Claudia Cardinale famous quotes


  • For me, songwriting is something like breathing: I just do it. But that doesn't mean you're fantastic.

  • What is necessary is not to seek after some fantastic ideal, utterly unsuited to our real needs, but to discover the true nature of those needs, to fulfill them, and rejoice therein.

  • I thought that was fantastic. We were working on that the other night, actually.

  • Cautionary tales were fantastic in the '70s.

  • I'm very happy to come back. I've always had success here and the public is fantastic. I love you, Montreal.

  • Shopping online is fantastic for comparison shopping, because never before have you had the ability to see all the prices offered from everybody at one time.

  • In choosing Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney made a fantastic choice and a bold statement to the American people.

  • I never liked Jules Verne, believing that the real was always more fantastic than the fantastical.

  • The possibility of being as free with the camera as we are with the pen is a fantastic prospect for the creative life of the 21st century.

  • Australians are a fantastic bunch of people but the attention can be overwhelming for someone like me.