Crosses famous quotes
It is not enough to wear an ornamental cross as a pretty decoration.
-- A. B. Simpson -
And this is one of the major questions of our lives: how we keep boundaries, what permission we have to cross boundaries, and how we do so.
-- A. B. Yehoshua -
I will not leave Burma until the cross is planted here forever.
-- Adoniram Judson -
The Cross is not responsible for God's love; rather it was His love that conceived the Cross.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
I quite like childlike songs, which sometimes cross over.
-- Alan Price -
The chicken did not cross the road. The road passed beneath the chicken.
-- Albert Einstein -
But see how oft ambition's aims are cross'd, and chiefs contend 'til all the prize is lost!
-- Alexander Pope -
You’re not likely to err by practicing too much of the cross.
-- Alexander Whyte -
The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
-- Alfred Adler -
We lose our way around the Bible when we take our eyes off the Cross.
-- Alistair Begg -
The foolishness of the cross is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of God is powerful in its impact.
-- Alistair Begg -
If he'd looked like a cross between Mr. Clooney and, say, one of the hobbits, I probably would have been far more capable of coherent thought.
-- Ally Carter -
God Hold us to that which drew us first, when the Cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else.
-- Amy Carmichael -
I visualize the day that tridents and pentagrams are thrust into the sky from church roofs instead of crosses.
-- Anton Szandor LaVey -
Anyone who'd sell out a whole town wouldn't hesitate to double-cross one man.
-- Arnold Rothstein -
That's the best way to cross the Atlantic.
-- Arthur Whitten Brown -
Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling
-- Augustus Toplady -
Male genitals are still called "the tree of life" by the Arabs, and a cross was one of the oldest diagrammatic images of male genitals.
-- Barbara G. Walker -
We can't cross that bridge until we come to it, but I always like to lay down a pontoon ahead of time.
-- Bernard Baruch -
At the foot of the cross, there are no racial barriers.
-- Billy Graham -
The cross shows us the seriousness of our sin-but it also shows us the immeasurable love of God.
-- Billy Graham -
Without the resurrection, the cross is meaningless.
-- Billy Graham -
Elizabeth's back at the red cross, and I'm walking the dog.
-- Bob Dole -
I want to see the stats for how many crosses there have been; it's been incredulous
-- Bobby Gould -
The cross is almost a distraction and false advertisement for God.
-- Brian D. McLaren -
I know. I really shoulda wore my cross again but I don’t wanna scare the gentiles off.
-- Buddy Wakefield -
A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days.
-- C. J. Mahaney -
Profit is the most global aspect of a business, and it is cross-functional.
-- Carlos Ghosn -
The moment the word 'why' crosses your lips, you are doing theology.
-- Carolyn Custis James -
The world is a never-ending cross-reference.
-- Cees Nooteboom -
All my life I've wanted to be the kid who gets to cross over into the magical kingdom.
-- Charles de Lint -
I do not know when I am more perfectly happy than when I am weeping for sin at the foot of the cross.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
What I'm passionate about is History, and politics interest me only insofar as it is the cross-section of History in the present.
-- Chris Marker -
We are just about to cross the 400 parts per million threshold.
-- Christiana Figueres -
Compassion is never compassion until you cross the street and go do something about it.
-- Christine Caine -
The place where God has supremely destroyed all human arrogance and pretension is the cross.
-- D. A. Carson -
Christians have learned that when there seems to be no other evidence of God's love, they cannot escape the cross.
-- D. A. Carson -
Once you cross the 50 you feel like an unsaddled horse.
-- Darrell Royal -
Your going to be fine.I promise you."- with my finger I made an X sign on my chest-"cross my heart and hope to die,you have my word.You don't deserve to live like that,and we're going to turn things around.
-- Dave Pelzer -
All of us must cross the line between ignorance and insight many times before we truly understand.
-- David Hawkins -
You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
-- David Lloyd George -
But no, we cross, crisscross, and recross our old tracks like figure skaters.
-- David Mitchell -
But I must say the work I'm proudest of is the Green Cross Code man.
-- David Prowse -
I wouldna cross the road to see a scrawny woman if she was stark naked and dripping wet. ~Jamie Fraser
-- Diana Gabaldon -
If someone is mean, harmful, or evil, they're out of my life. I cross them out.
-- Doris Roberts -
I guess my style is a cross between David Bowie and Clint Eastwood.
-- Dylan McDermott -
Woman, last at the cross, and earliest at the grave.
-- Eaton Stannard Barrett -
One cannot desire freedom from the Cross when one is especially chosen for the Cross.
-- Edith Stein -
Usually one gets a heavier cross when one attempts to get rid of an old one.
