Jacques Ellul famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
Christians have always tended to transform the Christian Revelation into a Christian religion. Christianity is said to be a religion like any other or, conversely, some Christians try to show that it is a better religion than the others. People attempt to take possession of God. Theology claims to explain everything, including the being of God. People tend to transform Christianity into a religion because the Christian faith obviously places people in an extremely uncomfortable position  that of freedom guided only by love and all in the context of God's radical demand that we be holy.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Christians were never meant to be normal. We’ve always been holy troublemakers, we’ve always been creators of uncertainty, agents of dimension that’s incompatible with the status quo; we do not accept the world as it is, but we insist on the world becoming the way that God wants it to be. And the Kingdom of God is different from the patterns of this world.
-- Jacques Ellul -
When God picks out a man and speaks to him, it is to engage him in a work, an action. Nowhere in Scripture do we find indeterminate or purely mystical vocation.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Belief is reassuring. People who live in the world of belief feel safe. On the contrary, faith is forever placing us on the razor's edge.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Prayer is not a discourse. It is a form of life, the life with God. That is why it is not confined to the moment of verbal statement.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The will of the world is always a will to death, a will to suicide. We must not accept this suicide, and we must so act that it cannot take place.
-- Jacques Ellul -
This is where each individual must decide for himself. The essential thing is the decision to challenge the modern state, which without this small group of protesters will be checked by neither brake, value, nor reason.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Enclosed within his artificial creation, man finds that there is “no exitâ€; that he cannot pierce the shell of technology again to find the ancient milieu to which he was adapted for hundreds of thousands of years . In our cities there is no more day or night or heat or cold. But there is overpopulation, thralldom to press and television, total absence of purpose. All men are constrained by means external to them to ends equally external. The further the technical mechanism develops that allows us to escape natural necessity, the more we are subjected to artificial technical necessities.
-- Jacques Ellul -
True technique will know how to maintain the illusion of liberty, choice, and individuality; but these will have been carefully calculated so that they will be integrated into the mathematical reality merely as appearances!
-- Jacques Ellul -
Technological society leads to increasing numbers of people who cannot adapt to the inhuman rhythm of modern life with its emphasis on specialization. A class of people is growing up who are unexploitable because they are not worth employing even for the minimum wage. Technological progress makes whole categories of people useless without making it possible to support them with the wealth produced by the progress.
-- Jacques Ellul -
No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty. It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself.
-- Jacques Ellul -
We are not to make the Torah into God Himself, nor the Bible into a "paper pope." The Bible is only the result of the Word of God. We can experience the return of the Word of God in the here and now, the perpetual return of the actual, living, indisputable Word of God that makes possible the act of witnessing, but we should never think of the Bible as any sort of talisman or oracle constantly at our disposal that we need only open and read to be in relation to the Word of God and God Himself.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief
-- Jacques Ellul -
It is inconceivable that the God who gives Himself in His Son to save us, should have created some people ordained to evil and damnation. There can only be one predestination to salvation. In and through Jesus Christ all people are predestined to be saved. Our free choice is ruled out in this regard. God wants free people, except in relation to this last and definitive decision. We are not free to decide and choose to be damned.
-- Jacques Ellul -
For in a civilization which has lost the meaning of life, the most important thing a Christian can do is to live, and life, understood from the point of view of faith, has an extraordinary explosive force.
-- Jacques Ellul -
One thing, however, is sure: unless Christians fulfill their prophetic role, unless they become the advocates and defenders of the truly poor, witness to their misery, then, infallibly, violence will suddenly break out. In one way or another 'their blood cries to heaven,' and violence will seem the only way out. It will be too late to try to calm them and create harmony.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Prayer holds together the shattered fragments of creation. It makes history possible.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The individual who is the servant of technique must be completely unconscious of himself.
-- Jacques Ellul -
No technique is possible when men are free.... Technique requires predictability and, no less, exactness of prediction. It is necessary, then, that technique prevail over the human being.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The qualities which technique requires for its advance are precisely those characteristics of a technical order which do not represent indivisual intelligence...The individual, in order to make use of technical instruments, no longer needs to know about his civilization.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Philosophy which asserts that human experience repeats itself is ineffectual.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The fact of knowing how to read is nothing, the whole point is knowing what to read.
-- Jacques Ellul -
If man--if each one of us--abdicates his responsibilities with regard to values; if each one of us limits himself to leading a trivial existence in a technological civilization, with greater adaptation and increasing success as his sole objectives; if we do not even consider the possibility of making a stand against these determinants, then everything will happen as I have described it, and the determinates will be transformed into inevitabilities.
