the task before us.
-- Alan Autry -
I feel like we're between two great possibilities: we're either going to turn things around, and in this generation see the rising sun of a new moral dedication in America, or we're going to lose the struggle for that moral renewal, throw away the basic principles on which our life and civilization is based, and head toward a new century that will make the 20th century look like a dress rehearsal for evil.
-- Alan Keyes -
I'd say the most memorable thing for me was my dedication and motivation in how I got so involved in boxing.
-- Alexis Arguello -
Commitment is a word invented in our abstract modernity to signify the absence of any real motives in the soul for moral dedication.
-- Allan Bloom -
I've been dancing since I was 6 years old. That kind of relentless dedication and intensity is where I'm comfortable.
-- Andrea Anders -
Dedication means spending whatever time or energy is necessary to accomplish the task at hand.
-- Anil Sinha -
Being a good mother does not call for the same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate development as individuals.
-- Ann Oakley -
What can I do now? What am I to become? How can I live in this world I'm condemned to but can't endure? They couldn't stand it either, so they made a world of their own. Well, they have each other's company, and they are heroes, whereas I'm quite alone, and have none of the qualities essential to heroism - the spirit, the toughness, the dedication. I'm back where I was as a child, solitary, helpless, unwanted, frightened.
-- Anna Kavan -
Being a writer is part of a noble tradition, as is being a musician – the last egalitarian and open associations. No matter what happens in terms of fame and fortune, dedication to writing is a marching-step forward from where you were before, when you didn’t care about reaching out to the world, when you weren’t hoping to contribute, when you were just standing there doing some job into which you had fallen.
-- Anne Lamott -
There is more to creative mastership than the surface of satisfaction and political certainty. The music of Joe Fonda is part of a living tradition of belief and dedication. Future historians will be surprised at the breadth of Mr. Fonda's offerings. This is a real virtuoso and composer of the highest order.
-- Anthony Braxton -
Theater will always be my first love. The time and dedication that goes into the rehearsal process with the cast and crew is something that TV/Movie acting does not offer.
-- April Parker Jones -
While no road is ever straight, dedication and persistence will always lead you to your dreams.
-- Arte Moreno -
We will ensure that associates continue to possess unsurpassed product knowledge and maintain their dedication to customer service and respect for their colleagues and for the communities in which they work and live.
-- Arthur Blank -
In accordance with the terms of the Clarke-Asimov treaty, the second-best science writer dedicates this book to the second-best science-fiction writer. [dedication to Isaac Asimov from Arthur C. Clarke in his book Report on Planet Three]
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
The milestone of 100 episodes is a reflection of the amazing work and dedication of the entire Clone Wars cast and crew. Being a part of this production has been an honor and privilege that has changed my life forever.
-- Ashley Eckstein -
Oh. A bigger studio. It dawns on me, stupid me, that Henry could win the lottery at any time at all; that he has never bothered to do so because it's not normal; that he has decided to set aside his fanatical dedication to living like a normal person so I can have a studio big enough to roller-skate across; that I am being an ingrate. "Clare? Earth to Clare..." "Thank you," I say, too abruptly.
-- Audrey Niffenegger -
What is morality, she asked. Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, and courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.
-- Ayn Rand -
If a dedication page were to precede the total of my work, it would read: To the glory of Man.
-- Ayn Rand -
I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.
-- Ayrton Senna -
With regard to performance, commitment, effort, dedication, there is no middle ground. Or you do something very well or not at all.
-- Ayrton Senna -
Let us each of us now embrace with solemn duty, and awesome joy, what is our lasting birthright. With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.
-- Barack Obama -
You're still going to win with preparation and dedication and plain old desire. If you don't have genuine desire, you won't be dedicated enough to prepare properly.
-- Bear Bryant -
The theater was my first training ground. It taught me discipline, dedication and appreciation of hard work.
-- Ben Vereen -
Natural talent only determines the limits of your athletic potential. It's dedication and a willingness to discipline your life that makes you great.
