#Bridges Quotes #Rivers Quotes #Crosses Quotes
“I do not write experimental music. My experimenting is done before I make the music. Afterwards it is the listener who must experiment.”
“Every dressing room should have a few proper bottles of bubbly.”
“When I write about "realizations," I am describing a state in which a practitioner has wisdom of who she or he is, and has embodied that wisdom; it has become integrated into daily life, thoughts, and activities. We often view "awakening" as first step towards such realization. Awakening can occur in the blink of an eye, frequently through the direct, heart-opening (heart-breaking) transmission of grace from an awakened teacher.”
Source : Russell Targ (2010). “Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness”, p.15, New World Library
“Never look at the trombones, it only encourages them.”
“When you're on the subway in New York, people literally could be 11-inches away from you, and you can't just stare at them.”
“We Americans tend to be a prodigal lot. We are as careless with our personal resources as we are with the resources of nature, squandering both as if there were no end to the gifts of earth and sea and sky.”
“There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again. When you do well, do not change your ways. Success is not just good luck: it is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it.”
“When we are relaxed and reasonable content, we are naturally wise. We accept that life is unpredictable, unreliable. We say jokingly or philosophically, "Nothing is sure except death and taxes," or "God willing and the creek don't rise," reminding each other that, notwithstanding the level of planning, we are continually dealing with being surprised. We get startled. We recover. We are disappointed. We adjust. Mostly-with Wisdom intact-we manage.”
K. C. Jones Basketball player