Censorship famous quotes
It seems now that the place where you see the most obvious censorship is on college campuses -- the precise place where you would expect to see the least.
-- Alan Charles Kors -
REVOLUTION, n. A bursting of the boilers which usually takes place when the safety valve of public discussion is closed.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Those who call for censorship in the name of the oppressed ought to recognize it is never the oppressed who determine the bounds of censorship.
-- Aryeh Neier -
I always loved music, and I always wanted to make a film about it, but I could never do it because of the censorship that was around.
-- Bahman Ghobadi -
Pontius Pilate was the first great censor and Jesus Christ the first great victim of censorship
-- Ben Lindsey -
I am still against any kind of censorship. It's a subject in my life that has been very important.
-- Bernardo Bertolucci -
Censorship defeats the right to self determination.
-- Billy Forbes -
There's hardly any governmental censorship in Korea.
-- Bong Joon-ho -
Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others.
-- Charles Bukowski -
The censure of those who are opposed to us, is the highest commendation that can be given us.
-- Charles de Saint-Evremond -
The only thing that is obscene is censorship.
-- Craig Reucassel -
Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction.
-- Cynthia McKinney -
If [domain seizure] isn't direct censorship, I don't know what is.
-- Dan Gillmor -
Censors tend to do what only psychotics do: they confuse reality with illusion.
-- David I. Rozenberg -
The censor's sword pierces deeply into the heart of free expression.
-- Earl Warren -
He is always the severest censor of the merit of others who has the least worth of his own.
-- Elias Lyman Magoon -
While the Internet is censored in China, the censorship is allowing a level of speech to take place that's unprecedented.
-- Ethan Zuckerman -
Censorship is advertising paid by the government.
-- Federico Fellini -
I never make moral judgments; I'm not qualified to do so. I am not a censor, a priest, or a politician.
-- Federico Fellini -
I'm a free speech bigot. I don't like censorship; I just don't think it's a good thing.
-- Fred Wilson -
Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any books except the books that nobody reads.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
By placing discretion in the hands of an official to grant or deny a license, such a statute creates a threat of censorship that by its very existence chills free speech.
-- Harry A. Blackmun -
Fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice.
-- Holbrook Jackson -
I believe in censorship when it benefits me.
-- Howard Stern -
[T]he German censorship forbade or mutilated my every book, which was like sticking pins into my soul...
-- Israel Zangwill -
It is called the First Amendment. ...Simple words marching in seried ranks. Compact, concise. To the point. Clear and pure. It's freedom's music.
-- Jack Valenti -
We change people through conversation, not through censorship.
-- Jay-Z -
As to the evil which results from censorship, it is impossible to measure it, because it is impossible to tell where it ends.
-- Jeremy Bentham -
I worry about censorship in many parts of the world.
-- Jimmy Wales -
As Pa said, censorship encouraged people to believe nonsense.
-- John Christopher -
Knowledge cannot defile, nor consequently the books, if the will and conscience be not defiled.
-- John Milton -
Our studies have shown that China's online censorship systems are by far the most sophisticated and extensive in the world.
-- John Palfrey -
China is the most repressive censorship regime on the Internet.
-- John Palfrey -
The interest in encouraging freedom of expression in a democratic society outweighs any theoretical but unproven benefit of censorship.
-- John Paul Stevens -
The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.
-- John Perry Barlow -
The censorship is such on television in the U.S. that films like mine don't stand a chance.
-- John Pilger -
Did you ever hear anyone say, 'That work had better be banned because I might read it and it might be very damaging to me'?
-- Joseph Henry Jackson -
Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas. - Censure acquits the raven, but pursues the dove.
-- Juvenal -
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who will watch the watchers?
-- Juvenal -
Satires which the censor can understand are justly forbidden
-- Karl Kraus -
Life is full of censorship. I cant spit in your eye.
-- Katharine Hepburn -
The case against censoring anything is absolute: ... nothing that could be censored can be so bad in its effects, in the long run, as censorship itself.
-- Katharine Whitehorn -
I don't believe in censorship in any form.
-- Kathryn Bigelow -
We get on the bandwagon in all sorts of ways - you know minor ways and major ways - like what you've just encountered which isn't censorship exactly, it was something sort of uglier in a way.
-- Kathy Acker -
I think the best thing in cases of censorship or things like this is to get as much media as possible.
-- Kathy Acker -
Any country that has sexual censorship will eventually have political censorship.
