Cheryl Richardson famous quotes
Your best teacher is the person offering you your greatest challenge.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I have tremendous empathy for people who are faced with any kind of a chronic problem. Sometimes when we're in this situation, it's as though our mind has us believe that if we ruminate about the pain we'll find a way out.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won't like you. It may not be easy, but it's essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Our thinking absolutely affects the physical body.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
When we think good thoughts, we feel good. When we feel good, we make good choices. When we feel good and make good choices, we draw more good experiences into our lives. It really is that simple … and elegant … and true.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If I were somebody dealing with chronic pain, I would see it as a challenge to manage my mind; even knowing that the effect of my thoughts is not only affecting my experience, but it is absolutely affecting the state of my health.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Abundance flows into my life in surprising and miraculous ways every day.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
By using affirmations and by surrounding ourselves with people who are positive and will support us in holding thoughts about what we want to experience (and not what we don't) we'll naturally start to shift our experience
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I trust in the perfection of Divine Timing and allow my life to unfold as it should.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Chronic pain or other challenges are invitations; gifts that challenge us to learn how to manage the mind.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I let go of all I no longer love, need, or use. I adore space.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I am patient with my needs, kind with my words, and respectful of my soft places.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I am focused, organized, and easily able to honor the priorities that need my attention.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The more I take care of myself, the more prosperous I am.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
My thoughts lead me in the direction of healing, prosperity, connection, and grace-filled experiences.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Today I share my abundance with someone who needs a gift of kindness.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I am a shining star, and I surround myself with people who encourage my brightness.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Think BIG. There are unseen forces ready to support your dreams.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I surround myself with authentic and loving people who share my journey of personal growth and awakening.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I am a master at setting boundaries that protect my time, energy, creativity, and emotional well-being.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Ask for help. Receiving is an act of generosity.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
People start to heal the moment they feel heard.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The possibility for rich relationships exists all around you - you simply have to open your eyes, open your mouth and most importantly, open your heart.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Express your creativity. Delight in the mystery of your inner muse.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Step into the light. Unseen forces are cheering you on.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Stop rehearsing life's failures. Use your beautiful imagination to visualize success.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
When you trust and act on your intuition, you increase your self-esteem, build trust in yourself and experience a profound sense of security that no relationship or amount of money will ever give you.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
You are not your mother, your father, your history, or your cultural influences. You are uniquely and originally you. Be bold and daring and fearless and unconventional. Be willing to use your voice in service to your soul. Go on. Rock that damn boat. The wave you create might just change the world...
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Let go of the need to control. Trust in the wisdom of a divine plan.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Don't be limited by what has been. Be inspired knowing that what could be is far greater than your wildest dreams.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Raise your energy. You attract what you radiate.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Ignore the mean voice in your head. It never does any good - ever.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
We need the dark to appreciate the light. And the light always returns.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Count your blessings. A grateful heart attracts more joy, love and prosperity.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
So let's say you realize that you are never going to be a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. person. You're not cut out for that sort of typical work environment. The benefit might be that if you embrace that and say I need to be self-employed or I need to be doing more project-oriented work. Identify the benefits - I'd be more productive. I'd be happier. The people around me would be happier because my mood would be better. When you identify the benefits of accepting the behavior or habit, you actually give leverage to it and give yourself a better chance of sticking with it.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Stop worrying about what others think. At the end of the day, you have to live with you. Trust yourself. No one has to tell you when it's right. Do what you need to do.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Our thoughts, words and actions produce feelings; and these feelings become the currency with which we produce our life experiences.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
There is nothing heavier than the burden of potential
-- Cheryl Richardson -
It may just be that a true wake-up call creates a true shift in consciousness. My wake-up call left me no choice. I had to make dramatic changes. Sometimes changes just happen within you, it is the way you approach things. Everything else stays the same.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Breathe... Everything is happening exactly as it should be.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
What if the only resolution you made was to love yourself more?
