Exhausted famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the alternatives
-- Abba Eban -
Unfortunates, who ought to begin with God, do not have any hope in him till they have exhausted all other means of deliverance.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
The wretched and the miserable should turn to their Savior first, yet they do not hope in Him until all other hope is exhausted.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
Contentment is a wealth that is never exhausted
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
You know how fussy and particular I am in painting. I am ever removing the paint and repainting the spot until I am completely exhausted.
-- Arshile Gorky -
I am somewhat exhausted; I wonder how a battery feels when it pours electricity into a non-conductor?
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
It is horrible, yet fascinating, this struggle between a set purpose and an utterly exhausted frame.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted.
-- Arthur Miller -
They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It's unthinkable.
-- Barry Pepper -
You behold a range of exhausted volcanoes. Not a flame flickers on a single pallid crest.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
If you don't have to drag yourself off the field exhausted after 90 minutes, you can't claim to have done your best.
-- Bill Nichols -
One of the quickest ways to become exhausted is by suppressing your feelings.
-- Bill Vaughan -
When I have clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in order to go into darkness again.
-- Carl Friedrich Gauss -
I took only twice a time-out, once, when I was hurt, and a second time, when I much felt I was exhausted out of personal reasons.
-- Cathy Freeman -
When you are exhausted from trying, try just one more time.
-- Chrisse Feros -
The further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you.
-- Clive Owen -
I was exhausted. Fighting to save the universe will do that.
-- D. J. MacHale -
Politicians generally do the right thing only when all other options are exhausted.
-- Daniel J. Mitchell -
The antidote to exhaustion may not be rest. It may be wholeheartedness. You are so exhausted because all of the things you are doing are just busyness. There's a central core of wholeheartedness totally missing from what you're doing.
-- David Steindl-Rast -
Photographers stop photographing a subject too soon before they have exhausted the possibilities.
-- Dorothea Lange -
Not until the empirical resources are exhausted, need we pass on to the dreamy realms of speculation.
-- Edwin Powell Hubble -
I would be so exhausted by my determination that I had no strength left to do the actual work.
-- Etty Hillesum -
I'm not on the run from anything and I'm not at all clear about what I'm running towards. But as some great writer put it, I want to be certain that when I arrive at death, I'm totally exhausted.
-- Fiona Shaw -
The intellectually sophisticated person is indifferent to all genuine individuality, because relationships and reactions result from it which cannot be exhausted with logical operations.
-- Georg Simmel -
I know that I've overfed myself trying to prop myself up because I'm exhausted.
-- Geri Halliwell -
When I finished the series, I wasn't going to do television again. I never wanted to do television to begin with, and I was so exhausted by the process that I was wary of being in front of the camera again.
-- Gillian Anderson -
They always call depression the blues, but I would have been happy to waken to a periwinkle outlook. Depression to me is urine yellow, washed out, exhausted miles of weak piss.
-- Gillian Flynn -
Unless the work of art has wholly exhausted its makers attention, it fails. This is why works of great significance are demanding and why they are infinitely rewarding.
-- Guy Davenport -
If I'm exhausted, physically and particularly emotionally, I can't tell what's good and I can't tell what's bad and I'm useless.
-- Guy Pearce -
I am certainly a romantic, but with a good scientific and rationalist half: thus, from this conflict I sometimes come out victorious, but exhausted.
-- Henri -
It has been said that Poland is dead, exhausted, enslaved, but here is the proof of her life and triumph.
-- Henryk Sienkiewicz -
On an exhausted field, only weeds grow.
-- Henryk Sienkiewicz -
Words performed through music can express what language alone had exhausted
-- Hugo von Hofmannsthal -
I feel like I've exhausted guys and male friendships.
-- Irvine Welsh -
Lenin could listen so intently that he exhausted the speaker.
-- Isaiah Berlin -
Being here all day, I was quite exhausted - I had to drink coffee before the match to stay awake
-- Jelena Jankovic -
I'm at my best when I'm exhausted and under pressure.
-- Jimmy Page -
This is fictional time, where events play out and possibilities are exhausted, so that meaning can emerge.
-- Joan Silber -
After having exhausted all the arguments on behalf of evil, one utters the creed's dictums with nostalgia rather than with fervor.
