Dimensions famous quotes
We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exist only in the physical dimension. In our human element, we are not separate; we’re very much connected. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration. This understanding needs to manifest in our conduct in each moment. This is the part of the Work that will transform you.
-- A. H. Almaas -
The urge to revolt is one of the essential dimensions of human nature.
-- Albert Camus -
The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness.
-- Alex Grey -
By instructing students how to learn, unlearn and relearn, a powerful new dimension can be added to education.
-- Alvin Toffler -
An ideology that divides the world into those who are worth more and those who are worth less, into superior and inferior beings, does not have to reach the dimensions of the German genocide to be wrong.
-- Amira Hass -
It's hardly ever that I am hurt by something in only one dimension.
-- Ashly Lorenzana -
Every minute of his life since then has been marked by her absence, every action has lacked dimension because she is not there to measure against. And when I was young I didn't understand, but now, I know, how absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird.
-- Audrey Niffenegger -
And suddenly I realised that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension.
-- Ayrton Senna -
All music has political dimensions because it suggests a way of being.
-- Brian Eno -
I feel that what you should illustrate is the space between the words. It's the betweenness, the otherness, that gives depth and dimension.
-- Brian Froud -
Some compilers allow a check during execution that subscripts do not exceed array dimensions. This is a help, but not sufficient. First, many programmers do not use such compilers because They're not efficient. (Presumably, this means that it is vital to get the wrong answers quickly.)
-- Brian Kernighan -
One of the most ignored dimensions of the Iraqi insurgency are the Iraqis themselves who are regularly abducted, held for ransom and sometimes executed.
-- Bruce Hoffman -
So you see, movies are really another dimension.
-- Cecilia Bartoli -
I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.
-- Chaim Potok -
How sickness enlarges the dimension of a man’s self to himself!
-- Charles Lamb -
Those characters are forever searchingeven if we're not watching them, they're out there, in some dimension. Mulder and Scully are still doing their thing, because that's their nature.
-- David Duchovny -
When you're being truly creative, time stands still, and you enter a dimension that can carry you beyond the ordinariness of everyday life.
-- Denise Linn -
We didn’t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.
-- Derek Rydall -
The driving forces of the universe, the framework upon which it is built up in all its parts, belong to another phase of manifestation than our physical plane, having other dimensions than the three to which we are habituated, and perceived by other modes of consciousness than those to which we are accustomed.
-- Dion Fortune -
God is not a personality outside of you. What God is, is inextricably part of what you are. God is the dimension of depth within you.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
When another recognizes you, that recognition draws the dimension of Being more fully into this world through both of you. That is the love that redeems the world.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
In you, as in each human being, there is a dimension of consciousness far deeper than thought. It is the very essence of who you are. We may call it presence, awareness, the unconditioned consciousness.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
Enthusiasm is the power that transfers the mental blueprint into the physical dimension.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
The outer purpose belongs to the horizontal dimension of space and time; the inner purpose concerns a deepening of your Being in the vertical dimension of the timeless Now.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
When you listen to a thought, you are aware not only of the thought but also of yourself as the witness of the thought. A new dimension of consciousness has come in.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
If I take the theory as we have it now, literally, I would conclude that extra dimensions really exist. They're part of nature. We don't really know how big they are yet, but we hope to explore that in various ways.
-- Edward Witten -
The theory has to be interpreted that extra dimensions beyond the ordinary four dimensions the three spatial dimensions plus time are sufficiently small that they haven't been observed yet.
-- Edward Witten -
There is no time left for anything but to make peace work a dimension of our every waking activity.
-- Elise M. Boulding -
Religion is one dimension of culture, a transcendent element of it.
-- Francis Arinze -
The smallest modification of tonality affects structure. Some things have to be rather large, but elegance is the presentation of things in their minimum dimensions.
-- Frederick Sommer -
The problems raised by a conscious direction of economic affairs on a national scale inevitably assume even greater dimensions when the same is attempted internationally. The conflict between planning and freedom cannot but become more serious as the similarity of standards and values among those submitted to a unitary plan diminishes.
-- Friedrich August von Hayek -
I would always slip away to the cinema. I always found something absolutely extraordinary about the fact that these actors were always kind of kicking hard at some new dimension they were doing on film.
-- Geoffrey Rush -
Time has its own dimensions, and neither the sun nor the clock can encompass them all.