-- Kenneth Tynan -
If the human body's obscene, complain to the manufacturer, not me.
-- Larry Flynt -
People have a right to be shocked; the mention of unmentionable things is a kind of participation in them.
-- Logan Pearsall Smith -
Censorship, telling people how to live their lives I completely disagree with.
-- M. Shadows -
Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.
-- Mark Twain -
What is also strange to me is that public libraries have always been in the forefront of opposing censorship.
-- Matthew Lesko -
Exile as a mode of genius no longer exists; in place of Joyce we have the fragments of work appearing in Index on Censorship.
-- Nadine Gordimer -
Censorship may have to do with literature; but literature has nothing whatever to do with censorship.
-- Nadine Gordimer -
I won't stand for censorship, not even from Jesus Christ.
-- Nelson Rodrigues -
The very aim and end of our institutions is just this: that we may think what we like and say what we think.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes -
Yes, books are dangerous. They should be dangerous - they contain ideas.
-- Pete Hautman -
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.
-- Potter Stewart -
Every burned book enlightens the world.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Microsoft, Yahoo and others are helping to institutionalize and legitimize the integration of censorship into the global IT business model.
-- Rebecca MacKinnon -
There was no censorship of the press: in general, the War Measures Act could have been made even more radical.
-- Robert Bourassa -
Civil government cannot let any group ride roughshod over others simply because their consciences tell them to do so.
-- Robert H. Jackson -
But, uh, censorship at that time said that you just absolutely couldn't do anything involving children and so we had to go from there. I don't remember what I changed it to. Duvall is just excellent in it.
-- Robert Towne -
An attack upon our ability to tell stories is not just censorship - it is a crime against our nature as human beings.
-- Salman Rushdie -
Censorship is the thing that stops you doing what you want to do, and what writers want to talk about is what they do, not what stops them doing it.
-- Salman Rushdie -
Sunnybrook Farm is now a parking lot; the petticoats are in the garbage can, where they belong in the modern world; and I detest censorship.
-- Shirley Temple -
Is it really beyond our wits to devise some form of censorship which would trap only the crudely sadistic?
-- Storm Jameson -
If you have to be careful because of oppression and censorship, this pressure produces diamonds.
-- Tatyana Tolstaya -
The function of the censor is to censor. He has a professional interest in finding things to suppress.
-- Thomas I. Emerson -
I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man.
-- Thomas Jefferson -
And although I'm all for freedom of expression and against censorship, there are certain things I'm not willing to go to jail for.
-- Tom Lehrer -
The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.
-- Tommy Smothers -
The ultimate censorship is the flick of the dial.
-- Tommy Smothers -
One thing that success has taught me is censorship
-- Tracey Emin -
The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book.
-- Walt Whitman -
Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.
-- Walter Cronkite -
We hold that no person or set of persons can properly establish a standard of expression for others.
-- William Randolph Hearst -
Words alone can rarely justify censorship. If we censor words themselves without looking at the context, we could shut down much of the entertainment industry.
-- Witold Walczak -
We live in far too permissive a society. Never before has ***** been this rampant. And those films are so badly lit!
-- Woody Allen -
Censorship is all around us, I don't think it's innate.
-- Alice Mattison -
Mexico just needs more journalists, and especially more good places to publish and exhibit. There are all kinds of censorship practiced in Mexico, not just violent repression. Perhaps the biggest threat to good journalism here is the massive power of the country's media monoliths - Televisa and TV Azteca - who have 80% of the market. They endlessly saturate the country with propaganda and inanity.
-- Francisco Goldman -
We are in an era where censorship is creeping back in through the Patriot Act and where people are.. being intimidated not to speak about what we should be speaking about.
-- Gerald Nicosia -
Censorship is the commonest social blasphemy because it is mostly concealed, built into us by indolence, self-interest and cowardice.
-- John Osborne -
You had censorship. If you brought a manuscript to the publisher, you knew he would suggest changes. If you wanted to write and speak what you thought had to be written and spoken, you had to act against all these suppressive rules.
-- Stefan Heym -
Let me be clear: I am not an advocate of censorship.
-- Mike Rogers -
Self-censorship happens not only in China, or Iran or ex-Soviet places. It can happen anywhere. If an artist penetrates a certain taboo or a certain power through their work, he or she will face this problem. I'm always saying that commercial censorship is our foremost censorship globally today. Why do we still pretend we are free?
-- Xiaolu Guo