Iphone famous quotes
All of a sudden, if you think about the entire ecosystem of connected devices that can pull down information, access content and allow me to share and work and communicate, the vast majority now are not Windows computers. They are iPhones. They are iPads. They are Android devices.
-- Aaron Levie -
You can shoot and edit a movie from your iPhone and upload it to YouTube. Of course, what's not universal is talent. Are you making anything that anyone really should see?
-- Adam Leipzig -
Too many people don't protect their smartphones with a password or PIN. I anticipate that Apple's fingerprint reader will in fact make iPhone 5S owners more likely to secure their smartphones.
-- Al Franken -
When the Mac first came out, Newsweek asked me what I [thought] of it. I said: Well, it's the first personal computer worth criticizing. So at the end of the presentation, Steve came up to me and said: Is the iPhone worth criticizing? And I said: Make the screen five inches by eight inches, and you'll rule the world.
-- Alan Kay -
I was one of seven, and we took a lot of road trips - long road trips. And this was before iPhones and iPads and DVD players in cars. I remember how novel it was when I got my own Walkman so I could listen to music.
-- Amy Adams -
I cannot stress enough that the answer to life's questions is often in people's faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while, and look in people's faces. People's faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous or asleep.
-- Amy Poehler -
Try putting your iPhones down every once in a while and look at people's faces.
-- Amy Poehler -
I backed up all my pictures on my iCloud so you can’t see me when I die / I left my body somewhere down in Mexico / Give ‘Find My iPhone’ app a try.
-- Ariel Pink -
Here is a new car, a new iPhone. We buy. We discard. We buy again. In recent years, we've been doing it faster.
-- Arlie Russell Hochschild -
When I'm on the couch, I usually have the TV on and my MacBook Air nearby. And sometimes, when my ADD is really kicking in, I have my iPad too. And my iPhone. And a magazine that I haven't gotten to. And a book under the pillow to my left.
-- Aubrey Plaza -
I don't understand the iPhone. I just don't get it. Don't ya'll have to write serious emails throughout the day? How can you possibly manage detailed missives on a phone with no keys?
-- Ava DuVernay -
I've tried plenty of telephones. I tried to get into the Samsung Galaxy and the Blackberry, but the iPhone is just too easy to use. The camera takes clear pictures and the phone itself looks great. Like all Apple products, it kind of just makes sense.
-- Avicii -
I don't care where you are in the world, people are aware of what technology is available to others. If you're in Nairobi, you're certainly aware of the iPhone.
-- Bill Ford -
The two things I use the most are the MacBook Air and my iPhone. Those are my two most-used gadgets that are dented, scratched and smashed.
-- Biz Stone -
In an age of iPhones and Playstations, it's great to see that somebody's still rocking the bus-on-a-string.
-- Brandon Stanton -
I hate the iPhone. I love the BlackBerry - BlackBerry wins in my opinion. The iPhone is a toy.
-- Brett Ratner -
I don't really see a huge divide between filmmaking and television. In the end, a lot of people are going to be watching this stuff on their laptops and their iPhones anyway. So, it doesn't really matter where it comes from, as long as the stories get told.
-- Cary Fukunaga -
My real big Internet claim to fame is the fact that I was first to jailbreak the iPhone.
-- Chris Hughes -
At one time, I hated the iPhone - but that was only before I used one for the first time.
-- Chris Pirillo -
At one time, I hated the iPhone - but that was only before I used one for the first time. Now, it would be difficult for me to make the switch to any other platform. I've spent a fair amount of money on apps that continue to ride with me as I upgrade my iS devices. The iPhone certainly has its share of flaws and shortcomings, but having spent a great deal of time with other devices that claim to be "killer" continue to fall short. The industry needs competition, but I just need my mobile communications computer to work with a healthy array of software.
-- Chris Pirillo -
Folks have to pin me down because, for one thing, I don't have a laptop. I don't have an iPhone, and I refuse to carry them because they're immensely hackable.
-- Dan Aykroyd -
I have two iPhones, one for day and one for the night.
-- Dave Morin -
But I've become completely obsessed with taking photos on my iPhone. I have like 400 apps.
-- Debra Messing -
If you were the first person ever to design an application for the iPhone and you patented it, you would be very, very better off than we are right now, you know? But you've got to be the first one to do it. So I figured that Led Zeppelin or the Stones were going to do it unless we just got on to it. So I got cracking with the guys from Apple.