-- Billie Jean King -
Four key words--helped make my dreams come true. They are: dedication, balance, risk, and love.
-- Bonnie Blair -
vivisection is not the same thing as scientific progress. There is such a thing as scientific progress. But this wholesale dedication of scientists to vivisection, which is the easy and cheap way, actually prevents them from scientific progress, for true progress is difficult and requires genius and imagination in its devoted workers.
-- Brenda Ueland -
Dedication, absolute dedication, is what keeps one ahead. A sort of indomitable obsessive dedication and the realization that there is no end or limit to this because life is simply an ever-growing process, an ever-renewing process.
-- Bruce Lee -
Dedication, absolute dedication, is what keeps one ahead!
-- Bruce Lee -
There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'
-- C. S. Lewis -
I know a lot of people with obsessive qualities, and there's a positive and negative part to it. There's the appeal of someone who's so deadly focused on something that they want or desire - there's a dedication and a single-mindedness that's great. But then if it goes on too long it becomes a psychosis. What's the French term for it? Idee fixe.
-- Callum Keith Rennie -
Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication, and courage. But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us --- and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along.
-- Carl Sagan -
I like the storytelling and reading the letters, the long-distance dedications.
-- Casey Kasem -
We tell stories. We talk about statistics. And in 1978, we added an element of the show that gave it its heartbeat: the long distance dedication.
-- Casey Kasem -
Just as important, we need a new dedication to opening avenues for employee participation and motivation through profit-sharing and innovative programs of job enrichment.
-- Charles H. Percy -
In the end, the greatest victory we can know is the result of all of our hard work, discipline, and dedication: the realization of our dreams.
-- Cheryl Burke -
Teachers are out there with a very difficult job, which they pursue with tireless dedication
-- Chi McBride -
I come from the mind-set that, if you want it to work, it will work, whether it's a friendship or a relationship. If you're both in the same mind-set and you want to be together and you want to make it work, you can make it work. It just takes dedication and knowing that there might be some miscommunication and lack of communication sometimes.
-- Chloe Grace Moretz -
Curiosity began my journey, which led to regret, which brings me always to wonder and dedication.
-- Christopher Cokinos -
It is with passion and dedication that I will be attentive to the needs of women and fight relentlessly for their rights
-- Claudia Cardinale -
Average talent, plus hard work and dedication, will always beat talent by itself.
-- Clinton Anderson -
My secret? A desire to work, years of dedication and loving what you do; I can't live without music.
-- Compay Segundo -
The greatest challenge of community life is to create synthesis, embracing diversity in a unified whole, resolving differences with the healing spirit of love and dedication to the good of the whole.
-- Corinne McLaughlin -
I'm always trying to be the best, on and off the pitch, is also very important. I've always taken things very seriously, since I was very young, and that's reflected in my career. Always being nominated, winning trophies for the club or individual awards, that's the culmination of many years of dedication, hard work and professionalism and that makes me very happy.
-- Cristiano Ronaldo -
Dedication to one's work in the world is the only possible sanctifica-tion. Religion in all its forms is dedication to Someone Else's work, not yours.
-- Cynthia Ozick -
In my younger years my dedication may have expressed itself egotistically.
-- Cyril Cusack -
Céline Labaune has the knowledge, passion and dedication to finding us only the best truffles from the most reliable source of truffle pickers. It is always a pleasure and a relief to work with the ones who care the most!
-- Daniel Boulud -
I'm not close to him." He looked at me defiantly. "But he's put his whole life into this. He's no Freud or Jung or Pavlov or Watson, but he's doing something important and I respect his dedication - maybe even more because he's just an ordinary man trying to do a great man's work, while the great men are all busy making bombs.
-- Daniel Keyes -
We all lose someone at some point in our lives, But don't ever let go of that smile. Hold on forever, Because that's our final dedication.
-- Danny Worsnop -
I'd proven to the world that maturity, experience, dedication, and ingenuity can make up for a little senescence. Muscle tightening is not the only thing that happens to our bodies over time. We gain knowledge, focus, and understanding, and those things can help us win.
