Short Life famous quotes
Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way...
-- Alan Watts -
I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity.
-- Alexander the Great -
As soon as I moved to New York, I experienced Hurricane Irene and then Hurricane Sandy hit me in quite a big way. I had 12 days without any electricity or any water. The thing that I realized the most from it was that we've become so dependent on technology. There's so much accessibility to information that suddenly when everything is cut off, you're completely lost, and you start asking deeper and more profound questions - how short life is, and how grateful we should be for things.
-- Archie Panjabi -
A man must have grown old and lived long in order to see how short life is.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
I [prefer] a short life with width to a narrow one with length.
-- Avicenna -
Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
A saying from the area of Chinese medicine would be appropriate to mention here: "One disease, long life; no disease, short life." In other words, those who know what's wrong with them and take care of themselves accordingly will tend to live a lot longer than those who consider themselves perfectly happy and neglect their weakness. So, in that sense at least, a Weakness of some sort can do you a big favor, if you acknowledge that it's there.
-- Benjamin Hoff -
I want to be a hero, a small and good kind of hero, even though I know heroes have very short lives.
-- Boris Becker -
Dogs have such short life spans, it's like a concentrated version of a human life. When they get older, they become much more like our mothers. They wait for us, watch out for us, are completely fascinated by everything we do.
-- Caroline Knapp -
I'm not someone who dwells upon past events, taking the view that life is too short
-- Charles Kennedy -
I try to grow like a tree, and hope that I can reach my full potential by the end of this short life. Change is good but growth is better.
-- Christofer Drew -
although she went home that night feeling happier than she had ever been in her short life, she did not confuse the golf course party with a good party, and she did not tell herself she had a pleasant time. it had been, she felt, a dumb event preceded by excellent invitations. what frankie did that was unusual was to imagine herself in control. the drinks, the clothes, the instructions, the food (there had been none), the location, everything. she asked herself: if i were in charge, how could i have done it better?
-- E. Lockhart -
We foolish mortals sometimes live through years not realizing how short life is, and that TODAY is your life.
-- Edith Schaeffer -
Sins cut boldly up through every class in society, but mere misdemeanours show a certain level in life.
-- Elizabeth Bowen -
Life is short. Life is uncertain. But we know that we have today. And we have each other. I believe that for each of us, there is a place on the frontlines.
-- Eric Greitens -
What does purpose mean? It means the deepest desire for our short lives to mean something. . . . To speak a language of purpose is to return to first principles and to be able to answer, in plain English, the plain questions of Why? Why should we chip in to help someone else? Why should we defer gratification? Why should we care about the long term? Why should we trust anyone who seems to be limiting our ability to do what we want?
-- Eric Liu -
I must pack my short lifer full of interesting events and creative activity. Philosophy and aesthetic contemplation are not enough. I intend to do everything possible to broaden my experiences and allow myself to reach the fullest development. Then, and before physical deterioration obtrudes, I shall go on some last wilderness trip to a place I have known and loved. I shall not return.
-- Everett Ruess -
Why should it be thought incredible that the same soul should inhabit in succession an indefinite number of moral bodies? Even during this one life our bodies are perpetually changing, through a process of decay and restoration; which is so gradual that it escapes our notice. Every human being thus dwells successively in many bodies, even during one short life.
-- Francis Bowen -
One who contends with immortals lives a very short life.
-- Homer -
I'm all about exuberance. We only have one short life to live, and we shouldn't waste it being tasteful.
-- Isaac Mizrahi -
A long life or a short life are of equal importance to God.
-- Jack Black -
He makes His ministers a flame of fire. Am I ignitible? God deliver me from the dread asbestos of 'other things.' Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be aflame. But flame is transient, often short lived. Canst thou bear this, my soul - short life? ... Make me thy fuel, Flame of God.
-- Jim Elliot -
Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, inciting at once to work and rest! Days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God. Nevermore, however weary, should one faint by the way who gains the blessings of one mountain day; whatever his fate, long life, short life, stormy or calm, he is rich forever.
-- John Muir -
Let every dawn of the morning be to you as the beginning of life. And let every setting of the sun be to you as its close. Then let everyone of these short lives leave its sure record of some kindly thing done for others; some good strength of knowledge gained for yourself.
-- John Ruskin -
Birds were like dinosaurs' better selves. They had short lives and long summers. We all should be so lucky as to leave behind such heirs.
