Doreen Virtue famous quotes
I remember to breathe throughout the day. I remind myself that I can choose peace, no matter what is going on around me. Whenever I desire, I can retreat to that quiet place within simply by closing my eyes.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When dealing with a difficult person, all that matters from a spiritual standpoint is how you react and treat the person. It's not about getting the other person to change or agree with you. Your spiritual growth is all about the way that YOU deal with the relationship, the person, and the situation. Even if the situation would justify you acting harshly, resist this temptation. Ask for heaven to purify and uplift your thoughts and feelings so that everything you do and say is aligned with Divine Love. This is the path and purpose of the lightworker. This is why you are here.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Angels appear in many different forms to hold your hand through the difficult times.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Call upon Angels to polish the jewels inside your thoughts and feelings, for within every fear or worry is a shining energy of love. Today be aware of your amazing power of manifestation. Know that in everything you think and feel, the entire universe is fully supporting you.
-- Doreen Virtue -
No matter where I am in the world or what's on my schedule, I begin each day by reading an inspirational book and then meditating and praying. I adopted this healthy habit many years ago to ensure that my first thoughts of the day were positive.
-- Doreen Virtue -
If you have a sense that anyone is draining your energy, mentally cut the etheric psychic cord between you and the other person. Be willing to forgive that other person for seemingly draining you, and release the other person fully to the light, now. Completely let go of focusing on personalities of other people and ourselves, and focus, instead, on the true oneness of your spirit.
-- Doreen Virtue -
In addition to showing gratitude to others, place emphasis on showing gratitude to yourself
-- Doreen Virtue -
Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal and necessary
-- Doreen Virtue -
You are more powerful than any fearful force. Your Divine willingness can out-will any darkness that the world has ever seen.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Angels are always with you. You're never alone, especially in your time of need. Listen in stillness for our guidance, which comes upon wings to your heart, mind, and body. Our messages always speak of love.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Every relationship has a spiritual purpose that helps us grow and become stronger. Sometimes, our most challenging relationships bring the greatest personal blessings. From them we learn about forgiveness, patience, and other virtues.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Your feelings are your signals of deep truths inside of you. They're the language of your soul, and they need you to listen to them.
-- Doreen Virtue -
You do have great love within you at this very moment.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Anything that you fight with or struggle against grows larger. You give power to lower energies by focusing upon them. You don't eliminate darkness by arguing with it. The only way to eliminate darkness is to turn on a light.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Angels, please help me remember to direct blessings and prayers to everyone I meet today. Please send extra healing energy through me to all my relationships. I ask that each encounter I have bring gifts to everyone involved.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Exhale . . . and give all worries to God and the angels.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Focus your awareness on the Divine spark of crystal-white light, sparkling within the center of your stomach area. See or feel this white spark of light, shining like a pilot light within you. This is the spark of your true essence, your shining flame from God. Feel the warmth within you, filling you completely with love and peaceful energy.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Ask God and the angels to help you to meet people who will treat you with respect and love.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When others see you at peace, they’re reminded of the value of tranquility - that is, you inspire them to be at peace.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Even five minutes spent in silence will nurture and revive your soul and spirit.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Thought for Today: I dream big! I let go of any limitations on my imagination, and I give voice to my inner wisdom and creative impulses. I shed past fears and doubts, replacing them with courage and love. I nurture my future with the same care that I would give to a newborn baby.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Everything is already healed, except in the dream of illness. Let the illusion go, in exchange for peace.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Your angels are ALWAYS with you, every minute of every day.You are never alone. You are always loved and watched-over.
-- Doreen Virtue -
I don't feel that we have any choice but to see the Love and the Light that exists within every person.
-- Doreen Virtue -
The ego urges you to accomplish, while the soul merely asks you to enjoy the process.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Today I detach from other people's dramas. I love them and pray for them. I am a role model of peace for them. But I no longer rescue them, or put my own needs last. It is my right to be happy and to help others as I feel lovingly guided instead from guilt or obligation. I respect my feelings and expect others to do so too. And so it is!
-- Doreen Virtue -
Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When you stand up for yourself, you are standing up for everyone who will follow your positive example!
-- Doreen Virtue -
Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true
-- Doreen Virtue -
Dear God, please help me to love and value myself, and treat myself with loving care. Please help me to know that I deserve happiness (as we all do), and that I have the right to change my life in healthful ways. Thank you for supporting me as I stand in my power, strength, and love in my relationships and in my career, and for helping others to accept and support the changes that I need to make.
-- Doreen Virtue -
If we're not at peace, we are in an ego state.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Be an earth angel, and look for love behind the actions of everyone you meet today. Whenever you look for love, you will always find it.
-- Doreen Virtue -
It's important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision
-- Doreen Virtue -
Surround yourself with positive people and situations, and avoid negativity.
-- Doreen Virtue -
There’s a place inside of you where you can retreat and enjoy perfect stillness.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Every time you see someone in distress, you have the opportunity to work as a team with Heaven's angels. You become the channel for your angels to provide loving care to those in need.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Each moment spent in prayer is like a coin put into a bank account.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Be yourself. An original is always worth more than a copy.
-- Doreen Virtue -
The wind is a natural way to loosen and release dead leaves and branches, just as emotional and life-situation storms are opportunities for humans to release 'deadwood' and anything needing to be swept away.
-- Doreen Virtue -
See yourself and others through the eyes of an angel and you will see a beautiful world that is light, bright, and hopeful.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Forgiveness is the key to breaking the cycle of karma and reincarnation. Forgiveness doesn't mean: "What you did was okay." It simply means, "I'm no longer willing to carry the heavy toxic burdens of anger, resentment, and victimhood in my soul." You can work on healing, uplifting, and changing situations from a place of forgiveness, instead of from a place of resentment. Forgive yourself and everyone, and you are free!