-- Joseph Brodsky -
Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power...it is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.
-- Justus von Liebig -
When I see some of the people who are glorified in magazines these days - who are so thin it's bordering on sickness - I just feel exhausted.
-- Katherine Heigl -
And it occurs to me that maybe the reason my mother was so exhausted all the time wasn’t because she was doing so much but because she was feeling so much.
-- Kelly Corrigan -
People get exhausted trying to figure me out. And I just let them.
-- Kenya Moore -
I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
-- Kristin Davis -
I almost feel guilty. The physical toll is tremendous. Im exhausted and I only played nine innings.
-- Lance Berkman -
I am exhausted by trying to get along with the Lord.
-- Louise Rennison -
The only time I'm pleased with myself is when I'm exhausted and shaking from having written too much.
-- Mabel Seeley -
It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.
-- Mary Kay Ash -
I'm not married and I don't think that's going to work out for me. I'm not even bitter, I'm just exhausted.
-- Mary Lynn Rajskub -
I'm so exhausted and yet I feel like I'll never sleep again.
-- Maya Banks -
What counts in the ring is what you can do after you're exhausted. The same is true of life.
-- Muhammad Ali -
Excessive concern with religion seems to me a last resort for people who have been exhausted by life.
-- Naguib Mahfouz -
A good book is never exhausted; we are never exhausted by a good book.
-- Natalie Clifford Barney -
I like to sleep so much that I wake up exhausted from sleeping so hard.
-- Nicole Richie -
It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.
-- Priscilla Shirer -
The loneliest people in the world are those who have exhausted pleasure and come away empty.
-- Ravi Zacharias -
After I exhausted the blues thing, I got into jazz.
-- Robert Quine -
Upon the death of my father, our family and myself were emotionally and financially exhausted.
-- Sam Sheppard -
Where the army is, prices are high; when prices rise the wealth of the people is exhausted.
-- Sun Tzu -
I had my hair in a ponytail and looked my trademark exhausted.
-- Tina Fey -
Diplomacy has been exhausted .. Continued instability in the Balkans threatens important U.S. national interests,.
-- Tom Daschle -
It used to be in the Senate that if you were filibustering, you stood up. There was a physical dimension to it, that you - when you became exhausted you would have to leave the floor. That was the idea of the filibuster.
-- Tom Udall -
I know I am deathlessÂ…We have thus far exhausted trillions of winters and summers, There are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them.
-- Walt Whitman -
A drowning man cannot be saved until he is utterly exhausted and ceases to make the slightest effort to save himself.
-- Watchman Nee -
The American male doesn't mature until he has exhausted all other possibilities.
-- Wilfrid Sheed -
America's problem is how to free itself from the grip of it's exhausted ideas.
-- William Pfaff -
There was a time when I was 19 when I really, really, really thought I was going crazy. I was exhausted and going through a terrible depression.
-- Winona Ryder -
I was exhausted and going through a terrible depression.
-- Winona Ryder -
Our precious heritage of natural and unspoiled beauty and unpolluted streams, once exhausted and destroyed, can never be replaced.
-- Alvin O'Konski -
The English have a wellspring of comedy that will never be exhausted: the combination of ***** urges and excellent manners.
-- David Edelstein -
The antidote to exhaustion may not be rest but wholeheartedness... we are typically exhausted because we are not doing our TRUE work.
-- Gordon T. Smith -
This method of deduction ... is often called "combinatory". Its usefulness is not exhausted at this stage, but it does even at the outset lead to some valuable conclusions.
-- John Chadwick -
By the time I entered this prestigious high school, my interest in formal education had already been exhausted.
-- Lewis Schiff -
Contemporary art photography, or, more specifically, what I would term mainstream art photography, represents for the most part the mining of an exhausted lode.
-- Abigail Solomon-Godeau -
What we are only now beginning to fully realize is that in seeking material pleasure too constantly, the capacity for enjoyment or fulfillment decreases and eventually becomes exhausted.
-- Alex Campbell -
You couldn't be a racist and live in L.A.; you'd be exhausted.
-- Charlie Viracola -
I cannot teach -- if I teach as teaching should be I become so exhausted I nearly die, I seem to have no middle gear.
-- James Tiptree Jr.