-- Edith Stein -
My parents were very protective. I couldn't even cross the street without them getting all excited, and placing bets.
-- Emo Philips -
A prison is a cross section of society in which every human strain is clearly revealed.
-- Eugene V. Debs -
It was Christ who willingly went to the cross, and it was our sins that took him there.
-- Franklin Graham -
The Rubicons which women must cross, the sex barriers which they must breach, are ultimately those that exist in their own minds.
-- Freda Adler -
If goods don't cross borders, armies will.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
The cross of the Cruxifixion without the cross of the Resurrection is the symbol of a mutilated Christianity.
-- Frederick Franck -
No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
I am no martyr upon cross, but I would gladly give my life so that those more deserving may live.
-- Gannicus -
The bridges that you cross before you come to them are over rivers that aren't there.
-- Gene Brown -
Any step away from the cross is a step in the wrong direction.
-- Greg Laurie -
If Jesus had been a hunchback, they could hardly have nailed him to the cross.
-- Gunter Grass -
Without a doubt, at the center of the New Testament there stands the Cross, which receives its interpretation from the Resurrection.
-- Hans Urs von Balthasar -
If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me? I owe it so much.
-- Helene Hanff -
What is it in fact, this learning to fly? To be precise, it is 'to learn NOT to fly wrong.' To learn to become a pilot is to learn - not to let oneself fly too slowly. Not to let oneself turn without accelerating. Not to cross the controls. Not to do this, and not to do that. . . . To pilot is negation.
-- Henri Mignet -
What Americans call cross-ventilation, the English call draughts.
-- Hermione Gingold -
And then what?" "I'll burn that bridge when I cross it.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Your trials, crosses, and conflicts are all temporary.
-- J. C. Ryle -
There is more to be learned at the foot of the Cross than anywhere else in the world.
-- J. C. Ryle -
The preachers commission is to declare the whole counsel of God; but the cross is the center of that counsel.
-- J. I. Packer -
Bethlehem and Golgotha, the Manger and the Cross, the birth and the death, must always be seen together.
-- J. Sidlow Baxter -
It is tragic for our God, Who gave us His Son to die on the cross, to beg us to love Him.
-- Jack Hyles -
We do not attach any intrinsic value to the Cross; this would be sinful and idolatrous. Our veneration is referred to Him who died upon it.
-- James Gibbons -
I cross out words so you will see them more; the fact that they are obscured makes you want to read them.
-- Jean-Michel Basquiat -
I cross out words so you will see them more
-- Jean-Michel Basquiat -
It is not theatre that is indispensable, but something quite different. To cross the frontiers between you and me.
-- Jerzy Grotowski -
Then it crosses my mind, ‘But I’m a very busy woman! I don’t have time for a stroke!’
-- Jill Bolte Taylor -
We are all culpable in the death of Christ. My sins, your sins put Him on that cross.
-- Jim Caviezel -
We all have a cross to carry. I have to carry my own cross. If we don't carry our crosses, we are going to be crushed under the weight of it.
-- Jim Caviezel -
[Before being burned at the stake for her faith:] Hold the cross high so I may see it through the flames.
-- Joan of Arc -
No one will calmly and quietly submit to bear the cross except those who have learned to seek their happiness beyond this world.
-- John Calvin -
Until you see the cross as that which is done _by_ you, you will never appreciate that it is done _for_ you.
-- John Scott -
The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.
-- John Stott -
It is my great hope that our paths, however long and winding, will cross again.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer -
Because of Jesus' finished work of the cross, He will never be angry with you nor rebuke you even when you fail.
-- Joseph Prince -
It is not good to cross the bridge before you get to it.
-- Judi Dench -
Nicole Kidman in particular seems to bring out the butt-kisser in the sassiest of hackettes, as they ceaselessly strive to portray her as some sort of cross between Mother Teresa and Marilyn Monroe.
-- Julie Burchill -
One gets a cross for his crime, the other a crown.
-- Juvenal -
A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you've trodden hardens, and that's what forms your path. You're the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven't given up yet, that is. -Cross Marian
-- Katsura Hoshino -
Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though Im older than them, we did cross over a little bit.
-- Kurt Browning -
Without the cross, there's only condemnation. If Jesus wasn't executed, there's no celebration.
-- LeCrae -
If God wanted you to putt cross-handed, he would have made your left arm longer.
-- Lee Trevino -
It is much easier to wear a cross than to bear a cross.
-- Leonard Ravenhill -
The freedom of cross country is so primitive. It's woman vs. nature.
-- Lynn Jennings -
The ***** has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.
-- Malcolm Muggeridge