Radical famous quotes
There is a radical dualism between the empirical nature of man and its moral nature.
-- African Spir -
I wouldn’t say I’ve become more radical: I was born radical.
-- Ai Weiwei -
I have equal contempt for both left and right radicals.
-- Alexander Lebed -
Commit to loving yourself completely. It’s the most radical thing you will do in your lifetime.
-- Andrea Gibson -
One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences.
-- Anita Sarkeesian -
Living radical isn't about where you live - it's about how you love.
-- Ann Voskamp -
The conservative who resists change is as valuable as the radical who proposes it.
-- Ariel Durant -
Obliging elected Democrats willingly pander to the radical lefties who elevated them to their throne.
-- Bob Beauprez -
Please deal with the Radical Islamic Threat today.
-- Bobby Jindal -
A radical is one who speaks the truth.
-- Charles August Lindbergh -
Scientific theories need reconstruction every now and then. If they didn't need reconstruction they would be facts, not theories. The more facts we know, the less radical become the changes in our theories. Hence they are becoming more and more constant. But take the theory of gravitation; it has not been changed in four hundred years.
-- Charles Proteus Steinmetz -
Because the world is radically new, the ideal encyclopedia should be radical, too.
-- Charles Van Doren -
Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings
-- Cheris Kramarae -
Radical skepticism is no more critical than is credulity.
-- Craig A. Evans -
The advancement of all sciences, especially where there has been such a radical change, have been attended with persecution.
-- Daniel D. Palmer -
People go to the movies to see things they haven’t seen before. Call me a radical.
-- David Fincher -
We have a master who deserves radical sacrifice.
-- David Platt -
Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything.
-- Dixie Lee Ray -
No question about that, the radicals are in charge.
-- Dixie Lee Ray -
And that Newman wasn't, and yet to me Pollock is just as radical and unlike Expressionism as Newman.
-- Donald Judd -
I met the Radicals and we liked each other reciprocally.
-- Emma Bonino -
But as a German - and I am German-born - we Germans are condemned once again to be radical revisionists.
-- Ernst Zundel -
One of the most radical things women can do is to love their body.
-- Eve Ensler -
A radical is he who has no sense...fights without reason...I have a reason. I am authentic. Yes, that's what I am.
-- Fela Kuti -
Radicals are only to be feared when you try to suppress them. You must demonstrate that you will use the best of what they offer.
-- Frank Herbert -
The most radical thing I ever did was to stay put.
-- Grace Lee Boggs -
I am much more radical in my beliefs than my products represent me to be.
-- Isabella Rossellini -
Things like radical generosity and audacious faith are not produced when we focus on them, but when we focus on the gospel.
-- J. D. Greear -
Palestinian ideology has become a lethal cocktail of radical nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism.
-- Jacob T. Schwartz -
Nobody but radicals have ever accomplished anything in a great crisis.
-- James A. Garfield -
President Obama is in no danger of being judged by history as an eco-radical.
-- Jeff Goodell -
I want to be radical on the inside, but not on the outside.
-- Jeremy Piven -
I personally don't feel the need to be radical for its own sake, but I probably couldn't if I tried anyway.
-- Jesse Eisenberg -
The most radical thing any of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world.
-- Joanna Macy -
It's a very frightening time when something as basic as due process is seen as somehow radical.
-- John Cusack -
If a man is right, he can't be too radical; if he is wrong, he can't be too conservative.
-- Josh Billings -
It has now become a very common sentiment, that there is some deep and radical wrong somewhere, and that legislators have proved themselves incapable of discovering, or, of remedying it.
-- Josiah Warren -
The depressed person is a radical, sullen atheist.
-- Julia Kristeva -
One of the most radical things that you can do is really listen to someone.
-- Katrina vanden Heuvel -
I thought I was really a radical, political person, which of course I am not.
-- Lena Dunham -
A radical and transformative thought goes nowhere without the willingness to challenge convention.
-- Malcolm Gladwell -
As we grow older we should become not less radical but more so.