-- Dhani Harrison -
Files on iTunes - and thus iPods - are incompatible with everything else. Applications on iPhones may only be sold and uploaded through the iPhone store - giving Apple control over everything people put on to the devices they thought they owned.
-- Douglas Rushkoff -
When I was 19, I picked up an old, tiny, automatic Yashica camera and I just started shooting. We didn't have iPhones back then, we didn't even have cell phones. I loved having a camera in my hand.
-- Drew Barrymore -
You need to look no further than Apple's iPhone to see how fast brilliantly written software presented on a beautifully designed device with a spectacular user interface will throw all the accepted notions about pricing, billing platforms and brand loyalty right out the window.
-- Edgar Bronfman, Jr. -
I'm betting that in two years I'll be talking to you about a film that I shot on an iPhone. It's absolutely coming, I have no doubt in my mind.
-- Edward Burns -
Beyond all our Blackberries and iPhones, we're dangerously separated from our food and water supplies.
-- Eric Kripke -
The iPhone brand is in worse shape than I thought was even possible. And the implications of that are huge. ... The iPhone is in deep trouble.
-- Eric S. Raymond -
The best thing about the iPhone is this that tells me where I am all the time. Theres never a need to feel lost anymore.
-- Gary Shteyngart -
Obviously anything that accessorizes or enhances the iPhone is always pretty cool.
-- Harry Shum, Jr. -
So technologies, whether it is a telephone or an iPhone, computers in general or automobiles, television even, all individualize us. We all sit in front of our iPhones and communicating but are we really communicating?
-- Henry Mintzberg -
Today, all our wives and husbands have Blackberries or iPhones or Android devices or whatever-the progeny of those original 950 and 957 models that put data in our pockets. Now we all check their email (or Twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or) compulsively at the dinner table, or the traffic light. Now we all stow our devices on the nightstand before bed, and check them first thing in the morning. We all do. It's not abnormal, and it's not just for business. It's just what people do. Like smoking in 1965, it's just life.
-- Ian Bogost -
It’s interesting that most gadgets are called ‘iPhone’ and ‘iPod,’ with that ‘i’ prefix, which is ego. But most creativity is not ego-led – a lot of it comes from the unconscious. So if you’re always checking your email or updating your Instagram profile, you’re not just looking out the window, daydreaming. You’ve got to let the subconscious in – that’s my main message to the world.
-- Jarvis Cocker -
My iPhone stays on. All my friends and family know that I hate the phone, so no one calls me on it. I just use it to play Words With Friends and take pictures of cute shoes.
-- Jasika Nicole -
The car was the iPhone of the 20th century. Kids these days don't have to drive anymore. They just go there virtually.
-- Jay Leno -
I feel like a Mac store! I have a Canadian iPhone, an American iPhone and an iPad. I'm constantly downloading music to iTunes.
-- Jennifer Morrison -
In early 2008, it was confirmed that there would be an opportunity to build applications for the iPhone. We were fortunate enough to make the right call on that: to bet early, to put resources into it and have a pretty good application in the store at the moment when it opened.
-- Jeremy Stoppelman -
There may be 300,000 apps for the iPhone and iPad, but the only app you really need is the browser. You don't need an app for the web ... You don't need to go through some kind of SDK ... You can use your web tools ... And you can publish your apps to the BlackBerry without writing any native code.
-- Jim Balsillie -
Nobody can deny that Apple is fashionable, and most iPhone users buy the newest so they can be fashionable. To do this right, Apple needs a new phone every quarter.
-- John C. Dvorak -
[A]s for my prediction that [the iPhone] would be a bad idea for Apple to pursue, anything can still happen. Time is a cruel mistress.
-- John C. Dvorak -
Apple should pull the plug on the iPhone... What Apple risks here is its reputation as a hot company that can do no wrong. If it's smart it will call the iPhone a 'reference design' and pass it to some suckers to build with someone else's marketing budget. Then it can wash its hands of any marketplace failures... Otherwise I'd advise people to cover their eyes. You are not going to like what you'll see.
-- John C. Dvorak -
The iPhone is not and never was a phone. It is a pocket-sized computer that obviates the phone. The iPhone is to cell phones what the Mac was to typewriters.
-- John Gruber -
The Mac defined personal technology, and the iPhone defines intimate technology as a convergence of communications, content and location.
