Advancement famous quotes
The powers contained in a constitution...ought to be construed liberally in advancement of the public good.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
It's impracticable to halt the exponential advancement of technology.
-- Ben Goertzel -
Thomas Jefferson explained, Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated. .. If Congress can determine what constitutes the general welfare and can appropriate money for its advancement, where is the limitation to carrying into execution whatever can be effected by money?.
-- Bill Drayton -
Your ability to work with others on a complex task is a critical skill for advancement at work.
-- Brian Tracy -
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been in existence for most of this century.
-- C. Everett Koop -
One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.
-- Charles Darwin -
As is natural with contiguous states having like institutions and like aims of advancement and development, the friendship of the United States and Mexico has been constantly maintained.
-- Chester A. Arthur -
Being involved in the well-being and advancement of one's own community is a most natural thing to do.
-- Clarence Clemons -
In America we have a Declaration of Independence, but our history, our advancements, our global strength all point to an American declaration of interdependence.
-- Cory Booker -
Nothing is more precious than peace. Peace is the most basic starting point for the advancement of humankind.
-- Daisaku Ikeda -
The advancement of all sciences, especially where there has been such a radical change, have been attended with persecution.
-- Daniel D. Palmer -
Setting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life.
-- Edwin Hubbel Chapin -
Modern marriage is first and foremost a romantic and private union, but the tax laws and inheritance laws and religious implications that still surround this institution indicate that marriage has evolved without casting away its earlier purposes or assumptions. It's like we just keep building on this thing, piling new advancements on the old model.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
We have to take away from humans in the long run their reproductive autonomy as the only way to guarantee the advancement of mankind.
-- Francis Crick -
Advancement only come with habitually doing more than you are asked
-- Gary Ryan -
... the business of life shuts us up within the environs of London and within sight of human advancement, which I should be so very glad to believe in without seeing.
-- George Eliot -
When any system has for its goal the advancement of the system over the betterment of its individual members, such a system is embedded in slavery.
-- Gerry Spence -
...reasonable natures have free will, and can turn to the good or the bad voluntarily by themselves. They either attach themselves to God's will, which results in their continuous progress, improvement and advancement, or they oppose God's will, are justly subjected to what He permits, and sink wretchedly from bad to worse.
-- Gregory Palamas -
It is important that spiritual advancement must keep pace with material advancement...
-- Haile Selassie -
Disputes among natural philosophers are of use to science, as the quarrels of the great, and the clamors of the little, are necessary to freedom of thought and the advancement of learning.
-- Hal Hellman -
the higher the step of advancement, the heavier is the fall.
-- Heloise -
Those who do the most for the world's advancement are the ones who demand the least.
-- Henry Latham Doherty -
Nothing tends so much to the advancement of knowledge as the application of a new instrument.
-- Humphry Davy -
Be grateful for every thing good and bad that comes to you. For all things have contributed to your advancement.
-- J. P. Blake -
Mary Lincoln provided Elizabeth Keckley with opportunities for social and economic advancement she probably had never imagined during her years as a slave, while Elizabeth offered Mary the loyal, steadfast friendship she craved but had always found so elusive.
-- Jennifer Chiaverini -
Without moving beyond a mere copy, there is no artistry, no originality or artistic advancement; only mechanics.
-- Jennifer Young -
The crisis is not in the outward technological advancement, but rather in the way we think, and the way we live, and the way we feel. I think that is where a revolution must take place.
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti -
Sometimes God makes use of instruments for good to His people, who designed nothing but evil and mischief to them. Thus Joseph's brethren were instrumental to his advancement in that very thing in which they designed his ruin (Gen. 50:20).
-- John Flavel -
Educators must resist the quest for certainty. If there were certainty there would be no scientific advancement. So it is with morals and patriotism.
-- John Goodlad -
In any country, corruption tends to increase when more respectable means of social advancement break down.
-- Katherine Boo -
Women's philanthropic leadership is fundamental to their advancement in society.
-- Kaye Ballard -
My life is dedicated to the discovery of God, the advancement of science, and the pre-eminence of England.
-- Kedar Joshi -
Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by crushing others.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Coercive power is the curse of the universe, coactive power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul.
-- Mary Parker Follett -
Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to improve human life.
-- Nathan Deal -
The alarm must be sounded because it is the economic and social system of capitalism and imperialism that prevents the urgently needed full mobilization of the potential economic surplus and the attainment of rates of economic advancement that can be secured with its help.
-- Paul A. Baran -
The obstacles facing academic economists are formidable, for tenure and professional advancement still depend to a large extent on a willingness to comply with and to work within the tenets of orthodox theory.
-- Paul Ormerod -
I lay down the Position, That whatever a Conscience well directed allows us to do for the Advancement of Truth, an erroneous Conscience will warrant for advancing a suppos'd Truth.
-- Pierre Bayle -
I would [call myself a feminist], yes, I believe in the unadulterated advancement of women. And we have so far to go still.
-- Rashida Jones -
There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.
-- Seth MacFarlane -
It is absolutely necessary, both for our advancement and the salvation of others, to follow always and in all things the beautiful light of faith
-- St. Vincent -
Could an android listen to the whining, requests for advancement, and entreaties for guidance and affection that pour from subordinates? Sure it could. Frankly, all that would be easier on the robot than it is on me.
-- Stanley Bing -
There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words.
-- Thomas Reid -
Today, we are pleased to announce the biggest advancement in iPhone.
-- Tim Cook -
... because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
-- Wallace D. Wattles -
The object of all the former voyages to the South Seas undertaken by the command of his present majesty, has been the advancement of science and the increase of knowledge.
-- William Bligh -
Science is my JAM. I am very excited to see where science and technological advancements will take us in the next few decades.
-- Benjamin Stone -
I love what I do and I love being part of the storytelling process. And I love the technological advancements. It was the thing that kept me going on every 20-hour day, 7 days a week. You have to love it to do that.
-- Christine Bieselin Clark -
I don't record for my own glory.I mean, of course part of it is for career advancement, but more importantly, I want some of that repertoire - as much of it as possible - to remain and enter pianists' consciousness and, hopefully, into the standard repertoire.
-- Marc-Andre Hamelin -
Auditions are great, and you definitely want to continue to make progress as an actor, you want to continue to see some advancement in your career. But when you get out there, you don't realize how many auditions you have to go on before you actually get work.
-- Mike Colter -
The Vedic literatures reveal that prasadam conveys spiritual realization, just as chanting does, but in a less obvious or conspicuous way. You make spiritual advancement just by eating it.
-- Mukunda Goswami -
Current creation has exiled the turning wheel, and the same law of advancement makes the lady of today an alternate lady from her grandma.
-- Susan B. Anthony -
The surest way to lose democracy is to take it for granted. Every citizen must contribute to its advancement in some way. No nation or culture can long survive the absence of transcendent values and absolutes.
-- Carl F. H. Henry -
The power to hurt ... has evolved in a direct relationship to technological advancement.
-- Roger Zelazny -
Now is the time to take up the cause of the advancement of human rights for all and the moment is yours to grasp.
-- Roméo Dallaire