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Leaders stand out. Good leaders succeed. Great leaders make a difference in the world.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Sometimes the best way to uncover a new goal or dream is to step back, make space, and allow what's next to find you.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I will take a pie in the face any time for a worthy cause.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If you eliminate what no longer works, you illuminate what does.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
To focus means to bring your attention to the center, to concentrate on one thing intently in order to gain clarity.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
When you look in the mirror and say, 'I love you,' don't worry if you don't believe it yet. Love is far more powerful than your limiting beliefs.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Words are an invitation to life, a request to bring energy into form. Choose your words carefully.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
By teaching our children to stay in line we create well-behaved followers. While this may make parenting a bit easier, it has enormous costs later in life. These same children grow up to be unhappy adults who desperately want to lead their own lives, yet lack the necessary skills to do so.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
How is your life limited by your fear? What are you not doing that you'd really like to do? When we use fear to our advantage by tackling those things that evoke a sense of excitement and trepidation, fear becomes and ally. Each experience provides a challenge and an opportunity to expand your comfort zone. The way to create an extraordinary life is to make the challenge of fear work for you by building your courage muscles.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Forgiveness releases you from a past that no longer defines you. Allow yourself to move on.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
I bring a loving presence to everyone I meet and everything I do.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
You don't need to get anywhere or be anything more than the beautiful soul that you already are.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Every day, in some way, we're all being prepared for something better.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If beating yourself up worked you'd be rich, thin, and happy. Try loving yourself instead.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
You have deep within you the power to fulfill your highest vision of your life. To engage this power you must develop a solid personal relationship with yourself. By doing so, you'll tap into a wealth of inner strength that will allow you to take the necessary actions that build confidence and self-esteem. When you learn to stop hiding your power and use fear to your advantage, you'll become less attached to what others want for you and more attached to what you want for yourself. As this shift occurs, you'll naturally begin to lead a more authentic and passionate life.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
A lot of times we set ourselves up to fail. It's interesting. A lot of times the resolutions we choose are the ones, like you said in the opening, we keep breaking over and over again. Sometimes it reflects parts of ourselves that we really need to accept instead of trying to change.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
A high quality life starts with a high quality you!
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If you want to enjoy life more fully, the trick is to teach yourself to live in the insightful mode more often.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The best motivating factor of all, however, is divine intervention, or what I like to call The Magic of Grace.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
When you're brave enough to let go of anything you don't absolutely love or need, what you have left is the space for stillness and possibility.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Our beliefs become the rules we live by, and then here's what happens: We make ourselves right.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Manage your mind. When we direct our thoughts and words toward the outcome we most desire, we ignite grace.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Be patient. Life can seem pretty gray while those beautiful wings of yours are being formed. All in due time, dear one. All in due time.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
A grateful and generous heart is like a magnet. When you take the time to acknowledge the abundance in your life and share the wealth, you attract even more blessings and reasons to feel grateful. In this way, receiving and giving creates a circle of energy that serves us all.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The most powerful tool that I can share with you to transform any situation is the power of blessing with love. No matter where you work or how you feel about the place, bless it with love.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If beating ourselves up worked, we would all be thin, rich, and happy, wouldn't we?
-- Cheryl Richardson -
If it's not an absolute YES, it's a NO
-- Cheryl Richardson -
The more I trust my intuition and act on its wisdom, the more extraordinary my life becomes.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
When you make a choice to be of service to others, you gain the courage and sense of determination that will fuel your efforts. With a solid vision in place, you also become less concerned with your individual fear or self-doubt and more committed to taking the actions that will support your larger vision.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
There are no coincidences. Every event we experience and every person we meet has intentionally been put in our path to help raise our level of consciousness .
-- Cheryl Richardson -
To practice Extreme Self-Care, you must learn to love yourself unconditionally, accept your imperfections, and embrace your vulnerabilities.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Schedule a sacred date with yourself. You deserve time for your life.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Think thoughts that make you feel good, make choices that make you feel good, and take actions that make you feel good.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
No matter where you work or how you feel about the place, bless it with love.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
It's amazing what eliminating energy drains can do to our mood. Remember how good you felt when you finally went through your closet and cleaned out the old clothes that you were sure you'd wear again someday?
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Feelings are you inner guidance system-your emotional compass. When you allow this compass to direct your actions you build self-trust. When you feel hungry, you eat. When you feel tired, you rest. When you feel lonely, you reach out for a connection to others. In this most basic way your feelings link you with the wisest part of yourself. They tell you what you need to know at any given moment.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Inner child work is essential. It's the essence of growth as a whole person
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Be true to what matters most to your heart.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Never underestimate the power of intention.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
You are an artist. The canvas is your life. Make something worth staring at.
-- Cheryl Richardson -
Awareness is a powerful catalyst for positive change.
-- Cheryl Richardson
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