Jared Leto famous quotes
I just think it's really important to be yourself and not trying to be something you're not.
-- Jared Leto -
I really enjoy learning about other people and I'm really curious about other people.
-- Jared Leto -
You have to do the work. You have to make the opportunity. It doesn’t find you, you find it.
-- Jared Leto -
I don't care if someone remembered me. Life is for living and memories for those who we leave behind.
-- Jared Leto -
Sometimes you fall in love with a song 'cause it's new, it's exciting and you just birthed it. Then you fall out of love sometimes. But the strongest songs always survive and you come back and you fall in love all over again.
-- Jared Leto -
I never sing under the shower, I keep it for the stage.
-- Jared Leto -
Be brave, fight for what you believe in and make your dreams your reality
-- Jared Leto -
I don't want to be some actor talking about how he wants to be a musician. It's something I'm really passionate about and I don't want to be spouting off at the mouth about something before it's out there and can speak for itself.
-- Jared Leto -
-- Jared Leto -
I get a terminal dissatisfaction on films. If I was bad in one scene, it's impossible to let go. And it can make or break my day. If I drank, I would probably drink a lot.
-- Jared Leto -
Put one foot in front of the other. Keep marching forward, even when doubt, fear, and failure all come knocking at your door.
-- Jared Leto -
I like to employ the power of no. We all want to say yes, because with yes comes so much opportunity, but with the power of no comes focus and engagement.
-- Jared Leto -
You say 'believe in your dreams', I say that I believe in YOU.
-- Jared Leto -
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our hearts and minds and we are never the same again.
-- Jared Leto -
Love isn't who you can see yourself with. It's who you can't see yourself without.
-- Jared Leto -
Never think about something wrong you did in the past, always look forward with your head up high; have no regrets.
-- Jared Leto -
It’s about getting to a point in your life where you’re ready to let go and move on and become the better version of yourself.
-- Jared Leto -
Dreams are the result of a million choices, a billion failures, and a few successes.
-- Jared Leto -
The truth is, that I feel alone most of the time. I stopped believing in happiness, but I know that music makes me feel good.
-- Jared Leto -
Impossible is possible if you put your mind into it and don't give up.
-- Jared Leto -
Don't ever be scared to dream because everything is possible, no matter how bizarre. I was and still am a dreamer and that's what made me become the person I am today
-- Jared Leto -
Teens are always shown as one dimensional. They're stereotyped. When I was in high school, I cared about more than getting a date or making the team.
-- Jared Leto -
Some people believe in God. I believe in music. Some people pray. I turn up the radio.
-- Jared Leto -
Happiness is like the weather. Sometimes it’s rainy, sometimes it’s sunny, and you gotta just go through and accept what’s there in front of you.
-- Jared Leto -
I never think people are cheeering for us. In fact, i don’t really hear them at all.
-- Jared Leto -
You've got one life, live it. Follow your dreams, quit your job, drop out of school, tell your boyfriend that he's lousy and walk out the door. This is your time. This is your life. You know what? Dream as big as you want to, its the cheapest thing you'll ever do.
-- Jared Leto -
So I started to learn Russian and I was one of those probably way too eager, annoying young actor kids who was trying to change all my lines to Russian, much to the dismay of the director and Nic Cage.
-- Jared Leto -
I live by the rule that you should follow your dreams…no matter what you do, you should follow your dreams
-- Jared Leto -
Let's try and fail because through failure you learn
-- Jared Leto -
It's not like I'm hanging out at shopping malls or going to celebrity golf tournaments. I'm so in my own little world. I got my dog, my music, my brother, a couple of friends.
-- Jared Leto -
I’ve always liked Saturn. But I also have some sympathy for Pluto because I heard it’s been downgraded from a planet, and I think it should remain a planet. Once you’ve given something planetary status it’s kind of mean to take it away.
-- Jared Leto -
I used to like to break into other people's houses and sit in their rooms. I found it very comforting to be in someone's empty house.
-- Jared Leto -
To find yourself, you must first lose yourself
-- Jared Leto -
I showed up in L.A. with $500 and a backpack and I stayed at a shelter, so nobody handed me anything. I worked for every single thing that I have.
-- Jared Leto -
I only did karaoke once in my life. It was with Courtney Love and it was a total disaster. She pulled me on stage in front of 500 people at a wedding. I'd never done karaoke before.
-- Jared Leto -
I was very much in my own world, never the popular kid. But I had a great family, a great brother and mother.
-- Jared Leto -
Approval isn’t necessary. It’s nice when you get it, but it’s not going to stop us from being who we are. I mean, if I’d have listened to approval, I’d never have made it one day onstage. But to be criticized, if there’s validity, as upset as you are, you can learn from it.
-- Jared Leto -
We never want to be a band that keeps our fans at arm’s length. This has always been about us and our fans together. We’ve been on an amazing journey with our fans already, but knowing that the best is still to come is a pretty exciting feeling for all of us.
-- Jared Leto -
As artists, it’s our job to delve into the uncomfortable, the difficult and the challenging.
-- Jared Leto -
If you truly believe that your dreams will come a reality the possibilities are endless
-- Jared Leto -
I think that to explore the uncomfortable and the politically incorrect is the job of the artist.
-- Jared Leto -
I don’t think [Requiem for a Dream] is for children, but I think if you went home and looked at the video games that your kids are playing, you’d be much more shocked.
-- Jared Leto -
Just jump in with both feet and live your life, no matter what.
-- Jared Leto -
Your heart is like glass, if it breaks, it's pretty hard to put it back together again.
-- Jared Leto -
Remember; the only way to fight negativity is with positivity. Stay focused on the dreams.
-- Jared Leto -
One memory I have is there were a lot of dogs at this one place and my brother got in a horrific fight with a dog and the dog bit his toe off. They became fast friends after that. He lost a toe and gained a friend.
-- Jared Leto -
When I was a kid I was the king of mullets. If you’re wearing a rock T-shirt and you’re a fan of Rush – one of the greatest bands in the universe – you’ve got to have a mullet.
-- Jared Leto -
I win and succeed only 'cause I fail so much. I fail all the time. I wrote 70 songs just to have 12 good ones. For the video I shot 60 hours of footage. 60 hours! To come up with an 8 minute video. So really I only win 'cause I fail.
-- Jared Leto -
Learn to laugh at your problems, cause everybody else does.
-- Jared Leto -
No, I don’t wear contacts, and contrary to what some people have said, I do not have a glass eye.
-- Jared Leto -
So many people have tried to get happiness and serenity from outside things; it's pretty much common knowledge that is a road to nowhere. I've never heard anybody say, 'Fame made me the complete person I am.' Well, I'm sure people have said it, but nobody I respect.
-- Jared Leto -
There are some people who might look better if you smacked them in the head with a baseball bat.
-- Jared Leto -
Thank God for the Italians, the most forgiving people of the world. And they sing so loud you can barely hear the music!
-- Jared Leto -
Music should never be a job. It should be your hopes, your dreams and everything you believe in.
-- Jared Leto -
I'm a vegan. I respect the environment, and I do my best to spread the importance of such an issue.
-- Jared Leto -
All of my roles have had their own unique set of challenges, and I enjoy that in some perverse, masochistic way. I’m always dying though! Maybe I have some kind of fetish.
-- Jared Leto -
I think what a big part of 30 Seconds to Mars is, it's not only music, it's not only art, it's a community. It's a sense of having a place to belong. And not everybody will understand it, and that's ok, it's just for the people that do.
-- Jared Leto -
It's nice if people ask to use your song. You have to make a decision as an artist how you feel about that.
-- Jared Leto -
He's an innocent in a lot of ways. He's a very simple person who really doesn't have the resources or the strength, ultimately, to handle the situation.
-- Jared Leto -
Be the person you want to be, not the person you have to be
-- Jared Leto -
No one has to give you permission to make music or make art.
-- Jared Leto -
It's okay to stand on your own two feet and to be different, to be yourself.
-- Jared Leto -
On the one hand, how many people do you need to love you before you feel OK about yourself?
-- Jared Leto -
I'm constantly failing, but not upset about it. I think there's a great deal to learn from that.
-- Jared Leto -
I understand that coffee and cigarettes are cool, fashionable and all that. But agree the tea with cookies still taste better.
-- Jared Leto -
I'm terminally dissatisfied. That's probably part of being an artist.
-- Jared Leto -
Well, girls love Justin Bieber... But real women have Letogasms
-- Jared Leto -
There are always going to be people that are judgmental that are going to say, 'Well, he was an actor first, so he doesn't have the right to be a musician,' or, 'I know him as this, so therefore I will never accept him as that.' I can't change those people. I can only be myself. And I can only keep making art. I can only do the best that I can. I am not going to spend my life trying to silence the critics. I'm going to do what I'm passionate about and follow my dreams.
-- Jared Leto -
Don't you just want to make something that lives forever? Something that's phenomenal, something that's great, something that's undeniable? That touches the core of every person that hears it?
-- Jared Leto
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