-- Hal Borland -
Our lives can only be lived forward and understood backwards. Living a life and understanding it occupy different dimensions.
-- Hanif Kureishi -
Because of the many dimensions of forms of though which you can also put into physical form, you have the possibility to create much which we cannot fashion in the same manner.
-- Hans Bender -
Characters make their own plot. The dimensions of the characters determine the action of the novel.
-- Harper Lee -
The evidence at present available points strongly to the conclusion that the spirals are individual galaxies, or island universes, comparable with our own galaxy in dimension and in number of component units. [Stating his conviction on the nature of nebulae during the Shapley-Curtis debate on 26 Apr 1920 to the National Academy of Sciences.]
-- Heber Doust Curtis -
New Zealand and SA should take this dimension into account, the skills South Africans are presently contributing to New Zealand.
-- Helen Clark -
Coming to life as classics, they come to life as other than themselves; they are deprived of their antagonistic force, of the estrangement which was the very dimension of their truth.
-- Herbert Marcuse -
Now intelligence seemed quantifiable. You could measure someone's actual or potential height, and now, it seemed, you could also measure someone's actual or potential intelligence. We had one dimension of mental ability along which we could array everyone... The whole concept has to be challenged; in fact, it has to be replaced.
-- Howard Gardner -
Though I was careful never to mention it, I began to see a new dimension in everything that happened.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
I am deeply aware of the dimension of luck. It's so important to be prepared to receive it, but it is a major factor. There's no question.
-- J. Carter Brown -
Christians should be troublemakers, creators of uncertainty, agents of a dimension incompatible with society.
-- Jacques Ellul -
Love makes the Real of desire accessible without its tragic dimension
-- Jacques Lacan -
As is known, it is in the realm of experience inaugurated by psychoanalysis that we may grasp along what imaginary lines the human organism, in the most intimate recesses of its being, manifests its capture in a symbolic dimension.
-- Jacques Lacan -
Higher dimensions of Awareness means Higher dimensions of energy.
-- Jaggi Vasudev -
Villains can often be one note and I would say in that case, it's not fun to play the villain. It's fun to play the villain if he a) has dimension and b) the villain gets to do all the things in the movie that in life he would get punished for. In the movie, you're applauded for them if you do them with panache. And so that's why it's more fun to play the villain.
-- James Franco -
As we divest ourselves of once familiar physical objects - digitize and dematerialize - we approach a 'Star Trek' future in which everything can be accessed from the fourth dimension with a few clicks or terse audibles.
-- James Wolcott -
Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds.
-- Jane Roberts -
Memory is the fourth dimension to any landscape.
-- Janet Fitch -
I am passionate about keeping the human dimension in things. You have to keep the rough edges and the inconsistencies, that's what makes it interesting. I've always striven to be as sloppy as possible.
-- Jarvis Cocker -
What is a society without a heroic dimension?
-- Jean Baudrillard -
Going from Giraud to Moebius, I twisted the strip; changed dimensions. I was the same and yet someone else. Moebius is the result of my duality.
-- Jean Giraud -
Architecture exists, like cinema, in the dimension of time and movement
-- Jean Nouvel -
I think that the proposed constitution is one of the European legal documents with the strongest social dimension I have seen since I began following European issues.
-- Jean-Pierre Raffarin -
I'm saying that the domain of poetry includes both oral & written forms, that poetry goes back to a pre-literate situation & would survive a post-literate situation, that human speech is a near-endless source of poetic forms, that there has always been more oral than written poetry, & that we can no longer pretend to a knowledge of poetry if we deny its oral dimension.
-- Jerome Rothenberg -
It is a magical thing for a handful of words, artfully arranged, to stop time. To conjure a place, a person, a situation, in all its specificity and dimensions. To affect us and alter us, as profoundly as real people and things do.
-- Jhumpa Lahiri -
...death is ultimately a dimension of life through which we journey into timelessness.
-- John Shelby Spong -
I like to give dimension to shots inside action scenes. It's demanding because you have to rehearse a lot of things happening at the same time and frame all those things in a shot. But I feel like when you accomplish that then you've got a cool action scene.
-- Jose Padilha -
Eternity is not future or past. Eternity is a dimension of now. It is a dimension of the human spirit -- which is eternal. Find that eternal dimension in yourself, and you will ride through time, and throughout the whole length of your days.
