Franz Werfel famous quotes


  • Better to be too early and have to try again, than be too late and have to catch up.

  • Never too late to learn some embarrassingly basic, stupidly obvious things about oneself.

  • Tis not too late to seek a newer world.

  • Happy is what you realize you are a fraction of a second before it's too late.

  • There’s only two times in life, there’s now and there’s too late.

  • It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.

  • I don't like the word 'experiment' in the context of art in general. It implies something immature, unfinished, something entertaining for a moment before it becomes irrelevant.

  • There is only the constant knowledge and enjoyment of the Heart, moment to moment, through the instant of all conditions of appearance and disappearance. Of this I am perfectly certain. I am That.

  • Moments are history. If you have enough of them, they become a story.

  • When we're in our true being, the purpose of life is to feel that every moment is the purpose.