Quench famous quotes


  • The Self says ‘I AM’–as in the very grand sayings of Christ, especially in the Gospel of John, in which he says in the state of onenenss with Yahweh (which in Hebrew means ‘I AM’), I AM is the way and the truth and the life–but the ego says ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that,’ thus attaching itself only to a small portion of the Vastness. (62)

  • Prior to September 11, we thought the world beyond our shores was one world of risk and the world in our continent was another world of risk

  • Capital investment in fixed assets that produce real goods is the actual driver of long term economic growth, and until slick financiers hijacked the country with 'new economy' mumbo-jumbo based on computer models and hype most Americans understood this.

  • We will ensure that nobody is above the law and demand an end to the instability and armed chaos.

  • A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.

  • Loving and appreciative, researched to a fare-thee-well, and pitched to both fans and first-time viewers of Singin' in the Rain, this delightful book delivers almost as much fun as the film itself.

  • Families are where children live. Almost everything they experience is in the context of family life.

  • Like all real treasures of the mind, perception can be split into infinitely small fractions without losing its quality. The weeds in a city lot convey the same lesson as the redwoods; the farmer may see in his cow-pasture what may not be vouchsafed to the scientist adventuring in the South Seas.

  • The top quark was discovered in 1995 and since then the Higgs has become an because the standard model was incomplete with out it.

  • Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty.