Bruce Eckel famous quotes


  • My father worked on assembly lines in Detroit while I was growing up. Every day, I watched him do what he needed to do to support the family. But he told me, 'Life is short. Do what you want to do.'

  • As a Jew reading about Jesus, I thought, 'He's a pretty good guy.' It's the same conclusion Monty Python drew in 'Life of Brian' - if people actually live what he did, it would be a pretty good world. But Jesus and Christianity have a tenuous relationship at best.

  • Americans like to think 'Python' is how English people really are. There is an element of truth to that.

  • Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?

  • Monty Python: A documentary series on everyday life in Great Britain.

  • Now, it's my belief that Python is a lot easier than to teach to students programming and teach them C or C++ or Java at the same time because all the details of the languages are so much harder. Other scripting languages really don't work very well there either.

  • If you are walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go

  • Find a need and fill it. Successful businesses are founded on the needs of people.

  • I cannot bear not to know the end of a tale. I will read the most trivial things – once commenced – only out of a feverish greed to be able to swallow the ending – sweet or sour – and to be done with what I need never have embarked on. Are you in my case? Or are you a more discriminating reader? Do you lay aside the unprofitable?

  • You don't need vision to be a visionary.

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