Marathon famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Being a giver is not good for a 100-yard dash, but it’s valuable in a marathon.
-- Adam Grant -
Running has made being depressed impossible. If I'm going through something emotional and just go outside for a run, you can rest assured I'll come back with clarity.
-- Alanis Morissette -
Life is a marathon, not a sprint; pace yourself accordingly.
-- Amby Burfoot -
I happen to be a huge 'Lord of the Rings' fan. I do an annual marathon of the extended editions.
-- Anna Kendrick -
In the marathon of life, there is no finish line.
-- Bill Courtney -
I always say if the marathon is a part-time interest, you will only get part-time results.
-- Bill Rodgers -
Aiming for the marathon is a task of sorts which can include terrific highs and lows.
-- Bill Rodgers -
I do a lot of marathons as training runs. If I'm somewhere and there's a marathon, I'll sign up and just go run it.
-- Dean Karnazes -
You entered a marathon with hills? You idiot.
-- Don Kardong -
There is the truth about the marathon and very few of you have written the truth. Even if I explain to you, you'll never understand it, you're outside of it.
-- Douglas Wakiihuri -
I did a movie called Marathon Man and it was one of my best memories.
-- Dustin Hoffman -
Never run more than 3 hours straight in training, whether your marathon best is 2:42 or 4:24.
-- Ed Eyestone -
It's not easy to run a marathon, I know it will be painful but when I start it, I know I'm going to finish it
-- Fauja Singh -
My goal is to break three hours in a marathon
-- Frank Shorter -
Of all the races, there is no better stage for heroism than a marathon.
-- George A. Sheehan -
I've run the marathon several times, so I definitely don't look like the Great Ancestor!
-- George Takei -
When you run the marathon, you run against the distance, not against the other runners and not against the time.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
I know what I want when I start a marathon: to win! But what do you want? Make sure you're clear in advance and don't go out too fast.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
The marathon always starts after 30K. That's where the problems start. You start without any problems, without any pain. All the pain comes after 30K. Sometimes, it's possible to have pain even in the finger.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
I have to change a lot of things before I become a good marathon runner.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
Finish: Even if you run a slower than expected time, you succeed in any marathon when you finish.
-- Hal Higdon -
I try not to be too hard on myself. My husband reminds me that life is a marathon, not a sprint.
-- Ivanka Trump -
The marathon is a competition between your will and your possibilities
-- Jeff Galloway -
Work hard with passion and courage. Life is a marathon of contribution. You really must work hard to accomplish something... Find your passion and get good at it.
-- Jeffrey R. Immelt -
Part of the reason I fell in love with the trail is because it was so extremely difficult, more difficult than the marathons and Ironmans I'd competed in. Not just physically but emotionally it was a new challenge, as well. It really helped me to learn and grow in so many ways.
-- Jennifer Pharr Davis -
What could be funnier than a fat person trying to run a marathon?
-- Jo Brand -
A couple of years ago I ran in the LA Marathon.
-- Joan Van Ark -
It's kind of like a midlife crisis kind of thing. When you turn 40, you have to run the marathon, while all the parts still work properly.
-- Joe Bastianich -
Around mile 20 I was feeling so good, I wanted to kiss everyone.
-- Josh Ritter -
The American dream is not a sprint or even a marathon but a relay.
-- Julian Castro -
One skill that separates good from almost-good runners is an ability to concentrate for an entire race, whether it is a mile or a marathon.
-- Kara Goucher -
Triumph over adversity that's what the marathon is all about. Nothing in life can't triumph after that
-- Kathrine Switzer -
You can't win a marathon without putting some bandaids on your nipples!
-- Kevin Spacey -
Wounded Warriors tell me they're not just going to walk again, they're going to run, and they're going to run marathons!
-- Michelle Obama -
Fear is a very explosive emotion, but it has a short life span. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope.
-- Mike Huckabee -
To me, drum soloing is like doing a marathon and solving equations at the same time.
-- Neil Peart -
If you look back at my marathons and ask whether I would swap one of them for my one balls-up, of course I would. But you can't choose. You have to make the best of it on the day.
-- Paula Radcliffe -
Plenty of people who are 38 have run really well in the marathon.
-- Paula Radcliffe -
I have not had the chance to go out there and do myself justice in an Olympic marathon yet. I have not been able to get to an Olympic marathon injury-free yet.
-- Paula Radcliffe -
I adore watching movies; movie marathons are my favorite pastime. I can watch up to five movies back to back. I also love music and like reading whenever I get the time.
-- Priyanka Chopra -
Truth-loving Persians do not dwell upon The trivial skirmish fought near Marathon.
-- Robert Graves -
Business is a sprint until you find an opportunity, then it's the patience of a marathon runner.
-- Robert Herjavec -
You can run a sprint or your can run a marathon, but you can't sprint a marathon.
-- Ryan Holmes -
I thought about running a marathon a long time ago, but I'm just not a runner
-- Shannon Miller -
If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
-- Steve Prefontaine -
At the end of a marathon, it's going to hurt whether you're speeding up or slowing down. You may as well push.
-- Summer Sanders -
If you’ve given a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope .
-- Terry Fox -
Making a movie is like a marathon, and commercials are like sprints - they're equally satisfying, but in different ways.
-- Tony Scott -
The marathon is my only girlfriend. I give her everything I have.
-- Toshihiko Seko -
Marathon running is a terrible experience: monotonous, heavy, and exhausting.
-- Veikko Karvonen -
When I make a live-action movie, it's a very physical process. It's like running a marathon.
-- Zack Snyder -
Novels are a marathon, while comic scripts are a sprint.
-- Duane Swierczynski -
Just as you can't become a marathon runner by watching marathons on TV, likewise for science, you have to go through the thought processes of doing science and not just watch your instructor do it.
-- Eric Mazur -
Marathons are about tenacity as much as talent.
-- John Bingham