-- Dara Torres -
Im always interested in working with people who are good team players - that are selfless that way in their interests and dedication to the project.
-- Diane Paulus -
Fulfilling the vision of the Irvine Ranch master plan has been a lifetime dedication and lifetime passion, and I am hopeful the heritage of our Irvine stewardship will live on in many new ways.
-- Donald Bren -
Most Achievers I Know Are People Who Have Made A Strong And Deep Dedication to Pursuing A Particular Goal. That Dedication Took A Tremendous Amount Of Effort.
-- Donald Johanson -
Everything in my life has been about sound and making music, so Beats represents just that - the improvement of sound and the dedication to everything I've been doing from the day I started.
-- Dr. Dre -
I've approached so many things in my life with such intensity that I want to approach motherhood with dedication and focus.
-- Drew Barrymore -
Training for me is a metaphor for life, period. The dedication, the determination, the desire, the work ethic, the great successes and the great failures - I take that into life.
-- Dwayne Johnson -
God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones.
-- Dwight L. Moody -
Every man has within him only one life and one nature ... It behooves a man to look within himself and turn to the best dedication possible those endowments he has from his Maker. You do no wrong in questioning what once you held to be right for you, if now it has come to seem wrong. Put away all thought of being bound. We do not want you bound. No one who is not free can give freely.
-- Ellis Peters -
The ruthlessness born of self-seeking is ineffectual compared with the ruthlessness sustained by dedication to a holy cause. God wishes, said Calvin, that one should put aside all humanity when it is a question of striving for His glory..
-- Eric Hoffer -
When our individual interests and prospects do not seem worth living for, we are in desperate need for something apart from us to live for. All forms of dedication, devotion, loyalty and self-surrender are in essence a desperate clinging to something which might give worth and meaning to our futile, spoiled lives.
-- Eric Hoffer -
Rahul had wondered how someone could love their beloved so much that their dedication to them became one of the wonders of the world.
-- Faraaz Kazi -
To use Newton's words, our efforts up till this moment have but turned over a pebble or shell here and there on the beach, with only a forlorn hope that under one of them was the gem we were seeking. Now we have the sieve, the minds, the hands, the time, and, particularly, the dedication to find those gems-no matter in which favorite hiding place the children of distant worlds have placed them.
-- Frank Drake -
What makes a good coach? Complete dedication.
-- George Halas -
The thread of culture that runs through the entire history of punk is also a dedication to challenging the authoritarian.
-- Greg Graffin -
My relationship with the Philharmonia Orchestra brought me many times to London and I will always reflect positively on that early period of development with them - their patience, their warmth, their dedication.
-- Gustavo Dudamel -
Being a great athlete is something that requires a lot of training and dedication, it does not come as easily as some people may think.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
Lets face it: fitness is boring. But its critical to be extremely dedicated to whatever you decide to take up to achieve a desired result. Theres no way you are going to get there without dedication, which is the key for me.
-- Harbhajan Singh -
This small little thing, which was started to give people a way of life, with love and dedication, shall prevail in the coming change of the Age.
-- Harbhajan Singh Yogi -
It takes a lot of dedication to quit smoking, and whether you give up for good on your first try or have to give it a couple of tries - just keep swinging at it and you will succeed.
-- Harmon Killebrew -
Management must have a purpose, a dedication and that dedication must have an emotional commitment. It must be built in as a vital part of the personality of anyone who truly is a manager.
-- Harold Geneen -
Everyone with a cell phone thinks they're a photographer. Everyone with a laptop thinks they're a journalist. But they have no training, and they have no idea of what we keep to in terms of standards, as in what's far out and what's reality. And they have no dedication to truth.
-- Helen Thomas -
Victories are easy and cheap. The only victories worth anything are those achieved through hard work and dedication.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
The movement of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men and women often calls them to act against the spirit of their times or causes them to anticipate a spirit which is yet in the making. In a moment of dedication they are given wisdom and courage to dare a deed that challenges and to kindle a hope that inspires.