-- Jonathan Franzen -
What if we choose not to do the things we are supposed to do? The principal gain is a sense of an authentic act - and an authentic life. It may be a short one, but it is an authentic one, and that's a lot better than those short lives full of boredom. The principal loss is security. Another is respect from the community. But you gain the respect of another community, the one that is worth having the respect of.
-- Joseph Campbell -
Our lives are the sum of our memories. How much are we willing to lose from our already short lives by … not paying attention?
-- Joshua Foer -
How much are we willing to lose from our already short lives by losing ourselves in our Blackberries, our iPhones, by not paying attention to the human being across from us who is talking with us, by being so lazy that we're not willing to process deeply?
-- Joshua Foer -
When you are in your twenties, even if you're confused and uncertain about your aims and purposes, you have a strong sense of what life itself is, and of what you in life are, and might become. Later.. later there is more uncertainty, more overlapping, more backtracking, more false memories. Back then, you can remember your short life in its entirety. Later, the memory becomes a thing of shreds and patches.
-- Julian Barnes -
If there was one truth Evie had learned in her short life, it was that forgiveness was easier to seek than permission. She didn’t plan to ask for either one.
-- Libba Bray -
Being a mum makes you more aware of how short life is and how important it is to enjoy every minute because you have less time for yourself. A day doesn't have 24 hours any more - it only lasts 10, or eight. So you learn to get rid of all the parasites. I'm not talking about people, but things that could be toxic for happiness.
-- Ludivine Sagnier -
No one has lived a short life who has performed its duties with unblemished character.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Life is an island. People come out of the sea, cross the island, and return to the sea. But this short life is long and beautiful. In getting to know nature man exalts the wonder and beauty of life.
-- Martiros Saryan -
Stupid religion makes stupid beliefs, stupid leaders make stupid rules, stupid environment makes stupid health, stupid companions makes stupid behaviour, stupid movies makes stupid acts, stupid food makes stupid skin, stupid bed makes stupid sleep, stupid ideas makes stupid decisions, stupid clothes makes stupid appearance. Lets get rid of stupidity from our stupid short lives.
-- Michael Bassey -
Ive been more single than not in my short life.
-- Michael Kiwanuka -
Fear is a very explosive emotion, but it has a short life span. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope.
-- Mike Huckabee -
If there is one thing I've learned in my short life, it's this: Never repress anything.
-- Otto Gross -
Life at the top is financially rewarding, spiritually draining, physically exhausting, and short.
-- Peter Charles Newman -
The only things that interested me were sports, girls, adventures, celebrities - in short, life.
-- Porfirio Rubirosa -
I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life. It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect.
-- Queen Elizabeth II -
I feel that I was made to complete things. To accomplish only a mass of beginnings and attempts would be to make a total failure of life. Perfection is the heritage with which my Creator has endowed me, and since this short life does not give completeness, I must have immortal life in which to find it.
-- Randolph Sinks Foster -
Cartoons are like fruit flies. Biologists use fruit flies because their large chromosomes and short life cycle make them ideal for studying hereditary changes.
-- Robert Mankoff -
I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?
-- Walter Scott -
Unnecessary customs live a brutally short life in America.
-- Wilfrid Sheed -
Why not? Life is short, life is dull, life is full of pain - and this is a chance for something special.
-- Woody Allen -
Would we as a nation be better off dealing with the truth rather than believing fantasies that prop up the Status Quo and the Fed's dearly beloved measure of the economy, the stock market? How often does accepting illusion help us navigate real life? Short answer: never.
-- Charles Hugh Smith -
Photography seems to fix, but this is an illusion created by our short lives. A photograph is merely a note held for 200 years.
-- Douglas McCulloh - bringing myself over the edge and back, I discovered a passion to live my days fully, a conviction that will sustain me like sweet water on the periodically barren plain of our short lives.
-- Jonathan Waterman -
All roads for me lead back to Mozart. In his tragically short life, he breathed new life, fire and meaning into every form of music that existed in his time.
-- Charles Hazlewood -
Life is short. Life goes fast. And what I really want to do in my life is to bring something new, something beautiful and something filled with light into the world. I try to think of that every day so that I can remember why I am coming to my studio.
-- Ross Bleckner -
Nowhere has truth such a short life as in Sicily; a fact has scarcely happened five minutes before its genuine kernel has vanished, been camouflaged, embellished, disfigured, squashed, annihilated by imagination and self interest; shame, fear, generosity, malice, opportunism, charity, all the passions, good as well as evil, fling themselves onto the fact and tear it to pieces; very soon it has vanished altogether.
-- Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa