Finish Line famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • We must take responsibility for educating ourselves. Being part of a 'smart mob' doesn't guarantee that you're a responsible participant or collaborator.

  • I know historians aren't supposed to fall in love with their own theories, but I was head over heels about the notion of an entire band of female French agents, like a nineteenth-century Charlie's Angels. Only better. It made the Pink Carnation's organization look positively humdrum.

  • I don't know why British actors are getting big parts in American TV shows. Maybe it's because we're cheap.

  • I think boxing is an incredible sport and I would like to see it really become regulated because I think it could bring back a lot of the past.

  • In the US and Europe over the last year we've been focused on the prices of gasoline at the pump. While many worry about filling their gas tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs. And it's getting more and more difficult every day.

  • Sight is a faculty; seeing is an art.

  • Many people have serious academic degrees but cannot find a job, and sadly their degrees are so limited that they cannot even think about how to create a job for themselves.

  • I've always been a fan of [Mary Elizabeth Winstead's]. She gets to do some fun action-y stuff she brings this gritty swashbuckle to. I think there's a lot of movies that have women in peril running away from the scarier things and then end up being saved by a man, so it's great to see this character MacGyver her way out of situations, whether physically MacGyvering away, or mentally MacGyvering a way out of something. I relate to her more than I relate to most leading men in movies.

  • It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God only.

  • Out upon it, I have loved Three whole days together; And am like to love three more, If it prove fair weather.