-- Howard Thurman -
I think it matters almost infinitely that we practice one of the authentic religions. But if you mean does it make any difference which. The answer is no, as long as each is followed with equal intensity, sincerity, dedication.
-- Huston Smith -
Yet I knew that spiritual practice is impossible without great dedication, energy, and commitment.
-- Jack Kornfield -
What can one say about Michael Jackson? He is one of the world's most acclaimed entertainers, an innovative and exciting songwriter whose dancing seems to defy gravity and has been heralded by the likes of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. His public is perhaps unaware of the extent of his dedication to his craft. Restless, seldom satisfied, he is a perfectionist who is constantly challenging himself. To many people Michael Jackson seems an elusive personality, but to those who work with him, he is not. This talented artist is a sensitive man, warm, funny, and full of insight.
-- Jackie Kennedy -
Blade Runner is a rare science fiction movie so full of material that pages can be written about it without scratching the surface. A review like this can provide little more than an overview. A detailed exploration of the movie, its style, and its mysteries requires dedication that only someone immersed in Blade Runner lore can provide.
-- James Berardinelli -
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication. Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that's all you have. Being a good actor isn't easy. Being a man is even harder. I want to be both before I'm done.
-- James Dean -
... We in the USA have been depending on prayers, pleading, and self-abasement to a deity to bring us magical advantages, and have been encouraged to attribute our prosperity and general success among nations, to that sort of action. In my opinion, hard work and dedication to logic and reason ought to be recognized as the reasons for our achievements, not appeals to a mythical friend-in-the-sky. We got where we are in spite of, not because of, those incantations.
-- James Randi -
You can't expect everyone to have the same dedication as you.
-- Jeff Kinney -
Anything can happen with hard work and dedication
-- Jerry West -
The Lord did not make me impossible of error. All I've had to offer you is the total dedication in serving you as best I know how. And I've always leveled with you, and always will, knowing full well that everyone will not agree with me.
-- Jesse Helms -
The temptation to add features to a program must be resisted as strongly as possible. This requires the dedication of a saint
-- Joe Armstrong -
Donald Evans is a favorite person of mine. His worth ethic, his attitude and his dedication really set him apart.
-- Joe Greene -
We overestimate the event and underestimate the process. Every fulfilled dream occurred because of dedication to the process.
-- John C. Maxwell -
In the information age, the barriers [to entry into programming] just aren't there. The barriers are self imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don't need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers.
-- John Carmack -
We should pray and seek for knowledge which would enable us to portray and project the things we love in music, in a way that might wholly or in some part, be appreciated as having been conceived and composed or performed and presented with dedication and in positive taste
-- John Coltrane -
There can be no dedication to Canada's future without a knowledge of its past.
-- John Diefenbaker -
Long shots do come in and hard work, dedication and perseverance will overcome almost any prejudice and open almost any door.
-- John H. Johnson -
If you had started doing anything two weeks ago, by today you would have been two weeks better at it.
-- John Mayer -
My most heartfelt thank you goes to Impact Future Media and Cartoon Monkey Studio. Their dedication to the truth is very uncommon in the world we live in today. I am now, and will always be, grateful to their organizations.
-- John McAfee -
Humanity and Immortality consist neither in reason, nor in love; not in the body, nor in the animation of the heart of it, nor in the thoughts and stirrings of the brain of it;--but in the dedication of them all to Him who will raise them up at the last day.
-- John Ruskin -
I hold that a writer who does not passionately believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature.
-- John Steinbeck -
A dedication to perfection means that we are doomed always to be just a heartbeat way - from exposure. Perfection is unchanging; lives are ongoing.
-- Joy Browne -
I was also surprised by the alacrity and dedication we devote to the damaging exercise of remembering, which after all brings nothing good and serves only to hinder our normal functioning, like those bags of sand athletes tie around their calves for training.
-- Juan Gabriel