-- John Sculley -
I play a lot of games on my iPhone. There is a game called Rat on a Scooter that I will promote as much as possible because it has brought me so much joy.
-- Jonah Hill -
Being closed to outsiders made the iPhone reliable and predictable.
-- Jonathan Zittrain -
Here's the problem: I don't like who I've become when my iPhone is within reach. I find myself checking e-mails and responding to texts throughout the day with some kind of Pavlovian ferocity - it's not a conscious act, but a reflexive one.
-- Josh Radnor -
How much are we willing to lose from our already short lives by losing ourselves in our Blackberries, our iPhones, by not paying attention to the human being across from us who is talking with us, by being so lazy that we're not willing to process deeply?
-- Joshua Foer -
I am impressed with the innovation in the wireless marketplace. The Blackberry, the iPhone, the Pre, and other smart devices are breakthrough technologies that have helped revolutionize the wireless space.
-- Julius Genachowski -
The reality is that a consumer culture which chucks out its iPhones for a new version every nine months is completely unsustainable, because Earth has already reached the tipping point. 'The General Strike' attempts to personalize these issues and encourage listeners to look for a new model.
-- Justin Sane -
If I want a small take-everywhere camera, I prefer my iPhone 5, which has colors and tonal range superior to any DSLR or compact digital camera I've ever used at their default settings.
-- Ken Rockwell -
I have a very positive outlook on things. It's hard to predict how actual books are going to do but I'm not freaked out about ebooks taking over. I think there are probably more active readers now because of computers and iPhones.
-- Kevin Sampsell -
My iPhone has changed my life - I spend hours taking photos of the sidewalk as I walk down the street. I like the casualness, that it's low-resolution.
-- Kiki Smith -
I'm a technophobe. I can't crack the iPhone, and the extent of my multitasking is being able to talk while I make a drink.
-- Len Goodman -
I had an iPhone and a Droid and both of them were miserable pieces of equipment.
-- Lewis Black -
I love the cowbell. I think it's awesome. My family got the cowbell app on their iPhones. It's a classic part of ski racing.
-- Lindsey Vonn -
With a Web and iPhone app, I try to find new and tiny ways to delight my customers. They may not notice, but it helps drive goodwill and makes your product remarkable.
-- Marco Arment -
To the people who've got iPhones: you just bought one, you didn't invent it!
-- Marcus Brigstocke -
I like hanging around people who knit. They are usually in a good mood. People who are staring into their iPhones *and* demanding your attention at the same time are not as much fun to be around.
-- Mark Frauenfelder -
I'm not hugely technical with things, but I guess that the thing I use most is my iPhone, on a practical level.
-- Matt Smith -
You're going to pull out your phone and try to use whatever is the most appropriate app on your iPhone or your Android device. Yelp saw that very early on. And when we launched the mobile product, we saw immediate growth, and we were stunned.
-- Max Levchin -
Real crime-beat investigative journalism does seem to be really dwindling, especially in this age with everything being centered around iPhones. Everyone's a journalist today, essentially. Every pedestrian on the street has the potential of capturing a big story on their mobile device and then selling it and making a lot of money.
-- Megan Fox -
Everyone with an iPhone is a journalist in their own way now, especially because we live in a tabloid culture.
-- Megan Fox -
But iPods and iPhones are two things we don't get for our kids.
-- Melinda Gates -
When you die, no one's going to remember what iPhone you had.
-- Merlin Mann -
Try typing a web key on a touchscreen on an Apple iPhone, that's a real challenge. You cannot see what you type.
-- Mike Lazaridis -
I just got an iPhone, which is cool, but I don't download movies, I don't watch Hulu, I don't have Netflix. I don't do any of that. But I do geek out to music.
-- Miles Teller -
People who type with their iPhones on loud are barbarians and probably killers.
-- Nicole Richie -
I'm gonna dress up as an iPhone so my husband pays attention to me.
-- Nicole Richie -
Friends always ask me what the best Indian restaurant in L.A. is. I'm like, 'I don't know, dude. I have an app on my iPhone for that.'
-- Noureen DeWulf -
Before the iPhone, cyberspace was something you went to your desk to visit. Now cyberspace is something you carry in your pocket.
-- Paul Saffo -
I don't do Twitter, Facebook; none of that. My email I do from my Blackberry or my iPhone.