-- Joseph Campbell -
Eternity is not future or past. Eternity is a dimension of now.
-- Joseph Campbell -
My respect for the inconsiderable is assuming gigantic dimensions.
-- Karl Kraus -
Encaustic gives markmaking a dimension... additive/subtractive.
-- Kay WalkingStick -
The dimensions of my feelings are too violent
-- Klaus Kinski -
I need words that mean more than they mean, words not just with height and width, but depth and weight and, and other dimensions that I cannot even name.
-- Lois McMaster Bujold -
An idea doesn't die," said Trapp. "It exists somewhere, in its own dimension, waiting to be perceived.
-- Louis Sachar -
When greatness descends from its lofty pedestal, it assumes human dimensions.
-- Louise Colet -
I am out to introduce a psychic shock into my painting, one that is always motivated by pictorial reasoning: that is to say, a fourth dimension.
-- Marc Chagall -
Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other.
-- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio -
I was slowly taking on the dimensions of a chest of drawers.
-- Maria Franziska von Trapp -
Life is love, a gift from god and parent, death is gratitude for a new dimension
-- Masaru Emoto -
Scale is extremely important. Scale is not dimensions. Dimensions are physical and scales are mental.
-- Massimo Vignelli -
We must therefore rediscover, after the natural world, the social world, not as an object or sum of objects, but as a permanent field or dimension of existence.
-- Maurice Merleau-Ponty -
Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Perceiving life in a consciousness of gratitude is literally stepping into another dimension of living. Suddenly the seeming ordinariness of your days takes on a divine sparkle.
-- Michael Beckwith -
Dead, we are revealed in our true dimensions, and they are surprisingly modest.
-- Michael Cunningham -
I've always believed that what can make a domestic setting truly home is the infusion of a cultural dimension.
-- Michael Graves -
Each day I take time out to study the Bible, no matter where I am. The teachings of the Bible have added a new dimension to my life. It, somehow, makes me whole.
-- Michael Jackson -
This same habitual blindness to spiritual, substantive dimensions of every significant challenge continues to handicap Hollywood.
-- Michael Medved -
The left-leaning thinking that dominates the movie business follows a common liberal instinct to deny the spiritual dimension to every problem, thereby profoundly compounding the difficulties.
-- Michael Medved -
Intervention continues to be a prominent dimension of the post-cold war world.
-- Mike Jackson -
Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything.
-- Mirra Alfassa -
That's what I've been trying to strive for - to draw a clear picture, to open up a new dimension.
-- Mos Def -
Thus passing through the infinite varieties of space we reach the Divine space which is absolutely free from all dimensions and constitutes the meeting point of all infinities.
-- Muhammad Iqbal -
Love, Allie concluded, wasn't blind, it simply saw alternate dimensions.
-- Neal Shusterman -
It is only through fiction and the dimension of the imaginary that we can learn something real about individual experience. Any other approach is bound to be general and abstract.
-- Nicola Chiaromonte -
Kate Moss is small and not necessarily model dimensions but she has that special something.
-- Nigel Barker -
Governor Tinubu’s criminal case is of international dimension.
-- Nuhu Ribadu -
All that's left now is purely poetic work, putting more life into individual places, as I've made so sure of the fundamental mood and dimension of expression that it won't leave me groping around in uncertainty any more.
-- Oskar Kokoschka -
Shyness is a condition foreign to the heart -- a category, a dimension which leads to loneliness.
-- Pablo Neruda -
Isolation and belonging are not absolute, provable states of being. They arise completely out of the nothingness within you; you measure their dimensions against your own firm or shaky sense of who you are.
-- Paula Sharp -
All space must be attached to a value, to a public dimension. There is no private space. The only private space that you can imagine is the human mind.
-- Paulo Mendes da Rocha -
The deliberate expansion of means and methods does not automatically bring a new dimension of value.
-- Pierre Alechinsky -
The colored planes, as much by position and dimension as by the greater value given to color, plastically express only relationships and not forms.
-- Piet Mondrian -
Painting transports me into another dimension which, quite literally, refreshes parts of the soul which other activities can't reach.
-- Prince Charles -
I was totally absorbed. I was in another world, or another dimension; all sense of time evaporated.
-- Prince Charles -
A good discussion increases the dimensions of everyone who takes part.
-- Randolph Bourne -
There are three dimensions of time, two of which contain happier days.
-- Robert Breault