Standing Still famous quotes
Either you're growing or you're decaying; there's no middle ground. If you're standing still, you're decaying.
-- Alan Arkin -
When God says go forward, don't even think about standing still.
-- Beth Moore -
This is what a memorial is: standing still, staring at something that isn’t ther
-- David Levithan -
There is no standing still because time is moving forward.
-- Greg Lake -
All motion is relative. Maybe it's you who've moved away by standing still.
-- Jerome Lawrence -
Don't fear moving slowly forward...fear standing still.
-- Katherine Harris -
If I can hit a curveball, why can't I hit a ball that is standing still on a course?
-- Larry Nelson -
I've always been better moving than I am standing still.
-- Neil Young -
I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.
-- V. E. Schwab