-- Jacques Ellul -
And an apprenticeship to whatever gadgetry is useful in a technical world
-- Jacques Ellul -
Education no longer has a humanist end or any value in itself; it has only one goal, to create technicians.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Everyone has been taught that technique is an application of science.... This traditional view is radically false. It takes into account only a single category of science and only a short period of time
-- Jacques Ellul -
When there is propaganda, we are no longer able to evaluate certain questions, or even to discuss them
-- Jacques Ellul -
Technical civilization has made a great error in not suppressing death, the only human reality still intact
-- Jacques Ellul -
Christians should be troublemakers, creators of uncertainty, agents of a dimension incompatible with society.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Am I a pessimist? Not at all. I am convinced that the history of the human race, no matter how tragic, will ultimately lead to the Kingdom of God. I am convinced that all the works of humankind will be reintegrated in the work of God, and that each of us, no matter how sinful, will ultimately be saved.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The biblical God lets us make our own history, and goes with us on the more or less unheard-of adventures we concoct.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Mass media provides the essential link between the individual and the demands of the technological society.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Technique has taken over the whole of civilization. Death, procreation, birth all submit to technical efficiency and systemization.
-- Jacques Ellul -
What we are witnessing at the moment is a rearrangement of the world in an intermediate stage; the change is not in the use of a natural force but in the application of technique to all spheres of life.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Human life as a whole is not inundated by technique. It has room for activities that are not rationally or systematically ordered. But the collision between spontaneous activities and technique is catastrophic for the spontaneous activities.
-- Jacques Ellul -
It is the emergence of mass media which makes possible the use of propaganda techniques on a societal scale.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The Holy Spirit alone can do this, the Holy Spirit alone can establish this link with one's neighbor.
-- Jacques Ellul -
In sum, thought and reflection have been rendered thoroughly pointless by the circumstances in which modern men and women live and act.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Freedom is completely without meaning unless it is related to necessity, unless it represents victory over necessity.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Again I want to emphasize that the study of propaganda must be conducted within the context of a technological society. Propaganda is called upon to solve problems created by technology, to play on maladjustments, and to integrate the individual into a technological world.
-- Jacques Ellul -
There is one act par excellence which profanes money by going directly against the law of money, an act for which money is not made. That act is giving.
-- Jacques Ellul -
God is not an encyclopedia whose task it is to satisfy our curiosity.
-- Jacques Ellul -
In point of fact there are a certain number of values and of forces which are of decisive importance in our world civilization: the primacy of production, the continual growth of the power of the State and the formation of the National State, the autonomous development of technics , etc. These, among others far more than the ownership of the means of production or any totalitarian doctrine are the constitutive elements of the modern world. So long as these elements continue to be taken for granted, the world is standing still.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Journalistic content is a technical complex expressly intended to adapt man to the machine.
-- Jacques Ellul -
It is not true that the perfection of police power is the result of the state's Machiavellianism or of some transitory influence. The whole structure of society of society implies it, of necessity. The more we mobilize the forces of nature, the more must we mobilize men and the more do we require order
-- Jacques Ellul -
Science brings to the light of day everything man had believed sacred. Technique takes possession of it and enslaves it.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The individual, by means of the discipline imposed on him by sport, not only plays and finds relaxation from the various compulsions to which he is subjected, but without knowing it trains himself for new compulsions. ... Training in sports makes of the individual an efficient piece of apparatus which is henceforth unacquainted with anything but the harsh joys of exploiting his body and winning.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Sport carries on without deviation the mechanical tradition of furnishing relief and distraction to the worker after he has finished his work proper so that he is at no time independent of one technique or another. In sport the citizen of the technical society finds the same spirit, criteria, morality, actions and objectives in short, all the technical laws and customs which he encounters in office or factory.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The most favorable moment to seize a man and influence him is when he is alone in the mass. It is at this point that propaganda can be most effective.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The aim of modern propaganda is no longer to modify ideas, but to provoke action.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Hate, hunger, and pride make better levers of propaganda than do love or impartiality.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Having analyzed these traits, we can now advance a definition of propaganda not an exhaustive definition, unique and exclusive of all others, but at least a partial one: Propaganda is a set of methods employed by an organized group that wants to bring about the active or passive participation in its actions of a mass of individuals, psychologically unified through psychological manipulations and incorporated in an organization.