-- Penelope Cruz -
Everybody is designing magic iPhone apps that do things that are really, really beautiful, but a really important thing about magic is that the gimmick has to be ugly.
-- Penn Jillette -
My day starts with Radio 4's Today live or 'listen again' wherever I am in the world, thanks to digital radio - I even have an app on my iPhone that receives it.
-- Peter James -
You have as much computing power in your iPhone as was available at the time of the Apollo missions. But what is it being used for? It’s being used to throw angry birds at pigs; it’s being used to send pictures of your cat to people halfway around the world; it’s being used to check in as the virtual mayor of a virtual nowhere while you’re riding a subway from the nineteenth century.
-- Peter Thiel -
To be absent from the iPhone is to be present in the moment. Ignore it. Make some friends.
-- Phil Callaway -
What makes iPhone 5 so unique is how it feels in your hand. The materials… the remarkable precision. Never before have we built a product with this extraordinarily level of fit and finish.
-- Phil Schiller -
I love to personalize things. I love to make things my own. I like to name everything - from cars to iPhones to the socks I just lost.
-- Rachel Nichols -
I'm carrying an iPhone 5. I like this device. It's been impressive. I have a Windows and an Android device... I carry an iPad. I carry a Kindle... Yeah, I have a lot of devices.
-- Randall L. Stephenson -
When the iPhone came out, every CIO in America said, 'You're not bringing that into our corporate environment,' my CIO included.
-- Randall L. Stephenson -
This is not a great phone. It's an interesting design.
-- Rob Enderle -
Once I started getting mainstream people to my shows, I realized we were taking too many solos, and they were too long. I started gauging when people were going on their iPhones.
-- Robert Glasper -
For me, the iPhone is harder than reading Faust.
-- Rufus Wainwright -
With iPhones, nobody has an excuse for writer's block. If you're at Whole Foods getting your green tea extract and you have a melody, you just drop it into your voice memo and save it for later.
-- Ryan Tedder -
I listen to KCRW in the car and Pandora radio, which I stream through the stereo from my iPhone. I've been listening to everything from Caribou to Conway Twitty. If I'm going on a longer car ride, I'll download some podcasts.
-- Sam Trammell -
When I wake up, I'll go through emails on my iPhone - the junk email. At that point, my brain isn't usually awake enough to handle anything more than that.
-- Sam Trammell -
I've tried many different types of alarm apps, but the tried and true is the iPhone alarm. I like it because you can label your alarms. For my personal amusement, I've labeled them 3 a.m. for 'ridiculously early,' 3:30 is just 'early,' and 4 is 'slacker.'
-- Savannah Guthrie -
On an iPhone, you touch on the digital keyboard and you know how the letter pops up and shows up bigger so you're making sure you're touching the correct letter? That's Nokia innovation.
-- Stephen Elop -
There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance.
-- Steve Ballmer -
Let's face it, the Internet was designed for the PC. The Internet is not designed for the iPhone. That's why they've got 75,000 applications - they're all trying to make the Internet look decent on the iPhone.
-- Steve Ballmer -
The Internet Was Designed For The PC. The Internet Is Not Designed For The iPhone
-- Steve Ballmer -
I think right now it's a battle for the mindshare of developers and for the mindshare of customers, and right now iPhone and Android are winning that battle.
-- Steve Jobs -
First was the mouse. The second was the click wheel. And now, we're going to bring multi-touch to the market. And each of these revolutionary interfaces has made possible a revolutionary product - the Mac, the iPod and now the iPhone.
-- Steve Jobs -
The iPhone has completely changed how I interact with information on the go. When I travel I leave the notebook at home.
-- Steve Rubel -
My primary phone is the iPhone. I love the beauty of it. But I wish it did all the things my Android does, I really do.
-- Steve Wozniak -
Everything that has a computer in will fail. Everything in your life, from a watch to a car to a radio, to an iPhone, it will fail if it have a computer in it.
-- Steve Wozniak -
The people I recommend the iPhone 4S for are the ones who are already in the Mac world, because it’s so compatible, and people who are just scared of computers altogether and don’t want to use them. The iPhone is the least frightening thing. For that kind of person who is scared of complexity, well, here’s a phone that is simple to use and does what you need it to do,
-- Steve Wozniak -
Rockets are bad technology. iPhones are good technology
-- Steve Wozniak