Christopher Lee famous quotes
I've seen many men die right in front of me - so many in fact that I've become almost hardened to it. Having seen the worst that human beings can do to each other, the results of torture, mutilation and seeing someone blown to pieces by a bomb, you develop a kind of shell. But you had to. You had to. Otherwise we would never have won.
-- Christopher Lee -
I was always fascinated by fairy stories, fantasy, you know, demons, necromancers, gods and goddesses, everything that is out of our kin and out of our everyday world. I was always interested in enchantment and magicians and still am.
-- Christopher Lee -
I think that - apart from the fields of science and medicine - we live in an age of decline. Look at the world. There is decline in morals, ideals, manners, respect, truthfulness: just about everything, in fact.
-- Christopher Lee -
I did radio, I did television, I did opera, I did films in which I had very, very little to say. But I had a lot of experience in front of the camera, and that's what really counts
-- Christopher Lee -
You can learn Elvish, if you want. It's a language like Italian and English. You can learn to read it, you can learn to write it, and you can learn to speak it.
-- Christopher Lee -
I've been for 10 years trying to make something out of my life as an actor. I've learned a lot but I haven't done much that's worthwhile. So maybe if I make people wonder what I really do look like and make myself unrecognizable, they will be interested and intrigued, which eventually, of course, happened.
-- Christopher Lee -
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean, really, it was half-witted.
-- Christopher Lee -
I'm much softer than people think. I don't present to the world an emotional face. I'm pretty good at self-control, but I am easily moved.
-- Christopher Lee -
It's a band singing on how metal should be played, the effect it has on the band and its listeners.
-- Christopher Lee -
There was a gap of seven years between the first and second Dracula movies. In the second one as everybody knows, I didn't speak, because I said I couldn't say the lines.
-- Christopher Lee -
The Dracula movies are probably some of the most famous and enduring ones there are and I am very grateful to them, for sure.
-- Christopher Lee -
We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have a choice of whether to do it with good grace or not.
-- Christopher Lee -
Once asked if he felt wearied by the constant onslaught of autograph seekers, actor Gregory Peck replied that he would be more worried when they stopped asking.
-- Christopher Lee -
I stopped appearing as Dracula in 1972 because in my opinion the presentation of the character had deteriorated to such an extent, particularly bringing him into the contemporary day and age, that it really no longer had any meaning.
-- Christopher Lee -
Lon Chaney and Boris Karloff didn't like the word 'horror'. They, like I, went for the French description: 'the theatre of the fantastique'.
-- Christopher Lee -
I was once asked what I thought was the most disquieting thing you could see on the screen and I said, 'an open door.'
-- Christopher Lee -
I dont want to sound gloomy, but, at some point of your lives, every one of you will notice that you have in your life one person, one friend whom you love and care for very much. That person is so close to you that you are able to share some things only with him. For example, you can call that friend, and from the very first maniacal laugh or some other joke you will know who is at the other end of that line. We used to do that with him so often. And then when that person is gone, there will be nothing like that in your life ever again.
-- Christopher Lee -
There are many vampires in the world today - you only have to think of the film business.
-- Christopher Lee -
In Britain, any degree of success is met with envy and resentment.
-- Christopher Lee -
I have been metal all my life, only I did not know about it. The people in this album (Charlemagne) and I, share the same values.
-- Christopher Lee -
When the Second World War finished, I was 23, and already I had seen enough horror to last me a lifetime. I'd seen dreadful, dreadful things, without saying a word. So seeing horror depicted on film doesn't affect me much.
-- Christopher Lee -
People should not pass judgment until they have seen the film.
-- Christopher Lee -
I've always acknowledged my debt to Hammer. I've always said I'm very grateful to them. They gave me this great opportunity, made me a well known face all over the world for which I am profoundly grateful.
-- Christopher Lee -
Making films has never just been a job to me, it is my life. I have some interests outside of acting - I sing and I've written books, for instance - but acting is what keeps me going, it's what I do, it gives life purpose.
-- Christopher Lee -
To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!
-- Christopher Lee -
Acting is like a snowstorm or perhaps a large empty vacuum. I`m not deluded by the fact that I`m getting all these offers for work, I`m very happy about it, but I know also that there is the other side and who knows, next year, they may not offer me anything. You never know.
-- Christopher Lee -
Films are now made by accountants. They pick a pretty young female or male face out of the air and give them a part - not because they think that person is right for it or is ready for it, but because they think that person will make them money.
-- Christopher Lee -
What's really important for me is, as an old man, I'm known by my own generation and the next generation know me, too.
-- Christopher Lee -
Acting as a profession came to me by chance: in 1946, after the war, I was having lunch with my cousin, who was the Italian ambassador, and he asked, 'What are you going to do now you're out of uniform?' I said, 'I'm pretty inventive, and I can imitate people,' and he said, 'Have you thought about being an actor?'
-- Christopher Lee -
The thing I have always tried to do is surprise people: to present them with something they didn't expect.
-- Christopher Lee -
The secret to a long marriage in the film industry? Marry someone wonderful, as I did. And always have her come along on location.
-- Christopher Lee -
I lived for 10 years in Los Angeles, and the one element that surpasses everything else - that you are very conscious of - is fear. You can smell it.
-- Christopher Lee -
My favourite country is Finland because once you get to a certain point, you can drive for hours without seeing a single person. I love peace and quiet - something I don't get very often.
-- Christopher Lee -
I associate heavy metal with fantasy because of the tremendous power that the music delivers.
-- Christopher Lee -
I think acting is a mixture of instinct, imagination and inventiveness. All you can learn as an actor is basic technique.
-- Christopher Lee -
Every actor has to make terrible films from time to time, but the trick is never to be terrible in them.
-- Christopher Lee
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