-- Margaret Laurence -
One of the things I’ve been working on for the past few months is a radical simplification of the interface,
-- Matt Mullenweg -
A lesbian is a radical or she is not a lesbian.
-- Nicole Brossard -
Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are
-- Niels Bohr -
Its hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?
-- Nigel Farage -
Radical innovation is difficult to fund. It seems scary. And the really radical things seem even more scary.
-- Nolan Bushnell -
The most radical act anyone can commit is to be happy.
-- Patch Adams -
Hats are radical; only people that wear hats understand that.
-- Philip Treacy -
We are in the extreme centre, the radical middle. That is our position.
-- Pierre Trudeau -
To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair inevitable.
-- Raymond Williams -
The radical intelligence in the moderate position is the only place where the center holds. Or so it seems.
-- Renata Adler -
There is no point in going into a business unless you can make a radical difference in other people’s lives.
-- Richard Branson -
The revolution that's required isn't a revolution of radical ideas, but the implementation of ideas we already have.
-- Russell Brand -
It is only in the fundamentalist religions that women are relegated to second class. Radical Evangelicals, Muslims, and Jews all have the same view of women.
-- Sally Quinn -
In life, the only thing of importance is a radical, total, and definitive change. The rest, frankly, is of no importance at all.
-- Samael Aun Weor -
The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.
-- Saul Alinsky -
Have you ever thought that radical ideas threaten institutions, then become institutions, and in turn reject radical ideas which threaten institutions?
-- Saul Bass -
My politics were really radical when I was younger, and then I moderated like everyone else does when they start having kids.
-- Steve Earle -
I always have a plan, but then I'm always ready to throw the plan out, and everyone's ready to make a radical left turn if necessary.
-- Steven Soderbergh -
Radical Acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our lives as it is.
-- Tara Brach -
Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha.
-- Tara Brach -
We must make a radical turn, at 360 degrees.
-- Todor Zhivkov -
Radical Islam has been the foe of Christendom for centuries.
-- Tom Tancredo -
The 1973 Labour Conference will have before it the most radical programme the Party has prepared since 1945.
-- Tony Benn -
I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.
-- Van Jones -
How do we submit? By not being radical enough. Or by not being thorough enough, which is the same thing.
-- Wendell Berry -
Shannon's most radical insight was that meaning was irrelevant.
-- William Poundstone -
The real beauty of the time we're living through is that we can deploy our self-image in ways that can have radical social implications.
-- Charlotte Cotton -
Small, seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference
-- Darren Hardy -
Peculiar as I was, and remain, I was trained to be practical. I'm still amazed at the radical temerity of my friends, you included, Julie, who choose poetry as their vocation. I envy your faith.
-- Debra Dean -
You can do something really radical, which is turn your phone off and reclaim your private life.
-- Devra Davis -
I feel very protected when I see a movie. That's why I like making violent movies or radical movies.
-- Gaspar Noe -
It's hard to see how much of our social fabric is made up of a radical refusal to love people.
-- How to Dress Well -
[Ronald]Reagan and[George W.] Bush were far more radical than other presidents.
-- Kevin Drum -
There's a lot of active radical thought today but not much action.
-- Lynne Stewart -
It is radical for a woman to choose to survive and to choose to eat anything.
-- Micah Perks -
You have to get out in the world and meet folks on their own turf, something which a lot of urban radical intellectuals seldom do.
-- Michael Yates -
I think it's much more radical to see and show things as they look instead of making them somehow subversive through alienation.
-- Wolfgang Tillmans -
What I do isn't radical. It's just distinct in small ways.
-- Annabelle Selldorf -
I'm more into Neil Young and radical honesty.
-- Bradford Cox -
I'm not one of those radical believers that everybody has to be forced to do one thing.
-- Henrik Fisker -
There are real radical Muslim groups out there that really are pretty villainous. You don't have to make them up.
-- Jeff Sharlet -
We moved up to Oregon when I was eight, and I think the radical absence of Jewish life here might have strangely made me feel more Jewish. It's a contextual thing I guess.
-- Jonathan Raymond