-- Doreen Virtue -
If you find yourself focusing on negative scenarios, ask us angels to transmute this fearful energy into love.
-- Doreen Virtue -
You don't need a formal prayer or invocation to call the angels to your side. Simply think, 'Angels, please surround me,' and they are there.
-- Doreen Virtue -
The angels are thoughts of love sent from God. Since God is continuously expressing loving thoughts, there are an infinite number of angels. They are very real messengers, sent by God, to help us feel peace and joy.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Earth angels help others remember who they are.
-- Doreen Virtue -
If someone says or does something hurtful, call upon heaven for protection and healing.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Allow yourself to be happy right now, even if outside circumstances seem imperfect. Waiting for everything to be "perfect" means delaying the happiness that you are meant to enjoy now. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy this very moment . . .now.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Fairies are angels who reside very close to the Earth so that they can perform their Divine mission of protecting nature and animals.
-- Doreen Virtue -
I feel that it is vital that we all re-open our spiritual gifts and open up to the voice of the Divine.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Instead of searching for what you want externally, concentrate on developing mental pictures of your desires. Surround these images with feelings of security, gratitude, and faith; and know that what you’ve been looking for is on its way to you right now.
-- Doreen Virtue -
I've always seen the bright lights of the angels, and I know that lower-entities can't disguise this light, because it only comes from the Love of God.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When you see sparkling lights with no physical origin and no medical eye issues, it means that you are seeing Angel Lights, which are the energies of your Guardian Angels and Archangels moving around you.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Your inner glow comes from the light of God, and your light can never be extinguished or soiled. You are eternally bright and beautiful.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Open yourself to an encounter with heaven, be as a little child. Release your desire to the winds of the universe. Trust your angels to catch your wish and bring it to you in a delightfully surprising way.†- Doreen Virtue
-- Doreen Virtue -
Joy is all there is. The rest is a preoccupation of the ego, unworthy of your holy mind.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Your two guardian angels are always with you. The other angels come and go as we need them.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Quiet solitude is a nutritional need of the ascending body.
-- Doreen Virtue -
The world is changing so rapidly, and many people are paralyzed with fear and anxiety about the future. The angels can guide us through these changes, and give us solid guidance that we can trust.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Become very clear about your intentions and desires, know that you deserve them, and then firmly put your foot down to the universe commanding these changes (while simultaneously surrendering control over how this will occur). All the doors will open for you as a result!
-- Doreen Virtue -
Remember that although bodies may pass away, the energy that connects you to a loved one is everlasting and can always be felt when you’re open to receiving it.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Dear God, thank You for providing for all of my earthly needs. I ask that You continue to guide me clearly to everything that I need to fulfill my mission and to be able to provide a safe and healthful life for myself and my loved ones. Amen.
-- Doreen Virtue -
A balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood and motivation at a consistently high level.
-- Doreen Virtue -
What seems to be a problem or block is often really a Blessing in Disguise
-- Doreen Virtue -
Today, recall a favorite memory, which serves as a gateway to uplifting feelings and thoughts.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Your angels are giving you strength and comfort right now.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Regardless of the situation at hand, the answer is always found through your inner peace.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When everything seems to fall apart..that's when everything new you prayed for has room to enter your life..
-- Doreen Virtue -
Blessed if you do... Blessed if you don't... Blessed no matter what!
-- Doreen Virtue -
Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done. At every moment, you had your reasons for all of your actions and decisions. You've always done the best that you could do. Forgive yourself.
-- Doreen Virtue -
When we choose the path of love, we grow spiritually, help others, and balance our karma.
-- Doreen Virtue -
God is all-loving, all-knowing and everywhere, and we possess those qualities. We are actually extremely powerful beings, yet we seem to fear being powerful so we hold ourselves back. However, in truth, we are one with God and each other. The belief that we are separated from God and other people is just that: a belief.
-- Doreen Virtue -
All thoughts create thought-forms. When you think about anything, an electrical impulse is released. Its charge gathers into a form that appears clairvoyantly like a soap bubble. The thought-form creates, manifests, and attracts that which is similar to it.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Pray for healthy loving friendships, and you will have them.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Always speak and think kindly about yourself, because your soul needs your love and approval.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Brilliant ideas are gifts from God, sent to you in answer to your prayers . . . and all you need to do is act upon the ideas, one divinely guided step at a time. If you want to validate if an idea is truly heavensent, ask your angels to send you clear signs.
-- Doreen Virtue -
The bliss of the Creator forever permeates all of creation, and it is only in the forgetting that misery exists.
-- Doreen Virtue -
You can work on healing, uplifting, and changing situations from a place of forgiveness, instead of from a place of resentment. Forgive yourself and everyone, and you are free!
-- Doreen Virtue -
By staying true to yourself, you keep your energy high and clear, and you provide inspirational role modeling for other healers and helpers. Integrity toward yourself is a gift to the world.
-- Doreen Virtue -
To connect with the fairies... go outdoors.
-- Doreen Virtue -
We can only feel happy and fulfilled if we're engaged in our (soul's) purpose.
-- Doreen Virtue -
I take action in the direction of my dreams, passions, talents, and interests. I know that I have a much-needed life purpose, which I embrace without delay. I focus only on today with respect to my goals, trusting that all of my tomorrows will work out well.
-- Doreen Virtue -
Forgiveness is essential as the ultimate detox
-- Doreen Virtue -
Divine love always has been, and always will be, the answer that you seek.
-- Doreen Virtue
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