-- Jacques Ellul -
People think that they have no right to judge a fact all they have to do is to accept it. Thus from the moment that technics, the State, or production, are facts, we must worship them as facts, and we must try to adapt ourselves to them. This is the very heart of modern religion, the religion of the established fact, the religion on which depend the lesser religions of the dollar, race, or the proletariat , which are only expressions of the great modern divinity , the Moloch of fact.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Propaganda does not aim to elevate man, but to make him serve .
-- Jacques Ellul -
Salvation is universal because the love of God encompasses all. If God is God and if God is love, nothing is outside the love of God. A place like hell is thus inconceivable.
-- Jacques Ellul -
It is the multiplication of men who are exluded from working which provokes war. We ought at least to bear this in mind when we boast of the continual decrease in human participation in technical operations.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Our civilization is first and foremost a civilization of means; in the reality of modern life, the means, it would seem, are more important than the ends.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Totalitarianism extends to whatever touches it...psychological technique, as it operates in the army or in a great industrial plant, entails a direct action on the family. It involves a psychological adaptation of family life to military or industrial methods, supervision of family life, and training family life for military or industrial service. Technique can leave nothing untouched in a civilization. Everything is its concern. Technique, which is destroying all other civilizations, is more than a simple mechanism: it's a whole civilization in itself.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The machine is a tool. But it is not a neutral tool. We are deeply influenced by the machine while using it.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The orchestration of press, radio and television to create a continuous, lasting and total environment renders the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed precisely because it creates a constant environment.
-- Jacques Ellul -
According to the International Institute for Environment and Development, the annual amount spent globally on advertising aimed at increasing consumption topped $430 billion in 1998.Consumer capitalism is dedicated to the proposition that production is good in itself, no matter what is produced. The net effect is the massive production of absurd, empty and useless items which are nevertheless utterly serious since we earn our living from them, and dedicate our leisure time to them.
-- Jacques Ellul -
because of the myth of progress, it is much easier to sell a man an electric razor than a straight-edged one.
-- Jacques Ellul -
I describe a world with no exit, convinced that God accompanies man throughout his history .
-- Jacques Ellul -
(Propaganda) proceeds by psychological manipulations, character modifications, by creation of stereotypes useful when the time comes - The two great routes that this sub-propaganda takes are the conditioned reflex and the myth
-- Jacques Ellul -
We have to admit that there is an immeasurable distance between all that we read in the Bible and the practice of the Church and of Christians.
-- Jacques Ellul -
For the word is dialectical in itself and at the same time is integrated into the whole of existence. By this I mean that the word is intended to be lived.
-- Jacques Ellul -
All human language draws its nature and value from the fact that it both comes from the Word of God and is chosen by God to manifest himself. But this relationship is secret and incomprehensible, beyond the bounds of reason and analysis.
-- Jacques Ellul -
So I can very well say without hesitation that all those who have political power, even if they use it well have acquired it by demonic mediation and even if they are not conscious of it, they are worshippers of diabolos.
-- Jacques Ellul -
there is a limited elite that understands the secrets of their own techniques, but not necessarily of all techniques. These men are close to the seat of modern governmental power. The state is no longer founded on the 'average citizen', but on the ability and knowledge of this elite. The average man is altogether unable to penetrate technical secrets or governmental organization and consequently can exert no influence at all on the state.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The intellectual who wants to do her work properly must today go back to the starting point: the woman whom she knows, and first of all to herself. It is at that level, and at no other, that she ought to begin to think about the world situation.
-- Jacques Ellul -
To the ideal of high consumption and the downgrading of spiritual values corresponds a conception of injustice that centers exclusively on the problem of consumption; and equality in consumption cannot be achieved except by violence.
-- Jacques Ellul -
There are different forms of anarchy and different currents in it. I must, first say very simply what anarchy I have in view. By anarchy I mean first an absolute rejection of violence.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Thinking has become a superfluous exercise... purely internal, without compelling force, more or less a game.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Faith lived in the incognito is one which is located outside the criticism coming from society , from politics , from history , for the very reason that it has itself the vocation to be a source of criticism. It is faith (lived in the incognito) which triggers the issues for the others, which causes everything seemingly established to be placed in doubt , which drives a wedge into the world of false assurances.
-- Jacques Ellul -
The biblical teaching is clear. It always contests political power . It incites to "counterpower," to "positive" criticism , to an irreducible dialogue (like that between king and prophet in Israel ), to antistatism, to a decentralizing of the relation, to an extreme relativizing of everything political, to an anti-ideology, to a questioning of all that claims either power or dominion (in other words, of all things political), and finally, if we may use a modern term, to a kind of " anarchism " (so long as we do not relate the term to the anarchist teaching of the nineteenth century).
-- Jacques Ellul
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