#Two Quotes #Crosses Quotes #Chasms Quotes
“I have learned to live each day as it comes, and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow.”
Source : Source: www.teachingbooks.net
“Never do nothing you wouldnt want printed on the front page of The New York Times.”
Source : "Fictional character: Billie Dawn". "Born Yesterday", www.imdb.com. 1950.
Anthony Eden
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Arthur Balfour
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Bonar Law
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Georges Clemenceau
French Statesman
H. H. Asquith
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Ramsay MacDonald
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Stanley Baldwin
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer
Wilhelm II
Former German Emperor
Woodrow Wilson
28th U.S. President